Last week, I said I would provide a more detailed list of Ascension symptoms to help validate what you might be experiencing. To create this list, I spent time researching what other practitioners are finding to verify against my own work with clients and class participants. The following is a compilation of information from a variety of resources to offer an overall picture of Ascension symptoms.
This list is long! I invite you to use this as a resource to come back to over the next few weeks and months as you FEEL what you’re experiencing in your own bodies (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual).
Please note: Symptoms listed may or may not be attributed to this Ascension process so please follow your own inner guidance as to if you should consult a healthcare professional if/when needed.
You just know or sense intuitively that something is happening to your body. You have an unusual feeling that you can’t explain and sense your body responding differently now physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. You may feel at times like you are losing your mind or going a bit crazy with these unknown or uneasy feelings that are difficult to explain.
Physical Difficulties
- Aches, pains, and even itches throughout your entire body that come and go
- Soreness or stiffness in joints and muscles and bones for no apparent reason that are not due to injury, physical exercise or fatigue (especially in the neck, shoulder, back and spine)
- Pressure and pain in and around the head and face area including skull, eyes, ears, sinus, teeth including fillings, and gums
- Pinpricks, electrical shocks, falling asleep feelings, warming energies, tingles, and random spasms, rushes of energy, twitches and jolts that come and go for no reason
- Headaches and migraines that don’t respond to medicine
- Hair and nails grow faster and/or change in texture or density
- General changes in vision and perception
- Catching glimpses of sparkles or flashes of light in your peripheral vision
- Dry or itchy eyes, blurry vision, seeing a haze or static-like energy in air
- Seeing auras or light around people, animals or objects
- A sense of physical disorientation
Often, in these cases, an eye exam would show no change in your actual vision. At times, you’ll additionally feel very ungrounded. You’ll be “spatially challenged” with the feeling like you can’t put two feet on the ground or that you’re walking between two worlds.
- Heart palpitations or flutters not related to exercise or medical conditions
- Lots of pressure on both the front of the chest as well as the mid back and upper breast plate area as there is an additional chakra vortex activating
- Periods of sudden nervousness or anxiety that comes and goes spontaneously for no reason
- Feeling drained of energy
- Unexplainable worry or panic
- Nervous breakdown sensations or feeling that you are spiraling out of control
- Heightened sensitivity to sound
- Hearing unusual sounds or auditory sensations
- Ears popping and ringing
- Hearing pings, beeps, tones frequencies whooshing and pulsating
- Feeling off balance, sense of vertigo
Cold or Flu Symptoms
You might find cold or flu-like symptoms appearing and disappearing without developing into actual cold or flu. These could include:
- Stuffy head, pressure, sinus and allergy problems and respiratory changes
- Changes in body temperatures
- Increased sensitivity to heat or cold
- Circulation issues
- Chills or hot flashes, night sweats and waves of heat throughout body
Sometimes these symptoms manifest as periods of extreme fatigue for no apparent reason that happen out of the blue or upon awakening from a full-night’s sleep. You might feel as if you need many naps or the exact opposite—feeling wide awake and energized despite lack of sleep and being hyper-focused despite fatigue.
During this time, you might feel a sense of intolerance towards lower vibrational things of the 3D world, reflected in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities, etc.
Emotional Sadness or Disconnect
- Deep inner sadness for no apparent reason
- Feeling lost and or as if you are someone else
- Loss of ego or personal identity, old beliefs changing, feeling disassociated or fragmented
- Tears or crying for no apparent reason
- Feeling lonely or isolated, even when in the company of others, as if others can’t hear or see you or you’re not relating
- Desire to flee groups and crowds
- Disimpassioned, no desire to do anything
- Loss of motivation for hobbies and interests
- Experiencing more clumsiness or losing balance bumping into things, lack of coordination
- Feeling dizzy of lightheaded or jittery and nervous for no reason
- Moments of memory loss of “what was I just doing, or why did I come in here”, forgetting simple things or conversations, brain fog, jumbled words or scattered thinking
Relationship Changes
- Sudden or abrupt changes in relationships, job, career, living environment
- Urge to relocate or being drawn to particular area or place, resonating with certain geographic locations
- Changes in how you experience environment
- Sudden feelings of being connected to nature and animals like never before
- Increased sensitivity to plants, trees, flowers
- A deep understanding and appreciation of nature and animals and more natural or serene environments
- An overwhelming desire to be in nature or live around more natural and serene environments
- Nature begins to energize you and bring you peace of mind and expand your heart
- Change or withdrawal from family and friend relationships
- Chance encounters with unusual or meaningful people entering your life in synchronistic ways
- Changes in diet and eating habits and digestion
- Fluctuating between feeling hungry all the time to lack of appetite
- Foods and liquids begin to taste differently
- Cravings may come and go
- Healthier and more natural options may be more appealing than in the past
- Digestion, IBS, bloating, and gastrointestinal issues
- Swelling in lower abdomen and back
- Sudden weight gain or loss especially in belly area
Sleep and Dreams
- Unusual sleep patterns or changes in pattern
- Sleeping in short bursts on and off
- Finding more increased energy at night with frequent awakening between 2-4 a.m.
- Periods of insomnia that last for days.
- Intense or unusual or wild dreams or visions that can range from pleasant to bizarre to prophetic
- Increased lucid dreaming or astral projecting or other out of body experiences
Specifically, you might be experiencing war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. Many of us are literally releasing the old energy within and connecting with past lives, memories, experiences and knowledge.
Psychic Abilities
- Increased psychic awareness and sensitivity and other extra-sensory abilities
- Heightened intuition and the awakening of the third eye chakra or ‘inner vision’ and other chakras and psychic centers
- Causing interference in electrical appliances
- Electronic devices behaving in an unusual way or malfunctioning within your presence, especially when you are in a heightened state of emotion such as anger or sadness
- Having light bulbs blow out or flicker when you are near
- Batteries draining for no reason
- Personally feeling more drained or energetically depleted near too many electrical devices or when around them for long periods of time
- Sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and the ability to influence them
Odd Longings
Many of us are experiencing a deep longing to go home, yet we’re not sure what home means. This is perhaps the most difficult and challenging of any of the conditions. You may experience a deep and overwhelming desire to leave the planet and return to home. This is not a “suicidal” feeling. It is not based in anger or frustration. You don’t want to make a big deal of it or cause drama for yourself or others in your life. There is a quiet part of you that wants to go home to the Ancient Knowledge that you are now aligning with. The root cause for this is quite simple…you are ready to begin a new lifetime while still in this physical body.
- Increased feelings of Divine and Unconditional LOVE
- Moments of gratitude and deep appreciation for life
- Increased peace, clarity, understanding and compassion
- Profound revelations and insights
- A sense of Oneness and interconnectedness
- Feeling more connected with nature, other people, animals, the universe, Spirit/Source, God, the All, etc.
- Encounters with angelic and cosmic beings and the awareness of the presence of non-physical entities or energies
- Sudden increase in synchronicity and meaningful coincidences that occur frequently when you least expect them
- Noticing 11:11 and other repeating number sequences such as 111, 1212, 333, 444, 144, or other numbers that are significant or meaningful popping up in your day-to-day life in unusual ways whenever you ‘happen to look’
- Uncanny alignment of events or chance encounters
- Meeting people in synchronistic ways which develop into significant relationships
If you identify with any of these conditions, know you are not alone! Most of us are likely experiencing many of these symptoms, and we are all in this journey together. The first step is to spend time becoming aware of what you are feeling. Then, you will be able to begin the process of examining why your own symptoms are manifesting for you.
I invite you to share your experiences in the comments below, if you choose. Your thoughts are important because they validate others who might not have a space to talk openly about their own experience.
Till Next, and sent with Cosmic Hugs,
Personal Ascension – FREE Meditation
Use the magic of the ascension paradigm to bring higher-vibrational energies into your daily life.
Travis says
Can definitely relate to many of these things. A few examples: I’ve been seeing sequences of numbers for a few years now. Like driving down the road and notice sequential license plate #’s, or looking at the time and it’s 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, etc. Within the last year early am wake-ups have been more common and am definitely withdrawing more from long standing relationships, but feeling more connected to nature. Good stuff Suzanne! Your insights are hugely appreciated!
Pragash says
Yes, I also see the number 44 way too often on everything, 1111 is also common and 222. I also sense the difference in my moods, once in a while it can be very low and some days very optimistic and positive. I’ve been sleeping 3-5 hours everyday the last two weeks and I always have enough energy to take me through the day.
tiffany says
wow, i see 44 all the time and after reading the article, scrolled down quickly and immediately saw the 44 you typed when it stopped scrolling. lol
Nelson says
I’m experiencing everything and it’s crazy like seein my ex boyfriend that passes 2 year ago blaming me for her to lose her apt and telling me to kill my self!!
Suzanne Worthley says
Again….maybe time for better personal boundaries! Check out
Millie C says
It’s good to see I’m not alone, I 12:34 Everytime I look at the clock, I also see glimpses of light, or flash of white light zoom bye, I can hear people I don’t see, but after hearing a trickster around 2:43 am something climbed into bed with me was doing something to me, as I had the chance to move I jumped up, I was aware of what was going on, and I wasn’t afraid, but in my dimension I had total control, by speaking to others, they noticed me and I noticed them why?
Suzanne Worthley says
Lots of us are dimension hopping – just do your best to stay grounded and bubbled – I have a free meditation on my home page at that helps if interested.
Rebekah says
What is a trickster ? I feel like I’m clumsy but I’m always having random stuff happening and I’m so over it . Like this morning trying to set up coffee pot and I slightly moved 2 thing which caused a domino effect and a candle on counter literally rolled off counter bounced off garabage can and fell on the floor and broke . Just random things or door handles getting caught on stuff .
Suzanne Worthley says
I trickster is typically an entity that is not kind – these sound more like not necessarily being in your body fully — I would encourage you to do some grounding and bubbling. Again, I have a free meditation for this on my site at that may help
Anthony says
My dear Millie, I too join you in alliance. Peace be unto you.
Hi, I am Anthony and if you are on Twitter/x please reach out at your earliest convenience..
I am @GoodHolySpirit
William says
I could list more but I’m going to list the absolute ones that I’m experiencing.
Sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and the ability to influence them (wifi fields esp from phone and headaches when I come close to mobile transmitter masts)
Intense or unusual or wild dreams or visions that can range from pleasant to bizarre to prophetic
Increased lucid dreaming
Finding more increased energy at night with frequent awakening between 2-4 a.m.
Change or withdrawal from family and friend relationships
Urge to relocate or being drawn to particular area or place, resonating with certain geographic locations
Heightened sensitivity to sound (My heightend audio senses are getting annoying, to say I could hear a pin dop is an understatement)
Hearing pings, beeps, tones frequencies whooshing and pulsating
Catching glimpses of sparkles or flashes of light in your peripheral vision
Chills or hot flashes, night sweats and waves of heat throughout body
Encounters with angelic and cosmic beings and the awareness of the presence of non-physical entities or energies (This started a couple weeks ago and is becoming more frequent and visible)
This one gave me goosebumps, I tell my wife this all the time, I thought it was just because I was feeling sad, now I know why.
Many of us are experiencing a deep longing to go “home”, yet we’re not sure what home means. (I always thought of home as my real home, my spiritual home, where I came from and where we all return back to.)
Suzanne Worthley says
Yes the starseed veils are really thinning for me and many of my clients, it is a bit uncomfortable for many but gets easier the more you stay open to it all.
Lori Spletstoser says
I have also been smelling different scents that no one else does. Just wondering if that’s a sign of as well. I have experienced almost everything else
Suzanne Worthley says
I can imagine that might be a “normal thing” as well as I often hear/smell things that no one else does
Michael Edens says
Hello I actually have some questions that’s been happening for about the past 2 years. I have this, I guess you would call an undescribed energy that has these wave like energy as it approaches, like laying in a waterbed. I don’t take it as being demonic because it seems like it follows me around. I feel this energy in my couch, my bed, and even the carpet. I don’t have any idea what it is or what to think. It don’t mean no harm, I don’t think, but it’s like it tries to get my attention all the time. What could this possibly be or indicate. Sometimes it does make me feel like I’m going crazy but I know what I feel and know it’s something. This entity has even told me things I do without asking questions using apps to try to communicate with it. Please give me your opinion. I have left my email, thanks
Suzanne Worthley says
Hi Michael – a lot of higher vibration beings feel like a wave pattern when they are around us, working with us or speak to and thru us – they work in plasma like frequencies so it feels odd and different. These are made available to us more now because of the thinning of the layers between dimensions. My take is that I always work in what is known as “Highest and Best” for me and for all – then I feel protected and safe. You can articulate that of intent that when in that frequency if you choose.
Dana says
I woke up thos morning feeling like i’m not fully in my body, otherworldly, sort of lightheaded and dizzy. My ears sound like highpitched bells and my forehead has a swelling sensation that is spreading down the front and into my top front teeth. Like my skull might split open. It doesnt necessarily hurt but there is no way i can focus on any task like this. I wouldn’t be suprised if I flew out of my body right now. I slept soundly last night that I know of. But woke exhausted. And I am having loud sensations down my center front. All week I have had random anxiety attacks for no good reason. And two days ago a spirit contacted me. This is so weird.
Suzanne Worthley says
Sounds like you work a lot out of body in dream state as do I. I suggest before you get up for your day – do more to get fully into your body and do more work to ground and bubble – maybe use my free meditation on the homepage of my site.
Verna says
I have been having eye problems. My eyes are “normal” except for vitreous detachment (right eye). My cat also bit my right eye this morning. My ears are more sensitive. Bouts of nausea, feeling the presence of my Mom and childhood cat Princess. It is all so overwhelming.
Adrian says
I too can relate to most of whats been posted..which is comforting.. I also get flashes of cold which feels as if its on mtly bones, then my body and head tighten and begin to pulse. I also see the colors green and yellow.. arevthses symptoms?
Suzanne Worthley says
Colors from our aura and our fields can be seen when we begin to awaken. Pluses and fluxes can coem when the energy comes in and out – my suggestion is to stay grounded and open to learning.
Nardane says
I can say that in the last three months I’ve have experienced majority of everything listed. Also when I close my eyes and relax clearing my mind, I experience a night sky with twinkling stars and different bright light colour changes or pulses if that transform into such clear imagery . Recently (whilst in the night sky state) I encountered an extremely bright being of light, that slowly and calmly came close to me. This beautiful euphoric bieng of light came so close, then I felt this sort of surged warmth and tranquillity touched the left hand side of my face /cheek, as this being of light revealed a face, really concentrating on the eyes. The eyes looked large with a platinum, glistening and truly amazing. I truly in the core of me heart felt this being of light is devine. This really did leave me feeling connected and calm. I have recently been so drawn to crystals but only the following:
moonstone, Selenite, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Blue Kyan, Labrodite, Citrine, Carnelian, Black Obsidian and the most recent Crystal is my Birthstone Ruby (but raw for some reason). The latest thing that has happend to me was this morning, at roughly 1am in Helensvale gold coast I was outside looking into the night sky (as I was awake due to being on a 12hr Respite Care shift) suddenly i felt cool tingling and a light breeze and in the exact area of the sky I was looking at formed an extremely bright light in a ball orb shape with flame if that makes sense. The light flame ball I saw was like whitish golden yellow colour, and it decended down disappearing before near me I then felt like a pulsing energy feeling vibrating through my entire body, from top of my head to through to the bottom and out my feet towards the ground. I have to say I really felt good but had the sudden urge to go online and find out if I could find an imagery of what I saw but nothing was the same. It didn’t look like any other light orb balls or imagery I could find. I then had an imagery flash through my mind, the image was of a folded old envelope, which unfolded. Once the envelope unfolded I zoned back to reality. Jas anyone else experienced this same thing.
Love and light Narni
Suzanne Worthley says
Amazing info, stories and experiences – thanks for sharing!
Edith Hanson says
I have dreams, I have waking dreams before I fall asleep . I see the dream forming before I’m asleep . I can be awake and be witness to it. I see the people that are in my dream , I see where I’m going before I’m even sleep. This is been going on for quite some time at least 20 years. One of the last ones that I had I had a bright purple light in the center of my four head that I could see. It parted like clouds , and I was looking down to water and trees and small houses. I was still awake. I opened my eyes and blinked ,and closed my eyes again and the vision was still there.
I wonder what , and where it was .
It was very strange.
Misty Baker says
Has anyone been hearing weird sirens at 4am? Like almost like a police or ambulance siren but way off and weird sounding? I asked my neighbors who are up around that time for their jobs and all of them denied hearing it. They also deny all the stuff I been seeing in the sky as well. They don’t see what I’m seeing. They don’t hear what I’m hearing. My entire household my fiance, our kids, and myself all heard the sirens on numerous occasions at around 4am. Wakes us all up out of a dead sleep. I just heard It again this evening. As I’m making my way down to the first floor to get a better. Look my 12 year old daughter is coming from her bedroom which is on the 1st floor saying “mommy can you hear that? It’s scary. Why does it keep happening.” I told her its nothing to be afraid of. And the first thing that came in my mind was to ask Google the meaning of sirens at 4am. And I’m not the only one I’ve confirmed as of tonight. I wanted to know if any of you hear it.?
Suzanne Worthley says
Sometimes when we begin vibrating at a different level, frequency or resonance than others, we experience things they do not. I suggest just enjoy it and be open to it (if you choose) and do not worry about outside validation!
Ny says
Hello I don’t know how to leave message but Thank you for this I more understand what is happening I know it was something beyond my understanding and control but I see 27 or 4444 or 1111 or 24. Everyday all day long I feel like I don’t belong here I feel like my mom isn’t my mom she was just a host I was only born through her I never had a connection with her all my life I pray every day all day and night Can’t sleep I get up at 4am I don’t have any friends no more I can read people I know so much Thank you
Suzanne Worthley says
Thanks for sharing! Lots of similar things happening to many – you are not alone and you are not going crazy! It is an amazing time here on planet!
DaveK says
I have been experiencing sightings of entities that is hard to explain these entities are not good souls.
I can sense them when they are around me.
What I did vision was my father’s spririt leave my dog Bailey and go to the light in the sky. I also seen a vision of destruction if we don’t stop what we created which is Artificial intelligence or control what we made. We will destroy ourselves if we don’t do something about it. I seen an orange glow looking west then another orange glow southwest . Is this the start of tribulation or the rapture. What I seen is either nuclear war or a meteor shower.
My electronics in my car have a mind of there own. My radio talks to me through the music. What I think in my mind get a response from the radio.
When I told my friends they think I’m crazy. But here’s the thing I am not a spiritual person but everywhere I go now I carry a bible with me and a dictionary of demons to study to figure out what I’m dealing with. I ended up in the nut house 2 weeks ago because of all this but I’m not crazy by any stretch of the imagination. What happened is real if you believe in demons you better believe in the lord cause what I’m experiencing is very real.
I see the number 4900 it is 4863 to be exact before I erased those files on my computer it was calm after I erased those files all hell broke loose what does it mean and signifies.
I want as many people as possible to help me. I have included my email.
Suzanne Worthley says
Thanks for posting on my site Dave. Here is my two-cents — take it or leave it. Dark has a right to be here (as well as the light does) as we are in a polarity universe – that said we do not have to play with the dark. Demons also have a right to be here and again we do not have to play in their sandbox either. Meaning you are the one that is looking at and experiencing your co-creation through the lens of that vibration and you have every right to do so also but there are those of us that also honor that energy but to do feed it. The more you feed it – the more power you give it. I conversely choose to feed the love light and honor the rest. There is no right or wrong only cause and effect. We all make our choices. Negative fear is fuel remember. Plus as far as the Bible goes you may choose to look into the book The Bible Fraud to gain some expanded perspective there also….again if you choose.
John Gibson says
Do you have a Telegram group, Suzanne. It’s time to talk more in depth. Please reach out at the email provided. Thanks.
Suzanne Worthley says
No I do not – I only have my Membership Vibe Tribe is you want a support group via my site. You can check it out at
John simons says
You might not believe this ,iam that all what you said ,I have been reading alot on this ,in regard of this topic,i thought at first I was the only one , I can to see them I can to ,it seems to move them with eyes or they go to , like right then a flash of light was at the side of my left I ,by my cheek, and I do see flash es of light there eyes ,and they came out of the out let ,and out side awhile ago, it seems like I was spinning. A face of fog in circles,i was kind of tent’s ,at that time ,and then I through my hands left and right,looking at the sky ,and flashes of light went left and right,there inside of me ,and I glow,can you see them with,your eyes close,i can still , I them I can,my skin glows reddish and white ,under,and my eyes light up ,I did not know that until I seen myself,in mirror,have you ever look at ceiling and a portal opened and I seen myself ,or it look like ,a type of human but ,like human shape,but not at that time my color,was brownish,. But iam white, I feel them too there warm and yess they can it at a few time’s sting ,and a crawling affect , and a few times a jolting effect, I seen fingernail s come out my nails ,in a certain emotional feeling,and fog ,or?can come out my hands and eyes,well my body,and I here a voice , saying get out , around me ,at times,i think I have to tell ,it’s happening wright now,and what iam saying is that there is a power full entity in side of me ,or me from me,?, they are attracted to ,? The voice just said go home,i do not know what that means,to remember I have herd that before,what iam saying is,i do not believe in innocent murder,my physical body does not,? And I do have a good spirits,you ever see them dancing ,and certain shape ,have you ever seen them cry a lighting tear,have you ever heard a sound drop on your home,or alike,and they come in,and can be heard,, there is something going on with me,what I have also learned is some of them human s in this world are evil out there,not me or probably not you ,iam a kind soul , after pain,and suffering,and love?..!….. 2294255268 my name is John William simons 130 Malcolm way Fitzgerald GA 31750, ,can you help me and send me information,
Johnnysimons says
And I can’t say in detail what I smell,but I do know what it smells like , different smells. I think eather the energy can create it self to do so or your brain can be used ,?to convey a message,i see them at night ,and out side,can you see them inside of things,the back of my head a few times was I supposed touched ,and can the spirit move under you, can it communicate,when you close your eyes does it at a certain frequency feel like your moving,floating,and some time a kind of walk,?and at times feel something under me,iam not trying to discredit my self,i am not evil ,is this EVERONE,or a few,i too can see the fog , energy over heads,
Suzanne Worthley says
As I already answered to your prior post – yes many folks are doing many of these things – that is why forums can help us not feel crazy in this odd time of energy!
Suzanne Worthley says
Thanks for your post and please know that many of us are going through many difficult and different things right now and please know that you are not alone in this. Do you best to stay grounded and bubbled in your aura – stay focused on the loving energies verse the fear based ones. Find others to align with via videos and meditate….these are my personal suggestions on how to better navigate all this and please know you are not alone in this.
Captain J says
Sounds like the real owner of your body astral projected and you stole their body. They’re now trapped in the spirit world and you’re living their life which you recall as yours as you have all their memories stored in their brain. You probably woke up one day feeling like you didnt belong here or brief amnesia or just felt off and then you brushed it off. If you ever astral project again your silver cord will lead to them and they’ll get back in their body. This is all speculation btw. Just a theory.
Jack says
I read your posting today ( Nov 25,2020) and a lot of things have been happening to me for the over a year and a half ago. I lot of it I feel touchings on my body , sometime pin pricks like needless. Sometimes it feels like I am being probed, like a full body exam. I have a lot of vibration particularly in the lower abdominal area. I am wondering if it could be succubus or incubus. Female and Male Sexual demons. The Bible says to test them. Ask them is they in believe Jesus the Christ and that he came physically into this world, word of God incarnated-born a babe of a Virgin. I try this and they ( the spirits) agree that he has and they are not evil. Then again that is NOT to say that all spirits a not evil because many are. Many spirits want to possess your body, others do not. Pray to God in Jesus’ name for protection from the evil(one) and his fallen angels, demons such as the aforementioned succubus and incubus. Ask God to surround you with his protection. (God in front of me, God in back of me, God on the sides of me, God around me). Seems to work for me and yet it still happens, I am thinking the they are Good spirits to help. Pray this at morning when you wake up and at evenings when you go to bed. Hope this helps you. I seems to have helped me…………………..This as I say started over a year and a half ago when I have a TRAMUTIC experience. Research ‘the wilderness experience’ and ‘the fractured soul’ , this information may help as many others have these experiences. There is a site on the internet called ‘’…
Your brother in Lord Jesus the Christ
Edith Hanson says
I have dreams, I have waking dreams before I fall asleep . I see the dream forming before I’m asleep . I can be awake and be witness to it. I see the people that are in my dream , I see where I’m going before I’m even sleep. This is been going on for quite some time at least 20 years. One of the last ones that I had I had a bright purple light in the center of my four head that I could see. It parted like clouds , and I was looking down to water and trees and small houses. I was still awake. I opened my eyes and blinked ,and closed my eyes again and the vision was still there.
I wonder what , and where it was .
It was very strange.
Britney Thomas says
Hey John my name is Britney Thomas I have family from Fitzgerald ga. Have you heard of Spikes Ashley spikes her mother is Jacqueline they call Jackie for short Rachel and Clinton
Kaira says
Every that you written is what is happening to me
Tonya says
OK so I’m not going to even attempt to try to put down everything that’s happened to me because quite frankly, there are more ppl that need to speak and I don’t think there’s enough room it would likely cut me off after so many characters 😅 but 3 yrs ago, I met someone, had an affair on my husband although we never lived married together he was sent back to Jamaica his homeland less than 30 days after we wed and our daughter only 5.months young. Since becoming involved with this other individual, I noticed I was isolating myself more and more and he had a control over me I cannot explain except to say I wanted to please him and did everything he asked of me… he blackmailed me and I use to fall asleep on the phone with him I began recording at night with another phone and could see he was obviously participating in ritualistic and occult like behavior. I saw what looks to be a demon but resembles myself pop out of his phone and into the room with me. In my sleepy stupor I Starr praying and saying the Our Father as it’s what I was taught growing up in a Christian home and this demon like thing is visibly angry and begins to huff and snarl and shake or tremble the more I pray…prat… she wants to hurt me because I am praying. Since then, I have gone back and watched several hundred hours of recorded footage and came to realize that my own husband and father to my 13 yr old daughter has been placing curses and using witchcraft (demonic projection) on our lives and when I called him on it he of course deny deny deny but I have the footage you can see what he is doing. I experienced the body aches and pains from seemingly nowhere and unexplained illnesses and was in hospital twice in 10 months both times almost died. I see orbs of light now quite often, outside at night if I look through my window as well as right in front of me…there is one that looks almost like a large kind of cartoonist head that seemingly spins and so incredibly fast I wouldn’t see it with the naked eye meaning to make out its features but upon slow playing and pausing the footage, can clearly see its eyes, nose and mouth and strange oblong white misty face/head. I feel it is an angel being of some kind trying to tell me something. I was also born 08/25/82 at 12:12am
I notice I see 1212 every day at 12:12am and pm and quite frequently in other places as well as 11:11
I wonder if this is normal as I am finding my way back to Jesus and have been struggling with addiction the last 10 years. As soon as my husband heard a conversation he didn’t like between myself and my little sister. (We thought he was off and disconnected from phone but he didn’t hang up) and he never told me he heard us until recently and he is showing a very negative and vulgar side I didn’t see before but after he heard us, that’s about the time all he’ll so to speak broke loose in mine and my girls lives… I became addicted to methamphetamine and called child services on myself because I was aware this wasn’t ok for my daughter and sought help…she was placed in care voluntarily for 5 months while I got my stuff together. But our.lives no matter how hard I try and smile thru the pain, it’s a constant struggle…any ideas on how to overcome this he is obviously actively working against us and doesn’t seem to give a damn that his own child is suffering because of his malicious and sick behavior. I have recorded footage if him and his boys he has 2 sons smearing what looks to be blood on their heads and upper torsos… I’m leaning on Almighty God and Jesus to carry us through but wondered if anyone has been through a Similar experience where they are certain someone is using evil against them?
Thanks for all these posts honestly down to the smells and itching and pain crawling sensation the heat …the bursting of light bulbs and electrical going haywire I hear and the veil is definitely thinning big time… also… my video feed shows something grabbing me and shaking me and you hear me cry out “Ooihh!” But I have no memory of it… I wonder if something extraterrestrial in nature or hybrid is at work here? Do I sound like a crazy lunatic or what? Sorry if I do
Suzanne Worthley says
That is quite a lot! Here is my perspective take it or leave it – there IS evil in this reality and it actually has a right to be there because there is laws of duality – where there is love there is fear, where there is light there is dark, where there is good there is evil – it is the balance of the all. However we also have a right to not play or not engage in it or with it. It is all about personal choice, free will and boundaries. The more you fear the evil the more power you are giving it – we can choose to NOT be ignorant of evil – just learn to honor, maintain and command your own personal boundaries, beliefs and power.
Isabelle says
I feel like I am about to go into a nervous breakdown. I’m sure this is also because I am going to be getting back some things today for school, so I am very nervous. However, I’ve always felt these heart palpitations for no given reason. I was always anxious. I get way more anxious around people. I have gotten incredibly irritated by everything. I frequently have these chronic pulsating headaches for no reason. I went to a chiropractor and he just said that it’s just my muscle tension, but then out of NOWHERE I woke up about a week ago and it just mysteriously disappeared. I always get fatigued during stormy or humid weathers and I could never explain WHY. I’d often get really sensitive with my eyes too. It’s like as if everything is put under a brightened filter. Even if I walk into a rather dark room, I FEEL the light. I cannot explain it exactly, but I feel weak and fatigued. There’s so much light around me and I get panicked and annoyed that no one else seems to understand what I’m going through. I don’t have any bad headache right now, but everything is so bright around me. I don’t see any kind of light or orb, but I did recently see random sparkles in the corner of my eye? Maybe it was just me tired…?
I’ve also always been waking up between 2:30-3:30am. ALMOST EVERY NIGHT. I’m feeling a bit panicked and I don’t really know what to do. I can’t just “relax”.
Suzanne Worthley says
You seem to have a LOT of Ascension Symptoms and the best thing is knowledge – that can keep you from feeling like you are going nuts. 🙂 Additionally if you learn to better ground and bubble your energy that will also help a lot! Use my free meditation on my homepage at the bottom every day and train yourself to keep grounded with that – if you choose!!
Sigurd Bergsrud says
im just wondering. i sometimes get a wierd feeling in my mouth, where it feels like something is moving/vibrating on my tongue, and the feeling is somewhat far down on it. do you have any idea what it might be, because i am kind of scared/afraid that it is something bad. that might be because i fear the unknown, but i don’t know. also, i have been having a lot of moodswings lately. one minute im happy, the next i am sad and empty, unable to be happy, and sometimes even not being able to smile. do you know what the cause might be?
Suzanne Worthley says
Lots of folks are experiencing most of the same – mood swings are all about tapping into old beliefs and the collective fears that trigger them in my opinion. The throat chakra where our face, ears, nose mouth, etc., is taking a beating right now for most as well, so I think you sound very typical. I use a lot of toning to help move the energy FYI. That might help.
Dia Thomas says
A contributing factor may also be that while this convo is about more spiritual concepts, You might also be an HSP (Google info about it) or slightly on the spectrum (I think we all are to a point, but it can sometimes make people overall more sensitive to touch or process stimuli differently). This isn’t to say the healing power of your choosing isn’t/can’t be just as effective, but since we are, after all, humans, maybe some “mainstream” or “normal” psychological elements that vary from person to person can still have effects on your sessions if that makes sense? I’m new at this so I’m not sure, but I have adult adhd (and while I know healing will benefit it long term), sometimes my adhd and racing thoughts make it harder to be as present and focused during my sessions… not to say I don’t still benefit, but I can tell that it gets in the way slightly?
Does anyone who actually knows what they’re talking about have any thoughts on this? Haha thanks everyone!
Suzanne Worthley says
My personal take is to always be open to looking at all sides, western medicine is always complimented by spiritual energy work because the root of the issues always begins with an energetic imbalance. Plus I have trouble when humans receive “labels” because then they often surrender to that belief thinking they are broken, not enough or different. That in itself can affect the energy of the body and the human will indeed manifest the actual disease more easily. Just my perspective, take it or leave any of it.
Kirsten says
This sounds like a diagnostic that Traditional Chinese Medicine could help with.
Lee Terrell says
I can understand where you’re coming from. I have something similiar but it is on the haunting side. I have this demon that I’m convinced is attached to my back and it is putting me through Hell. I am having a very heightened sense for the devine convinced I was devinely favored but not so much. I hear voices that can predict my moves before I do, sounding like I am in a jungle with crickets noices all night just to keep me awake, energy that is super charging my body and I have a heart condition. And has so far burned up over 20K in recreational drugs. I have tried everything to get this demon to leave: wiccan tools, herbs, and prayer only to no avail. I feel that I must tell someone before it kills me. I was taking medicine for severe depression but this demon seems to amplify anything that hurts me and hinder anything that I like. It was a catalist in me throwing out my entire life and has taken every part of my body and destroyed it. I have nothing mind, body, and soul and as I write this, its still here watching me type. I don’t know what more to do or who to turn to without having me commmited. I know this seems a bit much but I’m tired of losing things and being in pain. Someone needs to hear this before the end and all I would be known for is being a junkie. I have faith but that’s moving too slow and I hear no responses when I’m begging for help. I’m tired of crying every night only to have this demon laugh. I have three college degrees and have been just tortured to where I’m unsure what’s real or not. It has taken everything and still wants more. I am just a shell of what I was but I’m afriad there will be no more. Evil people live it up and good people suffer. I was convinced I would be an angel when I go to Heaven and divinely favored but I’m not so sure anymore.
Suzanne Worthley says
Lee – I am sad to hear your struggles and your pain. There is no judgment here – just the concept of energy. When we are using, we have no control over our field and therefore anything can come into our space, body, mind and spirit. You make the best target for that type of energy to feed off of. Yet we all have free will and choice. You get to choose how to live in the body you were given. If you want a different existence however, you might choose differently for your body, much less your distressed mind and soul. My best advice is to get help to get clean and only then are you able to hold your vibration at a level that these negative energies will not be able to attach – they will not be able to find you when you rise above it and that only happens when fear is released from the fields. Sending healing love and light your way.
Marianne Schneider says
Lee, to chase spirits and beings away. Call on Archangel Sandolphin..he can come as a big dark figure like the Grim Reaper. So first encounter makes you think you called the wrong being.but when I call, all the disembodied beings. Good, bad, and the ‘out of body ‘ travelers dropping by , they all clear the house immediately on his arrival. Sandolphin stayed all night, then disappeared with the dawn. The other disembodiedpeople may come back. But just call him again. He has come to guide them home and they dont want to leave yet.that is why they might return…such is free will, they have a choice to go or not.
Lisa says
I feel like something is on my back also. It can be my back, legs, arms, feet. It pushes indents on me, pokes, feels like scratches but nothing there, burning sensations typically on my wrists. Weird bruises. Heightened sensory. I was seeing things all day outta the corner of my eye pretty much all day to the point of really bothering me. I somehow caught energies or something on my camera. I saw a claw like hand on the bed next to me. That was on camera also. Most of this started when I was renting a room from a friend and just happened to roll over to grab my earbuds and watched my bedroom door open the entire way. It wasn’t airflow either. I got up and looked after processing what happened and the door across the hall was completely open also. I went downstairs to get my friend and curiosity got the best of us. Started taking pics and videos. I can’t believe what I caught on camera. Well fast forward and I’m not there anymore but feel as if something followed me. I’m now, and this is the honest truth, seeing UFOs everywhere. They play peek a boo with me from the other side of the clouds. I see them spin on their axis like they’re observing me from a distance. I’ve caught odd pics of those too. I swear I’ve seen shadow people and objects floating outside that only the camera pics up. I dont need to use the camera to see the UFOs though. I’m blown away by how many are just sitting out there. What is going on? I’m wanting to resolve this. Ughh. Please help. Thank you!
Suzanne Worthley says
If I were you I would get a healing to make sure you took no attachments home with you and do more cutting of cords with the energies surrounding you. Cool on the UFO stuff tho – The starseeds have been helping our energy from off planet more and more and its great to get to see that!
Ceazer says
This is actually making me feel a lil better to know I’m not the only person who has every symptom on the damn site. Flickering lights headaches sensitive to light feel dizzy like I can see shapes of electric energy when I shit my eyes I caint tell anyone cuz they just say go to physc witch will just lead yo committed , feel very lonely lack of energy then bursts of engey ears are stuffed bear like buzzing sounds notice every single light flicker feels like kemo theropy . I feel as if someone is using facial recognition on me and destroying my life, I’m trying my best to ignore it but it’s real , and I don’t know who or what to say , I have lost all my interest in my hobbies I feeelllike moving far away from my town would help, if anyone has any answers or ideas to help this suffering I M having it’s not suciicidal but it’s like. Everyday is a a battle against a weird source of energy that just stimulates my brain my ears get hot I use ice packs that melt in 2 min it’s nuts . ??????
Misty Baker says
Holy crap Lisa. I’ve been seeing UFOs in the sky too. Same thing you said playing peek a boo with you behind the clouds. As soon as they see me watching them they dodge behind a cloud. Thats what I’m seeing up in the sky at night. I live near two radio towers. In a little town where I live in the middle of nowhere compaired to the actual town. But the two towers are one less then 2000 feet the other less then 4000 feet. Let me say this the UFOs take a special interest in those radio towers. So much that you couldn’t believe what you were seeing but you were seeing it. I’ve seen a portal open up up there. One minute nothing the next minute a big flash and then you can see something float through the sky and crash on the hillside. I know exactly what you’re seeing. You’re not alone.
Suzanne Worthley says
Such a great share – thank you!!!
Joel says
Thank you for this comprehensive list. I am experiencing all of them then some for a year and a half now. Unfortunately in my case I was already dealing with negative spirit attachments when it began which made for a theroughly confused understanding of what was going on as it invaded that experience. In the past few months though other souls or angels have been communicating with me and guiding my understanding of what’s going on including energy work. When I place my hands on aches and pains there’s a reaction and what feels like little bits flying apart then lifting off of my body in little specs.
Suzanne Worthley says
That sounds like great work, stay grounded and good luck
Jake Goddard says
I fell into a sudden trance-like state out of no where and saw and felt a knife going into my leg and face… i’m mildly scared out of my right mind and I don’t know what to do.
Suzanne Worthley says
trust your body and trust your breath is always a good plan and do everything possible to stay out of fear.
Suzanne Worthley says
Fear limits us
Kat says
YES! I, too, am experiencing the same EXACT things as William said on Dec. 6, 2019! I never have seen this site before & just happened upon it. In addition, I have the numbers “thing” too, come up AT LEAST once a day, though mine are different than those above, there are 3 numbers that consistently pop up in my daily life. So many of these things resonate with me – “home” and the sudden ability to actually “connect” with animals & nature in ways I couldn’t have imagined. People coming into my life as “guides” knowledgeable about something in nature or animals that I didn’t seek out! They just entered my life by a chance meeting! I’m so excited I found this! Until this very moment, for the last year, I’ve felt like I somehow fell into a void. Alone & isolated with nobody to really tell all of these things to because I had no idea the pain (physical & emotional – for no apparent reason, eyesight changes, etc) were in any way connected. No wonder I feel like I need to go “home.”
Suzanne Worthley says
Thanks for sharing Kat and I am glad you now know you are NOT ALONE in any of this! Much love and belssings.
Rodrigo says
The same here, thanks for sharing
Lakshmi says
You are not alone, I can identify with all your experiences.
In a meditation I was shown to place my hand on my heart and repeat “there’s no place like home” 3 times… I usually astral travel to other worlds then.
Angie says
Yes, this article & your reply nails it. I also, felt something controlling my mind on several occasions. It was definitely scary at first. The last incident, I realized that there is definitely a higher power that lies deep inside of us. It’s beyond words and I know that this power has the ability to heal us. We have to go through storms of the world in order to realize, that the earthly things ( man made) has no bearing on happiness. You will discover that unconditional love is the most powerful force of the world and sadly, most people will never experience what we have.
Gloria Stanley says
I have definitely been experiencing so many of these for the past year. I have been having a lot of muscle twitching, tingling, pins and needle pain, and more fatigue. This all started shortly after my first time visiting the chiropractor. So I was skeptical that it was something she did but maybe it is just ascension symptoms? Lately I’ve also experienced more dropping things and bumping into things. It’s kind of concerning and I feel a little bit out of control of it. I also experience stumbling over words and not being able to say what I want sometimes. I have been very much enjoying meditation practice for the past 4 years and it’s something I feel I have to do to really be calm and present in the day. I never knew how much it could change my body and brain energetically (in not the ways I really wanted) but everything is yin and yang. You can’t have the good without the bad. You can’t appreciate good times without struggle.
Suzanne Worthley says
Great message thanks for sharing.
Emily Walters says
I feel like I am floating all the time. I see number sequences.
Jon says
That sounds familiar. After work I get home around 7pm n it don’t matter what time I fall sleep. But I wakeup around 3am or 4am for at least 2 years now. Any one else’s?
Suzanne Worthley says
yes and yes……I try my best to GET UP and re-frame things, maybe try to meditate and do stretches and then it seems easier to go back to sleep.
kaw kenchi says
Going through my 2ed transformation8 years, feels a little more noticeable, I detox MPES, my number is 911, or thing ending in 11. Question. During my first awaking and detox I stopped drinking coffee…and have not since then. What your take on coffee a day subtle energy, vibration, and the affect it may have on energy healing. Thanks kaw kenchi
Suzanne Worthley says
My take on anything is that is what resonates are truth for you. Meaning some folks will certainly believe that limiting of deleting coffee helps while others it does not make a difference. It is all about your personal intention and therefore you create your reality. That is why it is important to make sure your container BODY is clear to get you own personal truths aligned. Hope this makes sense.
Rory says
I also see 44 everywhere it has driven me crazy a couple times, wonder what it means
Suzanne Worthley says
I see these an simply Angel nudges to remember we are not alone!~
Valeria says
To be honest I don’t wanna be part of any of this is far too much to process and I hate that all of this happens to me I really really realllyyyyy wish it didn’t!!!!!!
Suzanne Worthley says
I’m sorry to hear your fear but the ascension process and it’s symptoms are here and will continue to be so I suggest you learn and study more (if you choose) because knowledge is power and can help release fear.
Wallace says
I need help!!
This is happening to fast!! I can’t get rid of the flu symptoms and the massive headache. I’m completely off balance. My phone keeps freezing up. I cryed after I caught a mouse in the rat trap. Me and my wife split up for a few days and when she came back I was more in love with her than I’d ever be. I get so tired but I can’t fall asleep and with in an hour I feel like I drink 3 Red Bull. This morning I got off work and both the cars on side of me need jumps. That’s only half of it. All this has happened in the last three weeks!!
I’m going to tell you this I started to learning about the subconscious mind about 2 and a half years ago and how to reshape it. For there it lead me to the laws of the universe. Then it was spirituality Meditating and affirmations. Recently quantum physics. That’s when it started to happen!! What brought me here was I felt like I couldn’t stay in one state of mind or another. So I googled it. As I continue my search it lead me to how do you know If your a healer. I listen to the video last night and it describe me to the T.But didn’t change to another video and the next video was 5 stages of awakening. Now I’m scared as hell!! I just want to stop feeling sick. This is happening to fast!! I stop watching TV about a year ago and that was fine. I’m not ready to stop having fun with my family!! I know this is a lot.
I’m sorry!!
But this is my normal Journaling time.
You seem like you might have some answers.
Wallace says
O yeah 3 years go I could hardly read or write an know I feel like there’s not enough information in the world for me to learn. Just a little more about me. My mom died of cancer when I was 19. The last two years of her life I was her hospice. There was one occasion I gave her CPR and revived her back to life! I have never learned CPR training. When she died she was squeezing my hand and as her soul left her body. Her hand slowly loosened. Me and my wife took care of my father in law in has last years. Then my dad. When they pull the plug we sat up and I told him to smile and he sat up an gave us a big smile. But as he layed back on the pillow I felt his soul leave his body!!
After that is when I started my Journey!! After that we took my mother-in-law in our home after she was diagnose with brain cancer. She died in my house. I didn’t real get close to her because she refused treatment and I didn’t agree with her. Because my mom fought 7 years just to see graduate high school. Now unfortunately my wife’s stepdad is being released from the hospital and we’ll be here in a few days. It’s ok though I understand the process of life and death now. I’m just grateful to be able to send another loved one back to our creator. If his is up now!!
As I raised my dads vibration with a smile as he left his vessel!
I’ll give my father in law the same. That’s our whole purpose right, to increase our vibration back to the speed of our creator, so we can move on the same frequency as him, on the out rings of the universe! Because the out rings cycles are longer, and that will be a longer time we will experience him before he make it back to a new vessel to do it again! I don’t know if that even sounds right that’s the first time that crossed my mind!! Well thinks for letting me use your space to get something out of me that I couldn’t before!!
Because, everyone says I’m crazy 😂😂😂😂
Life is always cycling!!
From your thoughts!!
From your experience!!
And even our souls!!
Know your thoughts and get a positive reaction!!
Good bye ❤️
Suzanne Worthley says
I think those experiences for you are very genuine and real and beautiful. I do a lot of death and dying work and I too ASSIST others in their journey – we don’t get to change it or do it for them just assist; and that is a gift. I hope more people read and learn about death so that they too can have better experiences.
Suzanne Worthley says
Hey Wallace – all of my stuff also happened really fast and I too thought I was nuts and going crazy and many folks did not understand. I just want to share one really important thing — YOU ARE IN CHARGE of all of this – it is YOU that gets to slow down the process with your intention. Universe and this expanding energy is on a fast track and will continue to do so but YOU can ask for assistance from your Guides and Self to SLOW DOWN so that you do not work in so much fear. Take breaks because it will always be there. Be a family person just as much as a spiritual one as they are not two differet people but they DO have two different perspectives sometimes. Remember we did sign on for an EARTH experience in a MEAT body that is HUMAN. Be in charge of that and take care of that first.
Nimisha says
I don’t know in what words to explain you but you get where I am right now. Tell me what to do . What did you do.
Suzanne Worthley says
Not pushing products or services here but I created my online Community to tell you exactly that; what to do – check it out here if you like: If that does not ring your bell – there is alot of FREE stuff on my site also and if that still is not what you want/need I suggest you study. You learn. You practice how to ground and protect. You stay present. You release all fear programming and replace it with love.
Jennifer says
Look up spiritual grounding. And try it. There are different ways choose one that feels comfortable to you. It may help you
Joyana says
I had the worst headaches a flue like symptoms, I couldn’t touch my toes or turn my head up or side to side without feeling immense pain and pressure, I was upset all the time, my body was aching I had strong tight throbbing pains in my temples, eyes forehead and my neck back spine was sore, I go on for a wild with more symptoms but what I did was a fast, should do some research if you are interested wasn’t easy and I completed 7 days my headaches left when I broke my fast! Also I wish I knew this was at the time, but you should ask your higher self to assist you in releasing some of the pain resulting in you feeling better minutes after .. And this is something I think of doing when you go to sleep think about everything you are thankful for.. What makes you happy and dream of your body healing as you sleep ☺ when you are feeling the pain try to focus on knowing it’s all apart of your awakening & it’s a good thing it’s your crown chakra receiving the divine light…. Note: this is just my understanding of this all, what I say works for me now and may not wirk for others.. Hehe remember we r all different ✨ hope your okay, I don’t see a date so not sure if this is old or yeh ah
Lys says
You just described my exactly life!!!!!
So hard :((((((
Suzanne Worthley says
Get’s easier; then harder; then easier; then harder….LOL!
Summer says
All of these apply to me I am only 19 this has been happening all my life doctors can’t find one thing wrong with me and I am always scared I see shadows and sparkles and somtines it almost feels like I’ve blacked out and I always wake up to lights flickering. I’m always seeing the weirdest of things and I’m afraid I’m crazy and doctors are always saying I’m fine other then the wired rashes and allergic reactions that happen for no response and I have these migraine that don’t go away no matter how many pills and and my anxiety is on and off and I get these feeling in my house where I’m jest so scared and I’m running out the door because I’m scared it has gotten so bad that I can’t be in a room alone also have these weird things happen where I could jest be sitting eating and then I feel the room is spinning and I start to scream and I’ll fall over and the nosies the strang nosies and doors opening and closing on there own and I’ve had a couple strang things happen when I hear a nosies look over and see something like a bowl in the air and it jest drops I’m so scared I want it to stop but I feel like I’m crazy but I’m so afraid
Suzanne Worthley says
I am so sorry you do not have a TRIBE or a support system that can tell you that you are NOT crazy and that this stuff does NOT have to be so fear filled. Each generation is coming in with more activated skills and therefore are much more sensitive and aware and connected to all of this stuff. But you DO need to find a way (if you choose) to get out of fear and learn that this IS somewhat NORMAL per se…..or you will always feel scared. Self learn if you do not have a tribe. This is such a great world to navigate if you choose to!
Kelli says
Oh my god I can understand you completely I never write on these things but I could really connect with you.
We must be doing something right 🙂
Everyone has the basic human instincts, it’s like you can call anyone up on the telephone but through your mind
Does that make sense or do I sound crazy too. Ha ha ha
Suzanne Worthley says
telepathy is a birthright – just work with it wisely
ANNE says
Everyone is so negative? Fear is not of God or love. Why and how can you be afraid. My experience was the most enlightening and the most peace I have ever had. I am a born healer and Seer. I also believe strongly in the ALmighty God and the Universe, all nature, all animals, vivid dreaming. If you are always afraid and “freaking” out then, You need to pray. You’re not ready. But… Your awakening will come. It is the time. For all. TO transform.
Suzanne Worthley says
I don’t think anyone really has the right to tell another that they are not ready beause Ascension is a individual personal experience and possibly this person has to encoutnner the fear to work with it and through it. You choose to see your Source as the Almightly Good in the way you choose and again, each of us gets to find our own path. There is no ONE right.
Phil says
You are an expression of a Process that sees all of Creation grow through change/evolving. You are an emotional being who has been charged with this experience and yet you have no control. When you have learned this you will see that all of your pain has been the result of fear of the unknown, only the change you are will no longer be unknown so you will be able to relax and not only continue to love and enjoy your life, but do so from a position of understanding, a maturity for having had the experience. You’re right where you have to be learning, changing, and setting the stage for a global support network of awakening and ascending from fear frequency into the confidence of knowing frequency. Thank Source.🙏
Suzanne Worthley says
My only input to your response here is the line that says “You are an emotiona being who has been charged with this experience and yet you have no congrol.” and I totally disagree as we DO have full congrol from our HIGHER source – our higher self. We are always in control in our co-creation.
KM says
Sorry should have said spiritual awakening… my body is extremely itchy but this only happens in the evenings
Gary says
I see all the numbers. Sparcles light blue and white flashes in my original vision. Brain movements on the side of my scull. Emotional rollercoasters . waking up between 2@ 4. Pin pricks and something calling on me. Stonge sexual urges. People and animals really love me or really hate me no reason.
Justin brown says
Ya I noticed some of the symptoms on this website that I have my eyes are always changing like my eyes got really sensitive to bright lights and I felt like puking and not being able to sleep for days and crying because I can’t sleep my time already moves very slow which makes everything worse and now my vision is blurry when I focus on reading and when I’m not focused on it it’s fine but it’s hard not to get focused when reading I’m getting really focused my vision looks yellow on my phone when it should look white since it’s a white screen and my school papers look blue yellow and I’ve been getting really mad lately and subconsciously doing stuff that I don’t know what I’m doing and I wonder why did I just try to throw away my hoodie and when I know when I’m subconsciously thinking and then things pop up in my head and I’m able to do better at school only if I don’t have to look at the paper subconsciously I just know the answer so I say it and class continues sharp pains in my body constant itching I’m always itchy low on energy teachers are not helping me that much they just tell me to just try the best I can to read and to go see the eye doctor And I tell them I’m evolutionizing and they don’t believe me burning sensations on my body lack of wanting to eat food just isn’t that good anymore but some of the time I just want to eat and I get enjoyment out of eating but most of the time I just don’t want to eat I don’t think I’m gonna eat dinner tonight it is 1:19 in the morning and I gotta deal with people making me mad and teachers not helping me and getting sent out of the hallway for having loogies and having to get them out of my throat oh and I clear my throat constantly it has always been like that but I get sent out into the hallway cause the teacher cant stand me so ya and I got detention on Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 cause I accidentally lost my balance and fell back on my friend and bumped him and the teacher said that we were putting our hands on each other but we were not and if we were then how come the teacher didn’t call for more assistance for putting hands on each other or get up and try to break it up like seriously nobody knows what I am going threw and people look at me and act like they believe me but I know they are lying that they believe me about my changed in vision is Evolution
Sarah says
When I get anxiety, I start compulsively reading quantum physics and somehow I understand all of the equations. As if there’s an answer in there somewhere. I didn’t realize someone else did this, too. I’m especially fixated on special relativity and frequencies. What’s that about?
Suzanne Worthley says
everything in life IS frequency and energy – I suggest continue to study and allow your guidance to learn you in the right direction.
Paul says
Your awakening is almost identical to mine the only difference is I’m really enjoying mine apart from the flu like symptoms and headaches but they only last 24 hours for me. Meditation helps me a lot.
Suzanne Worthley says
Thanks for sharing
Jenny says
Hi I’m Jen I have days like you everyday. .. My husband thinks I’m loosing it but he can’t explain everything that goes wrong .. Blinking lights when I’m around,
burnt light bulbs dead cell phone car battery remote control etc.
Suzanne Worthley says
Yepper…..been there, done that!
Jason says
After looking up what quantum physics was I started to get accession symptoms like a few days after or a week.
Suzanne Worthley says
Many of us realize it after we connect to the info that it IS happening.
Sheldon says
I know this a comment form a while back and im pretty sure its wierd as fuck for somebody to reply to your comment right now…but i can so relate to your story…my journey started after i broke up with my gf which was like 3 to 4 yrs ago…and after that break up i had got this feeling like i was becoming different in a wierd way ..its wasnt a bad wierd but more like a good yet shit was about to get real shake up reality type of way…i stopped watching tv and that was no problem i jus thought nothing of it as i was able to focus more on my music at the time…but then as the days passed i was getting all kinds of out of the norm first my body would vibrate at nite while im laying in bed..then when even i would walk around the house or any where it was like i was floating like my body jus wanted to glide and it even got to the point to where anything that i would be holdin in my hand(s) it was as if the object was tryin to float away…i started seeing static energy in the shape of human form and even started to hear certain sounds in a really wierd way…nd that lead me to watching videos on YT about the sub conscious mind nd that lead to LOA and How we are all one with God and the power of the Holy Sprit and quamtum world and manifestation and subliminals and affrimations and jus anything dealing with creating your own reality…and trust and believe it didnt stop there…sorry if this post is all over the place and sorry if my spelling is a little bit off its jus when i read your comment i was able to relate so much because its been so many days when i felt like i was going crazy or jus the only on to be going thru this i have proof that im not the only one and the reason why i say that is because i head other people talk about the experience and it seem like it was a bliss and wonderful for them in the beginning and as for me im jus like in the beginning of my awake journey it was weird and fucked up and somewhat painful…but i can say it has gotten better in ways for me but i still get a lil thrown off when certain things happen like crazy concidences happen that i never thought could happen and still get a chill from the sync of numbers like for a month straight every time i looked at the clock i saw repeating number from the day to night even seeing 123 and 1234 as well nd even the countdown order such as 321…but i jus wanted to say thank for writing that comment cuz in a way it gave me peace of mind nd i wanna thank u for that nd also wanna say that u are not alone…once again sorry if this reply is all over the place nd for it being so long nd once again i know it really crazy for someone to reply to this comment jus now since u worte this a while back…but thank again for writing and nd by the way ur comment was the only i read…and i usually dont read comment like that…
Suzanne Worthley says
thanks so much for posting – better late than never!!
Claudia says
I’d love to hear how you’re doing now… it’s been a year from your post. All I would have suggested back then would be spending long periods of time in nature to connect with the source and get to listen to your inner self without fear. Hope you figured it out and that you’re living a wonderful more conscious life nowadays
James says
There was a time where I could move the screen by simply with a wave of my finger without any physical contact of the screen.I thought I was gone crazy.All I can say this process of the journey have it’s moments.the symptoms comes and goes back and forth.oh boy does the lists goes on:dirhea periods,massive headaches, constipated, dizziness,temporal (sides of my head)vibrating hard,blood dirhea,body shaking,sensation in the middle of the head,feeling disoriented,waking up 2-3 times in a row at night for no apparent reason,weird dreams,want to go home but doesn’t know where ECT.Namaste🙏
Daumants Brunins says
Do yourself a favour admit existence of your consciousness and it’s potential.
Try meditation as its calms mind and allows to control mind.
Bless you
Suzanne Worthley says
Thanks for sharing
kaw kenchi says
Hi my name is kaw kenchi. I would like to share my opinion. Right now you are warring within the 4 pillars mentL, Physical, Emotionally and Spiritually. It is unbalanced per your comments.. in order to calm and bring thing in a somewhat order or began the change easy.1.understand how to ground yourself.2. Breathe. Stop running and dodging and try to listen to your whole being.
Danielle says
I’ve hsd so many bad things happen to in past few years. I man came into my life suddenly after a break up I had. Claimed to be a psychic healer. He said I needed to get broke of my depression and not take my medication anymore. He knew stuff about me that he only could have found out from the gym I went to bc I found out after my hospital stay that he knew owner of gym, which also was a friend of mine on Facebook. He knew about a tattoo I had of my dad and that I was going away on a trip overseas. He knew about me getting raped and molesred. A few months after meeting him things started to go bad. Voices bad energy in home. 2 of my cats died unexplainably. I thought I could trust him. He then tells me my house was haunted and about voodoo, like he had this doll worth a lot of money. I feel like he had a demon in him telling him all about me and he pushed his demon in me, he wanted a lot of money from me for an exorcism said it would cost 2,000,000. He said he could help me find dr bc I wanted s baby through serogacy and that would be 200,000. I ended up giving him 7000 to put crucifixes up in each of my bedrooms and bathrooms in house. I heard the voices in my head, got the feeling of someone strangling me smoke in my lungs and smoke up my nose. Got the feeling of being lifted in hospital but I ran to a chair and held on. That happened a bunch and also happened at my friends wake but held onto chair. I thought it was my friend contacting me through the dead. That man also claimed he knew my father in previous life and that I was a whore too and I laughed. I also felt like I git brain raped in the hospital like something was moving fast around my head taking all my visions and dreams and thoughts away. My heart git pinched a few times and that Hurt and went to hospital and they said everything was Normal. I also feel like the bubbles in my head her popped and I had a vision of it in my head. I also feel that a button was pushed in my brain to shut off my sleep and I didn’t sleep for days and went crazy and tried to strangle myself and that didn’t work but then my heart felt like it was getting squeezed for hours abd was hen my heart just stopped beating. I’ve had weird eyes before too I can’t explain it. Was diagnosed with schizophrenia back in February 2015 but meds don’t work. After my heart got squeezed I didn’t sleep fir like 2 months. Prior to that I had trouble sleeping with all these visions and such in my head making me to believe this guy I had lots of feelings fir loved me. Yeah thought it was him trying to save me from bad things. Also I felt like entities going into and out of my body. I feel as I’m writing this text you it’s not only me typing. I also had blood coming out of my nose for months every time I blew my nose. I feel like parts of my back and stomach go away a lot at times. The voices also don’t want me to spend time with friends and whatever else, not to eat, I’ve peed on myself not being able to hold my bladde