I thought I would post an update on the Ascension Symptoms I shared a whole year ago the close of 2016 because I’m seeing so many clients in my work as an energy healer still struggling with countless issues that, in my opinion, directly relate to the shifting frequencies. Here’s the list of ascension symptoms again for your review and remember not all of these are physical.
Because the energies of the 3-D and the 5-D worlds are still in a dualistic pattern, we find our human meat-and-bone bodies experiencing lots of polarization. Our emotions flip and flop. Our aches and pains come and go with no warning, which gets a bit crazy because just when you think you have licked something—wham it is back again and sometimes with a vengeance. Then…you begin to think you are losing your marbles when numerous western medicine doctors can’t find anything “wrong” with you.
This is not to say don’t check in with your doctors, but if they don’t have any answers, look further into the metaphysical side of this journey. See if your symptoms match any on the list and if so, take a big breath and find some patience. Consider products, services, practitioners, and modalities that align with your personal quest.

I too am on this journey and find that when I get complacent and don’t do my spiritual work, I may feel OK for a couple days then OMG boy things derail fast! I find myself struggling within the FULL 3-D energies, complete with stress, frustration, pain, and exhaustion. I personally need to be diligent to remember to DO THE WORK to stay in the 5-D frequencies of ease, grace, and flow and creating synchronistic daily miracles.
For me, it requires staying grounded and bubbled, taking sugar and gluten out of my diet, making time for quiet and meditations plus relying on my inner truths. I admit—it’s not exactly FUN to stay on task. Actually, it can sometimes be pretty boring. BUT, if I’m totally honest with you and myself, I DO FEEL BETTER when I follow a regimen of health and wellness. Now for me, that doesn’t mean that I will never enjoy that great glass of wine, but I try not to finish the bottle (at least in one sitting )
Many folks who have done a good amount of release work in their past are still struggling, and this is for another reason I think is important to highlight. Many are finding the exact issues they’ve already worked hard to let go of resurfacing once again. This can make you feel like you’re losing ground or going backwards. This resurfacing can also trigger old programs of self-loathing, self-bashing, or negative self-talk.
BE CAREFUL with this. Before you let your mind go to that mental chatter box, I hope you consider this most likely means you’re going even deeper in the release of the old stuck energies, ultimately bringing your frequencies even higher (even though it does not feel that way at the time).
Another factor may be that you’re doing a release on behalf of more than just you—meaning you’re releasing a common collective vibration of say, abuse or intolerance. Many issues resurface when the collective is vibrating out a consistent frequency. It is a MICRO/MACRO relationship. Because we are all one in MACRO collective energies, our inner MICRO programming is in a constant state of flux as our personal “data” sweeps out to find like-energies in the collective. If we hold even a shred of any old vulnerable abuse-energy within us, it will resurface when that collective is transmitting because like finds like.
These MACRO collective energy transmissions are massive right now. If any of you recently watched the Golden Globes on TV this past week, you know what I am talking about. There’s a strong energetic movement of collective STANDING UP, especially highlighting abuse and women. Collective frequencies are screaming out for us to stand up for solidarity and “Times UP” messages of supporting intolerance of sexual harassment and the call for gender equality. This will affect your individual MICRO database and you GET TO choose what to do (or not do) about it all. Just know that energetically you ARE being affected on a daily basis. So check in with you heart as well as your mind and body.
I personally am thrilled with the collective momentum of the Mother-God energies that are kicking-butt right now! The Divine Female qualities are about:
- Integrity
- Respect for everything
- Transparency
- Kindness and compassion
- Unconditional love (for self, and all life)
- Childlike wonder
- Justice and fairness
- Awareness of karma
- Creativity
- Freedom
(just to name just a few!)
These are all 5-D frequencies, and this is what your body is hollering about each day. Find ways to embrace the Divine Female Qualities and your body will thank you. For those of you who have done the work to anchor these higher vibrations, you most likely are finding a better sense of ease and grace within not only your meat-and-bone body, but your entire reality overall. But remember, you are always going to be a part of the whole so it is never going to be consistent, and the year of 2018 will be a challenge for many.
This will be a big year in terms of seeing a growing gap between 3D and 5D vibrations, making them more apparent, thus shedding more light on the differences between the people who are “awake and aware” and those who are not. Not everyone will choose to awaken during this Ascension Cycle, and that is just fine. Remember, awakened means doing the work (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) to move yourself and your reality into a frequency where you choose to move beyond 3D paradigms of top-down power and control, greed, domination, and male fear-based energy, and instead raise your frequencies to the female vibrations of compassion and cooperation, collaboration and creativity.
And remember GRATITUDE is key. The more you focus on what you want to create using love and light, the more you bring that into your life, then that’s all the more you have to share with others!
Personal Ascension – FREE Meditation
Use the magic of the ascension paradigm to bring higher-vibrational energies into your daily life.
Great information thank you
Thank you for the time and effort to share this information, and help others on the path. It is an intense time now.
I am so thankful to be awake at this time. Grateful to have the ability to seek out and find others like me. Your words offer me much comfort. I live in an area where I have limited access to others that are shifting and aware of it. Its a lonely journey, this self healing thing, but I understand that I am doing this work for the greater good.
Thanks so much for your great words!!
Good job Lauren. This has not been an easy process for me. I live alone and in an area with not too many friends. I find it to be a lonely existence and a struggle. But I just try to put one foot in front of the other. Thank you for your post
Its great to be able to share and know you are not alone.
Thank you for writing this. I could not put my finger on what was wrong with me but after reading this I can say that I now understand.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Suzanne. Thank you for sharing this thoughtful and comprehensive post. I have been working to heal from chronic fatigue / lyme disease for many years now, but have come to see it all in a much more spiritual light. It’s been a time of soul deepening and spiritual awakening, a time of changes in values, diet and awareness, a time to heal childhood and past-life abuses and conditioning, and a time of expansive deeply satisfying creativity. While it can be painful and hard to be patient with the body going through so much in these times, I am learning to have gratitude for my capacity to transform and transmute in this way. The feelings of inner and outer connectedness and gratitude have been powerful. I have come to see the painful physical and emotional symptoms as a detoxification, a purification of sorts to make room for carrying more and more light. Kindness rules. Sending everyone love and patience. Take care out there.
Beautiful Post – thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with others . I am having great difficulty finding the energy to do the work and be awaken during this Ascension Cycle. I know what to do , but its as if I have weights attached to my physical being . The changes that need to be made are very primal . Sleeping , eating ,drinking water and exercise . I know it sounds so elementary, but its as if I am doing the exact opposite of what I know to higher my vibration. I am stuck and scared , but doing nothing about it .. Any thoughts ?
I truly believe in the grounding and bubbling technique – I have that free download on my home page if you choose to upload it FYI; doing IT DAILY MORNING AND NIGHT REALLY HELPS. When we are grounded and bubbled we KEEP our fuel and that is critical. Also if we gratify ANY movement forward no matter how small the Law of Attraction will work in our favor bringing in more of the same. PATIENCE is key in this cycle.
This really resonates with what I am feeling right now in my life and in my writing (I am a children’s author with a focus on healing and inspiration). Thank you! xoxo
That is super cool Susan that you write for children on this issue! Please share any books/book titles you have done that you have out there so I can pass them along if you choose!
I have been on this path for about 16 years, so since I was really young. I am one of the forerunners and the energies used to be much more dense back in the day. It was HELL for many years. It has calmed down the past couple of years but lately I’ve been feeling really crappy. The energies are insane and I feel that I’m going into an even deeper level of releasing. The ego/mind still kicks in and is annoyed that I’m not done releasing yet and yes it does get tiring, but I feel like we re crossing another threshold now. Something really big is being let go of and some major change is coming (again)
I read your post on Ascension symptoms. I have been getting them too. But, have you adequately looked at all the things happening in the very highest spiritual realm. There is a battle going on there. It goes back to ancient stuff with the oldest religious orders and some people have checked out stuff of humanity being victimized by this. Even further back than 5 thousand years. Be careful who you are channeling. Doreen Virtue, the former Angel Diva walked away from her metaphysical path. And, many empath, hsp’s have had plenty of trauma in the present and through childhood. Be mindful where you get your healing and help from.
And, consider all the chemical toxins on the earth and how people are getting sick from these. Especially children. Causing add, the stuff is messing up our brains. I believe I saw a post here on cleaning up the earth environment. Well, forth right Actions on our part, is something that we have to do. Just meditation is not all that will help. Oh by the way, once our brains are poisoned, guess we will go directly back to G_d. Pass on, die. So, if anyone is reading this post look at different options to take care of yourselves.
Practical Capricorn
There are layers and layers to the battles within this Ascension stuff and it is up to each person to decide how big, how deep, how much they choose to work with. I always suggest to stay present and make sure you are truly getting true info for what your TRUTH is. Dorreen Vitue to me is an example of a high-jack situation. When someone only uses ONE individual embodiment of Source (Jesus in her case now) to me that indicates an extremely limited connection. Just my two cents.