Last week, I said I would provide a more detailed list of Ascension symptoms to help validate what you might be experiencing. To create this list, I spent time researching what other practitioners are finding to verify against my own work with clients and class participants. The following is a compilation of information from a variety of resources to offer an overall picture of Ascension symptoms.
This list is long! I invite you to use this as a resource to come back to over the next few weeks and months as you FEEL what you’re experiencing in your own bodies (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual).
Please note: Symptoms listed may or may not be attributed to this Ascension process so please follow your own inner guidance as to if you should consult a healthcare professional if/when needed.
You just know or sense intuitively that something is happening to your body. You have an unusual feeling that you can’t explain and sense your body responding differently now physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. You may feel at times like you are losing your mind or going a bit crazy with these unknown or uneasy feelings that are difficult to explain.
Physical Difficulties
- Aches, pains, and even itches throughout your entire body that come and go
- Soreness or stiffness in joints and muscles and bones for no apparent reason that are not due to injury, physical exercise or fatigue (especially in the neck, shoulder, back and spine)
- Pressure and pain in and around the head and face area including skull, eyes, ears, sinus, teeth including fillings, and gums
- Pinpricks, electrical shocks, falling asleep feelings, warming energies, tingles, and random spasms, rushes of energy, twitches and jolts that come and go for no reason
- Headaches and migraines that don’t respond to medicine
- Hair and nails grow faster and/or change in texture or density
- General changes in vision and perception
- Catching glimpses of sparkles or flashes of light in your peripheral vision
- Dry or itchy eyes, blurry vision, seeing a haze or static-like energy in air
- Seeing auras or light around people, animals or objects
- A sense of physical disorientation
Often, in these cases, an eye exam would show no change in your actual vision. At times, you’ll additionally feel very ungrounded. You’ll be “spatially challenged” with the feeling like you can’t put two feet on the ground or that you’re walking between two worlds.
- Heart palpitations or flutters not related to exercise or medical conditions
- Lots of pressure on both the front of the chest as well as the mid back and upper breast plate area as there is an additional chakra vortex activating
- Periods of sudden nervousness or anxiety that comes and goes spontaneously for no reason
- Feeling drained of energy
- Unexplainable worry or panic
- Nervous breakdown sensations or feeling that you are spiraling out of control
- Heightened sensitivity to sound
- Hearing unusual sounds or auditory sensations
- Ears popping and ringing
- Hearing pings, beeps, tones frequencies whooshing and pulsating
- Feeling off balance, sense of vertigo
Cold or Flu Symptoms
You might find cold or flu-like symptoms appearing and disappearing without developing into actual cold or flu. These could include:
- Stuffy head, pressure, sinus and allergy problems and respiratory changes
- Changes in body temperatures
- Increased sensitivity to heat or cold
- Circulation issues
- Chills or hot flashes, night sweats and waves of heat throughout body
Sometimes these symptoms manifest as periods of extreme fatigue for no apparent reason that happen out of the blue or upon awakening from a full-night’s sleep. You might feel as if you need many naps or the exact opposite—feeling wide awake and energized despite lack of sleep and being hyper-focused despite fatigue.
During this time, you might feel a sense of intolerance towards lower vibrational things of the 3D world, reflected in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities, etc.
Emotional Sadness or Disconnect
- Deep inner sadness for no apparent reason
- Feeling lost and or as if you are someone else
- Loss of ego or personal identity, old beliefs changing, feeling disassociated or fragmented
- Tears or crying for no apparent reason
- Feeling lonely or isolated, even when in the company of others, as if others can’t hear or see you or you’re not relating
- Desire to flee groups and crowds
- Disimpassioned, no desire to do anything
- Loss of motivation for hobbies and interests
- Experiencing more clumsiness or losing balance bumping into things, lack of coordination
- Feeling dizzy of lightheaded or jittery and nervous for no reason
- Moments of memory loss of “what was I just doing, or why did I come in here”, forgetting simple things or conversations, brain fog, jumbled words or scattered thinking
Relationship Changes
- Sudden or abrupt changes in relationships, job, career, living environment
- Urge to relocate or being drawn to particular area or place, resonating with certain geographic locations
- Changes in how you experience environment
- Sudden feelings of being connected to nature and animals like never before
- Increased sensitivity to plants, trees, flowers
- A deep understanding and appreciation of nature and animals and more natural or serene environments
- An overwhelming desire to be in nature or live around more natural and serene environments
- Nature begins to energize you and bring you peace of mind and expand your heart
- Change or withdrawal from family and friend relationships
- Chance encounters with unusual or meaningful people entering your life in synchronistic ways
- Changes in diet and eating habits and digestion
- Fluctuating between feeling hungry all the time to lack of appetite
- Foods and liquids begin to taste differently
- Cravings may come and go
- Healthier and more natural options may be more appealing than in the past
- Digestion, IBS, bloating, and gastrointestinal issues
- Swelling in lower abdomen and back
- Sudden weight gain or loss especially in belly area
Sleep and Dreams
- Unusual sleep patterns or changes in pattern
- Sleeping in short bursts on and off
- Finding more increased energy at night with frequent awakening between 2-4 a.m.
- Periods of insomnia that last for days.
- Intense or unusual or wild dreams or visions that can range from pleasant to bizarre to prophetic
- Increased lucid dreaming or astral projecting or other out of body experiences
Specifically, you might be experiencing war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. Many of us are literally releasing the old energy within and connecting with past lives, memories, experiences and knowledge.
Psychic Abilities
- Increased psychic awareness and sensitivity and other extra-sensory abilities
- Heightened intuition and the awakening of the third eye chakra or ‘inner vision’ and other chakras and psychic centers
- Causing interference in electrical appliances
- Electronic devices behaving in an unusual way or malfunctioning within your presence, especially when you are in a heightened state of emotion such as anger or sadness
- Having light bulbs blow out or flicker when you are near
- Batteries draining for no reason
- Personally feeling more drained or energetically depleted near too many electrical devices or when around them for long periods of time
- Sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and the ability to influence them
Odd Longings
Many of us are experiencing a deep longing to go home, yet we’re not sure what home means. This is perhaps the most difficult and challenging of any of the conditions. You may experience a deep and overwhelming desire to leave the planet and return to home. This is not a “suicidal” feeling. It is not based in anger or frustration. You don’t want to make a big deal of it or cause drama for yourself or others in your life. There is a quiet part of you that wants to go home to the Ancient Knowledge that you are now aligning with. The root cause for this is quite simple…you are ready to begin a new lifetime while still in this physical body.
- Increased feelings of Divine and Unconditional LOVE
- Moments of gratitude and deep appreciation for life
- Increased peace, clarity, understanding and compassion
- Profound revelations and insights
- A sense of Oneness and interconnectedness
- Feeling more connected with nature, other people, animals, the universe, Spirit/Source, God, the All, etc.
- Encounters with angelic and cosmic beings and the awareness of the presence of non-physical entities or energies
- Sudden increase in synchronicity and meaningful coincidences that occur frequently when you least expect them
- Noticing 11:11 and other repeating number sequences such as 111, 1212, 333, 444, 144, or other numbers that are significant or meaningful popping up in your day-to-day life in unusual ways whenever you ‘happen to look’
- Uncanny alignment of events or chance encounters
- Meeting people in synchronistic ways which develop into significant relationships
If you identify with any of these conditions, know you are not alone! Most of us are likely experiencing many of these symptoms, and we are all in this journey together. The first step is to spend time becoming aware of what you are feeling. Then, you will be able to begin the process of examining why your own symptoms are manifesting for you.
I invite you to share your experiences in the comments below, if you choose. Your thoughts are important because they validate others who might not have a space to talk openly about their own experience.
Till Next, and sent with Cosmic Hugs,
Personal Ascension – FREE Meditation
Use the magic of the ascension paradigm to bring higher-vibrational energies into your daily life.
Can definitely relate to many of these things. A few examples: I’ve been seeing sequences of numbers for a few years now. Like driving down the road and notice sequential license plate #’s, or looking at the time and it’s 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, etc. Within the last year early am wake-ups have been more common and am definitely withdrawing more from long standing relationships, but feeling more connected to nature. Good stuff Suzanne! Your insights are hugely appreciated!
Yes, I also see the number 44 way too often on everything, 1111 is also common and 222. I also sense the difference in my moods, once in a while it can be very low and some days very optimistic and positive. I’ve been sleeping 3-5 hours everyday the last two weeks and I always have enough energy to take me through the day.
wow, i see 44 all the time and after reading the article, scrolled down quickly and immediately saw the 44 you typed when it stopped scrolling. lol
I’m experiencing everything and it’s crazy like seein my ex boyfriend that passes 2 year ago blaming me for her to lose her apt and telling me to kill my self!!
Again….maybe time for better personal boundaries! Check out
It’s good to see I’m not alone, I 12:34 Everytime I look at the clock, I also see glimpses of light, or flash of white light zoom bye, I can hear people I don’t see, but after hearing a trickster around 2:43 am something climbed into bed with me was doing something to me, as I had the chance to move I jumped up, I was aware of what was going on, and I wasn’t afraid, but in my dimension I had total control, by speaking to others, they noticed me and I noticed them why?
Lots of us are dimension hopping – just do your best to stay grounded and bubbled – I have a free meditation on my home page at that helps if interested.
What is a trickster ? I feel like I’m clumsy but I’m always having random stuff happening and I’m so over it . Like this morning trying to set up coffee pot and I slightly moved 2 thing which caused a domino effect and a candle on counter literally rolled off counter bounced off garabage can and fell on the floor and broke . Just random things or door handles getting caught on stuff .
I trickster is typically an entity that is not kind – these sound more like not necessarily being in your body fully — I would encourage you to do some grounding and bubbling. Again, I have a free meditation for this on my site at that may help
My dear Millie, I too join you in alliance. Peace be unto you.
Hi, I am Anthony and if you are on Twitter/x please reach out at your earliest convenience..
I am @GoodHolySpirit
I could list more but I’m going to list the absolute ones that I’m experiencing.
Sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and the ability to influence them (wifi fields esp from phone and headaches when I come close to mobile transmitter masts)
Intense or unusual or wild dreams or visions that can range from pleasant to bizarre to prophetic
Increased lucid dreaming
Finding more increased energy at night with frequent awakening between 2-4 a.m.
Change or withdrawal from family and friend relationships
Urge to relocate or being drawn to particular area or place, resonating with certain geographic locations
Heightened sensitivity to sound (My heightend audio senses are getting annoying, to say I could hear a pin dop is an understatement)
Hearing pings, beeps, tones frequencies whooshing and pulsating
Catching glimpses of sparkles or flashes of light in your peripheral vision
Chills or hot flashes, night sweats and waves of heat throughout body
Encounters with angelic and cosmic beings and the awareness of the presence of non-physical entities or energies (This started a couple weeks ago and is becoming more frequent and visible)
This one gave me goosebumps, I tell my wife this all the time, I thought it was just because I was feeling sad, now I know why.
Many of us are experiencing a deep longing to go “home”, yet we’re not sure what home means. (I always thought of home as my real home, my spiritual home, where I came from and where we all return back to.)
Yes the starseed veils are really thinning for me and many of my clients, it is a bit uncomfortable for many but gets easier the more you stay open to it all.
I have also been smelling different scents that no one else does. Just wondering if that’s a sign of as well. I have experienced almost everything else
I can imagine that might be a “normal thing” as well as I often hear/smell things that no one else does
Hello I actually have some questions that’s been happening for about the past 2 years. I have this, I guess you would call an undescribed energy that has these wave like energy as it approaches, like laying in a waterbed. I don’t take it as being demonic because it seems like it follows me around. I feel this energy in my couch, my bed, and even the carpet. I don’t have any idea what it is or what to think. It don’t mean no harm, I don’t think, but it’s like it tries to get my attention all the time. What could this possibly be or indicate. Sometimes it does make me feel like I’m going crazy but I know what I feel and know it’s something. This entity has even told me things I do without asking questions using apps to try to communicate with it. Please give me your opinion. I have left my email, thanks
Hi Michael – a lot of higher vibration beings feel like a wave pattern when they are around us, working with us or speak to and thru us – they work in plasma like frequencies so it feels odd and different. These are made available to us more now because of the thinning of the layers between dimensions. My take is that I always work in what is known as “Highest and Best” for me and for all – then I feel protected and safe. You can articulate that of intent that when in that frequency if you choose.
I woke up thos morning feeling like i’m not fully in my body, otherworldly, sort of lightheaded and dizzy. My ears sound like highpitched bells and my forehead has a swelling sensation that is spreading down the front and into my top front teeth. Like my skull might split open. It doesnt necessarily hurt but there is no way i can focus on any task like this. I wouldn’t be suprised if I flew out of my body right now. I slept soundly last night that I know of. But woke exhausted. And I am having loud sensations down my center front. All week I have had random anxiety attacks for no good reason. And two days ago a spirit contacted me. This is so weird.
Sounds like you work a lot out of body in dream state as do I. I suggest before you get up for your day – do more to get fully into your body and do more work to ground and bubble – maybe use my free meditation on the homepage of my site.
I have been having eye problems. My eyes are “normal” except for vitreous detachment (right eye). My cat also bit my right eye this morning. My ears are more sensitive. Bouts of nausea, feeling the presence of my Mom and childhood cat Princess. It is all so overwhelming.
I too can relate to most of whats been posted..which is comforting.. I also get flashes of cold which feels as if its on mtly bones, then my body and head tighten and begin to pulse. I also see the colors green and yellow.. arevthses symptoms?
Colors from our aura and our fields can be seen when we begin to awaken. Pluses and fluxes can coem when the energy comes in and out – my suggestion is to stay grounded and open to learning.
I can say that in the last three months I’ve have experienced majority of everything listed. Also when I close my eyes and relax clearing my mind, I experience a night sky with twinkling stars and different bright light colour changes or pulses if that transform into such clear imagery . Recently (whilst in the night sky state) I encountered an extremely bright being of light, that slowly and calmly came close to me. This beautiful euphoric bieng of light came so close, then I felt this sort of surged warmth and tranquillity touched the left hand side of my face /cheek, as this being of light revealed a face, really concentrating on the eyes. The eyes looked large with a platinum, glistening and truly amazing. I truly in the core of me heart felt this being of light is devine. This really did leave me feeling connected and calm. I have recently been so drawn to crystals but only the following:
moonstone, Selenite, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Blue Kyan, Labrodite, Citrine, Carnelian, Black Obsidian and the most recent Crystal is my Birthstone Ruby (but raw for some reason). The latest thing that has happend to me was this morning, at roughly 1am in Helensvale gold coast I was outside looking into the night sky (as I was awake due to being on a 12hr Respite Care shift) suddenly i felt cool tingling and a light breeze and in the exact area of the sky I was looking at formed an extremely bright light in a ball orb shape with flame if that makes sense. The light flame ball I saw was like whitish golden yellow colour, and it decended down disappearing before near me I then felt like a pulsing energy feeling vibrating through my entire body, from top of my head to through to the bottom and out my feet towards the ground. I have to say I really felt good but had the sudden urge to go online and find out if I could find an imagery of what I saw but nothing was the same. It didn’t look like any other light orb balls or imagery I could find. I then had an imagery flash through my mind, the image was of a folded old envelope, which unfolded. Once the envelope unfolded I zoned back to reality. Jas anyone else experienced this same thing.
Love and light Narni
Amazing info, stories and experiences – thanks for sharing!
I have dreams, I have waking dreams before I fall asleep . I see the dream forming before I’m asleep . I can be awake and be witness to it. I see the people that are in my dream , I see where I’m going before I’m even sleep. This is been going on for quite some time at least 20 years. One of the last ones that I had I had a bright purple light in the center of my four head that I could see. It parted like clouds , and I was looking down to water and trees and small houses. I was still awake. I opened my eyes and blinked ,and closed my eyes again and the vision was still there.
I wonder what , and where it was .
It was very strange.
Has anyone been hearing weird sirens at 4am? Like almost like a police or ambulance siren but way off and weird sounding? I asked my neighbors who are up around that time for their jobs and all of them denied hearing it. They also deny all the stuff I been seeing in the sky as well. They don’t see what I’m seeing. They don’t hear what I’m hearing. My entire household my fiance, our kids, and myself all heard the sirens on numerous occasions at around 4am. Wakes us all up out of a dead sleep. I just heard It again this evening. As I’m making my way down to the first floor to get a better. Look my 12 year old daughter is coming from her bedroom which is on the 1st floor saying “mommy can you hear that? It’s scary. Why does it keep happening.” I told her its nothing to be afraid of. And the first thing that came in my mind was to ask Google the meaning of sirens at 4am. And I’m not the only one I’ve confirmed as of tonight. I wanted to know if any of you hear it.?
Sometimes when we begin vibrating at a different level, frequency or resonance than others, we experience things they do not. I suggest just enjoy it and be open to it (if you choose) and do not worry about outside validation!
Hello I don’t know how to leave message but Thank you for this I more understand what is happening I know it was something beyond my understanding and control but I see 27 or 4444 or 1111 or 24. Everyday all day long I feel like I don’t belong here I feel like my mom isn’t my mom she was just a host I was only born through her I never had a connection with her all my life I pray every day all day and night Can’t sleep I get up at 4am I don’t have any friends no more I can read people I know so much Thank you
Thanks for sharing! Lots of similar things happening to many – you are not alone and you are not going crazy! It is an amazing time here on planet!
I have been experiencing sightings of entities that is hard to explain these entities are not good souls.
I can sense them when they are around me.
What I did vision was my father’s spririt leave my dog Bailey and go to the light in the sky. I also seen a vision of destruction if we don’t stop what we created which is Artificial intelligence or control what we made. We will destroy ourselves if we don’t do something about it. I seen an orange glow looking west then another orange glow southwest . Is this the start of tribulation or the rapture. What I seen is either nuclear war or a meteor shower.
My electronics in my car have a mind of there own. My radio talks to me through the music. What I think in my mind get a response from the radio.
When I told my friends they think I’m crazy. But here’s the thing I am not a spiritual person but everywhere I go now I carry a bible with me and a dictionary of demons to study to figure out what I’m dealing with. I ended up in the nut house 2 weeks ago because of all this but I’m not crazy by any stretch of the imagination. What happened is real if you believe in demons you better believe in the lord cause what I’m experiencing is very real.
I see the number 4900 it is 4863 to be exact before I erased those files on my computer it was calm after I erased those files all hell broke loose what does it mean and signifies.
I want as many people as possible to help me. I have included my email.
Thanks for posting on my site Dave. Here is my two-cents — take it or leave it. Dark has a right to be here (as well as the light does) as we are in a polarity universe – that said we do not have to play with the dark. Demons also have a right to be here and again we do not have to play in their sandbox either. Meaning you are the one that is looking at and experiencing your co-creation through the lens of that vibration and you have every right to do so also but there are those of us that also honor that energy but to do feed it. The more you feed it – the more power you give it. I conversely choose to feed the love light and honor the rest. There is no right or wrong only cause and effect. We all make our choices. Negative fear is fuel remember. Plus as far as the Bible goes you may choose to look into the book The Bible Fraud to gain some expanded perspective there also….again if you choose.
Do you have a Telegram group, Suzanne. It’s time to talk more in depth. Please reach out at the email provided. Thanks.
No I do not – I only have my Membership Vibe Tribe is you want a support group via my site. You can check it out at
You might not believe this ,iam that all what you said ,I have been reading alot on this ,in regard of this topic,i thought at first I was the only one , I can to see them I can to ,it seems to move them with eyes or they go to , like right then a flash of light was at the side of my left I ,by my cheek, and I do see flash es of light there eyes ,and they came out of the out let ,and out side awhile ago, it seems like I was spinning. A face of fog in circles,i was kind of tent’s ,at that time ,and then I through my hands left and right,looking at the sky ,and flashes of light went left and right,there inside of me ,and I glow,can you see them with,your eyes close,i can still , I them I can,my skin glows reddish and white ,under,and my eyes light up ,I did not know that until I seen myself,in mirror,have you ever look at ceiling and a portal opened and I seen myself ,or it look like ,a type of human but ,like human shape,but not at that time my color,was brownish,. But iam white, I feel them too there warm and yess they can it at a few time’s sting ,and a crawling affect , and a few times a jolting effect, I seen fingernail s come out my nails ,in a certain emotional feeling,and fog ,or?can come out my hands and eyes,well my body,and I here a voice , saying get out , around me ,at times,i think I have to tell ,it’s happening wright now,and what iam saying is that there is a power full entity in side of me ,or me from me,?, they are attracted to ,? The voice just said go home,i do not know what that means,to remember I have herd that before,what iam saying is,i do not believe in innocent murder,my physical body does not,? And I do have a good spirits,you ever see them dancing ,and certain shape ,have you ever seen them cry a lighting tear,have you ever heard a sound drop on your home,or alike,and they come in,and can be heard,, there is something going on with me,what I have also learned is some of them human s in this world are evil out there,not me or probably not you ,iam a kind soul , after pain,and suffering,and love?..!….. 2294255268 my name is John William simons 130 Malcolm way Fitzgerald GA 31750, ,can you help me and send me information,
And I can’t say in detail what I smell,but I do know what it smells like , different smells. I think eather the energy can create it self to do so or your brain can be used ,?to convey a message,i see them at night ,and out side,can you see them inside of things,the back of my head a few times was I supposed touched ,and can the spirit move under you, can it communicate,when you close your eyes does it at a certain frequency feel like your moving,floating,and some time a kind of walk,?and at times feel something under me,iam not trying to discredit my self,i am not evil ,is this EVERONE,or a few,i too can see the fog , energy over heads,
As I already answered to your prior post – yes many folks are doing many of these things – that is why forums can help us not feel crazy in this odd time of energy!
Thanks for your post and please know that many of us are going through many difficult and different things right now and please know that you are not alone in this. Do you best to stay grounded and bubbled in your aura – stay focused on the loving energies verse the fear based ones. Find others to align with via videos and meditate….these are my personal suggestions on how to better navigate all this and please know you are not alone in this.
Sounds like the real owner of your body astral projected and you stole their body. They’re now trapped in the spirit world and you’re living their life which you recall as yours as you have all their memories stored in their brain. You probably woke up one day feeling like you didnt belong here or brief amnesia or just felt off and then you brushed it off. If you ever astral project again your silver cord will lead to them and they’ll get back in their body. This is all speculation btw. Just a theory.
I read your posting today ( Nov 25,2020) and a lot of things have been happening to me for the over a year and a half ago. I lot of it I feel touchings on my body , sometime pin pricks like needless. Sometimes it feels like I am being probed, like a full body exam. I have a lot of vibration particularly in the lower abdominal area. I am wondering if it could be succubus or incubus. Female and Male Sexual demons. The Bible says to test them. Ask them is they in believe Jesus the Christ and that he came physically into this world, word of God incarnated-born a babe of a Virgin. I try this and they ( the spirits) agree that he has and they are not evil. Then again that is NOT to say that all spirits a not evil because many are. Many spirits want to possess your body, others do not. Pray to God in Jesus’ name for protection from the evil(one) and his fallen angels, demons such as the aforementioned succubus and incubus. Ask God to surround you with his protection. (God in front of me, God in back of me, God on the sides of me, God around me). Seems to work for me and yet it still happens, I am thinking the they are Good spirits to help. Pray this at morning when you wake up and at evenings when you go to bed. Hope this helps you. I seems to have helped me…………………..This as I say started over a year and a half ago when I have a TRAMUTIC experience. Research ‘the wilderness experience’ and ‘the fractured soul’ , this information may help as many others have these experiences. There is a site on the internet called ‘’…
Your brother in Lord Jesus the Christ
I have dreams, I have waking dreams before I fall asleep . I see the dream forming before I’m asleep . I can be awake and be witness to it. I see the people that are in my dream , I see where I’m going before I’m even sleep. This is been going on for quite some time at least 20 years. One of the last ones that I had I had a bright purple light in the center of my four head that I could see. It parted like clouds , and I was looking down to water and trees and small houses. I was still awake. I opened my eyes and blinked ,and closed my eyes again and the vision was still there.
I wonder what , and where it was .
It was very strange.
Hey John my name is Britney Thomas I have family from Fitzgerald ga. Have you heard of Spikes Ashley spikes her mother is Jacqueline they call Jackie for short Rachel and Clinton
Every that you written is what is happening to me
OK so I’m not going to even attempt to try to put down everything that’s happened to me because quite frankly, there are more ppl that need to speak and I don’t think there’s enough room it would likely cut me off after so many characters 😅 but 3 yrs ago, I met someone, had an affair on my husband although we never lived married together he was sent back to Jamaica his homeland less than 30 days after we wed and our daughter only 5.months young. Since becoming involved with this other individual, I noticed I was isolating myself more and more and he had a control over me I cannot explain except to say I wanted to please him and did everything he asked of me… he blackmailed me and I use to fall asleep on the phone with him I began recording at night with another phone and could see he was obviously participating in ritualistic and occult like behavior. I saw what looks to be a demon but resembles myself pop out of his phone and into the room with me. In my sleepy stupor I Starr praying and saying the Our Father as it’s what I was taught growing up in a Christian home and this demon like thing is visibly angry and begins to huff and snarl and shake or tremble the more I pray…prat… she wants to hurt me because I am praying. Since then, I have gone back and watched several hundred hours of recorded footage and came to realize that my own husband and father to my 13 yr old daughter has been placing curses and using witchcraft (demonic projection) on our lives and when I called him on it he of course deny deny deny but I have the footage you can see what he is doing. I experienced the body aches and pains from seemingly nowhere and unexplained illnesses and was in hospital twice in 10 months both times almost died. I see orbs of light now quite often, outside at night if I look through my window as well as right in front of me…there is one that looks almost like a large kind of cartoonist head that seemingly spins and so incredibly fast I wouldn’t see it with the naked eye meaning to make out its features but upon slow playing and pausing the footage, can clearly see its eyes, nose and mouth and strange oblong white misty face/head. I feel it is an angel being of some kind trying to tell me something. I was also born 08/25/82 at 12:12am
I notice I see 1212 every day at 12:12am and pm and quite frequently in other places as well as 11:11
I wonder if this is normal as I am finding my way back to Jesus and have been struggling with addiction the last 10 years. As soon as my husband heard a conversation he didn’t like between myself and my little sister. (We thought he was off and disconnected from phone but he didn’t hang up) and he never told me he heard us until recently and he is showing a very negative and vulgar side I didn’t see before but after he heard us, that’s about the time all he’ll so to speak broke loose in mine and my girls lives… I became addicted to methamphetamine and called child services on myself because I was aware this wasn’t ok for my daughter and sought help…she was placed in care voluntarily for 5 months while I got my stuff together. But our.lives no matter how hard I try and smile thru the pain, it’s a constant struggle…any ideas on how to overcome this he is obviously actively working against us and doesn’t seem to give a damn that his own child is suffering because of his malicious and sick behavior. I have recorded footage if him and his boys he has 2 sons smearing what looks to be blood on their heads and upper torsos… I’m leaning on Almighty God and Jesus to carry us through but wondered if anyone has been through a Similar experience where they are certain someone is using evil against them?
Thanks for all these posts honestly down to the smells and itching and pain crawling sensation the heat …the bursting of light bulbs and electrical going haywire I hear and the veil is definitely thinning big time… also… my video feed shows something grabbing me and shaking me and you hear me cry out “Ooihh!” But I have no memory of it… I wonder if something extraterrestrial in nature or hybrid is at work here? Do I sound like a crazy lunatic or what? Sorry if I do
That is quite a lot! Here is my perspective take it or leave it – there IS evil in this reality and it actually has a right to be there because there is laws of duality – where there is love there is fear, where there is light there is dark, where there is good there is evil – it is the balance of the all. However we also have a right to not play or not engage in it or with it. It is all about personal choice, free will and boundaries. The more you fear the evil the more power you are giving it – we can choose to NOT be ignorant of evil – just learn to honor, maintain and command your own personal boundaries, beliefs and power.
I feel like I am about to go into a nervous breakdown. I’m sure this is also because I am going to be getting back some things today for school, so I am very nervous. However, I’ve always felt these heart palpitations for no given reason. I was always anxious. I get way more anxious around people. I have gotten incredibly irritated by everything. I frequently have these chronic pulsating headaches for no reason. I went to a chiropractor and he just said that it’s just my muscle tension, but then out of NOWHERE I woke up about a week ago and it just mysteriously disappeared. I always get fatigued during stormy or humid weathers and I could never explain WHY. I’d often get really sensitive with my eyes too. It’s like as if everything is put under a brightened filter. Even if I walk into a rather dark room, I FEEL the light. I cannot explain it exactly, but I feel weak and fatigued. There’s so much light around me and I get panicked and annoyed that no one else seems to understand what I’m going through. I don’t have any bad headache right now, but everything is so bright around me. I don’t see any kind of light or orb, but I did recently see random sparkles in the corner of my eye? Maybe it was just me tired…?
I’ve also always been waking up between 2:30-3:30am. ALMOST EVERY NIGHT. I’m feeling a bit panicked and I don’t really know what to do. I can’t just “relax”.
You seem to have a LOT of Ascension Symptoms and the best thing is knowledge – that can keep you from feeling like you are going nuts. 🙂 Additionally if you learn to better ground and bubble your energy that will also help a lot! Use my free meditation on my homepage at the bottom every day and train yourself to keep grounded with that – if you choose!!
im just wondering. i sometimes get a wierd feeling in my mouth, where it feels like something is moving/vibrating on my tongue, and the feeling is somewhat far down on it. do you have any idea what it might be, because i am kind of scared/afraid that it is something bad. that might be because i fear the unknown, but i don’t know. also, i have been having a lot of moodswings lately. one minute im happy, the next i am sad and empty, unable to be happy, and sometimes even not being able to smile. do you know what the cause might be?
Lots of folks are experiencing most of the same – mood swings are all about tapping into old beliefs and the collective fears that trigger them in my opinion. The throat chakra where our face, ears, nose mouth, etc., is taking a beating right now for most as well, so I think you sound very typical. I use a lot of toning to help move the energy FYI. That might help.
A contributing factor may also be that while this convo is about more spiritual concepts, You might also be an HSP (Google info about it) or slightly on the spectrum (I think we all are to a point, but it can sometimes make people overall more sensitive to touch or process stimuli differently). This isn’t to say the healing power of your choosing isn’t/can’t be just as effective, but since we are, after all, humans, maybe some “mainstream” or “normal” psychological elements that vary from person to person can still have effects on your sessions if that makes sense? I’m new at this so I’m not sure, but I have adult adhd (and while I know healing will benefit it long term), sometimes my adhd and racing thoughts make it harder to be as present and focused during my sessions… not to say I don’t still benefit, but I can tell that it gets in the way slightly?
Does anyone who actually knows what they’re talking about have any thoughts on this? Haha thanks everyone!
My personal take is to always be open to looking at all sides, western medicine is always complimented by spiritual energy work because the root of the issues always begins with an energetic imbalance. Plus I have trouble when humans receive “labels” because then they often surrender to that belief thinking they are broken, not enough or different. That in itself can affect the energy of the body and the human will indeed manifest the actual disease more easily. Just my perspective, take it or leave any of it.
This sounds like a diagnostic that Traditional Chinese Medicine could help with.
I can understand where you’re coming from. I have something similiar but it is on the haunting side. I have this demon that I’m convinced is attached to my back and it is putting me through Hell. I am having a very heightened sense for the devine convinced I was devinely favored but not so much. I hear voices that can predict my moves before I do, sounding like I am in a jungle with crickets noices all night just to keep me awake, energy that is super charging my body and I have a heart condition. And has so far burned up over 20K in recreational drugs. I have tried everything to get this demon to leave: wiccan tools, herbs, and prayer only to no avail. I feel that I must tell someone before it kills me. I was taking medicine for severe depression but this demon seems to amplify anything that hurts me and hinder anything that I like. It was a catalist in me throwing out my entire life and has taken every part of my body and destroyed it. I have nothing mind, body, and soul and as I write this, its still here watching me type. I don’t know what more to do or who to turn to without having me commmited. I know this seems a bit much but I’m tired of losing things and being in pain. Someone needs to hear this before the end and all I would be known for is being a junkie. I have faith but that’s moving too slow and I hear no responses when I’m begging for help. I’m tired of crying every night only to have this demon laugh. I have three college degrees and have been just tortured to where I’m unsure what’s real or not. It has taken everything and still wants more. I am just a shell of what I was but I’m afriad there will be no more. Evil people live it up and good people suffer. I was convinced I would be an angel when I go to Heaven and divinely favored but I’m not so sure anymore.
Lee – I am sad to hear your struggles and your pain. There is no judgment here – just the concept of energy. When we are using, we have no control over our field and therefore anything can come into our space, body, mind and spirit. You make the best target for that type of energy to feed off of. Yet we all have free will and choice. You get to choose how to live in the body you were given. If you want a different existence however, you might choose differently for your body, much less your distressed mind and soul. My best advice is to get help to get clean and only then are you able to hold your vibration at a level that these negative energies will not be able to attach – they will not be able to find you when you rise above it and that only happens when fear is released from the fields. Sending healing love and light your way.
Lee, to chase spirits and beings away. Call on Archangel Sandolphin..he can come as a big dark figure like the Grim Reaper. So first encounter makes you think you called the wrong being.but when I call, all the disembodied beings. Good, bad, and the ‘out of body ‘ travelers dropping by , they all clear the house immediately on his arrival. Sandolphin stayed all night, then disappeared with the dawn. The other disembodiedpeople may come back. But just call him again. He has come to guide them home and they dont want to leave yet.that is why they might return…such is free will, they have a choice to go or not.
I feel like something is on my back also. It can be my back, legs, arms, feet. It pushes indents on me, pokes, feels like scratches but nothing there, burning sensations typically on my wrists. Weird bruises. Heightened sensory. I was seeing things all day outta the corner of my eye pretty much all day to the point of really bothering me. I somehow caught energies or something on my camera. I saw a claw like hand on the bed next to me. That was on camera also. Most of this started when I was renting a room from a friend and just happened to roll over to grab my earbuds and watched my bedroom door open the entire way. It wasn’t airflow either. I got up and looked after processing what happened and the door across the hall was completely open also. I went downstairs to get my friend and curiosity got the best of us. Started taking pics and videos. I can’t believe what I caught on camera. Well fast forward and I’m not there anymore but feel as if something followed me. I’m now, and this is the honest truth, seeing UFOs everywhere. They play peek a boo with me from the other side of the clouds. I see them spin on their axis like they’re observing me from a distance. I’ve caught odd pics of those too. I swear I’ve seen shadow people and objects floating outside that only the camera pics up. I dont need to use the camera to see the UFOs though. I’m blown away by how many are just sitting out there. What is going on? I’m wanting to resolve this. Ughh. Please help. Thank you!
If I were you I would get a healing to make sure you took no attachments home with you and do more cutting of cords with the energies surrounding you. Cool on the UFO stuff tho – The starseeds have been helping our energy from off planet more and more and its great to get to see that!
This is actually making me feel a lil better to know I’m not the only person who has every symptom on the damn site. Flickering lights headaches sensitive to light feel dizzy like I can see shapes of electric energy when I shit my eyes I caint tell anyone cuz they just say go to physc witch will just lead yo committed , feel very lonely lack of energy then bursts of engey ears are stuffed bear like buzzing sounds notice every single light flicker feels like kemo theropy . I feel as if someone is using facial recognition on me and destroying my life, I’m trying my best to ignore it but it’s real , and I don’t know who or what to say , I have lost all my interest in my hobbies I feeelllike moving far away from my town would help, if anyone has any answers or ideas to help this suffering I M having it’s not suciicidal but it’s like. Everyday is a a battle against a weird source of energy that just stimulates my brain my ears get hot I use ice packs that melt in 2 min it’s nuts . ??????
Holy crap Lisa. I’ve been seeing UFOs in the sky too. Same thing you said playing peek a boo with you behind the clouds. As soon as they see me watching them they dodge behind a cloud. Thats what I’m seeing up in the sky at night. I live near two radio towers. In a little town where I live in the middle of nowhere compaired to the actual town. But the two towers are one less then 2000 feet the other less then 4000 feet. Let me say this the UFOs take a special interest in those radio towers. So much that you couldn’t believe what you were seeing but you were seeing it. I’ve seen a portal open up up there. One minute nothing the next minute a big flash and then you can see something float through the sky and crash on the hillside. I know exactly what you’re seeing. You’re not alone.
Such a great share – thank you!!!
Thank you for this comprehensive list. I am experiencing all of them then some for a year and a half now. Unfortunately in my case I was already dealing with negative spirit attachments when it began which made for a theroughly confused understanding of what was going on as it invaded that experience. In the past few months though other souls or angels have been communicating with me and guiding my understanding of what’s going on including energy work. When I place my hands on aches and pains there’s a reaction and what feels like little bits flying apart then lifting off of my body in little specs.
That sounds like great work, stay grounded and good luck
I fell into a sudden trance-like state out of no where and saw and felt a knife going into my leg and face… i’m mildly scared out of my right mind and I don’t know what to do.
trust your body and trust your breath is always a good plan and do everything possible to stay out of fear.
Fear limits us
YES! I, too, am experiencing the same EXACT things as William said on Dec. 6, 2019! I never have seen this site before & just happened upon it. In addition, I have the numbers “thing” too, come up AT LEAST once a day, though mine are different than those above, there are 3 numbers that consistently pop up in my daily life. So many of these things resonate with me – “home” and the sudden ability to actually “connect” with animals & nature in ways I couldn’t have imagined. People coming into my life as “guides” knowledgeable about something in nature or animals that I didn’t seek out! They just entered my life by a chance meeting! I’m so excited I found this! Until this very moment, for the last year, I’ve felt like I somehow fell into a void. Alone & isolated with nobody to really tell all of these things to because I had no idea the pain (physical & emotional – for no apparent reason, eyesight changes, etc) were in any way connected. No wonder I feel like I need to go “home.”
Thanks for sharing Kat and I am glad you now know you are NOT ALONE in any of this! Much love and belssings.
The same here, thanks for sharing
You are not alone, I can identify with all your experiences.
In a meditation I was shown to place my hand on my heart and repeat “there’s no place like home” 3 times… I usually astral travel to other worlds then.
Yes, this article & your reply nails it. I also, felt something controlling my mind on several occasions. It was definitely scary at first. The last incident, I realized that there is definitely a higher power that lies deep inside of us. It’s beyond words and I know that this power has the ability to heal us. We have to go through storms of the world in order to realize, that the earthly things ( man made) has no bearing on happiness. You will discover that unconditional love is the most powerful force of the world and sadly, most people will never experience what we have.
I have definitely been experiencing so many of these for the past year. I have been having a lot of muscle twitching, tingling, pins and needle pain, and more fatigue. This all started shortly after my first time visiting the chiropractor. So I was skeptical that it was something she did but maybe it is just ascension symptoms? Lately I’ve also experienced more dropping things and bumping into things. It’s kind of concerning and I feel a little bit out of control of it. I also experience stumbling over words and not being able to say what I want sometimes. I have been very much enjoying meditation practice for the past 4 years and it’s something I feel I have to do to really be calm and present in the day. I never knew how much it could change my body and brain energetically (in not the ways I really wanted) but everything is yin and yang. You can’t have the good without the bad. You can’t appreciate good times without struggle.
Great message thanks for sharing.
I feel like I am floating all the time. I see number sequences.
That sounds familiar. After work I get home around 7pm n it don’t matter what time I fall sleep. But I wakeup around 3am or 4am for at least 2 years now. Any one else’s?
yes and yes……I try my best to GET UP and re-frame things, maybe try to meditate and do stretches and then it seems easier to go back to sleep.
Going through my 2ed transformation8 years, feels a little more noticeable, I detox MPES, my number is 911, or thing ending in 11. Question. During my first awaking and detox I stopped drinking coffee…and have not since then. What your take on coffee a day subtle energy, vibration, and the affect it may have on energy healing. Thanks kaw kenchi
My take on anything is that is what resonates are truth for you. Meaning some folks will certainly believe that limiting of deleting coffee helps while others it does not make a difference. It is all about your personal intention and therefore you create your reality. That is why it is important to make sure your container BODY is clear to get you own personal truths aligned. Hope this makes sense.
I also see 44 everywhere it has driven me crazy a couple times, wonder what it means
I see these an simply Angel nudges to remember we are not alone!~
To be honest I don’t wanna be part of any of this is far too much to process and I hate that all of this happens to me I really really realllyyyyy wish it didn’t!!!!!!
I’m sorry to hear your fear but the ascension process and it’s symptoms are here and will continue to be so I suggest you learn and study more (if you choose) because knowledge is power and can help release fear.
I need help!!
This is happening to fast!! I can’t get rid of the flu symptoms and the massive headache. I’m completely off balance. My phone keeps freezing up. I cryed after I caught a mouse in the rat trap. Me and my wife split up for a few days and when she came back I was more in love with her than I’d ever be. I get so tired but I can’t fall asleep and with in an hour I feel like I drink 3 Red Bull. This morning I got off work and both the cars on side of me need jumps. That’s only half of it. All this has happened in the last three weeks!!
I’m going to tell you this I started to learning about the subconscious mind about 2 and a half years ago and how to reshape it. For there it lead me to the laws of the universe. Then it was spirituality Meditating and affirmations. Recently quantum physics. That’s when it started to happen!! What brought me here was I felt like I couldn’t stay in one state of mind or another. So I googled it. As I continue my search it lead me to how do you know If your a healer. I listen to the video last night and it describe me to the T.But didn’t change to another video and the next video was 5 stages of awakening. Now I’m scared as hell!! I just want to stop feeling sick. This is happening to fast!! I stop watching TV about a year ago and that was fine. I’m not ready to stop having fun with my family!! I know this is a lot.
I’m sorry!!
But this is my normal Journaling time.
You seem like you might have some answers.
O yeah 3 years go I could hardly read or write an know I feel like there’s not enough information in the world for me to learn. Just a little more about me. My mom died of cancer when I was 19. The last two years of her life I was her hospice. There was one occasion I gave her CPR and revived her back to life! I have never learned CPR training. When she died she was squeezing my hand and as her soul left her body. Her hand slowly loosened. Me and my wife took care of my father in law in has last years. Then my dad. When they pull the plug we sat up and I told him to smile and he sat up an gave us a big smile. But as he layed back on the pillow I felt his soul leave his body!!
After that is when I started my Journey!! After that we took my mother-in-law in our home after she was diagnose with brain cancer. She died in my house. I didn’t real get close to her because she refused treatment and I didn’t agree with her. Because my mom fought 7 years just to see graduate high school. Now unfortunately my wife’s stepdad is being released from the hospital and we’ll be here in a few days. It’s ok though I understand the process of life and death now. I’m just grateful to be able to send another loved one back to our creator. If his is up now!!
As I raised my dads vibration with a smile as he left his vessel!
I’ll give my father in law the same. That’s our whole purpose right, to increase our vibration back to the speed of our creator, so we can move on the same frequency as him, on the out rings of the universe! Because the out rings cycles are longer, and that will be a longer time we will experience him before he make it back to a new vessel to do it again! I don’t know if that even sounds right that’s the first time that crossed my mind!! Well thinks for letting me use your space to get something out of me that I couldn’t before!!
Because, everyone says I’m crazy 😂😂😂😂
Life is always cycling!!
From your thoughts!!
From your experience!!
And even our souls!!
Know your thoughts and get a positive reaction!!
Good bye ❤️
I think those experiences for you are very genuine and real and beautiful. I do a lot of death and dying work and I too ASSIST others in their journey – we don’t get to change it or do it for them just assist; and that is a gift. I hope more people read and learn about death so that they too can have better experiences.
Hey Wallace – all of my stuff also happened really fast and I too thought I was nuts and going crazy and many folks did not understand. I just want to share one really important thing — YOU ARE IN CHARGE of all of this – it is YOU that gets to slow down the process with your intention. Universe and this expanding energy is on a fast track and will continue to do so but YOU can ask for assistance from your Guides and Self to SLOW DOWN so that you do not work in so much fear. Take breaks because it will always be there. Be a family person just as much as a spiritual one as they are not two differet people but they DO have two different perspectives sometimes. Remember we did sign on for an EARTH experience in a MEAT body that is HUMAN. Be in charge of that and take care of that first.
I don’t know in what words to explain you but you get where I am right now. Tell me what to do . What did you do.
Not pushing products or services here but I created my online Community to tell you exactly that; what to do – check it out here if you like: If that does not ring your bell – there is alot of FREE stuff on my site also and if that still is not what you want/need I suggest you study. You learn. You practice how to ground and protect. You stay present. You release all fear programming and replace it with love.
Look up spiritual grounding. And try it. There are different ways choose one that feels comfortable to you. It may help you
I had the worst headaches a flue like symptoms, I couldn’t touch my toes or turn my head up or side to side without feeling immense pain and pressure, I was upset all the time, my body was aching I had strong tight throbbing pains in my temples, eyes forehead and my neck back spine was sore, I go on for a wild with more symptoms but what I did was a fast, should do some research if you are interested wasn’t easy and I completed 7 days my headaches left when I broke my fast! Also I wish I knew this was at the time, but you should ask your higher self to assist you in releasing some of the pain resulting in you feeling better minutes after .. And this is something I think of doing when you go to sleep think about everything you are thankful for.. What makes you happy and dream of your body healing as you sleep ☺ when you are feeling the pain try to focus on knowing it’s all apart of your awakening & it’s a good thing it’s your crown chakra receiving the divine light…. Note: this is just my understanding of this all, what I say works for me now and may not wirk for others.. Hehe remember we r all different ✨ hope your okay, I don’t see a date so not sure if this is old or yeh ah
You just described my exactly life!!!!!
So hard :((((((
Get’s easier; then harder; then easier; then harder….LOL!
All of these apply to me I am only 19 this has been happening all my life doctors can’t find one thing wrong with me and I am always scared I see shadows and sparkles and somtines it almost feels like I’ve blacked out and I always wake up to lights flickering. I’m always seeing the weirdest of things and I’m afraid I’m crazy and doctors are always saying I’m fine other then the wired rashes and allergic reactions that happen for no response and I have these migraine that don’t go away no matter how many pills and and my anxiety is on and off and I get these feeling in my house where I’m jest so scared and I’m running out the door because I’m scared it has gotten so bad that I can’t be in a room alone also have these weird things happen where I could jest be sitting eating and then I feel the room is spinning and I start to scream and I’ll fall over and the nosies the strang nosies and doors opening and closing on there own and I’ve had a couple strang things happen when I hear a nosies look over and see something like a bowl in the air and it jest drops I’m so scared I want it to stop but I feel like I’m crazy but I’m so afraid
I am so sorry you do not have a TRIBE or a support system that can tell you that you are NOT crazy and that this stuff does NOT have to be so fear filled. Each generation is coming in with more activated skills and therefore are much more sensitive and aware and connected to all of this stuff. But you DO need to find a way (if you choose) to get out of fear and learn that this IS somewhat NORMAL per se…..or you will always feel scared. Self learn if you do not have a tribe. This is such a great world to navigate if you choose to!
Oh my god I can understand you completely I never write on these things but I could really connect with you.
We must be doing something right 🙂
Everyone has the basic human instincts, it’s like you can call anyone up on the telephone but through your mind
Does that make sense or do I sound crazy too. Ha ha ha
telepathy is a birthright – just work with it wisely
Everyone is so negative? Fear is not of God or love. Why and how can you be afraid. My experience was the most enlightening and the most peace I have ever had. I am a born healer and Seer. I also believe strongly in the ALmighty God and the Universe, all nature, all animals, vivid dreaming. If you are always afraid and “freaking” out then, You need to pray. You’re not ready. But… Your awakening will come. It is the time. For all. TO transform.
I don’t think anyone really has the right to tell another that they are not ready beause Ascension is a individual personal experience and possibly this person has to encoutnner the fear to work with it and through it. You choose to see your Source as the Almightly Good in the way you choose and again, each of us gets to find our own path. There is no ONE right.
You are an expression of a Process that sees all of Creation grow through change/evolving. You are an emotional being who has been charged with this experience and yet you have no control. When you have learned this you will see that all of your pain has been the result of fear of the unknown, only the change you are will no longer be unknown so you will be able to relax and not only continue to love and enjoy your life, but do so from a position of understanding, a maturity for having had the experience. You’re right where you have to be learning, changing, and setting the stage for a global support network of awakening and ascending from fear frequency into the confidence of knowing frequency. Thank Source.🙏
My only input to your response here is the line that says “You are an emotiona being who has been charged with this experience and yet you have no congrol.” and I totally disagree as we DO have full congrol from our HIGHER source – our higher self. We are always in control in our co-creation.
Sorry should have said spiritual awakening… my body is extremely itchy but this only happens in the evenings
I see all the numbers. Sparcles light blue and white flashes in my original vision. Brain movements on the side of my scull. Emotional rollercoasters . waking up between 2@ 4. Pin pricks and something calling on me. Stonge sexual urges. People and animals really love me or really hate me no reason.
Ya I noticed some of the symptoms on this website that I have my eyes are always changing like my eyes got really sensitive to bright lights and I felt like puking and not being able to sleep for days and crying because I can’t sleep my time already moves very slow which makes everything worse and now my vision is blurry when I focus on reading and when I’m not focused on it it’s fine but it’s hard not to get focused when reading I’m getting really focused my vision looks yellow on my phone when it should look white since it’s a white screen and my school papers look blue yellow and I’ve been getting really mad lately and subconsciously doing stuff that I don’t know what I’m doing and I wonder why did I just try to throw away my hoodie and when I know when I’m subconsciously thinking and then things pop up in my head and I’m able to do better at school only if I don’t have to look at the paper subconsciously I just know the answer so I say it and class continues sharp pains in my body constant itching I’m always itchy low on energy teachers are not helping me that much they just tell me to just try the best I can to read and to go see the eye doctor And I tell them I’m evolutionizing and they don’t believe me burning sensations on my body lack of wanting to eat food just isn’t that good anymore but some of the time I just want to eat and I get enjoyment out of eating but most of the time I just don’t want to eat I don’t think I’m gonna eat dinner tonight it is 1:19 in the morning and I gotta deal with people making me mad and teachers not helping me and getting sent out of the hallway for having loogies and having to get them out of my throat oh and I clear my throat constantly it has always been like that but I get sent out into the hallway cause the teacher cant stand me so ya and I got detention on Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 cause I accidentally lost my balance and fell back on my friend and bumped him and the teacher said that we were putting our hands on each other but we were not and if we were then how come the teacher didn’t call for more assistance for putting hands on each other or get up and try to break it up like seriously nobody knows what I am going threw and people look at me and act like they believe me but I know they are lying that they believe me about my changed in vision is Evolution
When I get anxiety, I start compulsively reading quantum physics and somehow I understand all of the equations. As if there’s an answer in there somewhere. I didn’t realize someone else did this, too. I’m especially fixated on special relativity and frequencies. What’s that about?
everything in life IS frequency and energy – I suggest continue to study and allow your guidance to learn you in the right direction.
Your awakening is almost identical to mine the only difference is I’m really enjoying mine apart from the flu like symptoms and headaches but they only last 24 hours for me. Meditation helps me a lot.
Thanks for sharing
Hi I’m Jen I have days like you everyday. .. My husband thinks I’m loosing it but he can’t explain everything that goes wrong .. Blinking lights when I’m around,
burnt light bulbs dead cell phone car battery remote control etc.
Yepper…..been there, done that!
After looking up what quantum physics was I started to get accession symptoms like a few days after or a week.
Many of us realize it after we connect to the info that it IS happening.
I know this a comment form a while back and im pretty sure its wierd as fuck for somebody to reply to your comment right now…but i can so relate to your story…my journey started after i broke up with my gf which was like 3 to 4 yrs ago…and after that break up i had got this feeling like i was becoming different in a wierd way ..its wasnt a bad wierd but more like a good yet shit was about to get real shake up reality type of way…i stopped watching tv and that was no problem i jus thought nothing of it as i was able to focus more on my music at the time…but then as the days passed i was getting all kinds of out of the norm first my body would vibrate at nite while im laying in bed..then when even i would walk around the house or any where it was like i was floating like my body jus wanted to glide and it even got to the point to where anything that i would be holdin in my hand(s) it was as if the object was tryin to float away…i started seeing static energy in the shape of human form and even started to hear certain sounds in a really wierd way…nd that lead me to watching videos on YT about the sub conscious mind nd that lead to LOA and How we are all one with God and the power of the Holy Sprit and quamtum world and manifestation and subliminals and affrimations and jus anything dealing with creating your own reality…and trust and believe it didnt stop there…sorry if this post is all over the place and sorry if my spelling is a little bit off its jus when i read your comment i was able to relate so much because its been so many days when i felt like i was going crazy or jus the only on to be going thru this i have proof that im not the only one and the reason why i say that is because i head other people talk about the experience and it seem like it was a bliss and wonderful for them in the beginning and as for me im jus like in the beginning of my awake journey it was weird and fucked up and somewhat painful…but i can say it has gotten better in ways for me but i still get a lil thrown off when certain things happen like crazy concidences happen that i never thought could happen and still get a chill from the sync of numbers like for a month straight every time i looked at the clock i saw repeating number from the day to night even seeing 123 and 1234 as well nd even the countdown order such as 321…but i jus wanted to say thank for writing that comment cuz in a way it gave me peace of mind nd i wanna thank u for that nd also wanna say that u are not alone…once again sorry if this reply is all over the place nd for it being so long nd once again i know it really crazy for someone to reply to this comment jus now since u worte this a while back…but thank again for writing and nd by the way ur comment was the only i read…and i usually dont read comment like that…
thanks so much for posting – better late than never!!
I’d love to hear how you’re doing now… it’s been a year from your post. All I would have suggested back then would be spending long periods of time in nature to connect with the source and get to listen to your inner self without fear. Hope you figured it out and that you’re living a wonderful more conscious life nowadays
There was a time where I could move the screen by simply with a wave of my finger without any physical contact of the screen.I thought I was gone crazy.All I can say this process of the journey have it’s moments.the symptoms comes and goes back and forth.oh boy does the lists goes on:dirhea periods,massive headaches, constipated, dizziness,temporal (sides of my head)vibrating hard,blood dirhea,body shaking,sensation in the middle of the head,feeling disoriented,waking up 2-3 times in a row at night for no apparent reason,weird dreams,want to go home but doesn’t know where ECT.Namaste🙏
Do yourself a favour admit existence of your consciousness and it’s potential.
Try meditation as its calms mind and allows to control mind.
Bless you
Thanks for sharing
Hi my name is kaw kenchi. I would like to share my opinion. Right now you are warring within the 4 pillars mentL, Physical, Emotionally and Spiritually. It is unbalanced per your comments.. in order to calm and bring thing in a somewhat order or began the change easy.1.understand how to ground yourself.2. Breathe. Stop running and dodging and try to listen to your whole being.
I’ve hsd so many bad things happen to in past few years. I man came into my life suddenly after a break up I had. Claimed to be a psychic healer. He said I needed to get broke of my depression and not take my medication anymore. He knew stuff about me that he only could have found out from the gym I went to bc I found out after my hospital stay that he knew owner of gym, which also was a friend of mine on Facebook. He knew about a tattoo I had of my dad and that I was going away on a trip overseas. He knew about me getting raped and molesred. A few months after meeting him things started to go bad. Voices bad energy in home. 2 of my cats died unexplainably. I thought I could trust him. He then tells me my house was haunted and about voodoo, like he had this doll worth a lot of money. I feel like he had a demon in him telling him all about me and he pushed his demon in me, he wanted a lot of money from me for an exorcism said it would cost 2,000,000. He said he could help me find dr bc I wanted s baby through serogacy and that would be 200,000. I ended up giving him 7000 to put crucifixes up in each of my bedrooms and bathrooms in house. I heard the voices in my head, got the feeling of someone strangling me smoke in my lungs and smoke up my nose. Got the feeling of being lifted in hospital but I ran to a chair and held on. That happened a bunch and also happened at my friends wake but held onto chair. I thought it was my friend contacting me through the dead. That man also claimed he knew my father in previous life and that I was a whore too and I laughed. I also felt like I git brain raped in the hospital like something was moving fast around my head taking all my visions and dreams and thoughts away. My heart git pinched a few times and that Hurt and went to hospital and they said everything was Normal. I also feel like the bubbles in my head her popped and I had a vision of it in my head. I also feel that a button was pushed in my brain to shut off my sleep and I didn’t sleep for days and went crazy and tried to strangle myself and that didn’t work but then my heart felt like it was getting squeezed for hours abd was hen my heart just stopped beating. I’ve had weird eyes before too I can’t explain it. Was diagnosed with schizophrenia back in February 2015 but meds don’t work. After my heart got squeezed I didn’t sleep fir like 2 months. Prior to that I had trouble sleeping with all these visions and such in my head making me to believe this guy I had lots of feelings fir loved me. Yeah thought it was him trying to save me from bad things. Also I felt like entities going into and out of my body. I feel as I’m writing this text you it’s not only me typing. I also had blood coming out of my nose for months every time I blew my nose. I feel like parts of my back and stomach go away a lot at times. The voices also don’t want me to spend time with friends and whatever else, not to eat, I’ve peed on myself not being able to hold my bladder. One of my dogs also got sick from bad energy in home or maybe something was in her too. I’ve had facial changes too. My dog and I have also thrown up black. I feel like I was the chosen one after reading so much on this past week like someone wanted to hurt me badly. I feel like I’m gonna live forever and never age and become homeless. Also the voices kept telling me that I needed to move to Alaska and be alone where some places have no taxes so I bought a bunch of stuff and we’ll that didn’t happen. I’ve been in and out of hospitals since November 2014, I’ve also had black out where no one could wake me up fir days. Like I was just a body breathing. Went into hospital 2x for that the other times I was at home or at my moms house in Florida and she just thought I was tired from the drive. A man named Raymond Scott sorcerer I reached out to this week said I had Demons in me and he said he git rid of them but I still feel the same. I knew something super natural was done to me but it couldn’t be explained, I have someone who used to be witch craft coming here today. Another person I reached out to said my house needs to be cleansed. I don’t know what to do anymore. I also have a rash on areas of my body. I feel like this life will never end but if I try to kill myself it won’t work. I want to die but I can’t. Help me if you can or get someone who can help me.
Seems to me you need to learn how to protect your field, command your power back and create and honor clear boundaries. YOu are fully workign in fear and that will attact only more fear. We ALL have free will and when we give that to others things begin to unravel. My suggestion is to find a REPUTABLE healer in your area and get some help. Hope you find you way.
Ok darlin first of all just breathe deep for now. Yogic style from your lower diaphram.
Spend time in nature to meditate bare feet on grass.
Take your medicine too. Avoid alcohol and do the grounding energy work. Too much time around things like power lines, electronic devices etc can also effect sensitive people.
Ok and please see a counselor about your trauma. When sensitive people are ungrounded sometimes trauma can be leaked through as fear based entities.
The demonic forces have been dealt with they do not hold spiritual power over anyone.
It is your mind that is concerned. Your unconcious mind is asking you to heal from fear.
Now a few years ago yes there were some sorcerers who were taken by entities but that is no more.
It is now the realm of emotions and perceptions.
So you can play with your mind no need for a sorcerer to do it. A healer yes but you can cleanse your own environment.
Nice green pot plants in your home. A fish tank. Good meditative habits. Diet. Exercise. Clean air and sunlight. Plus the usual things like white sage, eucalyptus oil etc.
You have been through a lot. Be proud you have come through the other side.
When you do master this…and you takes time so be patient with yourself….you will be a force for good to be reckoned with.
And you see that ball of light under your ribs? It spreads in your entire being and gets stronger every day.
thanks for sharing your thoughts and your perspectives
Hello, my name is Bambi =)
I was on here reading the comments, and came across yours. I want you to know that I believe your story, and that I’ve prayed for you. I hope that you’ve found the healing and comfort you need. Out of curiosity, have you contacted your Spirit Guide. He/she should be able to help guide you to in getting protection or (hopefully) help rid you of what is possessing you. My guide, is actually my eternal husband, who reincarnated just to be my guide. I happen to be psychic, and he protects me on a daily basis from nasty things like what are bothering you. My hubby’s advice is to call out loud for your guide, ask them to show themselves and that you are in dire need of their protection. This should work, if not, then honestly (but hopefully not) it could very well be your guide playing tricks on you… but it sounds too malevolent to be a guide, they do however play tricks, so be clear when you call out to them that you NEED their HELP and to not play any trickery! Your guide can shield you from harm, summon other spirits to help you fend off what’s attacking you, and guide you on how to further protect you. If you don’t receive guidance after calling out to them, try meditating with the intention of making contact with your guide. My hubby came to me when I needed him, and I feel an overwhelming love and protection (when he’s not being a brat) and I feel very safe when I’m around dark spirits and ghosts. Good luck from both of us, and we’ll be sure to keep you in our prayers.
Bambi & Bucky
It sounds like this guy was into some bad stuff… witchcraft or voodoo. It opens the door for all kinds of spooky energy to come through. Think of the scary stuff as an energetic message. It’s telling you to pay attention because there’s a lot of negative energy around you. The spooky stuff is your invitation to go farther into the light. Root yourself in light, ask your angels, the divine, light & love, whatever you believe in to come into you. Visualize light entering you over and over until you start feeling peaceful, even if it takes an hour. Do this as many times a day or night as you need. Over time the light will push this stuff out and away from you. If you can find some trusted elders, a shaman or even a priest to help you get on top of this than do so. You shouldn’t need to pay tons of money either. The healers you can trust typically don’t charge a pile of money. (Actually John of God from Brazil comes to mind. He’ll do a distance session for a donation.) I’ve been through this and it’s the most bizarre experience. I remember when people kept telling me the light is stronger than darkness… but it was like dumping a pail of water on a raging fire. The goal is to bring in enough light to neutralize the negative energy. It’s going to take work and commitment but you can do this. If it weren’t possible, this challenge wouldn’t have come to you. Many, many blessings.
I experience majority of all does symptoms myself, it all started after i helped one of my family member with panic attacks ,she was cured the mext day idk what i absorbed but after that day i felt fear beyond what i could have ever thought possible one way i got rid of it was listening to that positive whispering voice telling me this needs to happen it will leave eventually idk if it was a an energy or a subcouncious fear i ignore for years but i faced it and said fuck it ill embrace it even if it feels horrible. And realize that your physica body has its own mind made for survival you cant mistake it for your own the less you Take serious the more silent it gets also look for something that maybe you did before everything happen is there an addiction i need to adress and fast too that help so much.
When one learns to work without ego – they do not choose to take anothers pain, sickness or disease. Taking is conditional. Be very careful and learn boundaries (if you choose!)
You sound like me lol it’s angels sweetheart. Pm me I’m going nuts also I have having on this list. They will even put up rainbows and heart clouds
It’s God. JESUS and the Holy Spirit. Divine healing. I went through this whole thing and was hit by the right hand of the lord. Once you Open up in faith you’ll get it. It’s in the bible.. and read it as if you are a child. God wants you to experience him. Anointings are real. iv’e felt the power of the lord and received him in my heart. I pray that you find Jesus or someone to guide you. In Jesus name. Bless them lord and show them the light. Thank you Jesus.
The Lord Jesus will block any psychic just ask him and cast out any devil… go find Jesus.
JESUS is YOUR personal package (and for you that seems to be working) – but please remember on this Blog that there are many other packages of help and assistance on how we see, interact and align to SOURCE energy. Telling someone that they have to find one particular package is limiting and personally I do not think we have the right to tell another how to do anything…. We are designed as a FREE WILL being and we get to choose our package of Source.
Oh my I have to say a sense of self. Is the first thing that comes to mind. I’m just everything and yet not. I’m empathetic and intuitively ok. But I’m definitely spiritual broken. I wasn’t expecting this to be an awakening. I thought it was more heart breaking loss. I can’t ever remember ever truly being loved by my family. It was always negative energy from birth. I have a sister that I asked to never contact me again unless she could tell me one thing she has ever done or said nice to me. That sounds obsurd but it the truth. I haven’t spoke to her in months. I honestly feel a since of relief. My heart has ached and my soul has weeped. I seem to even draw bottom feeders. It’s crazy. But true. I’m hurt but not broken. I have always known love is the key to life. I’m so blessed with an outstanding daughter and a terrific husband. Thank God. I’m writing this with a sparkle in my eyes because the light at the end of the tunnel draws near. I’m truly delighted and blessed. Debbie
I believe first you have to find a way to let go of that fear. Negative energy survives off your fear, thats how it eats. Find a way to become fearless! What do you believe in? God, Angels, what because you nd to ask them to help protect you until you become strong enough on your own. Dont worry there is a end to this but its your choice if it is good or bad.
Dark things like to attach to light it sounds as if someone done bad to you sound as if what entitey was with him attach to you and even when you get rid of it there may be a resend that remains take sage and sage your house clock wise every room anything he gave you get rid of it as it can be cursed. As for black outs I use to have them because use have dark entitys in me as well as light sure there still there also have higher self and ancient things in me at times I feel as I have no control as if something ancient take over but not in bad way as it give advice word of wisdom and try help out the others stuff there to protect me take Salt and lime your house with it after doing sage out a crystal in salt water on wendow seal to bathe in moon and sunlight then pull out set where you feel darkness then again repete crystals obsorbe energy. I too live in Florida so funny that you were not state away from me at one time oh and light lot white candles and Invision it shooting Ray white light to protect you pray to what ever you pray to to bless the candle with protection. And watch your emotions they can become gateways. Once I got depress it felt like this title wave of black energy wash over everything then next i knew had lot dark entitys. Then at 1 point try get rid of it using white candles and my individual power that was when I did it at same time white light beam from Earth to sky which I found out later through Facebook and ex showing me which was strange was at same time. But do those things that should help my name is Nickolas Dimitri Santiago if you ever need someone to talk to you can find me on Facebook hope things get better for you. I’m sorry someone abused your trust and done wrong by you and I hope things get better for you blessings be on you. Words are vibration vibration is energy what you speak come into existence so speak blessings on self and others never curse.
That is a lot of techniques you are offering here which is fine as it seems to be your truth – however there is anotehr way that is much easier and taht is all about INTENTION. Intent is 99.9% if not 110% of everything we do as it is about sendignout the thought pattern that then creates the reality. The reason why all these technniques work for you is because you choose to believe in them – that said that is cool if it is your truth but I want Danielle to know that technique is not necessarily the answer as much as the INTENT behind it. Choose to work in love verses fear. Study the Law of Attraction because what you really want you get – what you really don’t want you get…..
Wow I feel the same way as she does:(. I literally have EVERY sign of this. My lights are even flickering. Please help I hate feeling anxious.….. I’ve always had crazy intuition of things to come
I would contintue to ground and bubble as that really helps to stay focused, protected, grounded and gives you the skill to discern. I have a free meditation on the homepage of my site for this if interested. Do it daily, and before bed too if you choose!
I feel the same way.
Hello Suzanne, I’ve been in the process of bettering myself for some time now, also glad to see that there are lots of people like me ready to make the world a better place.
I wanted to ask you regarding the visual phenomena, I see the visual snow and squiggles, sparks in my peripheral vision. On a couple of occasions I had a bright white-blue light appear in front of my eyes and know this is a process of me learning how to heal others.
But back to my question, I noticed my eyes are starting to change, the’ve been multicolored since birth but now they seem a whole lot different, almost like the’re lit up. Also when I look directly at a loght source they change completely, the hazel-gold around my iris takes over, enveloping the green parts, kinda scary and unnatural looking. So I am curious as to what this means, which brings me here. Another thing worth mentioning is that I am one of those people who has the positive and negative aspect of the universe within me.
Oh my Marcin – the amazing thing about this post is its timing and subject matter….because just two days ago I TOO was in amazement of my own eyes in terms of the changes. My color has always been complete deep dark brouwn and they are all crazy now – completely different inside and aroudn the iris and they continue to change each year more and more. I know it is due to the light I am holding within and I am not too concerned but super amazed. In my opinion the snow and squiggles also is “normal” for me in terms of learnign the different planes of existence – and I personally try to work with those and study them and they too change. Reason they are peripheral is our ego is out of the way – so I sometimes do purposeful meditation to connect head on with them to study it further.
Wow, I just searched out this site bc my eyes also look different from normal (difficult to describe – brighter? Lighter? Warmer?) I just noticed the other day..the timing with 2 others is almost spooky! My awakening has just sped up as well, so I appreciate the reminder above that I am IN CHARGE of this and can ask for assistance to slow down a bit! (I feel like im on rollerskates going downhill!) Love and Light!
I was told by a seer to took at the visual snow and imagine that its inside me too, and if I see the astral light then to imagine its inside my heart. Can I ask you Suzanne about some other meditation techinques regarding this?
I don’t have a ton of actual techniques for my personal meditation — I often simply allow my guides to show me things like this snow and all the lights, etc. I ask for information from them on what I am getting and some times I get it and often times I don’t so I just relax into it and feel. I try not to make it all a real big deal….just my take 🙂
Mone did the same. Almost reptilian
lots of us and these energies feel reptilian but do not need to be scary
Hey!! After my awakening… I see orbs sparkles lines I saw a huge purple one flash in front of my eyes. I see what looks like heat waves kinda outside in the air. I see clear dots everywhere outside too. I also have visions and see colors when I close my eyes. I see auras now. I had so many experiences happen quickly it was a lot. I thought I was crazy. But knew I wasn’t. I see lines like tally marks too.. I see these things every day now. It’s been wild.. I saw part of my dream on the wall one night too!
thanks for sharing!
ExactLee….F.E.A.R= FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL….Awesome Article & Knowledge TruLee is My Saving Grace Therapy👼👼👼👼
wooowwww. nearly all of these happen to me
I too was very scared, (still am). But with reading up on everything and learning more about what I’m experiencing, does, most definitely take the fear and the edge off. However, I’m still in a daze. At times I feel like I have a perfectly clear understanding of it all, and then I stopped reading for just a little bit, and I’m lost all over again. I’ve been experiencing sleep paralysis, I don’t know if the being is good or bad, but it hit me up side the back of my head with an open hand once, than twice, then three times. By then I was ready to fight somebody or something. I prayed for a long period of time. I would not come out of my room til I felt safe and the wierd energy was gone. It’s happened since my 40th birthday on June 22 of this year. Although I knew I was never an “ordinary” person, I Never would have thought I could possess all these senses. It feels almost like powers. I have literally just opened my eyes to this awakening, I still don’t believe I’ve even managed to blink yet. So I don’t know much but I KNOW that whatever I’m feeling is real, I’ve felt sick lately, gas issues to where I feel like I’m in labor, and I can’t focus on anything. I lost my hair,(which will grow back). But I must say I’m distraught. I would never believe all this had it not happened to me. I can hear voices, see things, lights, & shadows. I was thinking I was literally going to have to be committed to a Krazy house. My doctor diagnosed me with bi polar and schitzophrenia. Tried to turn me into a zombue with lithium. All I ever heard all my life was that I was Krazy. Since 3 yrs old. It’s been a long, hard, challenging journey. But I can honestly say I’ve made it!!! I have literally found my purpose in life, which I truly never thought would ever happen. I was pulled into the nonsense thru guides. Something or someone was telling guiding me to each step of knowledge. My experience was a lil scary because I felt like I was torn between 2 choices, Illuminati and God. I was so confused, and going thru so much I felt like I wanted the easy way out. Money to start, then entering a “brotherhood” where you will always be taken care of and then some. That’s when the signs came harder than ever. The presence of angels and spirits would NOT leave me alone, and then I started reading and EVERY SINGLE WORD MADE SENSE TO ME. My daughter said how?? It sounds like gibberish to her and she’s 16. 🤷 I said I didn’t want it either, but now that you recognize it, I fo believe it will never go anywhere. It just puts you right back and the start line. So good luck in your journey, everyone’s situation and awakening is different. I wish u the best❤️👼❤️
thanks for sharing your story and journey – wishing you the best
Hi Suzzane,wanted to share my experience that I had last night ,I felt that some two to three people were sitting on me ,I just couldn’t move my body and I heard my door knocking 3 times as I tried to speak I just couldn’t speak.I got numbness.As I started chanting then the symptoms reduced.
Please guide and help me
Gratitude to you
Lots of times when we are half in and half out of body in dream state or in meditative state it can feel this way – I suggest always to breathe deeply and ground and protect yourself when this happens – extend the bubble of protection throughout your space and command that which is only for you HIGHEST and BEST GOOD is allowed to stay – nothing else.
It’s called sleep paralysis. Do a Google search and you’ll learn more about it.
I’ve been there. Identical scenario several times.
It initially was very scary but one night I looked at my bedroom door as the shadows on the walls came together to form those familiar dark featureless beings but this time I lovingly said to myself “it’s okay, come in and be at peace with me” or something very similar.
Boom, fear dissolved and i drifted off to sleep as the figures came close and soften as if that statement disarmed them and myself….it hasn’t happened since. Maybe it will return but that’s okay too.
I’m no sage but 9 months ago I was as atheist as they come, money driven, win at any cost…you get the idea. Then in a flash I was shown a glimps of what, I’m not sure. But it blasted my world apart, I experienced a full kundalini awakening followed by weeks of indescribable bliss while I watched the world around me radiating light from everything living, everything.
It’s a wild ride and I feel it’s just begun. Everything is love and light. Be curious, be yourself and I know you will find the answers you so desperately seek.
Much love and thank you.
Hello Susan I am very glad I found your article because 3 times now I have woken up in a trance like state 3 am feeling numbness all over my body, when I tried moving my arms it felt like I was swimming and I heard that loud noise inside my ears and the louder it got the better the experience was. I woke up feeling like a breeze blew all over my body.
Last time it was accompanied by a very realistic yet disturbing and frightening dream and I consciously snapped out of the trance to check if my doors were locked lol.
I am an athlete and a professional, never was the mumbo jumbo guy, these experiences were as real as the air I am breathing.
Another circumstance I felt ecstatic was when I was listening at some very powerful instrumental music in my room – That was also a moment I unintentionally got into a trance and I’ve been doing it sometimes ever since but these “dreams” are something else.
A light bulb was turned on once during a “dream” and the day afterwards I tried convincing myself I had turned it on by mistake earlier although I was sure I had not lol.
What would your opinion on these be ??
It sounds like you go out of body super easy and are indeed probably experiencing alternate realities and also dream state at the same time. Mostly when we are not fully BACK IN our body is when the freeze of numb happens. Do your best to COMMAND yourself fully back in. Also do better at grounding and bubbling your body if you choose – that seems to help!
I understand fear related to this, if I knew who this what’s going to happen to me three years ago, I would have called myself crazy. It’s funny people speak and no matter what they say should it not be true for some reason I have been able to detect that. I am in process that has seen countless undiagnosable medical issues my entire life. The answer to those issues found me three years ago. The ability to speak is the ability the humans share in many languages what I’ve learned over the last three years is that we all speak one language an energy signature. With that energy signature it is allowed me to for timelines and as energy flows endlessly and timelessly throughout the Universe if you can see an energy signature within a person after a very short time you can see there truth in the past and have some knowledge towards their future that they may even not be aware of. The powerful vibrations that run through my body and have my entire life I now realize are spirits. I’ve been left asking questions, at times even recording those questions, so as to hear my thoughts as when speaking from my heart and not my mind I do not recall everything I say. This has proved to record predictions that have now come to fruition. My question now is how does a psychic know their psychic? Because I didn’t believe in any of this and it all found me as I am to understand it inside us all, my openness and willingness to look into something so unexplainable has taken control of my life but only in a positive way. This experience has brought me to the brink of utter despair and without the love of my family and friends that have always stuck beside me I may have fallen victim to so many that couldn’t understand this. Is there anybody that can answer my question?
My belief is that we are ALL psychic as it is our “Brithright” to be so. Our chakra system and suric body is designed to be that. Now that said — yes we can all SING but maybe at very different levels and there are some that use that skill and hone it and present it and work it…and others just do it in the shower…if you get the drift. I think it is great you have found yours and are honing it!
After a very long time of thinking I feel I understand I really do like the idea of all of this and this all still happens to me in fact I read over everything again and pretty much all of these things happen to me. This all intrigues me very much I’d love to learn more about all of this I’m not sure what this all means but I would like to know so..yeah 🙂
❤LOVE and LAUGHTER ⭕ are more CONTAGIOUS then COOTIES 🌟💫✨💓 I loved your advice 😊💯
Thank you so much. This was so profound and helpful. Especially, the wanting to go back home part. Thank you.
I need to talk to someone
But I don’t want to talk on line
You can either email me or depending on what you are addressing you can also book a session – all of that is on my site and available.
I feel through the comments many are far behind on the spiritual awakening. I’m getting assisted by angels. I’m seeing all the symptoms, I’ve went through countless number ratios and meanings. I usually look up my numbers in but I also have enlarged tastebuds. Fever. Flu symptoms. Noises. Channeling music. Illumination. And everyone thinks I’m nuts! But I know the truth and them sleepy heads aren’t waking up any time soon. That is our mission to make non believers, believers so that all mankind is equal. And full of peace and all loving to one another. That’s what I learned was that love is the ultimate key. But I love to hear about others experiences. I’m still sick.. And my tongue looks horrid. I’m hoping this demon leaves this body at once. I’d even look in the mirror and I’d feel a rush of heat and my face got so red I thought I was going to pop every blood vessel in my face. I can’t wait to finish this awakening.. Thank you for sharing. By the way my names Michael. And next year. 2020 my birthday falls on Easter again. Hmm…
Thanks for your opinion Michael – I respectfully disagree with a couple of statements however in that we are only responsible for our own unique and individual ascension and awakening, not for us to make non-believers a believer because everyone has free will to do this journey as they choose. I also don’t think that we can judge that many are “behind” in this, as again, it is all individual and we need to respect where others are at. I also think it is important (if you choose) to not think of anything as a demon in your body, as the meat-body is simply a reflection of the consciousness and that is a fear based vibration – the body is going through a 26,000+ year cycle of change and we will never FINISH this awakening because there is no ending, it is a continual evolution of ont only humanity but a planet and a cosmos and the more we embrace that and stop thinking there is an END (old thinking pattern) then we can also embrace the present in love verses fear.
Juts got back into mediating and when i did it i reached this point where i my head started to have an intense tingle like how it use to do but this time was different. This time when that happened it’s like i traveled to another plain of existence. When i was meditating on y back (i did that becasue no matter what time of day, i am the most spiritually connected especially when i’m in a full dark room) anyways. When i was starting to reach this different level of existence, i heard a voice, i really can’t make out what it said and imagine a room with a window and all of the lights are turned off. The lighting was sorta like that but i wasn’t in a room but more like a space between places and before i made to this other “world” the space dimly lit space had two circle of light glowing one on the left side and one on the right side and right after that, it was like i seen myself with my eyes closed sitting up but also feeling and still seeing myself lay in the position i was meditating in ( on my back) falling back into my body and When i finally made it to this world, I met my family but my family seems so happy and everyone was smiling, it was so relaxing a peaceful and everything seemed to turn out right and the “tone” was light and if kinda felt like a dream but it wasn’t because i was still aware i was meditating if that makes sense and after my family ( mom and Grandma were done talking about getting rid of a roach problem and had it all figured out i appeared in the beautiful bedroom all white with a hint of purple and a queen size bed sitting up high with one of those things that you pinned over your bed and they drape down like your in a princess fairy-tale and mind you this all happened simultaneously or it all juts happened so fast it seemed that way but whatever the case, i was meditating in this other world or realm or plain of existence but when it was meditating here i would reach this ” nirvana” moment ( i guess you can call it) but every time i did (which was about four times ) and mind you my eyes are still closed and i am meditating on my back in this plain of existence and when i reached that state the light on my left side and the light on my right side started to get bigger and brighter and my face would begin to blush really hard it felt like a burning sensation every time i did it and after doing that four times there i started to come back to Earth and i feel the same i guess but lighter….. I didn’t fall asleep while meditating either because when i used to meditate i did and i would feel horrible. also when i did use to meditate i would get a very intense sensation on my head but This time was WAY different. To me, it feels like my spirit had more of an experience then i did. Does that mean anything?
maybe you are just getting better at traversing planes of reality – stay strong and fearless and always question if this is for your highest and best good is my suggestion.
I write this, not because I see patterns in numbers, this is my first time learning any of this , I wept reading it, and I haven’t cried in so long I thought I was broken, I have something , something that can help people and I need to know how to use it, please can someone reach out to me, please, just pleaseI cant keep carrying the weight of these.. I dont even know what to call or where to start, just please
Again I say this so often – learn to help your self before yearning to work to help others, learn about your gifts for you first. What do you need to do to release any fear and beliefs that no longer serve you – clean your own container before you worry about helping another – it is not selfish it is critical for the energy exchange we have with others.
I have been through every single one almost. A part of me is not sure about anything I see lights reflecting of off me and wierd Dreams. As long as lights every were sensitivity to everything. Apparitions around the heat wave tingling, pain,headaches, I want to expand and help people but I’m gonna continue to pray on it. But I feel lost. Can you help me?
I always suggest before worrying about helping others one needs to help themselves in terms of learning how to stay grounded and protected in their own auric field of energy and do your best to release all fear based belief systems. This will ultimatley assist in releiving Ascension symptoms overall. There is a free meditation on my home page of my site to assist.
i feel stuffs spirit wise it is world between good and bad i had a bub that was born digesting fetus on my blood first 3 months i could not eat without vomiting i call her my angel bubby secretly but i wont let nobody touch her i warn off some defense spiritually i have seen me in distress and i get my enermy warned by others. i think god likes me.
Today October 7 2019
I experienced something around 4:50 am it was a entity I wasn’t able to see the face but I all I know I was awake and felt everything
That thing wrap me around his wing and started blowing fire on top of my headi wasn’t scared at all
I tried to look online and everything started acting up I could not have acces to any electronic till now
Don’t know what it is but I’m staying positive that is something good
Because I’ve been feeling strong sensation in my crown chakra.
It’s like if I’m around people I can automatically feel their energy
Is this have to do with Ascension
As long as you are feeling good about it I think that is great! We sometimes have no idea how our guidance and healers come to us and staying open and discerning the FEEL of if it is safe or not is key and it sounds like you are doing great. Ascension is opening up all kinds of new help and assistance to us all if we choose to find it.
I feel hot and cold out side all the time I have alote of fear in me and I need to talk to people I don’t have any friends all my friends and family keep calling dfs on me in like saying I’m a bad mom I’m not my my family been calling dfs on me all the time to
I would then suggest start taking to your guides, angels or your God-Package instead of sharing on this plane of existence where you feel judgment.
My symptoms are a little more negative. I have had this force that has been with me for three years and is responsible for me losing my whole life. I looked it up and its called the unclean spirit and can take both male and female forms. Mine is a tall slender black woman with a flower in her hair. I know this sounds crazy but I cannot tell anyone out of fear they’ll commit me ….lol. I have tried everything but this force is still here and refuses to leave my life and soul along. I’m trying to rebuild my life but it does something every time to push me back.
I already answered this in your other post Lee
Hello everyone does anyone ever get really anxious that that, i have to bite my mouth and my lips in the inside of my mouth is hurting. And with my knuckles I have to bang the outside of my chin and it is so sore right now, it is an uncontrollable thing I have to do I just have to do it!! Or maybe it’s just tourettes I don’t know but along with the years of sinus problems and lightheadedness I feel relieved to know that some of my symptoms like forgetfulness is part of it
I can relate – I also have a ton of mouth issues – I feel like my fillings are hurting alot and when I get a check up all is fine. I also find myself clenching more lately and also tearing up the sides of my cheeks somehow = I have to stay present to NOT do this….so I get it !
I lived with my cousin for years who did the same thing. She had been molested as a child and after she expressed her feelings to the person who did it it went away. Not saying you were molested but maby something you’re not telling anyone but needs to come out
Wow. This was an eye opener for me. I have so many problems with my mouth, teeth, throat and get issues with my tongue. I haven’t said anything bout wat happened to me. Maybe I should. I only really want people to not hurt other children and know that I forgive them all and hope that watever they are lacking they find. I replace the injustice of being molested with justice and forgiveness.
thanks for your input
Plz don’t feel this way. It is a gift
Same here. I would rather be blind to the world and go about my days as everone esles. It could be overwhelming.
You obviously get to feel any way you choose but my take is that you signed up for this Earth at this very special time in a meat-body and that means we are here to DO something to assist in thei Ascension and it all begins with the individual. That said, there is no right nor wrong on how to choose to traverse this life….
Embrace it and love it
I may have written this to you so my aMy symptoms are a little more negative. I have had this force that has been with me for three years and is responsible for me losing my whole life. I looked it up and its called the unclean spirit and can take both male and female forms. Mine is a tall slender black woman with a flower in her hair. I know this sounds crazy but I cannot tell anyone out of fear they’ll commit me ….lol. I have tried everything but this force is still here and refuses to leave my life and soul along. I’m trying to rebuild my life but it does something every time to push me back.pologies but
I don’t think you sound crazy but do know that the more you believe and feed that narrative – the more real it is and becomes. My suggestion is to do a ceremony for yourself to release not only the entity – but the thought program that goes along with it. Create a serious boundary in your mind. body and home and stick to it in terms of NOTHING is allowed to enter that space that is NOT of my highest and best good. And give NO attention to the concept of “it” still being out there – only focus on the safe space within. Thought forms create our reality – so change and command a different thought…hope this helps
You know my name is Valerie and my birthday is on July 13th. I don’t remember if I wrote this even though that it does sound like I would of said something like not wanting this to happen due to relationships not working right and feeling as if I want to runaway. O and Ialso see reputation of numbers 1111 44 or 0311 which is my daughter’s birthday. But right now I’m feeling like a TV is on and changing channels, but the TV is off, and it feels like I can feel like a big presence around me oh and ive been waking up around 2:30 am and it’s 3:24am.
just stay PRESENT – it helps
I still have this negative energy looming over me and it doesn’t know when to take a fucking break at ruining my life.
Me too. Look up morgellions. This is what I thought was happening to me. But now I’m reading this. Would much rather this. I’m so scared. So alone
There are a million sites with a ton of different DISeases out there – my take is do your best to take away the FEAR of any label – feel what is YOUR truth – do your dilligence with western medicine if you choose but try to find what truly resonates as your truth when it comes to your own individual body. Most of this stuff moves through – but if we fuel it with fear continually it WILL turn to true DISEASE
Haha totally feel ya! You’re not alone. Right here with you 🙂
I do no ur feeling I’m with you scared me to death sometimes hard to grasp
try to stay in love verses fear….
It definitely is difficult to process. I was lucky to find someone whom has move through the process already. I try to understand. But at times hard to grasp. I haven’t gotten to the enlightenment part yet. Many blessings and luck to you.
I feel the same as you because I dont know what it means. I’m experiencing these symptoms which lead me here and I dont know what it’s all supposed to mean… Blessings to you and whatever you’re dealing with though. Because regardless if I choose to dismiss it or not, it is what it is.
I would like to talk with you offline about your experience.
I felt like this too and on some days I feel like I wish it never started but even on my rough days I strive to see the beauty in this. I have felt crazy at times. All the number syncronicities 222, 111, 11:11. I even woke up at 3:33 a few times. I once was a people person and outgoing and now I crave alone time more than anything and reading all these spiritual books that I never thought I’d be interested in. Then my body aches and I have these surges of energy that feel like electrical shocks. It’s crazy sometimes but I try to remain positive. When I stay positive I can manifest very quickly. If I think it, its here. Just try to embrace it even on your down days. Its rough at times, trust me I know but knowledge is power!
I just listened to audio book on YouTube by Justine Scovel Sheen called The Magic Path of Intuition. I think that you might resonate with some chapters.
Dont freak out, dont try so hard to understand it. I have been seeing 1111, 1133, 333, 444 and 555. Crazy prophetic dreams and visions tbat are so real i dont to go back to reality. Whats happening is exactly what Jesus preached about the end of days. Its okay. Weather people want to realize it or not we are in the middle of Gods war with Satan. So trust Jesus to save you, and ask Him what it all means for you specifically.
Or simply trust your SELF that there are many benevolents there for you and thesse are simply messages of help
Me to I wish I were normal
I think unique traits are normal.
Ii have felt the same way quite often it can be overwhelming or scary even but it is also a gift that is beautiful and to be honest can be a fault depending on gow you focus your energies…focus yourself in a possitive direction and u will be just fine …dint feed into negitive energies or you will draw even more negitive energies..stay posutive and hang in
Me either!!! I think the itching skin is the worst part
I agree I can’t take this there faces always watching me moving objects and when it’s happening my head starts to ache right inside my ears I also feel my shirt get tight like it’s being sucked to me my phone lads and freezes all the time now I twice u controllably at night when. I slewp
stayout of fear – learn to ground in love use the ground and bubble technique (free on my homepage as a mediataion) so that you can discern that all is OK. Do the work and the fear will go away.
You can hold on to that fear and not ascend. You’ll either make it or you won’t. That’s your “free will”. Enjoy!
As I have stated before everyone gets to do this their own way – that is part of the free will – there is no right or wrong, no get to make it or not, it is all seem and done through individual lenses of reality.
Hang in there ! It is worth it . Rest when you feel you need to . Listen to your gut feelings!
The universe is expanding. You are part of it. Let the river take you. What choice do we have.
Thanks for sharing and my take is we ALL have choice….on how we react
I know the feeling. Of not wanting to be part of this. I can’t even hold myself in public or walmart or whole foods. Or work.. without feeling to the point of my energy is being drained out. Can even really feel balanced. 3 month i i started to really to feel the my energy drained out. Several y. Every day and i feel like im going to pass out… And rapid heart beat when in public. All this feeling. I feel in public or at home. I can’t even hold a job. Honestly.. Am i really gifted. Or just being brainwash by the world. Or could it be.. something else.. Someone told me. That im a (Targeted individual.) Can someone please help me really know the real accurate truth! Cuz I’ve even tried mediateing and just dosen’t help or either im not comfortable with mediation. And about us being reincarnated the’s that mean we died?! And came back someone else? Cuz if true im not comfortable with this. Can someone please help answer my questions. And help me understand.. What is hard to understand. Since i was raised in Jesus and a Christian.. As little girl..And that im and adult. I haven’t gone much to church. But i still believe in( Jesus Christ) And holy bible.
In my opinion as an energy practitioner, I see folks like you daily and it is CRITICAL to learn to navigate these energetic times differently to keep your fuel. One of the most important things to learn is your field, how to group and bubble it. I have a free meditation – very short – on my homepage at that will assist you in learning how to hold your energy and not allow it to be vampired by people, places or frequencies. This will fully change how you navigate the day and keep you in a love space verses a fear one. Read more about Ascension – I also have a free E-Book right on my site or read this and other blogs I have to know you are not alone nor nuts. Additionally, we are learning much more about the true nature of the God/Source energies and many are finding themselves falling away from old style dogmatic religious beliefs and if that is happening I say good for you. It does not in any way mean you toss out the concept of god/Jesus/Mary etc., in fact it brings in even closer into your heart space when you dump the packages it was given to us in…meaning fear. We are all gifted with energy skills but most of us have never allowed our selves to open up to these gifts. Work with nature as she is gentle in this skill set awakening, look to Her to find ways to see reincarnation as nothing more than how Her trees shed and rebirth time and time again.
Hi,I met all the symptoms mentioned up except 1 or 2.I already have manic depressive episodes.Now I take heavy dosages.Psychiatry dosage to bring back from anxiety and worries.This is Pradeep from India
U put it all so perfectly. U are gifting ur knowledge in perfect ways under grace. I can absolutely say that I have not read one thing of urs that I would disagree with. Ur amazing!
Thanks much Sammy!
I feel that way too and felt frustrated all the time but I think the more you fight it and battle with it the worse it gets! Im still no where near fully understanding of it and sometimes don’t want to but a part of me has accepted it a little bit but i haven’t a clue where to start!
A lot people have said when I accept it and embrace it it feels amazing but I’m terrified of doing anything in case it opens me up more it’s just hard so just to let you know you’re not alone in it 😊
I was the same way. All the things happened to me for some years. I resisted and fought very hard. I think because of resistance, I suffered more. It’s weird to say now but this journey will force you to see thing’s totally different. It’s beautiful..
That is amazing. I think there is only 2 I don’t have or I would have them all. I have waited so long because scared and belief system. Actually, I was terrified and zoned it out and I got zoned out. Now I except it and want it this time fully heart and soul and happening. Thank you
I’m going through this myself and have been for few years now, my skin is very dry and scaly especially my scalp. I’d like to know, How long more does this last, Does everyone go through it and Why do we go through it, thanks gill
We are ALL going through this but some feel it and experience it deeper and there is no special reason why. Many are not even aware this is happening but it is not only on individual basis but global and cosmic as well. This Ascension is our ENTIRE reality ascending – and there are many that are inline with what is going on and others unawake. That is personal choice. These cycles of ascension are approximately 26,500 year cycles…. (probably not what you wanted to hear 🙂 )
I was told by a seer to took at the visual snow and imagine that its inside me too, and if I see the astral light then to imagine its inside my heart. Can I ask you Suzanne about some other meditation techinques regarding this?
my entire existence has been completely altered it started on june 3 an it has been a journey tht only u can take alone it is profoundly personal an there are things happening tht only god can allow i have been motified i had a small cavity it has completely been healed w out a dentist i can think of anything an it suddenly appears .everyone thinks im crazy my dad is my biggest supporter he is just so thank ful that i found god an my life couldnt be more meaningful i am humbled an greatful for this experience also my skin is super soft an like strechy its weird its like my bidy has become so strong nothing hurts now …
thanks for sharing
All of these things been happening but is heightened as of lately I have wild lucid dreams at one point I had a dream of owls that shape shifted to humans and woke up terrified at 3:33 in the morning it was disturbing.
Every last one minus dreams…my word.
I have a family that needs me, I’m going through hell..
When are all these things going to finish? How long does it’s take?
like I have posted = ascensio cycles are over 26,000 years at a time so I say breathe! and study and delete fear programming!
Well i can tell you that i experience strangle tingling and muscle spasms all over my face. I hate to think weird but it feel like someone put a spell on me. The tingling and jerks feel like im slowly losing weight. Idk what it is. I tell you once i smell a weird dead flesh smell while this happen. I have try to contact black magician to dertermine if someone have put a demon spell on me. My life is miserable im scared to go to sleep. Im always on my toes anybody can help me i would love it. I need help.
be very aware that the MOMENT you believe and then allow in the black magic or spells – they are indeed real – while at the very same time if you choose NOT to allow that frequency into you paradigm – it will have not have any way to find you — is it YOU that makes this determination….not the other person.
No it’s not I’m reading everyone’s comments and feel so much better! I thought my own brother put a heck’s on me this shit is crazy. Something pushed through me on 7-25-2016 and BOOM it went from these. I’m going nuts. But we signed up for this before coming. Email me
You’re making it something with your attention to it. Dont attach to thought streams that are negative. Just gently let go and move your attention to a good feeling. Do not fight or resist as this gives more attention and what you resist persists. No one can assert into your experience without your consent.
THanks for your perspective on this and sharing for Lorenzo.
Ive been going through a rocky transition in life which started about a year ago, the craziest part is I had this deep craving to educate myself, I felt my inner self changing rapidly. My interests, my senses my whole attitude on life. At times I felt so appreciative of things I hadn’t paid attention to before. At times I felt crazy, like nothing made since.. I still get that feeling more often then any because I’ve read a lot I think I know what Im going through, but I don’t know how to translate to other people what i think im going through. It gets overwhelming sometimes. I definitely realize that I pick up on vibes instantly i feel what people are going thru. I can literally feel my energy drained around low vibrAtional people and feel my energy spike around high vibrAtional people. It really messes with my anxiety sometimes I don’t know why i feel the way i do or what im feeling or whats the purpose of it. Ive learned to cleanse myself try to sheild myself and stay positive to keep my balance. I just feel weird trying to explain to people im no longer as out going as I once was because I feel weird when i feel the energy shift and nobody else does..
I don’t think you need to feel weird (however you certainly get to choose to do so) as it is important to maintain your personal vibration and that gets to be a priority. It is all about doing more work on feelings of judgment and holding your own truths.
I am experiencing mozt of the symptoms given here by Suzanne. Thank you for this article. It is very helpful. Many blessings! !
WOW, so much of this has been happening to me. Lately I find the ‘knowing’ has increased by a huge amount. I don’t know how I know but answers to questions about the strangest things just come to me. Knowing how do do things that I haven’t done before.
The strongest one of all though is the desire to go home. I’m tired, I’m tired of the battles and the wars. I’m tired of mans inhumanity to himself and the planet. I want to save the planet but I know I can’t and that causes me pain.
I find too that animals, birds, and insects, seem to be communicating with me. I hear their energies and I respond with thought. It’s a very strange sensation but somehow I understand it.
I find myself being totally uninterested in spiritual charlatans and I have recently been cutting people out if my life because I feel they are lost, dying, stuck in some strange dimension that I don’t want to be around. And yet my love and gratitude to Spirit has grown hugely. I feel now that I’m part of the universe, no, I feel I AM the universe. I am all of you.
thanks for the post!!
Damn, you hit it on the spot so much to where this could of been from me from another timeline.
Hi, I’ve come across your page and have read it thoroughly. I am going through pretty much everything that’s on your list. It’s stsrted with realising my intuition, from there it’s gone to visions and I know there are many more gifts to come, my concern is the sharp pains on my right shoulder,m & left. I have feelings in my tummy like I have a baby inside me kicking, I know it’s all spiritually related and I’m not far from an spiritual enlightenment. Anything right now will really assist. Many thanks
Lots of folks experience symptoms of “birth” when going through all this. The shoulder area also can directly indicate how much you SHOULDER others stuff fyi…something to think about letting go of possibly.
I feel that not only have I changed mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I feel like changing physically has been the most challenging. I seriously don’t even look like myself anymore. I no longer feel attractive a d I feel aged looking and I’m always work out. Teasing mean entities are always harassing me and trying to jump me. The want to destroy need in every way bit are more set on destroying my physical appearance. I was a actually a model before and now I feel I’m not even average. I have never felt so Incredibly insecure in all my life. The thing is I’m unrecognizable to many of long time friends and family . M y body is totally different. I see a stranger staring back ate in the mirror. I’m tormented night and day by negative spirits and they try and push negative black energy into me. I can see it. It’s like black bright light if that makes any since at all. I have also tried to commit suicide and I dont know what the future holds unless I get help. I’m flat broke because of them and what’s going on. I just need help and I don’t know where to turn. I’m ready to just leave this world. The pain is to great here. I’ve lost everything a d almost everyone…. But not all. Help! Advice? Any healers who are kind enough to help or work out a plan of payment? I’ll pay it forward..
Help me please ..
First Brandie there is a ton of free info online and even on my site. TEACH yourself about energy and learn about your chakra system and RE-FUEL your body with love and self esteem and NO ONE can do this for you. Not even a healer for a discount price. Honor your body as it is the vehicle you create from and with. Do affirmations daily. Only focus on the positive. Do your best to see yourself as love and light. Stop focusing on the negative because you are the one drawing it in and if you believe that dark entities are harming you then they will. Command light around you and they will no longer be there…it is all about raising your vibration. And BTW, if you DO choose to leave planet (suicide) all of this fear and angst will go right along with you I hope you realize and you will karmically still need to resolve what you do not do on this plane of existence. So in my opinion, it behooves you to do the work now, here, and find love and joy as it is your birthright. This world is a beautiful place is you choose to see it that way. No one can take that from you and no one can do it FOR you.
I’m always feeling my energy running throughout my whole body but now i can only feel it running on my left side of my body. Like i can’t feel this rush of energy running from my left arms and my left leg but not the other side? Do you guys think the other side needs unblocking?
possibly but you may also just be uploading new frequencies that are female energies (left side of body holds this) and they need to integrate – patience is key
Dear Sister,
There is no evil, demons, or dark spirits. Darkness is only the absence of light. Go into a dark room and turn on the light there is no battle darkness is transmuted by the light. There is no power on this Earth stronger than you as you are God creating your own reality. What you see and feel is you protecting out your fear. Darkness, Evil, Demons are all mans projected fear. Let go of fear, judgment, anxiety, blame guilt, fear is only a thought and I thought can be changed. Change the way you look at things and the the things you look at will change.
Okay so recently I’ve been experiencing my ear ringing more frequently, like I’ve already experienced it multiple times but it’s like x10 one time it was so strong it felt like a flash bomb went off but it was in a lucid dream , and every day it happens at least 4-5 times but on top of that I’ve been dealing with some kind of presence but I can’t quite explain it and I’ll get random warm spots on my body , not on my skin but warm energy touching me and every time it does that(usually happens at night ) it’s like sensual but idk why the hell it does that
Thanks for sharing – sometimes the kundalini energies act that way and that can feel sensual so I would suggest discerning if it is that or an actual outside presence.
If you feel there are dark force, call on Archangel Sandolphin. He is a big looking figure like Grim Reaper , but he is The Butler to usher beings over to the light. Your psyche may *think* fearfully of him at first, but if you tune that out , separate yourself from fear, and focus into your protected soul, you will be at peace and can eventually relax into normal sleep. Calling on Archangel Sandolphin clears the house instantly of all energies. I have friendly spirits in the house all the time, but some unfriendly ones arrived at some point. What I am saying is the friendly spirits they leave also because they dont want to be ushered Home yet. Such is free will. So it may not be permanent but it works everytime and almost instantly.
Me too. This is what I have been looking for yet I did not know I was looking for it until this morning. The angels have been trying to get my attention for a while but yet I guess for the urgency now they really need my attention. That’s why I am here for figuring out what the numbers mean because I do not know the Bible yet I listen to the scriptures with vibrations everywhere. LOL the best thing about this is I went to different churches until I found my church where they allow the holy spirit in you and you don’t have to hold back. The most holy loving things is I know it is happening! That is number one reason for me to go to church if they hear the Angels Sing! And they sing beautifully I suggest everyone go to church the right Church of singing and all of that and listen to the angels. I am learning the Angels tell you what church to go to so they can have a good time! LOL
Sudden onset of head and nasal pressure for short time no reason for it and I’m self aware not normal? What does this mean?
it’s funny, ever since i gave birth to my daughter a lot of these things have been happening to me. waking up around 2-4 am (the witching hour), i began having outter body experiences with out consciously doing it. a lot of the things on this list are 100% me. i’m just now trying to figure out how to control it.
control is a difficult word for this work – surrender to the higher self is a bit easier way to navigate all this I find.
The numbers I deal with every day are 7, 10,11 what does this mean?
numbers mean many different things to many different folks – you can train yourself on numerology if you like – there is a ton of info out there. Lots of times it is just spirit saying hello.
I am having problems in a different way and I keep seeing the numbers 936…I keep calculating random numbers like bus 54 and making it 9 in my head…I feel like I am empty and my spirit animal, wolf. Is howling for me to come to it.
My energy is overweheling especially when I embrace the nature’s elements it scares
Me but makes
Me feel greedy to harness it and just feel it through my body and let it flow back into the earth
I need to save us all we all need to save those who blind or ignorant we’ll all deserve to understand what we are so I have to try but I hear I’m
Not ready and it’s hurts me to not be ready so I need help to grow
My take is that o one should feel as if they have the right to save another – we are here to save our self and honor the other’s choices.
Our job is to work with the earth – gratify and return the love exhange. Give and receive.
Yes I’m definately going through some transition period, aches n pains all over from a random fall, more in tune with natuure, sleep disturbances, dizziness, headaches, feeling sensitive to loud noises and places, loud people, love animals and wildlife so much, caring so much more about enviromental issues, feel so sad when I see what’s happening to rainforests, animals that lived in the rain forests having there habitats destroyed…sometimes it’s all too much, feeling tired a lot because of sleep disturbances, waking up 2pm, 3pm etc…feeling I don’t belong in my own home, feeling I want to live a in a more natural environment with better weather, surrounded by nature…what’s next????
I think you are doing the work of whats next in terms of gratifying NATURE and making sure to connect and respect Gaia – but make sure you are personally and individually staying protected, grounded and bubbled so that you do not empath others and also the collective sadness. And find JOY whenever and however possible helps overall!
Question I’ve been in a relationship with my soulmate 8 yrs. Now. Off n on. However when were in each other’s presence we create electric light and it’s so strong between us that it has literally made me dizzy , and when we have kissed it feels like we’re high. He also suffers migraines and saids his head spins. When the energy is so strong. Why does this happen and what does it mean?
I personally would do more work in separating your auric fields and each learning how to ground into the magnetic energy of Gaia. You will both find a better balance that way….seems like way toooooo much electric solar and not enough earth. Maybe choose to check out my free meditation on my homepage to maintain a ground and bubble.
My awakening started after being separated from my malignant narcissistic husband for 15months. After researching emotional abuse and personality disorders I realized I was an empath. I started to research empath and found that I resonated with aeither an earth angel or an incarnated angel. Things were starting to change. I had an overwhelming desire to go home. I have always had some psychic abilities, but everything became muted the twenty years I was with my abusive husband. Now my internet at home and work is constantly going down. I go through hot flashes, waking up sweating to being cold. I have developed irritable bowel syndrome, I started making healthier food choices about 6 months ago and lost 45 lbs, my dreams are becoming more vivid, I have started meditating using crystals, I desire to be outside, I have always been drawn to the water, I work as a women’s health nurse Practitioner in an underserved poor area. I have recently developed psoriasis and had white patches on my skin that went away. I have seen my aura and it is white. I have always been compassionate, but it is different now. I am more calm, and have a better since of understanding. I know I have to cut the cord with my husband. He is fighting me for full custody. He is daily tormenting me, and using the courts to do so. In order for me to fulfill what I am supposed to do I pray that God and the angels open the courts eyes and ears to the truth. I also have been experiencing vertigo. I know the angels have always been there for me, protecting me. I have had several close calls involving MVA’s, but miraculously they didn’t occur. I cannot stand to be around cleaners or loud noise. I have a sensitivity to bright lights, and I have never liked crowds. My spirituality started to increase 2/12 years ago. I surrendered to God. It continues to increase daily. I am still evolving, and I do not know where this awakening process will take me, but the angels will see me through it. I know most of you have probably lives traumatic lives. I am finding we have to heal ourselves first before we can carry out our purpose. I do know that each of us are worthy to be here. Good luck to everyone as you discover who you are.
Thanks for sharing your story!
I have the majority of all you listed. It has been increasing as I age. I fear none of it and am preparing for a journey but consciously know not where. I have not met any others with this, but would welcome them.
I read through the whole entire page and I honestly related to literally every single thing listed. I don’t know what this fully means but I’m here for it. I’ve moved to another place and I thought I was just feeling, seeing, making connections, and overall experiencing something completely wrong.
Thanks for posting Grace
I’m having alote of problems with paper, cardboard and the alike even writing it’s like someones scrapping a chalkboard iv been searching for reasons but haven’t found any. Does anyone have any answers?? Thankyou
Our ears are constantly adjusting to the ever changing frequencies – keep doing the work to find balance and grounding in your meat-body – that helps.
I have all the symptoms and including seeing those numbers and warm feeling that’s someone right beside me and seeing images of astral plane..I went to my family doctor, i have anxiety because i was having panic attack and fear death and seeing death. I see 2 Angels in a picture. I cant explain why I see this in my vision and makes me emotional and detached to my love ones. Help
Everyone goes through this process the way they choose – my advice to all my clients is to do whatever you can to clear out fear and make sure to do all you can to upload joy and stay present. And remember to work WITH the Law of Attraction – meaning focus on what you WANT verses what you don’t because you’re creating anything you give attention to.
Suzanne worthly
Thank you so much for writing this blog.
I have all of this going on for years on and off and on.
However , I am day 4 into the depths of it. I wake around 3:4? Am and ready to go back to sleep with force around 6/7
Most significantly and importantly , my ears!! I hear everything within 30 metre radious and I am very uncomfortable.
I am very scared , emotional , burning eyes with tears then emotion goes. Itchy could not be any worse at the moment. Loss of appetite no satisfaction with anything I enjoy. My back!!! Oh god my back. Shoulders scapula’s dicolitay and chest have a pulling heavy weight ( I don’t have much of a chest it’s not that, it’s in the bone and tissue)
I’m very off balance very very Suzanne. I am regularly throughout the day shaking , my entire body , with anxious feelings about.. I don’t remember..
However I am not intune as I usually am with nature and family. I have realised alot of positive with partner and child the past few weeks together huge huge hugely. And supper happy ND feeling blissfulness and blessed. However this ear thing and the need to escape my body and head isn’t allowing this to happen.
I have narcolepsy and catapelexy..I am used to alot alot of sleep abnormalities and living two lives. One awake one asleep.
However I have not reached my place if home when asleep lately. It’s gone. It’s another level that doesn’t even exist as such as if my dream sleep self has subconsciously abolished it. Dreams now are not a place but normal dreams and I am awake every 2 hours changing my clothes ( saturated with cold sweeat ) and flipping onto my make do bed untill other bed or sleep area dried up a bit so in the next 40 mins, 1hour 30 mins I can switch back to that side after new clothes again.
Noises all around the roof and places I can’t work out here in my home now while everyone sleeps. I’m becoming accustomed to these noises now as nothing ever comes of them. We live in the middle of fields no neighbours and currently not even an attic arrea here where noises seem to be coming from. Tv is at 4 level of audio in sitting room!!!!!!! It goes up to 100! I’m at the other side of the house and can hear it . I am also very aggitated, irritated during the day and it’s not even in my personality. I need to know how to make my loved ones lives better or me get back to myself and to be my very positive smiley happy affectionate self . I can’t write anymore. I don’t know who or if anyone will or can help me but I need out
I can’t even sign out with love and light like I do usually with clients or firm’s like this. I have none of it to give right now. I feel alien
Yes it sounds like a lot going on and much overload. I am only going to give you my thoughts and take what resonates and toss the rest. Everyone is going through this stuff at their own rate and in their own way – there is not right or wrong and right now many of the things that “usually help” are not working as these energies are moving so quickly now. My best suggestion is to do anything and everything to stay OUT of fear as that is key. Stay present, Stay grounded and for real, stay bubbled! That means do everything possible to stay within your own auric bubble – this is not to be done in fear as much as to retain fuel. Bubble and command boundaries around not only your individual body but on behalf of family etc., plus your surroundings. Command protection in our spaces and places especially where you sleep. Create an altar if that resonates. Command protective space and shut it down prior to sleep. Then work that Law of Attraction consistently – meaning only focus on what you want in your reality – not focus on the don’t wants. More than being patient with this stuff — is being present. Stay in your body, go into your fear, pain angst, etc., and then move it through you and out to Source. Know this is a bigger process and you are a micro of it so use your body in a prayer-full way and compassion for the overall journey. Know you are not alone.
I’ve been experiencing almost all of these symptoms such as sudden itches, dizziness,deep stillness,cold symptoms that come and go. I’ve lost interest in my old hobbies and my old goals, I feel like returning to a place I’ve never seen but knowning deep down that I come from a different place. I recite alot of (Duas)Supplications to my Lord I even cry during the supplications, I enjoy Salah(prayer) like never before. I feel as if Salah is the only beautiful experience and nothing can be compared to it. I love diving deep in the knowledge of my Religion(Shia Islam) and I feel very open minded to try and understand other faiths and seeing the similarities between my Religion and other Religions I love learning about my soul and I have a very deep connection to nature. I feel very close to God at times, and I feel an unconditional love for everyone around me. Then the next day my mood completely changes but I keep it normal from outside. I love reading the Quran and I feel the greatest peace from reading it. But I’ve only experienced two episodes of pre OBE’s but I was terrified not knowing what it was at the time and since then I’ve never experienced one.
I don’t need to mention as each n every single thing mentioned there has already happened with me n I felt ,I know understand everything but I. M still confused
I had been saying my point of view about not mixing this Xmas & was about to reply to with a religious comment & Then I felt a slow rush of air across my right jaw line🤷🏻♀️
I didn’t follow through with my reply
Ive seen many 111,222,333, and 444’s. When I meditate i also feel a strong pressure in between the space of my eyes/eyebrows. Im all still learning about spirituality and such, but I don’t feel alone as I read these. I also believe in manifestation and well it’s crazy(in a good way).
I had some times. Of awakening with many Symptoms
Now i have “eye problems” and therefore extreme anxiety. I sleep much more, feel like between worlds.
Very scared because of that eye Problems. Pain, burning, and more
Afraid that it can get worse with eyes…
But somehow i start to feel that its another Part of letting energy go/awakening…
Very scary because i am so scared of the eye problems
Maybe this is one of those times where you incorporate Western Medicine into your situation and make sure there is not something else going on.
I have had spells of extreme vertigo, where I can’t get myself off the floor, cut out toxic family members, and was hypnotized by a light. I have felt foggy ever since.
Super important to stay grounded and bubbled when this stuff happens, and get outside possibly!!
Hi everyone! I’ve had sporadic symptoms for years, but they really amped up this January, on my 54th birthday. I don’t think this is a coincidence since I have a “thing”‘with the number 9 and the number 16. My birthday is 1/16. I was sick for 2 weeks; my dr said it was bronchitis, but I knew it wasn’t. Now I know it was ascension flu. I was beyond sad-like I was almost suicidal, and I’ve done so much internal work in the last 10 years, recovering from severe childhood trauma and addiction. I had no idea where the sadness was coming from. Then the psychic abilities intensified and I was even hearing music coming from inside myself. I though I was losing my mind. I had constant ringing in my ears and my claircognizance was intense. My sense of smell has heightened greatly since, and I have periods of extreme fatigue but also have bursts of energy. My empathic abilities are also heightened. My GI issues have become a roller coaster ride. I see sparkles sometimes. I have seen one being; I thought it was a ghost, but it wasn’t transparent. It was a pale yellow color, and it was peering through the open closet door in my classroom. I have video of orbs and “fairies” in my apartment at night. I am incredibly drawn to nature. I talk to the plants in my apartment. I thank my water. Birds started flying across my car’s path when I’m driving and one even walked into the road trying to get into my car at a red light. I have been to the Galápagos Islands twice in the last year and am going back this summer because I am so drawn to the animals. I’ve been having extremely vivid dreams recently, and I always wake up between 2-4 am. About a year ago, I had a dream that I felt wasn’t a dream but a memory-I was living on this beautiful planet in a forest with two “parents” and about six “siblings.” All the “siblings” were not of the same race. The “parents” were not our biological parents. We were a family, all the same. Our planet became endangered when a herd of triceratops appeared, not because the animals were dangerous but because it meant we would be discovered. I ran and let the dinosaurs chase me and dematerialized to another “dimension” here to earth so the rest of my family would be safe. I became really intrigued by the Anunnaki creation story and have strong feelings about the truth of what they did, and that there is a very evil presence there. It feels like “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” While sometimes strangers will stop to talk to me and ask me for advice, other people either suddenly drop out of my life for no reason or they seem to be giving me the cold shoulder, and I didn’t even do anything. I get headaches often, but usually peppermint oil works to relieve them. I don’t watch regular tv at all anymore-news and commercials are especially irritating to me. I suddenly decided I wanted to start painting, so I did. I teach kindergarten and I’m extremely passionate about my job. My students are even more (compared to the past) attached to me. They never want to leave me and most don’t even want the summer to come because they don’t want to leave kindergarten. It’s freaky. Lol I don’t talk about this with anyone except for one friend because she’s also awakening. I’m super grateful for my awakening, but sometimes, it’s very lonely.
Totally can relate! Thanks for sharing and yes, the feeling of lonely can be tough, so keep telling your story!
I call him Jesus
I’m going crazy here constantly dizzy between my eyes. I know it’s the third. I trying to open headaches in the back of my neck that little ball. It’s always feels like I’m in five different places that once I don’t understand my appetite‘s gone this is crazy it’s scary I would like some help to understand this more constantly see numbers all day every day going on years and it’s more intense now more intense than ever. I don’t understand it feels like I’m being ripped apart. It feels like I’m in five places at once. I never experience the neck in the back pain and my spine just feels so intense. I don’t understand somebody help.
You are experiencing many of the Ascension symptoms and the more you learn about them the better. It is always good to medically checking things out but when they do not find anything – it is also good to know that the changing energies are affecting us daily – this can keep us out of the fear that then manifests ids-ease in our body and mind.
hey, same here with everything you said. which is why im up looking for answers. im spiritual but decided to have some alcohol yesterday. i woke up on the floor. a hole on my 3rd eye and on that ball on the back of my neck. been having each kind of dream she mentioned and do feel like im in multiple places at once. also havent be able to eat.
I began to experience changes in my perception, gathering a knowing of eternity. I’ve been experiencing all of the symptoms within the last year. Wow. I even saw my own reflection in a vision, while meditating. It was an exact replica of myself, but as a golden light, with blue eyes. I saw myself, my soul, staring at me. At first I was startled and wanted to stop meditating, but I wanting to make sure it was real. So, I continued to meditate and began examining myself. It was a blissful experience. I look forward to entering the 5 th dimension completely.
Great info, thanks!
As a single male I shared half of my soul energy with a beautiful woman who felt empty inside in exchange for half of her feeling of emptyness it worked out beautiful I would definitely help her again Im a total slob and wish I was better at keeping the apartment clean I even bought her her own bedroom set silver with white crystal she has the bedroom I sleep in the living room it’s that obvious I live with a female spirit I enjoy having her around she feels safe around me so it’s all good I was a alien abductee but I agreed to share half of my soul energy in exchange for half of one of theirs I was given the opportunity to help a alien species facing possible extinction so I agreed to help it was painless some very advanced alien species work with soul energy because it’s unlimited in growth potential human genetics have limitations so it’s viewed as a waste of time lower advanced species deal with genetics the extremely advanced species deal and work with soul energy
I am not here to be anyone’s truth but I think this advice is a bit scary in that we do not have to give half of our energy at any time when working in love – that is fear based and it is a form of vampirism in energy empathing. Maybe read Confident Empath book and learn how to do energy safely.
I am experiencing all and now I have a huge grey/silver line coming up in my hair….. I’m a 36yr old brunette
I love that!!
Definitely relate to the waking up
I would say 99% the numbers I keep seeing are
Before 808 still can’t figure that one out
And then, seeing Eagles, Toros and dogs in the stars, that was a trip But it all started with the guy on a horse with a sword
Great share – thanks!
For me it’s 323 that’s the time they wake me. And also when my family ask me the time 98% of the time I tell them right without looking at my phone or clock. I just know the moves of others before they do it. And also know things about people before I have even talked to them. And I mean personal things and I need to tell them 🤦🏼♀️.
I definitely have all of these apart from weight loss. It is “or gain” so have that.
I could only comment here in relation to the article. Not intended to the comment above.
I am with ya there! Weight gain – how come I could not get the weight loss symptom! LOL!!!
Hi my name is John, and my awakening started last year ,l have had all of the above ,and that is not a lie,just last week l started to get sore heads ,when they stop l felt if l was coming down with the flu ,had all the symptoms, for it to only last a day ,since last year l have went through So many feeling’s. l am a single parent, my Son turns 17yr in a few weeks. The question l want to ask is how long does this last .l am not one for showing my amotion’s. l hate to ask for help .when at times it was clear l needed it .but now l experience ,burst of Sadness and anger ,tears pouring down my face .and it come’s and goes just as quick.when does my awakening stop.also back in 2015 June, l had the most Amazing experience of my life ,and their isn’t a word in the English language that could give it justice, l only thought this kind of experience only happened to people that had Near death experience. But it happen to me on my way home after l had a doctors appointment, l just got on to the London Road, when l was ingulfed in this Amazing light, and if ever pain stress ,worry anger depression every thing we go through in life ,left me as l said their isn’t a word in the English dictionary would give it justice, Out of this world ,l went through this Amazing light ,but it was if the light all around me was alive, l went through this into were l got bought up as a child .l meet my cousin and one of my friends who had died years earlier. l said this can’t be ,you’s are both dead l said to them and my cousin William said you have to go back John, but l felt Amazing l didn’t want to go back .and l said that to him .all he said was it’s not your time yet cousin.and when l came to ,l was standing outside my house .Only God knows ,And l said my awakening started last year l am wrong it started in 2015 and l just did have a clue what was happening to me ,l also struggled with that experience in 2015 ,asking God why show me why give me confirmation that heaven is real and your real, l was a catholic So l did believe in our Lord God the Father in heaven.but l felt their was millions of people better than me ,that only dream about having my experience So l fet guilty .l am now a Christian and God has since told me why l had my experience. He said to me you may not have had a great life growing up and in your adult life, you kept carrying on when many would have gave up .So l believe he gave me confirmation heaven waits ,and as long as l do good on thus earth 🌎 help when l can, be honest l might not find happiness hear on earth but l do truly know it awaits me .God plays a Massive roll in my life Since as far back as l can remember. l say my prayers every night, 🙏 l am not perfect l have my bad points and bad day’s. When they happen,l just pray to God to get me through then.🙏❤️
thanks for sharing
I can only comment so I’m writing here.
When I was a teenager I had all those dreams. Running from something, hiding, monsters etc…
Before that when I was around 6 I had a dream with kids I never met. This dream happened later when I was in grade 5. Exactly like my dream. It was a bad situation but there’s no way I could’ve got the warning from that dream. I’ve continued to dream every night since I was little.
My brother and I were in the same dream one night. We were both describing the same dream taking turns explaining it. The place and the people were all the same. Except some experiences in the dream were different. When we talked to people in the dream. We were both in the same house visiting our mom.
I’ve always seen numbers. The clocks, pausing shows, looking down at the dvd players counter, the time I send messages etc… it’s always before a big change in my life. It’s always a warning of something bad. My father died, losing all my friends at school, health issues etc… I can not se them for over a year or more and then it’ll just happen. It happened two year ago before I found out about the cancer. Which is gone now and I feel great. If just recently happened the most it has ever. My stepson hurt me really bad. Than my spouse. Worst disrespect from both of them. Now I’m moving out. Huge change for my sons and I.
Before I fooling out my father died I all of a sudden got a huge rush through my body and I thought to myself something big is about to happen.
When I was a teenager I was very upset over a breakup. I went for a late night walk. I stopped and leaned my back against the street light and cried. It was a wood pole. The light stared to flicker. I thought it was just the light so I went to the next one and it did it again. I’ve had different experiences with electricity and electronics throughout my life.
Recently I can’t explain what’s happing. I don’t know what it is. Every night I see a white flowing haze in the are in the dark. If I turn a light on it goes away. It touches me and I can feel it. I put my hands out to it and I can see it move from my hand. There will be like a not whit but maybe gold like tiny light in the haze that comes and goes randomly. Not allot of them. If I see a dark one like it I pray to God and Jesus to protect my children and I from any form of evil and it disappears. When it touches me it just feels soft on my body. Sometimes a little tingling. Sometimes when I feel surrounded by it it feels like my body is swaying but it’s not. The numbers stopped after the big fight with the spouse and stepson but now their back.
Does anyone know what this is or had a similar experience?
Also when I visit with a certain friend my abilities are heightened. I predicted someone coming over unexpectedly. I said I had a feeling of it and then it happened. I had a vision of his daughter I never met and I described her and he said yes to everything. Even the colour of her eyes.
Can your abilities become heightened around certain people?
Thanks for sharing. You seem to be experiencing a lot for some time now. The best advice I can offer if you choose to take it is to make sure to work that Law of Attraction – focus on that you DO want and not that you do NOT want as the universe does not know the difference. Noticing and connecting to numbers it typically a sign that you are connected – and can if you choose it to – give you a sense of being taken care of versus bringing in the negative situations. And lastly yes the abilities can heighten around certain people but remember this is indeed a sign of EMPATHing. It sounds like you could benefit from doing more grounding, bubbling and discerning the energies you encounter. That way you do not EMPATH them. Lot of info on this site ( on this issues plus on my Suzanne Worthley YouTube channel to assist you in this.
I meant I can only reply to a comment.
Amanda, can totally relate to most if these, it started with 11:11 and has increased, I read lots of different philosophies now, never read before, reading about the Toltecs, Marcus Aurelius etc somethings happening and it’s hard to explain, not just to me but my daughter too and we feel it in others. Sounds crazy but it’s there.
Hello Thier! My name is Leslie and I completely identify. Mine has taken another jump. When I close my eyes I see eyes and loved ones. My brother passed 4 years ago and a series of events followed. I’m beginning to understand my brother Mike is my spirit guide and this is a whole everything change.
"Moments of gratitude & deep appreciation for life"- —
My spiritual animal, Creator given, bracelet broke, as I picked up the tan/yellow shiny marble like beads, my child walks in.. are you ok?? With this look of wonder? I smile with this strange peace & a grateful heart – I’m so happy this happened at home.
Simple story be extremely rewarding for me. Absolutely followed this with a connection of enlightenment.
Excellent in continuing my journey in the third eye opening! I am anticipating the next Blog!
I laughed out loud reading this because so much of it rings true! Last week, I felt like someone was stepping on my chest for days. And I’ve been seeing lots of light flashes in my periphery vision. Good to know I’m not the only one who’s feeling a little nutty. I appreciate you, Suzanne!
It has certainly give me something to go through. LOL
Thanks for reading and commenting — just know that I TOO am dealing many of these symptoms! I was really thinking about that when posting this last BLOG – and wanted to share that I believe part of the reason that our bodies are doing all this pain and angst is to get out attention. Our actual cells are changing at such a rapid rate from carbon based to crystal based in light, and it is a tough process. Our meat bodies are not used to this new vibration so we need to have knowledge, patience and self care. Got a great massage for my B-day the other day! 🙂
Hi I am actually at the hospital with my daughter she was diagnosed with tubular scrolosis six years ago I live in a crappy mogelar in a trailer park in Georgetown ca right now unfortunately but it’s what u make it things have changed I thought my daughter was Mis diagnosised I thought she had Mitro desease when we’re not their she’s better her and her brother scare me they laugh funny it’s not them all I read above is true besides connecting with another cause I’ve been with their dad ten years I’ve seen lights around a child and have been awakened there were vortex two we painted over them also something down the hall something I’m terrified of and outside at night and inside we hear it I want to move I need help! Is it I’ve heard people with neurological issues have had problems in there and possible suicide I had no idea my daughters fine here at hospital and away from brother shes8 he’s 5 and I’m scared temps have dramatic affects on her they scare me bad what is happening it’s breaking up my family when we’re there I’m curious as to what is happening the last three weeks
I’m sorry to hear your news, I suggest you ground and bubble both yourself, and your children to keep divine balanced energy around you all during these trying times
I was going to go through these and explain the areas I am dealing with but after going through half the list and realized I am dealing with almost everything here. There were a couple in most of the section but very few. The only section I am not feeling almost anything in is the section of Love. I find the entire thing interesting and hopeful because I was so lost and I feel like there are reasons for this now. Hope to figure things out soon! Looking forward to your next post!
Suzanne, this is all great stuff. The last time I came to see you, you told me I was not going crazy! I felt alone and exhausted.. and like a crazy lady. I had no idea what these new beliefs were, how I got them, why I’m understanding them the way I did. I went vegetarian, now am vegan. My eyes have been opened to a new reality! How could I have been blind so long that the flesh I was eating did not want to die just so I could eat them. Work, politics, food, health, vaccinations, corporations, spirituality, the universe, everything OMG sometimes it is over load. Constantly learning and seeing things in new perspectives…. sometimes i have to remember to take a break. LOL thank you for doing this! I look forward to the next blog!
How to take a break? Can i take a break and then enter this state again? I am getting overwhelmed and not comfortable going in crowd.
I try to tell others that WE are in charge of the knobs on turning in — up and down. Yes I takes breaks often also. We GET TO pull back when needed. The energy is always there, we need to take care of US.
This article is EVERYTHING I needed right now. SO grateful I was able to come across this! What is the best way to express these particular breaks when it gets to overwhelming?:)
I work hard to go with the FLOW in this world of energy right now – meaning there is ALWAYS going to be ups and downs and being able to know that without fear is important – embracing change. Finding the joy factor daily and BREATHE!! Remember you are a MICRO version of the MACRO too and so when I get frustrated that I am getting bashed or overwhelmed – I shift perspective and work on behalf of the MACRO – the collective and it eases up my ego-brain some.
This was very helpful as I have so many of these symptoms – particularly the disconnection and exhaustion – happily the love an gratitude ones as well. Looking forward to your next blog and seeing you soon!
WOW Yes I have a grocery list of medical conditions in which limit a lot of my life to the couch. I have been constantly changing things in life to hopefully help heal myself so I no longer have to take over 10 different medications. I can happily say I now only take 1 medication and that is for my anxiety something I cannot for the life of me pass.
So may tests, injections, topical etc that you can think of I probably have tried it. Nothing seems to help. I can have minor satisfaction but not enough for me to want to continue any purchases.
This is a struggle I live on a daily basis.
Hello Katie,
Your story is interesting and I emphasize with you. I am wondering if you have tried Tapping to ease your anxiety. I have been have sessions with a local Tapping practitioner, and it is making such a difference in my life, in many areas.
The best of good wishes to you,
Hi, my children notice more and more about these changes in me. I don’t know how to explain to them. I always want to go away and be alone and they think it’s them. Please help me. Shaz
Biggest thing is to now think you are going crazy with this stuff and taht it IS real and that the traditional medical community will oftentimes NOT find anything wrong – and not to allow yourself to get even more scared with that answer. Take your power back and work with the natural elements as well as the traditional medical stuff – know you are part of the bigger MACRO picture and STUDY this stuff – that is WHY I created VIBE in the first place. Keep it up Katie – yo uare rocking this girl!
any medication for anxiety causes deep problems. In my opinion this is the one you have to taper off gradually. It took me six months followed by months and months of ‘getting better’.
I am right there with you. Lots of doctors. No diagnosis. But all or most of the symptoms above fit.
Lots of the medical field has no answers and so it is important to do due diligence and try to get answers but if there are none – then do not take the FEAR of that something is WRONG – and look at it from different EMPOWERing angles of hoslitic health. Sickness is the exact reason may begin and do their personal spiritual journey. Also, in my opinion, it is important to not take LABELS from doctos that you ARE sick and have THIS thing or THAT thing – because then we CREATE that exact thing to be real….gotta nagivate all this with your OWN version of truths…
I am currently going through a Spiritual Awakening, and have been for the past year and a half. This Article is very well written, and organized, and perhaps the most clear and informative article I have seen pertaining to Spiritual Awakening symptoms. This information helped me immensely! Thank you Suzanne! 🙂
Infinite Love and Light to you. <3
Carter K.
thanks Carter!!
I agree! I feel like I was lead to it. In fact, I know I was. So helpful!
Thanks Carter – but have to admit for the LIST, I took lots of info from MANY different sites and resources for to combine into one place to get the info, plus added a lot of my own experiences. My BLOG offers a lot of my personal insights on how to handle these as well because it is super important to know these signs. Many of us experience them daily and are not aware that it is indeed energetically based. It is always important to check with doctors when/if needed as we all know – but KNOWING can ease the fear factor to create even more DISease. Thanks for checking it out!
Symptoms like fever, headache, dizziness, time loss etc called “ascension symptoms” just show that the 3D body’s vibration of Earth people start to have big problems because Earth is now at 4.15D vibration and the difference between Earth’s and bodies’ vibration increase every day (average person’s body vibration is 3.5D) … These symptoms actually are a last warning to that person that he/she lags behind the Earth’s vibration and if he/she doesn’t do something very fast he/she will have to leave the planet through normal death, it’s simple physics. The 3D bodies cannot adapt to Earth vibration change and increase their vibration and hence the immune systems start to collapse and in a few years more than 70% of Earth souls will have left their bodies, it’s that simple.
Only naive people can imagine that they just sit and watch and ascension just happens to them nice and comfy without doing anything …
I can read both soul and body vibration using the chakras scale, and surveyed thousands of persons’ evolution in more than 10 years and saw how large majority of souls and bodies actually decrease their vibration under the ever increasing radiation from sun and center of galaxy especially after 2012 …
Thanks for your comments and input Claude, it is appreciated you made the time to share your thoughts. I would like to add however, that each of us has our own version of truths, combined with free will choice. So, when you refer to percentages of humans having to leave the planet, my truth is that it is critical that readers do not add to their fear factor by being scared to read they are doomed to die “in a few years”. Every human works on his or her own Akashic Record timeline. Each individual is a MICRO of the MACRO in co-creation as well. All bodies of creation carry their own Records; meaning Gaia and Universe; that is influenced by our vibration sent forth via thought forms and emotions; transmitted in fear or love. There are numerous lightworkers (myself included) currently working and reversing timelines and grids in the 13th Plane of Existence to positively shift and anchor Multi-Universal Patterns of Ascension on behalf of the ALL — the collective. Therefore again, it is critical to INPUT POSITIVE VIBES from here into the collective Ascension on the MACRO level for all of Humanity, Planetary and Cosmic consciousness bodies. I don’t think people are necessarily “naive” about this – they are just unaware and that is exactly why I BLOG and offer the VIBE Report. Thanks for your work and for sharing your perspectives.
Thank you Suzanne for that response to Claude’s comment. While I choose to believe Claude is working toward positive intentions, I have had personal interactions with Claude’s perspective of my state of health and “ascension status”, and it was, in fact, fear-insighting and misdirecting away from what already a very intense and terrifying process of transformation. Point being, yes, each of our processes are very individual (that’s a major part of the point), and when sharing (or reading another’s experiences) I can readily connect to the thread of interweave that we are all sharing. To reiterate: please use absolute discretion when sharing opinions and when listening to another, take within only that which rings true for you.
Thanks Lillian – I did go back in this thread to see what you were referring to as my response to Claude and I agree that we ALL need to use dscretion and DISCERNment when doing and receiving work. We each have to live in our own truths; and my truth is that Ascension work is “supposed to be” all about the LOVE not the FEAR.
Very interesting comment thread. Because I didn’t read Claude’s reply as fearful at all; it simply stated facts, that 70% would leave their bodies if they didn’t start taking care of business. When you’re aligned with source, there’s no fear of death. Whether that statement is true or not is another question.
not challenging your comment in any way – but I think most humans always hold some fears around death….at least I know I do and I have grown up around it as a mortician’s duaghter, a hospice death doulah and an energy worker….just sayin’….
Hello, I would like to talk with you, if that is ok? My email is thank you so very muah Anita.
and again that post is ONLY his-one opinion as I do not resonate with most of what he posted either. That is what is cool about individual expression.
I do understand, Suzanne, if my comment doesnt “make the cut” but I’m still working on how to navigate the line between sticking up for the quiet ones & biting my tongue. I digress
I have been having several symptoms that are on this list. The latest is light sensitivity. If with sun glasses on the sunshine is so bright that I have to keep closing my eyes just to see. If I leave my eyes open my sight is enveloped in the brightness.
Hello Tod,
I have exactly the same thing as you describe regarding my eyes in the bright sunshine, so cloudy, dull days are a Godsend for me.
I have been told that it is called “Dry Eye” syndrome, but of course, it could be a Spiritual Awakening symptom – I have not heard anything to confirm this though. But it would explain a lot to people suffering from this awful symptom which limits your lifestyle quite considerably.
I would be very interested what Suzanne feels about this. And I will send her this question.
I think LIGHT itself is changing and it is very difficult to allow our human bodies including the eyes to adjust. I too am finding it difficult – but I also am finding my BLUR vision extensive and I believe it is due to the fact that the dimensions and the veils are so much thinner now and we are very easily traversing into alternate reality energies even if we don’t realize it. I am trying my best to also navigate this stuff and it is not easy. I also include 3-D check ups to make sure I am OK, which of course never finds my “problems” but I do check. I try not to freak out and always do INSIDE to check if all is OK as well.
I have a question. I have light sensitivity, and also strange light coming from behind my eyes. I can see it coming from me into my peripheral vision. Any thoughts? Waking up in the middle of the night and feeling exhilarated and still buzzing in my body, panic attacks w heart racing, feeling others in the room and no one is there, feeling a buzzing sensation when spirits are near at places where others have passed, very emotional, strange synchronicity of numbers 1111/222/444, etc… But need to find the reason I have light coming from w/in my eyes.
Much Love
Not sure on the light from behind the eyes – always good to medically get checked out – but I do know that I have had — and continue to have lots of weird eye experiences and I believe it is because I am traversing the Planes and Dimensions differently. All other stuff you mentioned for me too is pretty typical, so yo uare not alone!
I have pretty much every symptom on this list. I have found awakenimgvto be beautiful but also brutal. My health has suffered considerably and I go from feeling amazing to very ill! The one symptom that really bugs me is electromagnetic sensitivity, I am almost finding it impossible to do my work as I can’t sit near a computer or be near a mobile or TV. I would love to connect with your community. I’m based in the UK and have never met anyone going through the same process as me.
Yes the electric stuff sucks – I crash many things and it gets old. We DO have the VIBE Tribe – you can look at it on this site for additional info Will, and if you are ever interested in joining just email me directly please; that is a on-line group that is navigating this stuff and it sometimes helps to know you are not a ‘nut’ or alone in this, so to speak!! 🙂 I also suggest when you are holding way to much ELECTRIC energy – (hence crashing stuff) – I really ramp up my MAGNETIC efforts of nature, grounding and getting outside to connect to Gaia energies more than “normal”. I am very electric (alien energy – not little green men but starseed vibe) so it is imperative for me to stay in this human meat body as best I can and if I am doing a good job of that I find myself NOT experiencing as much yuck…. Also, I seriously check solar flares and gamma rays and monitor that consistently is I am having troubles. Hope that helps some at least.
Hi Will, I’m based in the UK too and also been going through these symptoms for quite a while more intensely the last few years, how is it for you now
I have almost every symptom. Some over the past few years but now they are becoming more intense. I know I’m changing but I don’t know what that means for me personally. I have a few ideas and luckily I have a partner in this journey. Reading this made me feel so much better. I thought I was losing my
mind or getting very sick. Glad to know what it really is, now I need to figure out how to use this. I know it’s for something, it feels important, but what?? I’m gonna have to figure out the next step. If anyone has any advice, let me know. Thank you
Hi Kathleen – I think we are to realize that we are part of the bigger picture when we are traversing this stuff – meaning that we need work on/with the realtionship of the Micro (us) and the Macro (collective) energies. We ARE the bigger picture in a smaller way – so when I get overwhelmed with my MIRCO/me challenges – I do my best to invite the concept that I am working also on behalf of the MACRO/collective – for the ALL that is suffering from similar challenges, energies, pain and suffering and I then have an easier time releasing on behalf of the bigger I AM presence…if that makes any sense at all. I usually do ritual when I am in that state of mind – like burning, drumming, danging and chimes. It allows the energies to move outward easier into the ether and I can then let me physical Suzanne release as well. Service to Self – Service to Others. Hope this helps some.
Suzanne, you talk an absolute load of shit. Yes, let’s all go out and burn stuff. Let’s do some drumming as well. Why not do it at work? I’m sure the boss will understand. You make this nightmare sound positively delightful, when the reality is a huge increase in suicides. I mean, what can you do when you are no longer comfortable in your own skin. What do you do when your body becomes a torture chamber? It’s all over really, isn’t it? You can talk about chakras, meditation and all that shit, but when you are fighting to stay alive IN YOUR OWN BODY, then the game is over. I for one have HAD ENOUGH, and the thought of death now fills me with peace, where once it used to fill me with dread. There is something pretty f*cked up here, when people start thinking like that.
Wow Paul, I am not here to change your mind (or anyones for that fact) but it is pretty obvious why you are still in the state of struggle that you are in your physical body as well as emotional, mental and spirital ones and running a ot of victim programming and usually this is because one has not chosen to do the work to release the fear and YES for many including myself the ritual of burning and drumming can ideed help – maybe you should try it! And as for the “get out of jail card of suicide” – well I am here to tell you that I do a ton of hospice and death work and consistently connect with the other side and know and you will not get out of the work on EITHER side of the veil – meaning if you think your fear based energy is going to all just go away and fill you with peace, because you choose your meat body to go away – you are WRONG. All of that fear anger and negativity will simply transcend with you and that Paul is called karma. So gain, you obviously get to choose to believe what ever you want to, as we all do. But many on planet are a living testament to the fact that doing the hard work to release fear and regain balance in empowered love DOES work, even if we find it through a drum!
Well said my love thank you for doing what you are doing for the collective very grateful for this knowledge now I know I’m not just going crazy much love peace and light and Happy ascension the time is now something wonderful is happening!! Also feel free to sharing your website YouTube channel I am interested in learning more thank you
Thank you for this post. I hear footsteps behind me but theres no one there. What does it mean?
Footsteps can mean several things, it might mean an actual guide, a loved one, an entity, or more. OR it also might mean residual energy – meaning energy that runs in a loop pattern from previous energy running through that space. I suggest next time it happens, take a breath, center yourself and ASK who it is and what they want/need from you and see what you get?!?
Me and my husband have both been experiencing many of these symptoms in ALL of the categories. It has been making him think that he was either dying waking up out of a dead sleep or crazy. We are going to start reading through this and absorbing what it could mean for us. One of the coolest things so far that has happened to us was this past Sunday morning when Sena (whom you work with in Bump) was coming to do a reading for us and my husbands mother and step-father, i woke up to a completely dead cell phone (even though it was plugged into the outlet by my bed) and I walked down stairs and noticed one (out of five) of the battery operated tea lights was turned on in a candelabra in our living room and no one in the house had turned it on. We later it was confirmed by Sena which one was lit and the spirit who lit it. She must have known that Sena was coming and wanted to be heard as she had messages to deliver for my husbands step father. Does that also get amplified through this process?
Wanted to share this experience as it just happened moments ago. Following is the post I made about this on my Facebook page:
Gotout an hour of sleep before waking from yet another really intense vivid parallel reality dream. Felt motivated (pushed really) to go online and research (in particular) the causes of the horrible headaches that wash over me with pain that rolls into and out of my head like a thumbing heart riding on a tidal wave in and out of my brain. (Even tho I’m not experiencing this at the moment. ).
And then found this:.
Over the past year, and growing in intensity, I’ve been experiencing every single one of these things (listed in the article). It is the whole big picture….from reoccurring dying house batteries to my really wierd energy levels (insomnia to days of sleeping, extreme memory loss and even memory blackouts, difficulty in discerning time as it passes in as much as often being clueless to what day it is), to vision problems and dizziness and reoccurring hot and cold sensations (to name a few but not even touch a fraction of the wierdness that is the entirety of the seemingly unrelated list).
I have been seriously contemplating whether something has been medically wrong with me and even went as far as getting a cat scan to look for brain tumors (it was completely normal).
At last, it seems an answer has been put in front of me, to help me start making sense if it all…as never once was I connecting these things with the metaphysical. The odds of all these symptoms appearing in a single list when they are so far unrelated is mind blowing. Yet upon further research, this is happening to thousands of people across the planet and multiple sources are discussing very similar topics.
At last, I am feeling reassured that I’m not going insane. I can begin to understand and learn.
So what is next? What will the outcome be? Who else in my Facebook family is experiencing any of the things in the attached article. I know that I am not alone….am I among those I know personally? Please pm me if you feel uncomfortable talking in open chat. I really wanna know. ❤️❤️❤️
The ongoing saga…
Today this happened:
So…I decided to take a string of copper wire faerie lights from a tree in the living room to put in my bedroom instead. They were NOT plugged in and they are NOT solar powered. I dragged the tree to the center of the room and began to unwind them. As I proceeded, the whole string lit up by itself in my hands for about 3 seconds and then shut back off.
A year ago, this would have overwhelmed me with the weirdness. Now, I’m getting so used to these types of occurrances that i normally wouldn’t even mention it… just noted it in my head and decided to share as yet another example of electrical interaction with the stuff around me. I could go through your entire list, item by item, and list pages of reoccurrances from over the past year. Again, all I can say is THANK YOU for providing some insight into the connection between it all.
My big question is…what can we expect next and in what timeframe. What are these occorances ultimately leading up to? Does anyone have any insights into the finish line of this evolution? What is the purpose of the occurrances and what outcome are we heading toward?
In my personal opinion there is no finish line as energy in always in change, motion and transformation. It is the evolution of creations itself. The purpose IS co-creation. We are humans having a spiritual experience here on the planet and sometimes we forget that. The great thing about the changing energies is that is going to contiue to be different all the time; especially now when people are awakening at such a rapid pace – so maybe just try, try and try again – meaning I just keep trying new things to work with my energy. I try MANY different ways to play with the energies and these efforts will change as the energy changes. I think one of the things to do is to keep the FUN and the AWE in this process verses finding the frustration or the fear.
Hi ,
Wondering how Long will be the duration for this changes to complete ?
Hello, I don’t know where to start as almost every symptom is happening to me = ( And its not fun at all. My greatest problem is the ringing in the ear associated with anxiety and depression. Weird because I wasn’t at all listening to music when I had the tinnitus. Then recently, I’ve been emotionally unstable and now I feel like losing my mind and I am wide awake in the middle of the night. I came accross this and I just can’t believe this is really happening. And just now I forgot what I was about to say. Is this ascension all true? I have always been spiritual and I also believe in the higher power. I just know that something weird is going on with my body.
The Vagus nerve is being worked on causing the ringing. I have tinnitus and diagnosed Hyperacusis (very sensitive hearing). Google herbal remedies for Vagus. My results have been very good with herbal only
I feel so much pressure on my nose, it’s so painful, today it started moving to my teeth, eyes and my forehead. When it stared it wasn’t bad. Starred on the 29th dec. It only comes from late afternoons to the evenings, never in the mornings. At night it’s so much. It’s certainly not an illness, I’ve never had sinus issues before. What on earth is causing this? I don’t have a runny nose, just a lot of pressure like something is sitting on my nose. Today it’s affecting my eyes ☹️
Lots of us feel pressure and are affected in this area because it is the FIFTH dimensional energies that are shifting and this is the FIFTH chakra in our human body. My advice is always stay on task with checking in the 3-D medical physical realm while having patience in the 5-D metaphysical-realm.
I have been undergoing a huge shift in my energy since August. When I say huge, I mean intensely different, awe-provoking, and humbling. The “magic” of it all has been the most profound and heart/soul expanding experience. I found this article several months back looking for information about ascsension, and my Google search brought me back here today because I heard a seemingly source-less electronic beeping that I wanted to investigate more. Thanks to the article, the beeping isn’t so strange anymore.
The beauty of finding this article again is that in the last month I have felt terrible! Colds when I don’t get sick, sciatica pain that I’ve never had before, and an overwhelming feeling of anxiety and depression that keeps me awake at night.
Prior to a month ago, I was experiencing practically all of the “positive” symptoms all day, every day without effort. In the last few days, I feel the “cloud” lifting and my connection to the profound beauty I was experiencing before is now returning.
Here is what I have discovered through this process so far:
– Surrender to all experiences (the good and the seemingly bad) is critical for overall health. Trusting your decisions and releasing fear opens the channels for You to flow through. My suspicion, though I’m still testing this, is that with complete surrender and trust in your self (which is ultimately Source/God), life not only gets easier, but alignment to Soul purpose happens, and thus all of your dreams come true.
– My “negative” symptoms are not a result of sitting around waiting for ascension to happen to me. Much the opposite. My symptoms are more likely the result of releasing and exorcising energies/memories that are no longer useful to me.
Wonderful work, Suzanne. Thank you from the deepest part of my heart. Namaste.
I have most of those things happen to me too as well as everything said above that was posted on this site. I pretty much feel like I have no control at some points like you said as well and it’s very confusing. Symptoms show that my body is in shock, knowing I’m missing something or this wouldn’t be happening. There’s a solution to everything but when does all of this stop. I seem to be having all the same symptoms around the same time as it feels like anyway but I dont understand. If someone can please inform me knowing these issues please let me know. I dont want to have to be forced to go to the doctor. Thankyou as well
again, like I have posted prior – STUDY this concept of Ascension so that you do not have to live in fear and you can discern what your symptoms are …. remember we will be affected physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually with this stuff – but do you best to stay out of fear as that is the fuel for disease.
Thankyou for those powerful words
Wow is right!!! I began awakening December 2012 and it has been very crazy. Currently 46. I could write a book on my life and how this Divine energy has changed everything. A reverse Kundalini started my journey. I am an Army Veteran and went to the VA with signs like vibrations all over, which they put me through horrible MS tests; tests for Parkinson’s; Seizures; Alzheimer’s; etc… Mind would be brilliant one day and next day I couldn’t cook pancakes. My body and mind have gone through enormous changes. Almost 90 pounds lighter. I was a very successful bodybuilder as a teenager and I have that body back. Crazy! Flexibility and overall cognitive, functional control of all CNS nerves is one of the coolest things. Balance is amazing and I play a lot to test and grow new capabilities physically and Spiritually. I am an energy healer now and understand it all from the Upanishads to the Gita. I find myself in a Guru role often for others. I can give shaktipot to people open to it and have been like a closet healer for a while. My own family blew me off way back as I started changing. I was a professional working in Government modeling and simulation as well as high tech background in telecommunications for over 15 years. This Kundalini shot my skills higher and higher to the point it squeezed me out of my regular job. i started seeing and understanding things that I only heard of in my industry. The peer group I had seen me as oddly outgoing and insightful. I was getting to be a fun guy in the workplace who could solve any problem but with SPiritual angles. That turned people off. I learned to keep my reasons for being who I am to myself. JUst bring your natural awakened talents to the forefront of your life without highlighting them for now. This is my best advice. Too many people do not know about this shift. You will lose their ability to stay focused on you if you try to pull them into the spirit. And besides, they can’t hear it anyway. In the Gita, Krishna advises Arjuna to not preach to those who do not want to hear. Related it to “an immoral act.”
Never assume because you have the insight and ability to comprehend this new energy that others (1) also do or (2) care to discuss even if they are IT. Be very delicate with expressing and offering help to others. Surround yourself with ‘warm’ leads as in business. to start, I only opened to those who were receptive. When you find a non-receptive person, they have the potential to wreck your day if you are not aware of how to talk to and address their comments; as usually it will end up as a debate. I learned this the hard way :)…. Overall, my psychic abilities and abilities within meditation are improving daily.
Thank you so much for this venue to express in.
Namaste and happy awakening
As a child I could easily communicate with a little korean girl that was placed in my kindergarten classroom. The teacher and her would be frustrated not being able to express or understand her needs but I knew what she needed. A little older I had dreams or visions of complete famine or natural disasters. Very often throughout my entire life I always had a sense of bad situations or people that I was able to steer clear from just in the nick of time. I see more butterflies, number sequences, and experience coincidences more than anyone should in an entire lifetime. I’ve been having dreams again (I am now 39) I quit one of my 2 jobs (I am a caretaker for elderly adults with special needs) in my twenty’s thru mid thirties I worked at banks and mortgage companies and law firms and none of those were fulfilling I always felt it wasn’t my calling. I have a deep deep need to find something but I don’t know what it is I’m looking for. I have a deeper need to change the world or help people but I don’t know where to start. I have also stepped back from old relationships some who are my own close relatives. I feel at times I’m going crazy. Especially when I see things on the news and think that those things have already happened a couple weeks ago as if I literally watched the same exact briefing or had a dream about the exact thing just weeks prior. I would like to know how to control this a little better and maybe tell my awakening to slow it down just a notch. I don’t know weather to be proud of a gift or be concerned about a mental illness LOL
Thanks for the post Cassandra – and for sharing your experiences for others to learn from. This is a difficult time for many so to hear that others have similar thoughts, emotions and experiences always helps.
Here is my two cents for some of your comments, and in no way does this info need to be your truth, nor anyone else’s….I am just here to offer mine.
When you make reference to feeling a deep, deep need to find something – It may be YOU that you are looking to find. I feel that indicates your soul trying to find true alignment with yourSELF. To remember what you know as they say. To go inward to examine your beliefs and thoughts and possibly stretch or change them into more of what your inner knowing offers, not caring what the outer world suggests as boundaries/truths of what we “should” adhere to.
When we are going through this work, we often feel like we need to change the world – but the way we do this is by starting with ones self – changing that to be the best ME I can be because I AM a microcosmic version of the whole; and the more work I do on ME the more that work resonates into the collective patterns of the all. Additionally releasing judgment and fear from self, others and life helps change the all.
You seem to experience a lot of pre-cognitive things, and/or are jumping time lines and I know that can seem scary, at least it has been for me at times. BUT one of the things I do is stay present – just go with that flow – we are told that time is “real” therefore when we jump around in it we feel like we are crazy or losing our minds, but in reality it is vibrations and frequencies that are changing and shifting as are the scenarios I am made privy to within them, so in my opinion that is far from crazy – it is cool and a gift. It just takes a different mind-set.
Always remember it is YOU that is in charge of your awakening even though it may not feel like it some times. I liken it to a visual of an old-fashioned radio with really big knobs, and I am the one that is constantly moving them through the channel frequencies. I am the one that is in charge of listening or aligning to what vibration I choose to, when I choose to, how I choose to. AND I can also turn them way down and even off for a bit if I choose because we never lose the connection, but some times we might want a break in the action.
Hope that helps some!
Has anyone report any female issues with reproductive system? I’m in pretty good Heath but last few years expierences pain in lower urturs sever and unexplained i went to ER over it more than once
Anyway doctor never found anything wrong. But now I’ve experienced sensitive in that area. Any suggestions?
I am wondering about the reproductive organs as well. I’ve always had normal PAP’s. This past spring I was told I had abnormal results/glandular changes. They did a colposcopy, which came back normal. Now, had another PAP 6 months later which came back abnormal/glandular changes. Any thoughts?? Thank you.
My personal take is that our poor human bodies are taking such a hit with all the environmental and food things we are in contact with in addition to everything else going on….sadly these meat and bone things can;t keep up.
I for the past year have been going through some very strange things. Starting with i felt something like it was moving in my vagina area for about a month. My left eye rolled completely around. It always seems as if I am walking in a bunch of flickers of light. I also get very depressed and anxious all of a sudden. Feels lkme there is something in me and around me that everyone can see but me. My bones are cracking in my chest back and neck. My knee and anke keep cracking and feels like the are xoming out of socket. My shoulders also. There is a funny feeling in my ear and strange noises coming.out my mouth. I feel something when im around people something comes from them and i feel funny. Please help there is a lot more to tell but i need someone to help me make sense of me
The best thing I can offer is to read more about all of this – and I have a ton on my site free to assist as is there in this Blog. You are not alone. You are not nuts, things are real and we all have to find ways to stay grounded and connected. There is also energy healers that can assist.
By the way.
I am experiencing every single one of these symptoms at speeds I can’t even keep up with.
I met a man in late 2013 who was a stranger and due to circumstances in my life we had to cross paths.
I literally felt this man walk into the room as i had my back to him.
I jolted emotionally,spiritually,mentally and physically. I have never felt this experience with another human being in almost 50 years of life.
I was 45 at the time and since that day my life has changed drastically.
I got divorced from a bad marriage, have come out the other side of severe depression and anxiety and PTSD.
I have a deep respect and love for this man and i couldnt forget him if i tried.
After meeting him i felt propelled to get better and heal.
He had such a healing affect on me.
While i was with him i was reliving a trauma but at the same time felt completly safe with him at the same time if that makes sense.
He is the only human being i have felt complete safeness with.
To the point that when i remember it i get overwhelmed with gratefulness.
I feel like he is the love of my life in a true sense and meant with respect and not whimsical.
I would never do anything to hurt him or interfere with his life and feel a profound protectiveness towards him.
He had a profound affect on me and i only spoke to him on the phone a few times and met him once.
When i first heard his voice it went straight into me deeply.
No other human being has had this affect on me and he is still in my heart and soul to this day and i feel like it just gets stronger and grows.
I get overwhelmed by the strength of it but it is very comforting when i think of him.
When i think of him there is no fear just a completeness i cant explain and never felt with anyone in my life.
Just pure respect and love.
I think you met your twin soul. Plato and some other great phylosophers used to talk about it. It happened to me too. But my experience was way more like science fiction and i never met her in person, only in other dimensions. She is here but it seeks like it would be very dangerous for us to meet in this lifetime which makes me so sad but i know we are united and going home after this life. Time for us to move on.
I have been trying to reach this for starting to feel better.i hope everyone is having a great time with yourself new Outlook on life.
I had a near death experience at age 12. I think that changed me or woke something up. Popping in my right ear when i have a visitor as i call it . Still self dout myself, then today i had to put it out there at my morning tea group …. who grew up with a boarder collie ? To my surprise…. someone said …. yeah i did ….. then i asked who did you know with the name starting with M … ? He responded my mum’s name was Marie……, i asked did she have a stroke ??? Because my mouth felt dropped to one side … he answered YES …. i cant make this stuff up and be right ! Think i need help …. i cant keep tunning out . Where do i start??? .
I think you ARE starting in fact you are DOING. Just take things slow and stay grounded.
Hi Suzanne! Thank you for this post. I have been experiencing Ascension symptoms for the past 6 months now, I started seeing 11:11 all the time a year ago but it wasn’t until 6 months ago that I got psychical symptoms, it started in my lower back and I could barely walk, I am a very active person but I knew I didn’t do anything while working out. That lasted about a month and started going up to my shoulders and then my neck, I started getting headaches and even after 5 ibuprofen it still made no difference. I also have never had any headaches before. I started having vivid dreams about very violent experiences, experiences that seemed like I was in another body and another time but it felt so real. I started doing meditations and looking up ascension. It still is very confusing to me at times and I still cry a lot. I guess I just wonder, when do you know the ascension process is coming it’s fulfillment? Sometimes it feels like it is getting worse and then it gets better for a little bit. I am still confused about that part. Thank you!
Hi Dom – Ascension Cycles are approcimately 26,000 year cycles so needless to say we are barely into this cycle — LOL! Seriously there really is no END to this Ascension stuff because this is all about frequencies and vibrations in flux – every changing and that does not have to be seen as a bad thing. But more of a JOURNEY.
Many of the symptoms mentioned I resonate with.
Strange things have been happening.
Last week as I was lying in bed a flash of golden white light with a cracking sound appeared that sent direct energy to my solar plexus then ripped through my body.
It was like a massive shock.
The pain stayed for about 2 days afterwards not as intense but there.
Was told that it is a clearing of old conditioning as I am well on my Assecntion path.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Thanks for the post – again a lot of us are experiencing ELECTRICAL downloads and upgrades in the power center and the heart and head.
Remember, it is critical to stay “grounded” in the magnetic energies to keep the balance. Getting outside and working with and for Gaia is important.
Hi I have experienced the same thing science August 23 rd 2017 starlight after the full moon, I have Ringing in ears constantly and sinus or something that feels like full ears sound hurts my ears too I also have ibs and neck and shoulder pains I have had 3rd eye vision in my sleep of numbers words and symbols and also a massage by a voice in my head twice once it told me I’m getting healed and I’m receiving cherish Contisness and another time I was shaken up and told to listen to my higher self voice the soft one not the chatter brain also I get slit of fear and anxiety from the electricity I hear and high pitch in ear even though now I meditate a lot my body comes alive with energy and shaking on the kondalini I have experience crawling on skin twitches hot hands and numb while meditating and energy feel from palms amd energy in feet many body third eye pressure nandtop of head tingling I feel like I’m going mad also I felt like a caterpillar dying my ego self I go up and down in appreciation and gry fullness to crying sadness and thoughts of how am I going to get through this ear thing I been to so many specialist and all said different things including sinuses now I just go accupunture amd energy healing I been in a spiritual jurnwy for 12 years passionately reading learning etc the search and I want to inspire an sheal others once I heal myself I going mad crazy is this real o know I have to have faith and trust but my doubt and fear creeps in sometimes this noise in my head I can’t even rest it’s very disturbing I miss the peace ..
Thanks so much for sharing – yes things can get crazy and we can feel a lot of different things along this path; most of which the traditional medical professionals cannot help with. That said, always at least check in with them if you feel you should. I think when I get tooooooo much electrical energy – I do my best to get GAIA balanced again – to ramp up that “magnetic” energy of the earth to connect to a better grounding frequency and that sometimes helps some of the things you mentioned find a better balance.
I share some of the experience ,and I feel I have the following happenings which I tryied but still did not explained well for myself what is happening exactly, though sometimes I have a vivid small events.
Starting resently like two yrs before suddenly I have somehow changed from like a lover of group chats discussion loughling with friends organizing events to some how ,most of the time I feel uncomfortable with my close family and friends.
When I start discussion I directly hear the other conscious??or…??of the other person, and I respond to it automatically.I don’t why this is happening.
And I find difficult to keep longer conversation because handling both hearing drains me. And I will try to make meetings shorter.
When I am alone with nature like park. I feel energized and have a peace_happy feelings.
I have to be these places frequently not to feel depressed in work area and around my family.
The other issue what is happening is my hearing sensitivity is higher now.
I started recently listening an insect sound cricket in a meaningful way.and experimented the case.When I am far from the insects nothing is happening.I cked well that it is not in me the sound but outside attached with the insect sound and I have actually communicated it.
Lastly I would like to share , music use to be nice, but not now, I hear it like as conversation and like I feel somebody is trying to communicate with out my interest.I have to have some booth to listen to a music.otherwise my conscious is trying to connect things not comfortable.
I want to make things calm and I don’t want my energy to be drainned by few meetings with friends or in a crowds.It seems I use to be more e.energetic but now, I should have more time to gain back alone like in nature things.
I would appreciate if anyone online share his experience and how he/ she keeps energy calm, and peaceful way practice.And Boosting energy to have a good feelings!!
Thank You all, May God Bless!
Thanks for the post Teddy – I too am very aware of vibration more than ever now and am careful as to what I do and where I go. I believe staying grounded and bubbled is crucial in navigating these frequencies. Making choices that are good for YOU.
Thank you Suzanne for sharing your ways.
In response to your comment about staying bubbled I was reading that staying bubbled in a golden light is much safer and better than white or clear, would you agree with this? The guy said that the white is not full proof and can allow some lower energies in still somehow. I also would like to know if I do the bubble in the morning do I have to do it periodically all day or am I good for the day …..?? I have definitely levitated in dreams and had some freakishly bizarre and lucid dreams. Like dreams within deams for sure. I am also feeling alone and use to be a true people person. But the whole world seems to really annoy and bore me with their trivial conversations about nothing. And I know that isn’t nice to say but it is the truth. I would love to have people to talk with this about. It would truly be amazing.
Hello Hope – I actually feel like it is all about INTENT. If you intent to do a protection (i.e., bubble) fully with your version of what works, it does. I do not agree with HAVING to do it a certain way to be “right”. I believe we all have personal power and we are able to create what is for our Highest and Best via our intention, so I personally say – do what works for you….and again, I also do not have to be your truth. If you “believe” in anothers advice – great. We are all co-creators on this journey and GET TO do it what ever way feels right.
With regard to being anoyed and bored – that too is typical right now, because you are vibrating at a different level – that does not make one better or worse, just different. So I suggest try to find JOY in your day to balance out that fear-based vibration, and remember we ALL GET TO do what ever we choose – so your version of the other’s truth – is just that – THEIRS – and does not have to be YOURS…if that makes sense. Surrender and relax possible 🙂
For those experiencing anxiety and/or depression as a part of the ascension process, I recommend 1.) wearing the calming gemstones Lepidolite and Kunzite, 2.) wearing Ylang Ylang essential oil on the third eye, solar plexus, and soles of the feet, and 3.) taking a combination of the following “Bach Flower” homeopathic remedies: “Aspen”, “Rock Rose”, and “Star of Bethlehem”. Place three drops of each of these in 16 ounces of water, and sip from the bottle throughout the day. You can also take three drops of “Rescue Remedy” three times per day directly under the tongue. Finally, pray and meditate daily for understanding of this profound “re-birthing” experience.
Thank you so much for sharing your terrific tips!
Every single one of these symptoms I’ve experienced within the last 2 years at some point or another. I can feel that they aren’t finished, that I’m just on the precipice of overcoming something. Each day I learn something new about myself, the universe, humanity. I feel my compassion and empathy growing. My love for life and all the creatures that dwell within it. However, I also frequently experience negative side affects. I can feel energy and sometimes while I’m alone at night I sense entities around me. I’m trying to over come this fear of the unknown but its really hard. Its a wall I can’t break because it makes me feel to vulnerable. I can’t deny their presences yet I want to. I feel as if I’m going crazy at times, scared to talk to my friends about it.
How long does the ascension process take? Is there even an average time. Intuitively, I feel like it may take a decade or so. But I hope this isn’t the case! Lol
Hi Liz – thanks for the post. Many of us experience all kinds of symptoms some of which leave eventually and some not. That said, that is due to the fact that these frequencies will continue to change and our bodies will also continue to struggle to align to them. For me, this IS the learning made manifest. It is a continual opportunity to dig deeper into what FEARS I am still holding as that is what fights the increase in freuqqency within in the human meat-body. The more you delete fear-based programming, the better you feel, physically, emotionally and mentally.
As far as the fear with the night and entities, I suggest you download the free Gound and Bubble technique on my Home page (black button on the bottom of page) and do it both in the AM before your day but more-so just prior to PM/bed, FOR AT LEAST TWO WEEKS until it becomes integrated, extending that bubble of protection into and throughout your room. This provides the protective frequencies to protect you and let only that which is for your Highest and best to enter your space.
Many feel that sense of going crazy and that is why it is important to find a group of like minded folks like our Vibe Tribe Membership so that you can share and be heard and acknowledged. You are not crazy – and it is difficult because not everyone else feels and experiences these energies. It does not make us special – while at the same time makes us very special – meaning we are ALL a part of this but those that are more affected are the ones needing to do the work for Service to Others by doing their own work of Service to Self. That means doing your own individual work to stay balanced and hold the frequencies as best you can without the FEAR. This helps the collective energies made available to the ALL.
The Ascension is far from OVER as a “cycle” is 25,000+ years in the making….so if you change your perspective from looking forward to an ENDING and re-vision this as an opportunity to learn, change and grow – you will experience much more of the freedoms this journey has to offer – “if you choose” of course! Hope this helps some!
I do know the Physics of Change. Change is like Time. In fact, it is Time. There are as many factors involving Change as there are in Time. The only thing one can do is to be aware of what’s happening and to observe. To interfere in any aspect would throw the outcome. If you are afraid, center yourself, step back and wait.
thanks Anne
I began to wake up in 1998 and in 2000 I read about the golden age. Strange thing was that out of the blue this page appeared on my computer and that is how I started learning about the changes the earth was about to go through. I have wanted to go “home” since I was 11 years old, I am now 49. I recall my walk-in experience when I was 10, it was quite interesting and fascinating.
I went with a group of friends to see a psychic many years ago and when she looked at me she said “you don’t eat meat”. Apparently she could see a neon glow around all the meat in the grocery stores and the people eating it were also glowing with this colour. She said it was radiation.
Anyway, I have been focused on clean eating to the best of my knowledge and this ascension cycle is a wonderful to experience. My mind literally tells me what to eat, I usually get ideas and recipes while in the shower. It is always fruits, vegetables, greens, banana ice cream with berries kind of thing.
I do feel a stronger connection than ever to animals and nature although it had always been there but not this strong. Sometimes I have difficulty letting go of what I feel from the animals, it is the abuse and pain they endure that must stop.
I also find that my light attracts dark negative people sometimes that want to intentionally cause harm.
I feel very aware, a heightened sense of awareness. I am conscious of my thoughts and have three pets that are highly intuitive. Fascinating to see your pets go through ascension as well. I believe they are actually helping us and wild animals are playing their role as well.
I also see the repeat of numbers 1111, 1212, 818, 555, 444, 222.
Awesome information, thanks so much for the post!
Super info – thanks for sharing!
Well I’ve been experiencing a majority of these symptoms I have always been noticeably influential on electronics and I have started noticing number patterns more and more. Plus when I’ve been aggravated or angry storms tend to follow. Man I’m soooooooo confused not necessarily bothered but confused. I’ve experienced more and more stuff falling or otherwise moving of their own accord but usually when I’m within close proximity that has happened in recent months. Plz if you have insight I wish to share your knowledge base.
Thanks Christopher – TI too used to be much like this and I have changed my balance extensively but it takes work. I highly suggest you utilize the free download on the bottom of my home-page that is the “Ground and Bubble Technique” so that you can better contain your energetic field. It sounds as if you are way too overloaded in the electric energies and super depleted in the magnetic ones so that meditation each morning and each evening for at least two weeks should help you better confine your aura. Additionally, anything you can do to ramp up your Mother Earth Connection (Verses the Father Sky one for now) is critical – and back off electronics if and when possible is another suggestion. You are pulling way toooooo much cosmic and need the Gaia anchor right now (if you choose!!)
Last night my whole body vibrated so much that I could not control it. I was singing and listening to the vibration of my vocals and connecting with my body. I used to practice my chakras so feeling energy around me in normal. But my whole body vibrates so much I couldn’t control it. My family thinks I was having a seizure. My hands and charms were stiff and clenched to my sides. I wanted to pass out so I practiced my breathing. I felt like I was going to detach from this world and I’ve never astral projected before. My body became numb and I could barely feel it anymore. I started jumping up and down and moving my legs around. After 20 mins it went away. I felt cold and started sweaty after. I didn’t experience any foaming from mouth, twitching or puking. I was aware and could speak. I do puke in my mouth at least 3 times a week which has concerned me. Anyways, please let me know if these symptoms are similar too yours or if you think it’s a medical condition.
I never experience things such as that and I ALWAYS say that we should make our own choice about getting medical opinions – but in this case I might if I were you, just to be sure and to ease you mind.
I know I am late to this post. I am matching up with a lot of these.
I have been waking to this strong energy in my room and my sleep has been very in and out. The other day I was beginning to wake and I got this strong visualization of the number 32. I saw it so clearly, I even said it aloud as it appeared. My daughter and husband were in the room and the energy seemed to wake my daughter with me. I was diagnosed adhd a few months ago and that has led me down a path of self reflection because my “quarks” never seemed to be a disorder until I developed hyper-arousal (a symptom of hyperactivity) after having my daughter. Hyper-arousal even seems to match up with your list of signs.
Can you help me to understand the visualization and energy? It was so real but I have such a hard time coming to terms with it being reality.
Dear Suzanne,
I only just now read your amazing article. Thank you so much for sharing it and helping all those, who seek the truth about what is going on!
I’ve been experiencing almost all of the symptoms you mention for 4-5 years now, but most of all I feel extremely connected to animals, trees and plants. I have reached a point where I feel real physical pain when I see (or hear of) dead of suffering animals, or when I see dead or cut trees. This feeling is very strong and it’s totally out of my control. I would do anything to help animals and trees. I feel one with all of them. It’s weird for me to say this, because I don’t have the same feeling as far as humans are concerned. I feel very close to some, and then totally disconnected from others.
Also, three weeks ago my father died and this event just turned my world upside down. He was (is) one of the most gentle, kind and noble creatures I had ever known and his death shook my whole being. But then I started seeing him in my dreams all the time. So, now I am 99% certain that he is communicating with me and I am 100% certain that life continues in even more interesting ways in the higher frequency realms!
Again, thank you for this wonderful article!
Hi Sela – thanks for your post. In MY opinion we DO have some control over feeling the sadness and pain of the animal kingdom. And when we learn to bubble, discern and do efforts of RELEASE we change ourselves and the world. Why we need to release is that it is important to send that sad/feel/experience/info back to the Akash – meaning if we move that sadness THROUGH our own body and back to Source energy – it is then information that higher source holds and can give to those new souls that are choosing to incarnate as the next round of human beings. These new humans will then have access to the horrors going on here on planet – and they will come in with a different perspective, and make better choices to heal the animal kingdom and the world. If we continue to keep that sad and fear within our human individual bodies, we not only get sick ourselves, but we die with it and then reincarnate over and over with limited knowledge. Hopefully that makes some sense….it is like we need to return that information (like a book) to the main library (the Akash) so others can have access to it. We can move that info through us in any way we choose – that is the magic of the work. We can pray, dance, burn, do ritual, drum, see it on a cloud….the imagination is key.
I think it’s beautiful that you even describe your Father as you would a strong, reliable, and noble tree. Not sure if it was intentional and if it wasnt then it’s quite outwardly obvious the love you hold for animals/trees are akin to the love you hold for your blood.
Blessed be to you. <3
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and the top of my soul for writing this article. I had been on some form of opiates and anxiety medication for the last 17 years of my life. I recently got off all meds, moved into a new house and met new friends…then my health went bananas, a long with every other thing you listed. My mind has blown over and over again. I find myself doubting my abilities and doubting what is happening to me, but reading others comments and through all the symptoms, I’m convinced this I what is going on!! I went from sensitive empath to being awakened! My friend said oh you’re eyes are so dry because you’re so awakened!!! Lol
Good luck with your journey
I am in awakening meditation…I feel palpitation in the back bone like heart
I am in spritual awakening meditation..I feel heart like palpitation in my back bone on lying in bed
Really typical because we have our chakras that move that divine energy and those chakras go through our physical body both front and back.
I really don’t know what to say or how to say…..
What you just wrote in this page is like… life ..
glad to help – keep on working!
For me I had my in dream,I was washing my face when I said Jesus should open my eye then I fall after washing. When I woke up I start having all the symptoms you have mentioned, I see things in higher like someone on drugs and more ,for me I thing Jesus is selecting his people so we should not be afraid of this ,my hearing became very high.At times I fill like my mind is exploding. So friends glad u had gotten this signs in your life is the will of Jesus.bye.
Glad the “Jesus” conccept works for you — however we all bring in Source information in differfent ways, visually, verbbally and energetically and for those that do not algin to the Jesus concpet – they will not necessarily experience t”him” – however that in no way means that the energy is not there and available to them and all of us.
I often catch a glimpse of time and it is 3.33 most of the time, I don’t understand why but it happens, I have vivid dreams every day and can’t sleep till 4 in the morning, and my sleep pattern is only 3 hours at one go that means I sleep for two or three hours and then wakeup. Also experience palpitations.
Sometimes I am very intuitive and it often happens that the person I was thinking about called me or mentioned just the thing I was thinking . There is this lingering sadness that is there . It’s hard to focus on anything… These are the few things I experience .
Thanks for sharing – I highly suggest downloading the FREE meditation at the bottom of my home page (black button) that is a Grounding and Bubble technique that can assist you in maintaining your fuel – it helps with sleep and also offers a discernment tool to determine if the “sad” energy is actually yours or if you are empathing something else. Seeing numbers in sequence is a message from Source — kind of a “Hello!” 🙂
I have a question please. I have been experiencing ‘goosebumps’ and other sensations at the back of my head (and my back) and I was wondering what is situated at the back of the head? I am clear on where the crown chakra is situated so it can’t been crown chakra right? What could it be?
Hi Anush – remember your entire chakra system aligns with you electrical and nervous system – and all systems go down the spine, so we can active those goosebumps in any area at any time. Also goosebumps are an indicator of “knowing” a truth….so keep an eye out for that as well!
Wow thank u Suzanne for all the authentic work u share and help guide us with on this journey..its been the most challenging shifts by people like all of u who comment and Suzanne help make it more interpredeable, relatable, and freeing..blessings to all u beautiful beings on this asenscion of growth and evolving.:)
Thank you Katie!!
This is helpful overall. Having said that I am relatively new and an looking for clarity with what I am experiencing.
I have been practicing chakra balancing and clearing after taking an online udemy course for a few months. Since I started this process, i began to feel chillness around my chakra areas. It was an energy flow and i was feeling quite confortable with it. As I got to clearing my heart chakra about a month or two back, i experienced extreme chillness in my body one night. I was shivering from inside even though the thermometer indicated my temperature was normal. When i closed my eyes, i felt i was seeing flashes. I could not sleep for a long time. I thought i was perhaps doing something wrong with my chakra clearing process. So next day, I tried not to focus on the energy as much but I think I pretty much blocked it and i developed a headache. Subsequently, i slowed down on my practice but the chillness feeling never stopped. I feel it randomly around my hands, legs, in my body right around where the chakras are located and more often over my head. There are times when my hands heat up and i can feel the vibrations. Sometimes, the heat flows around my heart area. It used to be frequent before I started chakra clearing. Now the heat sensation is occasional, but mostly i feel a cold air around me. Once I was so angry at a work related issue and i was expressing my frustration to my wife. Just as I started to speak, I experienced a sudden powerful wave of cold air on my left side. It felt as though someone was there. I subsequently continued to experience the feeling over my head. Can you/someone explain what could be happpening? I did some research online and only found mixed views on this which was not clear.
Hey Jay – I find a lot of times when one channels more ETHER energies it feels chilly or cold and it just means you move and hold that energy in that cool vibration verses how another would hold heat. Ether is the combination of all four forces, earth, air, water and fire combined……lots of folks have ONE dominant force/source and usuallly that pulls the energy via heat. ETHER folks pull it all FOUR at once and it moves the energy differently and comes out cool No right or wrong, nothing to change – it is just how you work… (in my opinion).
Some additional things I started to experience…i could sense the fields around objects and people when i bring my hands close. For instance, i could feel the field with my hands for over a feet with my kids. Depending on how i move my hands (clockwise or counterclockwise), i could either feel A repulsive or attractive field. I can also feel the heat when I move my hand over others. However, I noticed that this sensitivity drops when I begin to get the cold feeling around me.
You probably already read my response to your first post and explaining the cool. You will also feel the heat but that is the OTHER persons field energy. The hands close experience is because you are tapping into their Etheric Body template – or first layer of their aura – and they will be holding that field in their usual way (again most hold heat) and you will experience both them and you – if that makes sense….. Clockwise verses counter is bringing IN or allowing OUT the energy.
Thanks Suzanne. This is helpful. Some of the sites I read mentioned my chakras could be imbalanced but I never felt any discomfort. So I wanted to know what this all means as these things have started to happen only recently for me.
Ms. Suzanne most of the things are what is happening to me accept for the last paragraph and the second to last paragraph. If you would I would like you to make more of these so I can figure out what is going on with my body.
I do my best to explain more in the Asension Guide that is free on my site and the blogs – peek there to see if that helps!
I googled accession signs and symbols. I seek knowledge of what I am experiencing. I relate with all physical signs. Itching on my neck like I’m heating up from the inside, but I spend my time in a cool environment, my right lower eye twitches, I feel tingles in my forehead, my third eye trickles, feather like strokes in my crown chakra, tingles, sparkling lights like glitter in my vision, circles of light “energy” orbs, goosebumps, my heart palpitating, hearing things, knowing and feeling when I am visited. I resignate with the feeling of being ONE and going back to the one source, but I came into this physical experience for this human experience. I do want to ask when we re-incarnate into a new life, do we take this knowledge and apply it to our new journey?
Do you understand what it means when something startled right before it was about to rush through my body like this big wave of warmth at the end I could feel the way getting more aggressive or larger in size
Your question is stated a bit confusing, but I think that what ever energy went through you – if it does not feel like soemthing you WANT – rebalance and reground, and command that what is only for your Highest and Best is allowed in your personal space. Then work with the thought pattern that is IS gone, so the energy follows. Hope that helps.
Ok.. I now know that I am definitely having these experiences. So the question is.. What should I do know to cope with it?
I encourage you to read the Ascension Series right here on the Blog – that is why I wrote it. This is to assist folks like you in not only understanding Ascension and its symptoms, but giving thoughts on what to do about navigating it.
Hello I believe I have many symptoms you mentioned and I feel drained loss of appetite cold feet not knowing what to do now sad think I’m going crazy and also fear or staying alone do you have any advice for me ?
I suggest reading all the other ascension posts for ideas!😀
I have been experiencing A lot of these symptoms, and it’s makes you feel like you are losing your mind, the vertigo was the woeat, I h’ve been waking up for months between 3-5 am, it’s like I’m excited and nervous at the same time. I am glad to see i an not the only one go ing thru this, how long does the awakening period last, it’s been 4 months so far and my life has been turned upside down. But I always knew I was different, and I am glad I am waking up to my true self!!
There is actually NO TIME frame on this stuff as the Ascension Cycles are like 26,500 years – so…… But the good news is that we as human meat and bone bodies can learn to navigate these energeis better with knowledge and time spent on our selves! So keep up the great awareness and work!
Oh! This was an enlightenment. I think I have absolutely almost all the symptoms… Been put off meat of all sorts and now struggling with both (right) chest and back pain and often problems with breathing… waking up almost every night at 4am no matter at what time I go to bed and I dream, oh I dream! Harry Potter seems boring at times 😜 glad to read I’m quite normal seems like although not sure how to channel it all for a good cause… will read all other posts but any advice warmly welcomed ❤️
I am wondering if different sensations/pains in the body can be associated with places? I feel sick like at our summer house that was in my husbands family before I met him. Although I enjoy being at this place I don’t feel well…get pains, problems with breathing, intense dreaming etc…
TOTALLY as land, as well as buildings ALL hold residual energies. It is like an old grid pattern of emotions, memories, etc., that can all affect our health as well as dream state. Possibly consider doing a clearing or a cleansing ritual, with sage, chimes, bells, drums, etc., what ever makes you happy, to ask it to release and take your power back there.
Hi, I’ve been experiencing weird things such as having burst of excitement? I was thinking maybe it was from my anxiety/depression. Such as other things as seeing small lights, and shadows. One day I closed my eyes and saw a series of patterns and close them again and they wouldn’t go away. I’ve been not wanting to hang out with my old friends and be in the scene. I can’t even watch TV anymore I’d rather enjoy being in silence. At first I thought I was going crazy then came upon this article.
I am also 21 years old. How can I move on with my transitioned life I’f I can’t get over my last mistakes?
I figure MISTAKES are only opportunities to learn from and do something different next time. AND BTW, if you are 21 and already this aware you are way ahead of the game!!
I too have (or have had) many of these same symptoms, issues and scenarios. I find if I just keep present and find gratitude, it is easier to navigate!
You are really good at what you do. This is the second time I landed on your website. Much to relate! It’s not always easy….to figure out and the intensity with which all of it varies. Thank you for this. Bless!
thank you back for posting!!
Hi Guys,
I am Dhandapani from India, i am doing medication last 3 years. But last 1 year am feeling different experiences feeling bloated frequently and sometimes frequently forehead pressure, sometimes left side head pressure sometime right side pressure sometimes backside head pressure. Few months back not slept properly. Now am sleeping properly. This month feeling chest tightness sometime at 3 am respiration both nose(i mean 2 hole) feeling. Last few months continuous cough ( I mean mucus coming).Now a days more fear is coming am not getting why it’s happening Pls guide me.
Actually Got to this page by searching this comment (I had an experience with an actual intelligence in the form of an energy field which held me down on my bed without any physical contact.I wanted to move as I was quite freaked out at its presence but it simply used what i can only describe as some sort of gravitational control so that I was unable to move even 1 mm.Never felt that feeling ever before or after the event,a very heavy feeling like i had just gained tonnes of weight.Initially I discounted this as a dream but as the years passed by I realised it most likely was reality at least my thinking evolved to understand that Ive never had a dream where everything in the room was exactly as it is in reality so taking this into account and the fact I sat up and looked around once it had gone ,releasing me whilst it turned and left.It was in a humanoid shape of crackling energy sort of semi-transparent from memory or perhaps more solid energy similar to what u might experience whilst looking at a crackling blank tv set with its screen energy and from memory I could hear crackling energy similar to this noise.I think maybe it lasted what i perceived to be around 20 or 30 seconds.Difficult to define a clear description but solid in the memory.Anyways this is my experience from some long years ago but it has always stayed with me.It was not a dream.Anyone with similar experiences ?
Lots of times when folks experience being “pinned down” or not able to move it is due to the concept that we are not either fully in OR fully out of body – meaning we are in the middle – this happens alot in semi-dreams state and we are paralyzed (often by fear) because it feels scary. Thes best thing to do is stay calm and command your full presence back IN your body. If you have seen the image – that can be numerous entities, and lots of times they are guides or loved ones, but again if we have no context to draw from – it feels scary. So ASK, ask for guidance if they are for you Higest and Best to be in your space and if not COMMAND them to leave.
Hey, i’m desperate, i feel like i’m going crazy, i know i’m NOT but it feels like it.
I’ve been seeing angel numbers on a daily for almost two years. 111 keeps appearing ALL THE TIME, every day, at all hours, i’ve researched and it’s a good one but still.. i’m scared but i don’t know why.
I’ve seen demonic looking things when i’m half asleep, i was so scared that i opened my eyes fast and try to stay like that, then closing them again (but not asleep) and i just saw like a flash of dozens of strange creatures… that felt demonic. I was so scared.
The day i forgot my dad’s birthday (i’m bad with dates), i woke up and felt this weird…like… THING over my bed, i was so scared, i said ‘dad, is this you? if i forgot, im sorry, please, don’t scare me’ and a few minutes later all went away.
I had this reiki therapist ‘cleanse’ me and experienced evil spirits coming out of me, all the symptoms, yelling, swearing, burping, shaking, etc. i was TERRIFIED. She told me to pray but i’m an atheist so i just started imagining beautiful things because i read evil spirits hate that, i imagined my self hugging the Earth, i drew the words ‘im worth it’ ‘im brave’, ‘im light’, i pictured myself laughing and being in peace with people that had done my wrong, all in my mind (i used to be extremely imaginative, still am, just less ) and i felt these waves coming out of me, like ‘releasing’ the THING.
Also my intuition is extremely high right now, i can just like ‘read’ people feelings or sometimes thoughts… i’ve always been like this, i know if a person is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ from the minute i see them, people call me crazy or a hater, then, a year later, i’m proven right, people call it a coincidence.
Last year, like a game, i told my boyfriend to think about some phrase, color, something, then i put my forehead on his and try to guess what he was thinking and i was ALWAYS CORRECT. i felt happy but… i don’t know how to use it for GOOD.
Right now i was going through my mom’s old nursing book, and found a picture of her when she was very young, took a pic and showed it to my boyfriend and sister (because i thought it was cute and funny how much we look alike), my sister noticed there was a dead person in the picture… i looked at it and i just FEEL IT IS A DEAD PERSON. it was taken at the morgue, it’s so clear.
At the same time, this little booklet fell off the nursing book, i noticed and it was my grandfather’s… i never met him, never seen a picture of him and it was THERE, i felt like he was trying to make me see he was NOT all bad (he was an alcoholic and very abusive when drunk) because i kept looking through the booklet’s pages and i realized he was actually a very responsible and decent man. AND in the picture i just feel like he is LOOKING at ME. I don’t know why. Maybe i do.
There’s A LOT MORE but i would take me days to write it but yeah… I feel like im going crazy.
If anyone reads this, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you.
I don’t believe this all is necessarily CRAZY ….. just new, different and for sure out there!! BUT when it comes to numbers and angels, we all have the birthright to have their attention and that number thing is just a shout-out from them to remind you that they are there. As far as the demons go – yes there IS demonic energies out there BUT there is also inner-earth creatures that many folks mistake for demonic. Be present with WHAT EVER is in your field, ask, and discern if it is for you Higest and Best to connect to. And if not – RAISE your vibration in any way you choose to move beyond that level of frequency. Remember, evil has every right to be around; and it is US that needs to not feed it nor give it our fuel (if we choose).
Thank you
Also, like 7 years ago i ‘invented’ the name ‘Maie’ because i thought it sounded pretty, i don’t know, i like to create things (i’m a graphic designer and a photographer, i also write, sing, etc).
And then, out of curiosity i searched and found this:
I feel like it’s true but also i fear such ‘power’. It sounds like a huge responsibility and i fear responsibility… I just wanna use WHATEVER THIS IS for good.
I feel like my Aquarius sun is manifesting itself so much right now, i just wanna better things, people, make society evolve (i’ve lived my ENTIRE LIFE with that purpose but now is so freaking intense).
I’m rambling, sorry.
when ever I fear my HUGE POWER – I remember fully that we are created with FREE WILL and CHOICE and with that I examine the consequences that are coming along with the decisions I am going to make and that usually helps.
Strangely I’m am so enjoying this change I’m 65 years old and since a child I was never considered the so called normal child my first love and pet was a preying manthis his name was Charlie .l never fit the regular mode at 15 I became interested in Wicca ,unfortunately only having a library and picking the wrong book I did a binding spell and became involved in an abusive relationship.About 3 years ago I came back to Wicca and also my spirituality I’ve always loved animals and many insects,recently I’ve been learning to see auras which was spectacular and reading tarot which I seem to have a natural talent ,I love being alone always did and now learning about the ascension I have no fear just joy sure there’s some discomfort but think of the rewards I’m doing alot more meditation and sleep guidance my mind just wants to learn learn learn and enjoy every new special thing that comes my way .One thing confused me a bit when I was opening my third eye I was transported to a world of black stick figure people with stick houses ,stick trees everything was black and white ,I started to panic for a second than relaxed and watched suddenly I was pulled back and I’ve never been back but it was one helluva experience. Thank You for letting me ramble on Devore
Sometimes when I am doing energy work on myself or clients and find a FLAT scene or scene of something similar to what you are experiencing – it means that I am running in the programming portion of the mind. That seems to make the 3-D ness void if that makes any sense. I don’t think it needs to be anything to fear per se but it is weird to say the least
Hi Guys,
I am Dhandapani from India, i am doing meditation last 3 years. But last 1 year am feeling different experiences feeling bloated frequently and sometimes frequently forehead pressure, sometimes left side head pressure sometime right side pressure sometimes backside head pressure. Few months back not slept properly. Now am sleeping properly. This month feeling chest tightness sometime at 3 am respiration both nose(i mean 2 hole) feeling. Last few months continuous cough ( I mean mucus coming).Now a days more fear is coming am not getting why it’s happening, always my mind trying to research enlightenment topic and find to see soul purpose. Pls guide me.
This process will ALWAYS be in motion, flux and change. Best thing to do is stay PRESENT, release as much fear as possible, de-program any beliefs that no longer serve you and find joy!
I thought I was alone. I just want to know the age & approx location of all here.
65 year old male in Eastern CT here.
My experience is too massive for this site, going back to 1978 if you want to email me.
HI Suzanne,
Thanks for your great page. Could you please tell me if IBS and problems of elimination are really common with Kundalini awakening? I am approximately 4 years into this process and suffered a great deal of mental symptoms which now dissipated, but am left with this IBS constipation that nothing seems to relieving other than taking laxatives habitually. I have gone to a naturopath, gone dairy free, gluten free, egg free, tried elimination deits, been tested for candida and parasites, but nothing really works. I have even tried accupuncture, osteopathy, homeopathy and energy treatments, but nothing helps! I am scared of thining out my intestinal lining and if I continue to use laxatives like this, I am afraid my body will get used to them. Is this common ? What can I do to help myself in this situation? Will everything just settle down one day? I am scared that this is it for me and I will have this syndrome for life. What if Kundalini can’t unravel the blockages quickly enough and it causes physical damage to the body? Your advice would be appreciated, Suzanne.
I am sorry to hear your news. I know that the sacral chakra IS affected alot in this time sequence – but ongoing use of laxatives does not feel like a good answer to me at least – mostlly because this Ascension stuff is not going anywhere….it is only going to ramp up. I would do my best to do work to clear that chakra in terms of its consciousness blockage – with regard to relationships, sexuality and sensuality, emotions, feelings and desires. It is a difficult process and IS on-going but the work is worth it as most of us do not do well embracing our truth in terms of FEEL.
When I intended to ascend, I’m so glad I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I may have thought twice. I’m glad I jumped in blindly, because I’ve worked SO HARD and I know it will be worth it.
I woke up in May 2015. It was bliss, love, and oneness for 3 months. Then I crashed into a Dark Night of the Soul for several months. And I’ve had lots of ups and downs ever since (a LOT of downs). The Awakening seemed to blow a fuse in my endocrine/hormonal system. I began to pack on weight. LOTS of it, even though I ate cleanly. I developed intolerance to foods like eggs and dairy. I developed Adrenal Fatigue, which turned into Advanced Adrenal Exhaustion (with intense neurological discomfort and high sensitivity), Fatty Liver, and Hypothyroid. I’ve felt alternating depression and anxiety, chronic insomnia, early menopause…and every singe issue I hadn’t dealt with during my 18 years of psychotherapy (as a client) is coming to the surface to be deal with and released with the help of a shaman.
I’m so exhausted. I long to create and meet my new tribe of lightworker friends. But I spend most of my time when not working in bed either binging on Netflix or meditating. I can’t even sit at my altar anymore or new moon ceremonies like I used to love to do, or sit on my porch and listen to the katydids or laugh at chipmunks. It’s difficult to sit up. I only want to lie down.
I wonder if anyone else got a diagnosis of AF or chronic fatigue and packed on weight inexplicably. How do I shed those pounds? And how long does this last?
I too am carrying about 15 extra pounds that came on due to this and have had a difficult time releasing it also. Still pisses me off because I feel like I “should” be able to release it…especially being a practitioner. I do alot of work to change that self-talk. I also make a REAL effort to move, to keep the energy moving throughout my system. I do alot of modalities like chiro, acupuncture, massage, cranial, rolphing, etc to keep the energy blocks changing all the time. I also watch what I eat, and work out when able – but mostly MOVE. Sitting or lying too much only cloggs the electrical and magnetic systems and jacks up the hara line. Stretch A LOT is my advice.
Omg….. I see 555 1111 222 .i have been up for almost 3 days with a crackling noise ,I hear people talking in a distance like having a conversation ,hear my name being called, seeing sparkles of light. When I’m around people I get picked on the arm or shoulder by somthing I cannot see followed by major headaches and extreme anxiety,.hear a woman singing to me….. Most of all water falling on me from nowhere esp when I gave birth to my son water fell on me from the ceiling and no water was there… . I pray to god to make it stop but I get drawn back into it.what should do please help me
Katie you have a lot going on in these three consecutive posts – but I suggest you do a bit more grounding and centering work to help keep the fear vibe down. If you do more grouding and bubbling too – and locking down your fields that helps keep things out that you do not want to play with. It is all about intention and taking charge of your field. There will ALWAYS be stuff out there – but it is YOU that is in charge – not the other way around. Be clear on who and what is playignn in yoru sand box per se and command anyone and anythign to leave that is not for your Highest and Best Good.
I had sleep paralysis 6 times in one night. I keep getting poked by somthing in my shoulder, and major headaches I been having this since I was young. I drowned and a man revived me at the age of 4 . I had dreams of spirits surrounding me I cannot hear what their saying bc their talking at once. I feel someone around me right now but refuse to make contact bc I’m scared it’s evil so I pray pray pray
Oh and my friend of 24 years passed away. it will be 7 years today. .i also woke up with somthing kissing me like what the hell. I’ve dealt with this my entire life it’s becoming overwhelming….. Also my grand father left me a voicemail on my phone. He died 5/5/05 at 5 pm. Allllot more wooooh
I am able to sense other people’s energies, also getting a bit of physic or intuitive abilities. i think or dream of something and the next day or few days after people whom i’m close to are giving me the news that i already know. Before a problem arises i know something about whats going to happen. doesn’t spark as a shock to me. Able to sense good over evil very quickly. i would like to go deeper into this with meditation. all i did was silence my thoughts and everything becomes clearer. i want to move away from the mundane work life cause it creates no impact to me. Nature definitely makes me feel closer to who i am and what i’m here for.
I had to walkaway from someone I did not wanted to and after this I was feeling very sad. I am not someone who believes in astrology or tarot or anything.but when I was with this person I consulted an astrologer a tarot for the first time.
After that I went for tarot reading to different people coz I was stressed and looking for answers.
And talking to one of them I got into meditation won’t say deep meditation but lit up a candle music and I sit close my eyes and try to meditate. I started feeling calm.
When I was meditating on lunar eclipse I had a very zen sort of vision. It’s actually a vision I imagine when I’m unwell and to make myself calm I see it or it’s my imagination.
But all of a sudden that day while meditatin it came to me like a zen and that person was also in it we all happy family. And it made me smile and sway while I was meditating.
Today I was meditating I cried coz Of the emotions and while meditating i started feeling heavy and thn all of a sudden very light & also felt a sort of pain in my right knee out of no where.
I don’t know if it’s just my thinking or some sort of message God wants to convey or what but I thought I will share.
Great messages of ONEness – thank you!
Ever since I met my twin flame and we reached union things have gotten crazy. I have electrical interferences, my car battery constantly drains,im buying light bulbs in bulk. My psychic abilities have greatly increased I just know things. I remember who I am, who i was. I slip in and out of time and space. I can read minds I have an uncanny telepathic connection with my TF. on occasion telekinesis without trying. made two mirrors fly of the wall. I walk into a room and the whole energy of the room changes and all eyes are on me (I can’t stand it, being an empath crowds are hard enough as it is) my guides and angels are always around guiding me. The universe talks to me all the time through music and signs. I’ve been told by each angel Michael that my twin flame connection is special and written in the stars that the free will of choosing to be with each or not is not up to us that it has to happen. It has been an amazing journey so far. I was incredibly gifted in knowing but now I am mind blown to make it even more unbelieveable I never believed in God although i was spiritual my eyes have been opened I know my purpose and i will make a great change for this planet for humanity for the universe. I have so much to say lol but I’ll end it her. Much love to everyone everywhere. So sad love like a virus make it contagious.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Suzanne, hope you are doing great! I felt so relieved after reading the content on your website, at least I am not alone!
In the past 6 months I had became hypersensitive to emf and all kinds of electromagnetic waves. Massive headaches and chest pain. I am so fearful of airports where many of them will be on their phones while waiting for the flights etc.
On certain days I feel more resistance and certain days worse.
Recently I met someone like me and she suggest that I could be a starseed, that’s why I chance upon your website.
This is affecting my life and my work.
Is there anything that I can do to feel less sensitive to emf?
Thanks so much in advance.
Hey Winnie – I know its tough – I try my best to do a lot of GROUNDING work to keep the magnetic energies balanced. That seems to help. I also really ramp up my bubble in public. I have a free Ground aned Bubble Meditation on the bottom of the homepage of my site if you want to use that. Plus I keep an eye on the cosmos to study what is going on so that I don’t go into a funk thinking I just make these things up or am going crazy….it helps too 🙂
Hey Suzanne, lovely to hear from you! I know for sure I am not making things up as my sensitivity became stronger after I got my third eye activated from my master. I had started meditation since April so on certain days I feel better and less sensitive to emf.
In lay man terms, does it mean that this emf sensitivity will go on and because of this I will continue to meditate and keep myself grounded until I find my mission on earth?
With lots of light and love ❤️😉
MY OWN take is that co-creating each and every day IS my mission on earth and to explore, expand, gratify and simply EXPERIENCE — this is why I am here. I do my best to stay grounded to the earth and that helps. I used to love to FLY OUT to Universe to do it – but it is easier if you command Universe to come INTO your heart here in your earth body to do the work…if that makes sense.
I stargaze ofen .. yesterday morning I stayed out from 1am until around 8:30am until last 2 brightest ones were not visible … during this time I saw some move nothing new I see it all the time….after the moon was out longer until you can see sun and moon both at once …no big deal normal for me to..but something happened I began to see a pulse emitting in between my eyes shooting outward I realise it was allowing me to see glowing matter like how u see stars when you are shaken up.. but I wasn’t…then black strings of some sort emitting from my face …air planes had large orange glow around them… I’m seeing aura everywhere
That experience sounds kinda cool!
Hello Suzanne,
This post is so useful! I so relate with most of them and like everyone, even I am experiences chsnges fast. Though the understanding that something is there within got into me when I was a kid. Only recently because of friends and beautiful beings I am getting knowledge of everything. That has made the process less panicky. Now the mission is to strengthen self, let go ego and spread love!
Gauravi Deo🌻❤️
So I’m not sure if I have any type of ability or something but I definitely have had some experiences that have happened.
So I’m currently 13 and I have anxiety. My anxiety started when I was about 12 1/2 and then that’s when a lot of stuff started to happen. Although I have always heard things others haven’t, seen shadows in the corner of my eye, and when I was younger I used to dream about my moms best friend talking to me and asking how I was and such even though she died of cancer. But that wasn’t the small stuff that happened when I was little. I usually will say something as a joke like if I’m going to six flags I’ll say something like, “ oh I’m sure that ride is gunna break down today” and low and behold, I breaks down. I also still see shadows and hear things but I have been recently been getting dizzy all the time, seeing scary faces/images when I close my eyes, and I’ve been shaking a lot recently. I’m very quiet person and have a toned down personality and won multiple awards at school for being “the nicest” or something around those lines. ( aka I’m saying I’m very empathetic) I can read people very well and I take one look at a person and I know their emotion right away and all my friends think it’s really creepy and cool. I have had other experiences that did shake me up a bit like two of them were I had a dream about this boy named Blake, I never met him or knew him but I had a dream like we were great friends. I believe I had that dream 3 times but the last time I had that dream was the day before I met him even though I felt like I knew him. Well the next day he was the new kid in my class and it scared the crap out of me. I only told my mom and my bff about this experience. Another one was like the same but she was a girl. I never had the dream before but the next day she was the new kid. Again, I felt like I knew her and I only told my mom and bff. I’m not sure if this is important but I usually have flashbacks or images of a memory I had when I was a child that comes out of knowhere. I also can remember my dreams easily without writing them down but after a few days of course I forget them. It may be important that I note that my mom is somewhat of a medium and she can smell her fathers and mothers perfume and colon and usually sense when they are “visiting “ us. I never met them but I tend to get a feeling like people are watching over me. I have many more experiences but this is already long enough so yeaa. I’m not 100% what I am so that’s why I’m posting this.
How cool it is Liz that you are so aware at such a young age and have not shut off your gifts! You seem to jump timelines alot and I do that as well. Eventually maybe you will grow into being a timeline grid-worker that assists the Universal and Multi-Universal timelines!! Stay grounded, protected and humble 🙂
I feel like I am losing my mind. A few months ago I started experiencing all of these drastic changes. I broke up with my boyfriend, broke up with friends because they felt all wrong and I am distant from my family. When I am around them, the conversations that they have seem meaningless to me and I find myself having anxiety and just wanting to be by myself. It is strange because I am a social person. The only time I feel okay is when I am outside. I have lost weight. I have always been small but now I literally walk through the grocery store without a list because my eating habits are so different. I use to be a junk food person and now I’m disgusted. Every time I look at my clock or my phone is charging its synchronisitic. At this point I feel like the numbers are chasing me. My phone is always 22%, 33%, 44% charged or its 9:44, 7:22 etc. Initially I thought that I had trained my mind to look at my phone at those times but when I look at my coworkers computer the numbers are still there. Then I get these waves of little electrical shocks going through my body at least once a day. ( I like this part) They feel good to me for some reason. I’m in my car (Which is new) and my radio just shuts off. I turn it back on and nothing is wrong or my computer goes out for no apparent reason. I also have been finding feathers everywhere. I started collecting them. I don’t look on the ground they just kinda fall in my path. I thought about checking myself into a mental institution but I know I’m not going crazy. My life is just all over the place.
Yep – sounds pretty familiar – glad you are reaching out to find out there are more folks like you out there! It helps to knwo this stuff is real! 🙂
I believe that there are forces that we cannot understand, however, the psychic that I had gotten to know, is initiating my symptoms and has taken away my free will and this is not anything divine. It is evil. It is selfish. It is not “god like,” nor a gift from the universe that I so dearly love. It has been a nightmare for me. It has ripped my hope and faith out of me. I am struggling to maintain what free will I have left and all I can tell anyone, is beware of people outside of your social circle you do not know. What may look like the light may be the dark in disguise.
Like I just posted to another person’s response — seems like you have allowed yourself to give your power to another and there is no way they have that ability unless we allow it. Do the work to set better and clearer boundaries, ground, protect and discern. Stay present and work in love verses fear because fear breeds fear. Find a good and reputable healer in your area that yo DO trust and do the work to reclaim your power fully. Command your free will.
Can also b related with TF relationship!! A tf cn trigger all this too!! i AM going thru it due to my TF separation.
thanks for posting
Thank you for this article. As a practicing tarot reader and empath, who follows astrology closely, I honestly have felt ALL of the above since the lunar eclipse in my sign of Leo Aug 11th . I am scared , because I feel like someone else. I don’t have my sense of humour or energy. It’s Interfering with my work, and I feel alienated from people. I do wish for this process to be gentle and not last too much longer. I’m of course eager to ascend to a higher conscienceless, but not be afraid of it.
Its not going to stop any time soon so that is why I encourage others to find a safe place to share, be heard and to learn. Our on-line Vibe Tribe is a great thing to look into – promo on my site….just a thought to be more in line with like-minded folks. We open in September again for members.
I have been feeling bursts of energy, headaches every day, bloating and stomach pain. and the main symptom i’ve had is acting like an idiot and being crazy like a child.
In my experience this is all quite normal…. Yikes huh!
Wish I had a list of what to expect next or someone to verify the things that are happening to me. Especially when dreams are not making sense. The other day I felt like by body was freezing from the inside. Then the thought came in and told me to take slow deep breaths, then fell asleep as the feeling of electrical waves were going through my body. Woke up thirty minutes later feeling better.
The thought is been there for a while guiding me through it all. I call it my spirit guide (mother) . Feeling emotions/pain of others started two weeks ago. It is good when you get validations, then I get nervous to ask people when I feel pain and I know that is not mine. They will think I am going crazy.
Two weeks ago was my first time when I had to pass a message to my colleague from his father who past months ago via a cellphone, it was amazing. My colleague thanked me. But overall, I know that I can ask my spiritual guide for answers, then she will sometimes say words like “Ädam”, “Yikes”,”horse”
I suggest getting better at grounding and bubbling like I have told others so as to NOT take on what is not yours….just my opinion. I have that free meditation on my homepage for doing that if you are interested.
Hiii Mam,
I am getting sadness without any reason.
Doing job in corporate word, and its become horrible dream.
daily dealing with people is worst idea. i need alone to find nothing.
sometimes crying for no reason or for the world is going through.
i do meditation but it increases my consciousness more and more…..
Only prayer makes me alive and nothing all.
Lots of folks still have to learn to navigate the corporate world while doing this work. I try to find gratitude and joy and that seems to assist.
I have been experiencing most of what I read here. I have been cast out by my family and some of the subculture I am a part of.
I recently experienced something odd though, which is what brought me to researching all of this: I felt some sort of electric shock throughout my body. And I have to say I felt like I lost consciousness for a spilt second and was engulfed in some sort of light or electricity. And when I came back my fingers tips, toes and hands, and limbs were tingling. It took me a good minute to realize what had happened.
sometimes that feeling happens when our electrical system resets along our spine during this work.
I’m 17 and i feel very alone in this process. i’ve never really fit in with society and its hard to connect with people my age about this stuff. lately ive been very dissociated there are times i have been woken up urgently to the point where i feel like someone pulls my body to sit up and wake up immediately. i have also had brake downs because when i look in the mirror there are times where i truly believe that this body is not mine. ive been meditating every night before i go to sleep and i dont remember going to sleep at all, but my mom has told me she and i had conversations that i dont remember. its all most like im sleep walking but im able to interact with people. there are also times when im speaking to someone its like my mouth doesnt work anymore and im not able to talk. ive also have noticed that i know things about people that theyve never spoke of. people get really freaked out when i mention things i am being told about them they always say its like i just have read their soul.
I fully remember b eing young and looking in the mirror totally KNOWING that this meat and bone body was not my “real” self you are not alone! I try to remember it is a suit for this incarnation only…..
What about consuming spirit’s? I’ve noticed some of these ascension processes in myself. I have no idea what I’m doing though. I’ve been a lucid dreamer since I was able to dream and I’ve gotten so good I can flip my nightmares around. I can pull the energies of spirits or some sort of energies in and I can feel them. Idk how to stop or prevent myself from doing that. I feel the energy building up but not in an unstable manner.
I suggest downloading the free meditation on my home page and seriously study, learn and implement the ground and bubble technique DAILY to better discern what is for your highest and best good to come through you. LOVE energies are always beneficial but it is important to discern the rest in my opinion.
I’m a Muskogee Nation citizen and there is a lot of history in my family of spirits contacting and reaching out. But I never heard of anybody taking the energies in. I reach out and see in I can feel the energy itself but I feel a rush and surge inside myself or something afterwards and I’ve started to calm down over the course of the years when doing this. I was severely angry all the time when I was growing up bc no one treated me like I was a normal kid. I was an out cast and treated like a freak for no reason. People either love me, fear me, or hate me without any good cause or reason. I’m a really deep thinker and I’m trying to figure this out.
Self love is a tough journey for us ALL and I think it is courageous for you to move through this journey for your SELF!
I love the pic at the bottom of the page. And y’all
I have had every symtom listed here except synchronistic meetings, I don’t go out much anymore so that’s probably why. But I have found a few people online in synchronization manner that only makes sense to me. All of these symptoms I’ve felt to the maximum power. I’m not able to work at this point is so bad in most respects.
I am sorry to hear that you are no longer able to work because of this – but please know that these symptoms DO change as you continue to clear old fear-based belief systems and keep your body grounded and protected.
Oh, wow! I was searching for something else on the web and just happened to come upon the link to this article and boy, oh boy, did it EVER strike “home.” I think maybe my spirit guide may have had something to do with this. 😉
I have many on the list except for the “psychic” abilities. I have been exploring meditation in the last year and while I do find it calming (I suffer from anxiety) it’s caused me to feel increasingly disconnected or disinterested in the things I used to enjoy.
I watch less and less TV (unless they’re documentaries about spiritual awakening/enlightenment — or just about nature) because I can’t handle all of the negativity in regular programming and the same goes for going out to the movies; nothing playing in movie theaters appeals to me.
I am also finding it VERY difficult to be around certain family members that I’ve come to realize run very low — vibrationally –they absolutely DRAIN me. I find I react at a very negative level when I am around them and I hate it. In fact, this is my biggest challenge. I’m finding that I prefer to be as disconnected as possible to these family members, so that I can maintain a higher energy and more positive outlook. I love them dearly, but our energy planes are very different. Is this bad on my part?
My eating has also changed; I’m eating much healthier now and steering towards more vegetarianism and I’ve also taken to walking regularly at the beach because it totally energizes me.
While I’m not unhappy these days, I do feel much more melancholy and yes — I feel much more connected to animals and nature because it’s there where I feel like I “belong.”
I wish you all much love and peach on your journey to find your true purpose in this life.
Thank you, Suzanne, for your wonderful article. I found it helpful and encouraging to know I’m not going nuts. <3
I feel 75%-90% of these symptoms off and on at one time or another over the last 3 years intensified by my twin flame journey as he has suffered much in life. My question is this: in the last 2 weeks or so as periodically happens, the symptoms have been intensified but unlike the ‘normal’ intensity I have felt in the past, I feel less angelic presence due to times of uncertainty or sadness, kind of opposite of my usual disposition. Am I to surmise that my angels have stepped back, or is my less settled mind not allowing me to feel them? I love knowing they’ve been there for me!
Since I’ve moved recently (to the other side of the world!) I’ve been experiencing almost all of these things and at first struggled – however, the negative aspects have now subsided and I strangely feel more alive, connected and awake than ever. The height of this was when during a strange and violent dream I suddenly burst out of my body into my bedroom and my limbs felt so heavy I couldn’t move them. I’ve since been trying to astral project but have not got there yet – does this take lots of practice at this stage?
Also, do you think it’s possible that sometimes a huge change in circumstances can trigger this awakening? I have always been somewhat interested in spirituality but have never taken it seriously or seen its potential until now…
Brilliant page btw 🙂
I’ve had a lot of these. At this exact moment I’ve got a high toned ringing in my right ear and my son gets pressure on his crown chakra when he comes into my room. I have that dizzy thing, I’ve had the flu symptoms, extreme tiredness, changes in appetite, a sense of peace and then sudden extreme loneliness, wanting to go home…it’s all there. I haven’t gotten numbers but I get butterflies and dragonflies all the time. I meet people who I’m supposed to introduce to other people a lot more frequently. Pulling away from people who aren’t healthy for me. It’s really interesting. I’m excited for the next “level up” so to speak.
thanks Carla
This is very interesting. I have been seeing sparkles or glitters in the corner of my eye, and I have been waking up between 2-4am every night. The lights also seem brighter too and I get tingling headaches in the middle of my forehead and random panic attacks but they go away. Is that normal?
For a while, I’ve been experiencing so many things that make me feel misplaced and lost and confused. My back hurts on a daily basis ever since I know myself. But only the lower back. Lately, my upper back started aching. I cry a lot for no apparent reason. I feel love and togetherness. Things that used to annoy me, have no effect on me anymore.
The other day I experience something amazing. A feeling similar to that of intaking an ecstasy pill. But organic. I created it myself. And it’s crazy to realize that you can induce this feeling yourself. I felt so much happiness and love and connection and my heart was racing. My whole body was just so warm instantly I was sweating. My fingertips tingled. And I felt in my stomach that thing you feel when you are nervous or impatient. My head felt clear and easy. Like I was floating. For an hour I felt so much, I almost started crying but I was at my job and it would’ve been a bit awkward.
Immediately after that state passed, I felt like falling asleep. Depleted of energy. But not in a bad way, like when you’re depressed and don’t have any kind of motivation to do anything. I just felt like sleeping after a good workout or a good laugh. After that, I couldn’t focus anymore on anything. My nose started to get stuffed/stuck. My head to ache. I felt a pressure all around my head. I felt dizzy, like fainting. I got home, had some lemon water and went to sleep for a while. One day after that, my nose is still super stuffed and I have symptoms like I have a cold. Weird taste in my mouth, sensibility to cold and warm.
What’s more important I used to smoke. Now instantly I don’t want to be around smoke anymore or have anything to do with cigars.
thanks for sharing!
Hello, thank you for all the information you provide ! Ive always sensitive person environmentally and emotionally, and for reasons i understand now, i have always been alone, married to a man, but i have no one who i can talk to or can help me in nearly any way…the 2 ppl i do speak to of crazy Sam things..tend to inadvertently que me to look into something that leads to what i need lol, perceptions of reality have defined and amplified altered in undefinable ways, i know i need to PREPARE my mental strength and ability but i have MAJOR concentration issues all my life, i need to train myself and learn how to MAINTAIN a focus …i have been trying for so many years to manifest the protection from influance i desperately need, i cant seem to find my 3 eye or i don’t recognize it, when i hold a persons hand i can draw from there energy and it is unbelievable the power i feel only 2 times i have had that opportunity in my life, I need a mentor, i need to be physically with a person like me,…as if my life depends on this. I have found no one, i have found empaths who dont know they are or others who think they are but are selfish and judgemental. people who say they can help for …more money than i have. i just need to feel them when they see, so i can feel what it is i am searching for ..i dont know. how do i find such a persson,..i am isolated and so alone and just know and so do all the others who wrote hear to you, when i stumbled apon your site, i read your symptoms list, i was frozen still with the start of tears that were ready to poor, but i was froze they never fell, and i was so still for so long..i am afraid its gonna take me or something gonna trap me in influence again, i have no spirit guide. just nature and critters…i know the darkness that can consume and confuse, i know when i am feeling what is not mine. just cant keep the field around my own emotions stable or really even intact lol…sorry for rambling thank you if you made it reading this far ;)..Samantha.
What about the number 333?
angel numbers indicate that they are near by to assist and support
I’ve had a lot of the symptoms listed. But today I feel strange… almost like a blood sugar issue, but I’ve eaten fine. I just feel “off”… And I get extremely exhausted all of a sudden. Is this just something that I should observe, or try to identify any hidden meaning in this? I hope it passes soon. Work was not easy earlier. Although I’m happy for all of these feelings, since I know it’s all part of growth. 💖🕯😇
I asked, and here I am, how I came about in finding this article, Divine intervention 😊 I am blessed to know you are all here, as we are One, having similar experiences. I have been experiencing repeated heart flutters, especially at night when I am resting. I thought are these signs of my demise? What is happening? Frustration took over me, I asked my Guide, I received a response, then i questioned my response because FEAR clouded my thoughts. I asked the Universe and my Guide to guide me to answeres and to like minded souls and then I came across this site. I can honestly say what a blessing and relief it is. I’m not going crazy and i’m not dying- or at least i dont think any time soon😬-So thank you for having this site were we can all share our Spiritual awakening together ! Blessings!
From my experience its been war… I call them 2 and 1s.. Ever since i felt my body changing i didnt know what to do.. I was scared.. It felt like the world was against me.. Then i started to understand my power.. Im a empath… A healer.. A warrior of light that can send down angels from the heavens… Ive been at war in all of these on both realms.. The physical and spiritual… When you awaken everyone else is still asleep… But they see you.. Or something sees you though them.. And use the people you love against you…
Hi Samantha,
That was an easy read – nicely laid out and very digestible, from one blogger to another 🙂 .
Anyways, I need your expertise on something here Samantha when you have a moment please.
So – scanned through the various symptoms and I feel I have experienced most of them on a regular basis, but now, there seems to be a new set of. In particular, is the one I would like you to address.
But first, OBE’s, hearing people call my name, seeing full bodied forms, actual mind to mind communication with one – but very brief, still, two sentences were exchanged – I blinked, and the kid was gone.
OK, so I won’t tell you everything because it would take up half my day.
Would I would like for you to spread some light on is I had a very unusual experience this morning. ‘UnUsual’ is not ‘that’ unusual for me.
However, this was a first! I was lying down drifting in and out of some time. I was restless but tired. Unable to sleep but mind/body still needing it.
My whole life I have had my forehead increase in sensitivity out of nowhere. That’s fine, I used to that. Lately that sensitive has increased most noticeably.
So, it did so this morning and become very focused sensitivity. So much so it was almost a kind of a physical pain, very unusual one for sure, but it kinda got uncomfortable.
I let it happen to see where it was going and then, like fire crackling, or an electrical sizzle, it felt like excited electrical liquid crackling on my forehead. It crackled spontaneously for brief moment, I shook my head, and weirdly enough Samantha it seemed to change shape and then in a line stretch it self onto my hair line – like it was going to go around the crown of my head.
Well, that is a first for me. Not knowing the purpose is the hardest for me. I need to know because I was always disappointed with life growing up that they would teach crap but no one ever spoke about these things. Like, no one knew or cared – I felt very uncatered for to say the least of it!
If you say that a chakra is opening, or I am ascending, I will be dissapointed. That is too generic and actually I have been reading such cliche lines since my teen years – it does not constitute an answer for me.
Any answer for me leaves me better informed and without doubt, there I can say, I acquired knowledge.
OK, so of late, I have been having huge aversion to conflict. I don’t watch TV or read the poisonous papers. I can feel others tension right inside of myself, I feel dizzy in hospitals, shopping centers and really where there is a shed load of people. I can stand there and people watch for a while and I seem to know bad stuff about that.
OK, ‘KNOW’, is a strong word, but more of a ‘knowingness’ like I ‘know’ I could not trust that person. Or, I ‘know’ that man has got away with a crime (I wont describe what type) and he is imprisoned by it.
Its kinda hard not to feel messed up because I don’t too many peoples company to be tolerable. They annoy me with their judgements, with their ungratefulness oh I could go on but I also have to allow them their illussions so they can see, hopefully one day, that they are not real. When I perceive this way, which I try to do all the time, I am relieved of my own judgement of them (I feel better in return) and know they are just a little lost and so I usually able shed some logic (sanity) in their way of thinking.
Ultimately, peace is my reward as I have worked damn hard to get it. ‘Get it’ is wrong, I mean hard to realize it was already inside me but buried for many many years below my illusions. The ‘shadow’ of ‘us’ is not real after all.
I hear 40 years old is when things like what you describe here really start to kick off. I am 38.
I won’t go on now. I am not here out of ego or validation or thinking I am ‘special’. I am here for expert guidance and hope you can help on that.
Thanks again,
That IS alot going on for you – but it seems to me that you are experiencing a huge amount of not only personal Ascension but cosmic, planetary, humanity and more…. that is overload alot and you might want to make sure you have strong habits of groudning and protection just to keep the electrical energies in alignment with those magnetic ones. We are basically moving from a carbon based human body to a crystalline one and this is a huge process for some. I would be impressed with yourself for the courage to do such huge work. We are all dong MICRO work but also MACRO and it is ongoing…..
Thank you for your guidance as they are really helpful. I need help on something that happened to me in the past and no one could tell me what that was. I felt I was traveling in very bright light and that last only maximum 1-2mins. I had my eyes wide opened doing my crochet when suddenly I found felt enjoying flying in a bright light but I don’t know why when returning, I was back in 1 sec. WHAT WAS THAT? Is there someone who can give clarity on this. Neither doctors or others could understand that. Thank you.
Hope you got my previous answer on your post.
Saturday was my birthday, but the night before I began feeling very sad and alone. I have never been afraid to turn a year older, I always looked forward to it. So for me to feel so sad to the point where I cried myself to sleep was odd. The day of my birthday I woke up still very sad not really caring to do anything. I went to church in hopes to make myself feel better, but the whole day I felt sad and lost. When Monday came I stayed in bed as long as I could when I finally did get up I watched a movie then went right back to bed staying there the rest of the day and through the night. Today I feel like I’m ready to face the day again. I don’t feel sad and I’m back to thinking positively. What just happened? I was doing so good prior to this feeling great very happy. Had a friend even comment on how happy I look. My life is great with an awesome new career and high hopes for my future. For this to happen was a very surprising.
Hi,Thank you so much dear angel for this info.I am almost having all the symptoms you have described.
But I am unable to deal with the facial heaviness with my teeth hurting all the time.It is very very uncomfortable.Could you pl.advise how to deal with this pressure?How long it will go on?
Guess I’ll start with I lost my job of 15 years three months ago. I wanted to quit but I felt financially I couldn’t. I was let go because I was there the longest and making the most. The business is doing badly. Although I wanted to leave it was because of my boss. I loved my job. I was a vet tech and the practice manager. I’ve been a tech since I was 23 I am. Now 62. When I first got the job I was meditating daily, in developmental circles for years, having obe’s, lucid dreaming. I’m a reiki master, hypnotherapist, I did acupressure, and did readings. Once I got the job I had no time and I was also resentful that I had to take the job because my then husband took a downgrade on his job just because he didn’t want it. He was an alcoholic also. In between then and now I lost my father suddenly, my mother and brother were both diagnosed with cancer , I got toxic shock , and I got divorced. He was with another woman. They split almost the day the divorce went through. He is still living with me because he can’t afford to live on his own. Very stressful. So since the loss of my job I’ve been meditating, reading, trying to hopefully get back to how it was. Suddenly I’ve been getting up between 3:30 and 5:00 and I’m up for the day. I get an anxious feeling in my solar plexus on and off. That’s what wouldn’t let me sleep and finally just get up. I have the bloating which is new. I just had a drs appt last month and aside from lupus I’m fine. Lupus really isn’t part of this because I’ve had it for 39 years and right now it’s a non issue. After the toxic shock my grandmothers passed away. Moving forward my best friend suddenly passed away four days before my daughters wedding. I had reconnected with my best friend as a child and we started seeing each other and had plans for the future. Three years ago he passed away of an aortic dissection. Then we come to present Day where losing my job made me feel as if I lost me, who I was. Well I didn’t lose it, it was taken away, I realize I wanted out and I know I caused it because I put it out there but.. so anyway , I’m getting most of the symptoms on that long list. I forgot to mention the love of my life died on 11:11. That also was my grandmothers bday. I see that number frequently. I’ve always felt like I didn’t fit anywhere. I’ve always been the weird one in the family, in groups of friends I never felt I belonged, still don’t. . That started when I was 14. At about 10 I would go off alone in nature, talk with my guardian angel, and just prefer to be alone. I still don’t like crowds and only want to be around my children and their spouses if I’m to be with anyone. The thing is I fear dying alone. Not dying. I’d love to find someone to love the rest of my life with but I don’t go anywhere and won’t do the internet thing. I feel I have a wall up because I don’t want to feel that hurt again. ..Since I was 7 I’ve had a lot of death around me. Since the job loss I figured I was going through a very long dark night of the soul…Again. But then I read the list and got a different perspective and now I’m totally confused. Sorry for such a long post but if anyone can give me any thoughts I would really appreciate it. Namaste
wow that IS alot of death around you – BUT I also believe that we sign on for our individual journey and that includes who we journey with. We have soul-contracts with others that support them leaving (earth) while me still staying and there are reasons for that and I encourage you to find those reasons. You are still SUPPOSED to be here and learn to use those loved ones still but in other ways (if you choose to believe that) and know that you are NEVER alone. When we lose the meat-body of others we can feel a ton of abandonment but we are truly never alone. We have support love and fuel from ALL aspects of Source energy and quite possibly that is part of your journey lesson this round as a human.
hi I’m a 43 year old female I’ve been going through a spiritual awakening for I guess for the past 40 years I’ve been going up I’ve seen smoke everywhere I have seen apparitions my hair’s falling out my skin feels like I constantly have something biting me so does my scalp I’ve been to the dermatologist and there’s nothing there I’m going through so many things that it’s hard for me to even I know there’s a lot of weird Unexplained phenomenons on a spiritual level that I can’t explain and I get scared I have a 5 year old daughter that I get scared for cuz I have to protect her I need to know how to learn and adapt
We always need to check Western Medicine for issues – but alot of this does sound like Ascension Symptoms. I have a ton of info on my site to help – and most of it is free. I also have an Online COmmunity that can be supportive at
I gotta be crazy I’m going through all these things I woke up like this one day nbers everything you mentioned what’s it all mean I truly don’t fully understand it and everyone thinks I’m crazy please help I’m passed all you mentioned
I would just keep on studying – that is why I create the Online Community called Vibe Tribe on my website – take a peek and see if that resonates – and if my info does not – keep searching for what helps you keep connected to current info and tactics to assist.
I just woke up last night in a panic , went into the kitchen where I feel energy not necessarily good energies, the clock was 1:11. My tongue felt cold and numb, felt like I couldn’t breathe and felt almost like stuck in a dream. This has happened before where I wake up and feel something is there and it is usually matched with some time like 1:11 or 3:33 or 2:22 or 4:44. I have been seeing numbers for awhile, ever since I claim I had a spiritual awakening after overcoming Graves Disease. I felt around that time that someone was holding my hand through difficult times but it was not a physical being. Also the intuition and dreaming and other things are present. I can identify with other things too but just wondered what you think. I have been doing restorative yoga, positive thinking, some life coaching and eating habits are changing. I feel I am vibrating at a different level than ever before. I am less fearful, more grateful and recently a friendship did end( for the better). I am finding it harder and harder to be around negative people.
I think it sounds like you are doing great work – I say keep it up and try to stay out of FEAR
I been feeling I’m going crazy, I break up with my partner, I been see energy’s good and bad, I change my major, my way to see life. I can’t control the energy my hands always are itching and everything electronic I touch mostly of the time froze or acting crazy. I switch 3 times phones because always my phones froze or turn black but is not my phones. How can I control my energy?
I highly suggest you learn to ground and bubble – there is a free meditation for this on my website – the bottom of the Home Page = use it (if you choose!) daily both morning and night!
So early this morning I was meditating and I started feeling my heating up then it felt like vibrations was flowing through my, then I started sweating. I continued to meditate and after I finished I was smiling! I’m new to meditation and would like to know the significance to these symptoms.
I communicate with spirit on the regular and I am 25 years old. I started noticing these things when I was 20. I feel like I have almost mastered it but it’s like I am alone. My spirit team constantly communicates with me through vibrational energy. I just need someone who is experienced in feeling energy go through their body when they talk to spirit. I need advice. Please. I am asking for a friend. I’m too young to be this aware.
Hey man, you must learn to stand on your own two feet and this will come with conquering any fears you may have and overcoming them, remember your own intuition is key and to trust and listen to yourself whilst remaining honest about what is going on and why it may be happening. These things can happen at a quick pace but realise if you remain truthful with regards to the unknown you always have the opportunity to make, rectify and learn from your mistakes. So dont feel the pressure to do everything perfectly all the time, and remember to love and be yourself. A really good book that might be helpful for you is “The Art of Peace” by Morihei Ueshiba. Remember also that you have a soul and vibrational energy isnt everything, but you must have the energy that feels natural to you and if it feels unnatural at any point i recommend you stop and meditate to get back to your normal state as you are your best teacher and you will learn whats needed throughout your life if you put in the effort. Always work at a pace that is right for you. Also as a sidenote if youre paying attention to these number synchronicities, or symbolisms also, dont. Because these generally are systematic ways of thinking which are not that of true spirituality. Hope this is helpful :), If you have anymore detailed questions feel free to ask on this reply! Dont reply to this email by the way, its temporary 🙂
thanks for the input!
I met someone in January of this year and soon after I started seeing 11:11 everywhere. Friendship turned into relationship and the numbers progressed 222 333 444 555 and completed at 1234 and now they’re stacked numbers 124 456 789. I’m at very intune with the universe and I am intune telepathically with my partner. I don’t know what this is but I love it. It’s magic. Devine love, Devine magic.
Would you believe if i said that i have experienced and experiencing everything that you have typed in this article.
Me aslo! I am waiting for the time to leave this planet, realm or go to another dimension/world!
but until your soul knows it is time to go – enjoy it here as there are miracles every day if you choose to find them!
I definitely can relate to have a prophetic dreams not necessarily spiritual. I remember oh my dreams that have something to do with the Earth separated from the ground, below me it’s like a muddy Gray, there’s a rope hanging from what looks like a moon and other people are sitting there in a circle as if they’re praying or supporting each other and I’m climbing up where they’re at and I also sit in the circle but nothing is moving below us it’s just looks like it hasn’t been either created or a disaster happened and we’re safely above but it’s still dark atmosphere and quiet. Another dream I have, it seemed like an earthquake and the world ending at the same time the scenery was also grayish dark, as I’m in the middle of the groundbreaking and the sky with lightning and booming sounds, I rescue a child not sure if it was someone else’s for me and we stand under a doorway as the buildings are swaying I can’t remember if there’s people but I believe there are running and screaming and hollering and yet I rescue the child safely in my arms as we stand and wait because there was nowhere else to go I woke up and have mixed feelings. Another dream I had I had to make a choice between a backpack, personal belongings, spiritual book of some sort there was a plane that look like it was cut in half and a cupped hand reached out like a big pillow mattress hugh size,its visible, I could see it but I took hesitated in thought, time stood still but time was running out, choices had to be made. I took hold with one hand and the spiritual book in another, I was lifted in but I couldn’t see going in, I just had the feeling once I took the hand I woke up. Another dream I had, mother bear and her Cubs though she was protected they lived inside a home like human and yet she walked away and allowed me to take over for a time, I m panic and fear, I hesitated as I sit with the cubs surrounding me, laying on my lap, playing and whatever Cubs do. Mom, she walked past me later and the fear left me there was also a middle child cub which would have seem my age although I was the second oldest in human life, I’m not really sure what role in particular, that teenage Cub played.
One of the most weirdest dreams I’ve had, was two wolves… one male &one female. We are in the woods outside and it’s beautiful out there I assume I’m the female and the mail was more of the dominant one at one time but when he entered me from behind High pooped out everything he put in me. It appears that I was tired of the relationship or him and I’m not comfortable anymore with his personality is demeanor or his actions, he seem to have great ego and confidence of me in his corner and the animal wilderness and I guess in human life since at the time I was dating someone who stepped on my heart and embarrassing in public and although we were never an item I always thought in my mind that we were until the date came when I found out I was just the Wednesday girl and every other day outside of that day had another name for a different girl. I was so infatuated and I couldn’t understand why but use God a lot in his words as well as his teachings and as well as himself. He was a confident man and he could make you feel like you were the only woman in the world when you were with him but you knew deep down in your heart that you will not his woman at all just someone to control your mind and sex was often used. I was never a sexual type person until I met him and now I’m back to be picky and unmoved by sex. The two dogs in the dream remind me of the relationship of 10 years that I had, which was never a real relationship but even to this day I still have love for him but not sex. I have many more stories to tell but here are just a few and I hope I get comments and maybe a few understandings about some of these dreams. Because it may not be about men, the bear & cubs or the grey Moon or the half a plane at the hand. Some people may say that I’m prophetic but I don’t know exactly but I find that I have something in me that wants to come out and help others with their inner self. Thank you for listening. MonChe
WOWIE is what I have to say. I envy your dream experiences and I rarely remember mine. I just believe you are creating on another realm – sometiems in other realities and soemtimes they are just dreams – but super cool for you!
Hi. My spiritual awakening has been coming full throttle the last few months. I see so many people. I am seeing people in my left and right eye. Sometimes two at once, one in the left and one in the right. I cant find any information on actually seeing them through my eye. I fell like my right eye is so full and blurry in the back, but I can see perfectly. Do you know what I can research to find out more information?
Thanks in advance.
Not sure where reeesearch is for that but DO know that our auric body and our third eyes goes through MANY different calibrations, I suggest you continue to work WITH it and not fear it. Do more exercises to maintain a better thrid eye and active the pineal gland more.
I had a beautiful baby girl unexpectedly at 40. Since the pregnancy, (which was horrible. LOST 27 pounds…. created nerve issues… and a cesarean that the spinal didn’t work). I saw and spoke w spirit for years when I was younger. Now I’ve seen 5 therapist who tell me to take vitamins and take a walk. I see every repeating number twice a day. I’ve captured orbs flying into my baby…and I recently went to a quaint group medium reading that I had to leave because my anxiety rose so highly I felt like 50 people were around me. What is going on?
I believe you just “remembered what you already know” and that happens to many and sometimes it happens when your meat-body experiences trauma. I would just do a lot of work to now learn to contain your auric bubble and boundaries so that you increase your discernment skills. There is a free meditation on my homepage to learn to ground and bubble. I suggest doing it DAILY!
I am so glad to have found this today. I have been experiencing ALL of the symptoms, most advancing over the last three years (60 now). Began with numbers (1111) ALL the time till I was like…ummm…HELLO?! Then the coins and feathers, and much, much more. Then the ears ringing (blaring)…whispers at night, etc. I finally reached out to a friend, and don’t you know…she and her daughter had been immersed for a few years in all of what you are all talking about here. She clued me in on the universal shift (which I TOTALLY told people I felt back when I felt it in 2012…loved the affirmation), and also recommended I read a few books and see her Transformational Coach, which I did. Now the eyes are acting up a lot…and I love hearing about the “blur.” This is newer, but VERY real. This began last week, and then over the weekend…well…I had that overwhelming ELECTRICITY run through my body while I was in bed. Of course, it was 3:33. It was amazing, and at first I was a little scared, but then I just went with it, as I knew it was something spiritual. Once I invited it all in, a voice spoke to my right ear. A lovely, calming, yet almost professional sounding voice that said, “Pauline is here with all the others. We have everything under control.” I was taken aback by this. It was as if I could “see” or “hear” some sort of group working together in some kind of an office, almost like there was a bunch of data entry going on. It was SO fascinating. It was comforting. It was real. I was definitely awake. I looked at the clock and wondered if I should go get my husband, which I did not. And, nope…no Paulines in my life. Anyway…lots of new things happening to me these days, and it is comforting to be able to read about other people with common experiences. NO, I am NOT crazy. I am a wife (38 years), mom, grandma, full time employee with a very responsible job, and a church elder. Yup…I am a Christian who has redefined “church,” and I have to say that I am closer to Christ now more than I ever have been. Life is a journey. This is just a part of the journey…looking forward to the next phase.
What awesome stories to share – thanks so much!
I dont really understand what this arrival is but I have had some symptoms. This morning, very early morning, my grandmother passed away. After I found out I couldnt fall asleep. I was so tired, but I couldn’t sleep. When I finally fell asleep I had a nightmare for the first time in forever. I was trying to hide something and monsters came to take me away. One monster was a bird lady. She grabbed me and started flying. Then she started to fall apart. Her beak fell of her fingers started to turn into dust everything about her was falling about and decaying while I was in the air. I started to fall and I woke up because my neck was twitching. Only the left side was twitching and then I saw creatures going up the stairs. I dont believe in heaven which started to freak me out because it felt like something was trying to take over my body. I dont know what is going on. I feel like you might have an answer. Thanks for reading. I know it’s a long passage, but I need help.
When we traverse dream state – there is alot we can learn – most is metaphoric for the messages. Also when we are not fully back in our meat-body – there can be a lot of fear-based reactions/sensations/feelings, etc. like we are being taken over, sat upon or more. I think it is great you experienced things with your grandmothers death – that is special. Try you best to stay out of fear and just allow your creativity to learn to process more. (If you choose!)
Your post is helping me a lot. I recently encountered that I am experiencing some as you mentioned above. After that day, I am feeling things differently… I mean the normal things. Like phone, pen etc. It’s not like simply I am holding it. I am feeling it. I touch the objects and feeling its existence.also,I am following the regular pattern of waking up between 3-4 AM. I could not sleep properly.Getting weirdo dreams. I don’t know whether I am just going crazy or fooling myself that I am in spiritual awakening. May be I am just waiting for my sign from nature. Hope your comments can help me for more clarity.
This really resonates with me. I’ve had so many of these symptoms over the last month. Basically, I feel like I met my twin flame and then he randomly broke up with me. Instead of cutting him out of my life (like I’ve done in past relationships), I felt compassion for him. I love him enough to let him go to figure out what he needs to. It has set off so many emotions, feelings raw and ripped open emotionally, feeling a pull towards learning more spiritually, a desire to leave and travel and serve others, a whole lot of self-revelations, weight loss, loss of appetite, preference for natural food, sleep? Pfffft. It started as nightmares and panic attacks after the breakup to now just randomly waking up at 2:20 every night, headaches, sinus issues, overwhelmingly sad, crying even when I’m not hormonal, I seriously feel like my 3rd chakra is wide open and vulnerable, and I have all the unconditional love for my ex. It’s so crazy. I should be so mad that he broke up with me for no reason, but instead, I sat down to understand him and I’m actually thankful that he broke up with me to send me into what I feel like is a “third-life crisis”.
Who am I?? What is going on here? I do feel very crazy, but this made me feel a little better.
So grateful I was guided to this, very comforting to know I’m not alone. This past week I’ve had loud ringing in both ears randomly, feelings of light headedness, heart palpitations that constantly had me regulating my heartbeat especially at night, weird sleep patterns, almost a fear of falling asleep, vivid dreams, interesting intestinal sensations, body twitches, small headaches, small body pains here & there, the list goes on and for a relatively healthy 25 year old I had no idea what was going on and am doing my best to stay grounded. Exercise, eating clean & light, fasting, small bursts of meditation, listening to the sound of water & affirming “all is well” has been helping, what an exciting time to be here honestly. Thank you so much for this article, perhaps a new Earth is around the corner! Eternal blessings to all!
I can relate to most if not all of this but I don’t understand why so many NEGATIVE symptoms? why is that necessary? If one is returning to God consciousness and leaving the ego behind, why would it cause so much torment? We are not bodies, and yet this suffering is projected into the body.. do you know why? thank you for the article..namaste
My husband of a few months has been experiencing a LOT of these symptoms. When we first started dating, he was going to church with me and we became members of a Baptist church near where we live. He talked a lot about God and prayed a lot. Some months after we got engaged, a life event (well, several) transpired that seemed to have caused a shift in his awakening. It’s kind of been happening in stages. First he was experiencing some depression, not knowing what his purpose was, and filling very unfulfilled at his job. We went to a counselor, which seemed to help, but the feelings of feeling awakened continued. He started paying more attention to what he was eating, began to clearing his chakras, cleansing his pineal gland, and a few other things. At the same time, he’s been expressing a need for grounding, and being with nature. Most people going through their awakening seem to feel more love (giving and receiving love), but my husband has been short with me and very cruel. He often gets frustrated very easily and then lashes out at me, even if I’m not the cause of his frustrations. It’s a very trick time for us. How can I support his shift, and will there be a time when things will harmonize? Finally, is it possible to (still) incorporate God into his spiritual awakening/shift.
Hello Suzanne!
I am gladly reading your article. God bless you!
And I am very appreciative to the Divine for the chance of Awakening. I see all the signs, synchronicities.
I am afraid though…. I had the perfect life at 30, thinking about having a family with my bf… when I met… I don’t know.. Soul mate/catalyst…someone, who is much younger.
My heart chakra activated since and I cannot seem to separate my soul self from him(if this makes sense). Meet with him twice. When I am there with him, Ifeel this is silly & crazy ,that I don’t even like him, what am I doing there?!
As I go home, I feel this longing for him, it’s making me crazy.
Awakening would mean to evolve and leave the one I’m with? I disconnected so fast from my bf…it’s crazy. Sometimes I’d just stay in my cozy, stable relationship but I really want to evolve, I really want to help others…raise the earth’s vibration when I get to that point. This is oh so hard. 🙁
Thank you for listening!
Sometimes we just get used to a person, and it’s comfortable to not have to do the whole “dating, possible waste of time/or rejection” thing. Sounds like you like the IDEA of having a partner to be able to turn to but I think you knew/know that youre already aware of your conclusion
My wife is experiencing many of these symptoms and I have mentioned those in below. She is also pregnant now (just got to know this week) which makes me worried so much right now. Can you please advise a solution.
Physical Difficulties
electrical shocks
Headaches and migraines that don’t respond to medicine
Feels smoke inside house and feels the light is dim
Cold or Flu Symptoms
Changes in body temperatures
Chills or hot flashes, night sweats and waves of heat throughout body
Emotional Sadness or Disconnect
Deep inner sadness for no apparent reason
Feeling lonely
Feeling dizzy of lightheaded
Relationship Changes
Sudden or abrupt changes in relationships, job, career, living environment
Cravings may come and go
Sudden weight gain or loss especially in belly area
Sleep and Dreams
Unusual sleep patterns or changes in pattern
rarely awakening between 2-4 a.m.
dreamt about person without head a multiple times and got up from sleep
Psychic Abilities
Can someone advise what is the usual time to expect a reply?
I do my best depending on what the post is and what’s going on….. there is no usual
Congrats on the up-coming baby!
But pregnant or not – we ALL are having these challenges because we are ALL a part of this transformation. She is no different than all others in finding a way to stay OUT OF FEAR and work in love – especially when carrying another in utero! Always check with doctors especially when pregnant to be sure where things stand medically but if there is no “Answer” do you best to not feel like there is something hiding that is killing you – that’s how crazy we can get sometimes in this without answers…..but do your best to find alternative ways to seek balance and use NATURE. You can assist by supporting her and having patience GALORE. Might as well get used to it cause you will also need it when a child arrives!
New here … So far I’m glad and grateful to have been drawn here. The numbers are of special interest to me. 222 was the start many many years ago. Recently I downloaded Doreen Virtue’s “Angel Numbers” onto my phone. I’m having a blast with the “General Meaning ….”.
What is your take on the numbers Suzanne? Perhaps you have already touched on this, but I just wasn’t seeing the spot to read.
Something inside be was “accidentally” activated when I attempted to help a close friend, who got herself into some trouble with malevolent beings. I didn’t know what or how I did it that time, I was just curious whether those YouTube videos of various exorcisms were real or not (we were desperate at the time as well, and didn’t take it as serious). Only 3months ever since that happened, and in currently dealing with body vibrations practically everyday. Remembering a different blog the author stated several times discernment is important, just reading some of the comments, got me to (almost!) cry, and I used to be a horror fan… Hates crowds, hearing a buzzing noise almost everywhere like annoying mosquitoes. I’m in the process of figuring this out, and thank you for the free stuff, it will definitely be helpful for me. My family, friends and people that I used to know all thinks in mentally unstable due to stress from studying. Even I want comforts from them it’ll only make this situation worse. Add for my friend? I found another… Spiritually awakened lady, basically she cannot be helped now, and has been taken anyway (still not sure what that means).
But in here, I wish those who are going through similar stages a good luck, you are stronger than you think!
Well, I am glad to know that I am not going crazy. I”ve been able to see vibrations for quite some time now and after a series of migraines, it is gotten out of control!!! I’d say that I’ve experienced about 80% of the symptoms, you’ve described, and as of recently I am convinced that I am making light bulbs flicker and complete going out. Just the other night my dog was acting weird and I sensed a cold presence in my house. Naturally, I lit some sage to cleanse my house. I have always known that I have some psychic abilities and incredible premonitions. What comes next? Seriously? Any literature on the topic you can recommend? I don’t won’t to shut down the accession process? rather learn how to handle it better. Thank you
I am also experiencing a lot of this. I have been a different person for about two weeks now. Whereas before I was grounded in love and calm and the voice of reason to many of my family members through their struggles. I felt a deep peace and knowing. Its still there, or here in me, but something has changed for no apparent reason. I am struggling so much. I am angry, tired, over reactive, unable to sleep, super emotional, physical symptoms as well..I could go on and on. I am unable to work and barely able to parent, grocery shop, pet the dog, you name it and I’m finding it difficult to do! I went to hospital and 2 Drs with no answers other than “take this pill” But thankfully I felt guided to search spiritual awakening and I’m sure that’s what’s happening here. I’m grateful and happy to learn that my seeking is yielding a profound change. But good god this is crazy! How long does this last? I need my job and to be a part of my family and life! I realize I just have to travel through it but is sprinting allowed??
Remember that an Ascension Cycle is over 26,000 years! Sure that made you feel some sense of relief huh! But seriously we need to remember that we are on an individual path and journey of up and down energies but also we are in the MARCO – collective mess of the humanity as a whole and that will ALWAYS tip the scales of balance – so try to seek out if you are riding a collective wave of fear or a persona one or both – discernment then release is key!
Due to how long my symptoms have been happening, i am more lost than ever. Sure I see and get the world we all see feel etc. Then there are the other things i have learned not to socially mention. My story is one hell of a journey of 33 years n going. From discovering an energy source within me able to be manipulated just by thought and sheer will. To the many misunderstandings that followed while “seeing” what this new found weird thing could do. Anyone (earth and sky describing people mean there are those who believe n those who wont. Earth are those who are logic/science based and sky well…i think u get it) earth or sky in my life. Have had moments ranging from able to be debunked to incidents unexplainable to even myself. Some of the things that i have experienced still have a hard time believing. I understand immensely the longing for a home the physical body cannot travel to. Knowing well it wasnt bn suicidal but still cant figure it out. I have seen some things I hesitate to describe. Felt things of the same manner n have been even attacked by something 3 times. That something had tortured the closest friend to me for years before it came for me. I have been on quite a quest to have these supernatural experiences brought to light by physical means ie. recordings, experiments etc. A few successful things i have on video has comfirmed only what I know to be happening. Ex. At franklin institute they have a “muscle electrical output measurement” machine. Not only did i show friends with me that day, myself and have on video proof of my will controlling energy. I had placed my hand on the machine once. This time the reading was normal according to the machine. Then proceeded to walk over to an electric outlet, while doing so explaining to friends im absorbing the electric from outlet. Then placed my hand back onto the machine and led what was absorbed by me, into the machine. The reading not only sent the line way above chart and off screen. When i let go it had an impressive hangtime b4 returning back down. I HAVE THIS ON VIDEO N CAN DO IT WHENEVER I WANT N CAN PROVE. I have been told many things by those i have saught to complete strangers about “my powers”. Explaining them to be something the human brain/ego cannot obtain and process to be true, of this world etc. Pls help.
Thanks for sharing, my take is that we ALL have powers as it is our birthright. That said, we all can sing but some better than others…so the level of skill needs to be personally owned and managed individually with as much integrity as one chooses. After reading your plea – I would do more to release fear attached to all you are experiencing – then one begins to work more in a humble state of love verses needing to be acknowledged or the prove to others in that state of trying to convince anyone else. I take this work very personal for individual advancement and really don’t care to prove – but obviously you get to choose your own path.
Hi There,
I have experienced some major changes in my life recently and the changes and experiences just keep coming. A couple of years ago i would experienced buzzing / vibrations in my head between wake and sleep. It scared me the first few times, waking me up. After researching this online i came to the conclusion it was some sort of a spiritual change taking place. So what i decided to do was allow the vibrations to subside and tried my hardest to focus on keeping my mind awake. After the vibrations stopped I felt like i was awake within a dream. It was very bizarre and very real. It made me question everything and so my quest for knowledge started.
Some other changes / experiences include – change in diet (not eating meat etc), this was a change that surprised me the most as i loved steak etc. At times my sleep pattern is messed up. One morning I woke up at 3am, looked out my back window and noticed an orb / star in the sky. I took out my Nikon p900 and started to shoot. The star changed shape and i recorded the same star several times doing some amazing things. I have one moving across the sky at high speed as well. Lately im hearing voices, usually when im drifting off to sleep, but the other day i heard what sounded like a female whispering to me. I couldnt make it out, sounded faint and like it was another language. Numbers and synchronicity are also catching my attention – not sure if its because im paying more attention. I now believe in creations, something i would never have believed a few years back.
I also experienced an OBE many years ago, but never really gave it any time. Looking back i know i slipped out during sleep.
Any advise for me? I would appreciate it very much. I feel like i could be doing more to help myself. Do you believe that we exist after this life? Or does our energy just get recycled, what happens our mind? Is our conscious mind just a fractal part of Gods mind? Does the creator express itself through us? Are the stars actually our celestial home – the heavens? I dont believe stars are what we are told they are – not suns trillions of miles away.
Thanks for all the info Patrick! Wow right! There is a lot going on for many. My personal advice is just stay present with the work and do your best to enjoy it if able…as this process of Ascension is on-going with no real end to it. And keep studying and learnign adn expanding ideas of consciousness. I personally do believe we fully exist after this meat-body life as I connect with many on the other side. Recycled energy is a perspective of reincarnation I suppose but not really so – as our SOUL or Higher Self chooses to come back in what ever form and for what ever reasons. That said, I can also see the soul self or Higher Self as some sort of a fractal – I do a lot of mandala work and fractal holographic work and I often experience the god-self that way. My take (and only my take) is that the so-called-GOD does not have a body. I see it and experience it as a Divine Intelligence without form that chooses to co-create energetic experiences of all kinds. We CHOOSE to be a FORM (a meat and bone one BTW) for that expression and experience. So yes in some ways God expresses through us but we do through God as well – it goes both ways for me. Personally I find myself longing for star-homes as I hold a lot of alien energy and past life off planet memory. Again this is Suzanne’s version – take anything that resonates and toss the rest – but thank you for sharing YOU!
Hi Suzanne
Thanks so much for the feedback. I’ll take on board everything you have said hear. It has certainly been a hell of a journey for me. Looking at this world makes me sad because I’m aware of the many problems we face. Maybe I’ll get a calling to do something, who knows. Cheers Patrick
Just and update. Recently I have come down with the flu and then some weeks after I got a chesty cough. Since the cough I’ve been experiencing heart palpitations. I have had them for a couple of weeks now. Feeling anxiety and depression at times, yet I’m not depressed. What do I do with the heart palpations. Is this because of new energy coming into Earth and it’s changing me from the inside Out? I sometimes feel I’m living in a Hollywood sci-fi movie. Can all this be really happening? If it is, then we have been lied to. So what happens when we all realise truth?
I feel so lost and losing my personal identity. I am crying for no reason and I dont feel loved though. The hardships of my life and the rejection is one after the other. I kind of hate myself for my past choices and I really feel like dying.
Im sorry to hear that you feel that way but take it from one that channels the dead (if you choose to) – when we die we do not get “off the hook” so to speak on finding that balance and joy – so my take is that it is better to do the WORK on this side of the veil and try your best to live a full and happy life here because it makes that death process a lot easier and that life in between a lot better as well…plus it makes here more enjoyable. Forgivess works wonders! Study the Law of Attraction some – it may help!
I really recommend you to read the law of attraction by Esther and jerry Hicks! You will understand life better, I promise you that!
I totally agree!
Hi Suzanne
Thank you very much with this information.
Most of the said things on each and every topic apply to me.
I came into this site because I was searching as to why I almost spin, loosed balance and almost fell while I was fixing a sandwic this afterno. Now I know, I have all the answers.
I started seeing 11:11 in July 2016, thereafter I started various kinds of reapiting numbers on watches, cellphone, walls, homes etc. It happens in my daily life. I googled their interpretation, but never reacted to the given information because I didn’t know what to do.
Late this month I have experienced a huge change, something told me you need to do a research to know what is your angel number. It is from then that I discovered about the so called ‘Life Path’ and ‘Guardian Angel’. I continued and studied a bit further on my guardian angel, and took advices given.
Shockingly, I felft more of connection to my guardian angel, I started getting more messages, these messages are truly applicable to my current life situation, and these nessages have now change to some form of step by step instructions and guidance, and I even get a message commending me for my progress. I started noticing presence of Angels, see visions when my eyes are closed.
The meesages I receive now are telling me straight that I am a LIGHTWORKER and I should get rid of old habits since that will prevent me from my life purpose. Today I took a decision to quick smoking, may God make me strong and completely conquer this addiction. But I know, with the help of the UNIVERSE, I’m already VICTORIOUS. Messages from my Gurdian Angel always guarantees me that I will be given guidence and I must release all fears and doubts to the universe.
This is all new to me, and I haven’t communicated my new experiences to anyone, and I know they will think I am going insane. I also do not know where to go and find assistance, I’m only relying on the information I get on the Internet.
This feeling of change is happening fast, I’m 47 years old now, I never knew anything true life purpose. But I’m blessed, my Gurdian Angel, Archangel Michael will guide me until God’s plan about my life purpose is fulfilled.
Thank you very much, your blog was very much informative and influential for me.
Stay blessed.
Themba Khumalo
that’s great news Themba and keep up the work (if you choose) and sometimes it is easy and sometimes not….just stay present is the easiest for me and do you best to find JOY!
I should have known when I posted something earlier on this you would read it and know fully I was not ready. I’m writing to you now asking what happens after your awake what happens when you can make the ball of energy that fills the room what happens when you never wanted any of it and never expected it and totally didn’t believe it? That was me 4 years ago and I have experienced every single thing on your list and more I have also looked at it with an A type personality towards keeping statistical records and recording things that are happening within my life I have encountered spirits I have spoken back to Spirits. I have someone that has always seen something in me and she helped me in my process of waking up. And I have been trying to show everyone just how important they are to me lately. Your article is so precise that I feel you knew when you’re at the last thing I tried to post. That I wasn’t awake yet so what happens now? What do you do after your awake or, is what I’m thinking really real and the answer is, anything you want. Thank you very much.
The awakening process is never-ending and that is great and tough at the same time. My take is DO YOUR OWN work and do not worry about others opinions and trying to make sense of things for them. Just BE and continue to do the work to deleter negative fear programming and life gets easier –
I found this post cos I am expiriencing what you called an energy wortex on my chest (I hardly knew how to explain it). At first I thought it is somethnig bad (cos my couisn was diagnosed with breast cancer) but then I said to my self that it is not fear or anxiety that I feel….it is an energy in heart chakra, but more spread out on my upper breast plate area. I have never felt it so strong and it comes and goes. Have to say very strange feeling cos I kinda feel my breasts (the feeling of knowing they are there 🙂 ) Thank you. Nen
and when this happens make sure to command your entire self back INTO your full body and it will be easier to navigate this feeling.
I have most of these symptoms… I figured most of mine were an auto immune issue… But yet, doesn’t explain the psyche ability with electrical appliances and lights…
they ARE as well as ARE NOT auto immune because our chakra system is part of ALL otehr systems – so yes it’s all the same stuff!
I have been feeling a lot of these symptoms the past couple of years actually. It started with feeling like I was all alone, like I had no one there to talk to. Not even my husband. We have been together for 17 years and I just felt like I wanted to leave him all of a sudden. I wanted to be alone somewhere.. it was a difficult time which lasted for 1,5 years.. after that I just felt dizziness, I wanted to do something with my life and started to search for answers. Then I got the book “dying to be me” by Anita moorjani and after that it felt like I just had awakened somehow. All along I was feeling those weird feelings I also had fatigue, joint pains and my eyes got red and itchy for about 6 months.. I thought that I had some kind of illness and went to the doctor and they couldn’t find anything.. it was really weird.. then after about 6 months my eyes went back to normal and everything was ok like before.. it is still a question mark for me..then I dreamt of blue butterflies for a whole night and the morning after I read about that dream and it was about awakening.. now 3 years later I’m starting to realize why I have gone through the tough time.. I realize that I’m in another level now starting to understand life somehow.. I’m so grateful for this experience and I know that I’m not alone.. it’s all about love.
beautiful post – thank you!
Was beginning to feel like a hypochondriac, but seriously have about 90% of the symptoms you mentioned. The great thing is, I am out of the “sadness” stage and into the overwhelming LOVE stage. Since entering that stage, I have begun seeing sparkles and movements everywhere. Feeling presences (both good and bad, but mostly good and no longer fearing the bad)
Thanks for writing this! I honestly felt like I was losing my grip…that, or dying from a very rare disease that only I contracted haha! 🙂
great news – thanks for sharing that folks DO move through this!
Well, I don’t even know where to start? My life started to change in October 2018 I had a lay down one afternoon as I was unusually worn out when I woke I heard my name being called by a lady, I thought nothing of it until early hours of the following morning I saw what looked like camera flashes in my room at this point I had such a feeling of excitement I don’t know why?? I’ve seen then seen large white lights around people I have random things in my head when I stand near friends or strangers I usually have to say what is being said or I’m fidgeting for hours and so far I’ve said things that are so precise it’s scared me light bulbs blow when I’m near them all the time I see people I know are deceased as they sometimes have body parts missing I go days without sleeping what is happening to me am I mad????
In my opinion you are not mad – you are just igniting your psychic skills, BUT get some training, take classes or at least read up on it so that you do not work in fear or ego. That will only open you up to being duped or high-jacked – so get serious about your field and your ground and bubble – (i have a free download on my webiste for this meditation on the homepage) and do it to be able to discern your true self and true messages.
Hi my name is liz I think my spirit guides led me to this site cuz several times before I have had strange experiences where I’m sleeping fine. But then right about 4 to 5 in the morning I can’t sleep I start. Becoming restless and I can’t sleep and I wake up at 5 in the morning with a heaviness in my gut and chest. And I can’t breathe it is almost like a feeling that something or someone is not right I had these experiences many times before sometimes I find out by my guides that someone is sick or that someone have passed away and it isn’t always a. Loved one a lot of times if someone I don’t know dies I would know right away. I have had all sorts of experiences from tingling in my body to. Feeling like I’m being. Rocked or cradle like a child I had. Objects moved from its place I have cold chills all over my body and almost all these things described on this site I can relate to. I can see feel and hear things all the time my guides are so over protective of me. I use think I was going crazy. I do suffer from depression and aniexty but I do have a lot of spiritual faith I was never a religious person I love god but I keep him close to my heart I pray for everyone and read my bible from time to time but I have always been fascinated by the spiritual world. Just recently reading about religion made me a little worried and scared about believing in the spiritual world and spirits because in religion spirits. Are demons. Decieving us and not love ones. Or angels. I had a hard time because of that but after I.stopped looking into religion and started to continue on researching and looking for answers I calmed down and began to embrace my gift and my guides and I lost any fear or doubt I had and after I had an experience. I was looking for answers which led me to this page which I know it was my spirit guides that led me to find this page like I said everything on this page I have experienced plus things I can’t even explain. Just like the Buddhist monks who can see the inside I too can I can see the inside of a person and know what they’re feeling I can see their soul. And I can see their insides I don’t know how to explain it but I have had weird things happen to me that I can not explain I have even seen myself. Awake. Like I was wide awake and I was in my kitchen and I looked to my left and I saw myself. I. Also do not speak a word in any language other than English and Spanish but I don’t speak any other languages but I speak to my sister in different languages as if I knew or as if I was someone else my guides are from different parts of the world and I have so many. But I always surprise my sister when I speak in different languages. Anyway I have had different experiences since I was a child even as early as 3 or 4 years old I have experienced things. Right about that age I had an encounter believe it or not with. Our lord Jesus Christ and since then I have had other experiences similar I don’t know if anyone believes me. Or not but I know what I experienced and I know that it was all real sometimes these experiences can feel like fantasies that is why its hard to believe let alone understand also I am a very sensitive person I can feel people’s pain and I can understand people very well without being in their shoes what I love about sites like these is that it helps you understand our gifts more I think god gave everyone a special gift and we just have to embrace it and not be afraid to use it. I think that things like religions just like to control people by injecting fear into us and telling us that these things are wrong or evil it is god that is in charge not them and if he gave us a gift he knows why and its a blessing. I thank god for this gift and for my guides I embrace my spirituality more now than ever my advice to everyone here is to embrace your gift don’t be afraid cuz your gift is a blessing
I agree our gifts are blessings but I also am one that will be very careful to keep my gift to myself unless asked to assist another. To move into anothers field or body without permission is invasive and not ethical. My take is be careful and work with integrity and love at all times with out conditions attached – which keeps the ego out of it and work as long as you know it is real.
Hi there I’m still learning and growing. I’m working with my guides But I don’t use my gift unless I need to help someone but the things that I have experienced I keep to myself. I don’t do anything that’s intrusive. I just see and feel things but I never do anything that might be intrusive or that feels wrong I’m just starting to embrace this world of spirituality. Cuz. I have. had moments where I felt lost and confused and tried. Looking for answers. And one of these experiences I had led me here and it made me comfortable whereas before I had a hard time excepting all of this. Thank you for your advice I really like this site a lot and I was wondering do you have a book or website I would love to check it out . thanks again ☺
Hi Suzanne,
I’m experiencing a lot of these symptoms. I have endless longings. I know nothing in the outside world will ever satisfy me. I have a strong desire to live a simple life in a forest. I want to be free in the nature, in open spaces. small confinement of any house, the idea of walls surrounding me makes me feel depressed and exhausted. I want to spend my days doing simple things, art, things that come from the heart. I want to cook, paint, dance freely, watch the birds, run across a field for ever. I want to take care of children, want to be around them, hold babies, cry, hug everyone. I need to live like this for a while. I have no ability or desire left in me to think, analyze things, study or use my mind in any ways. The problem is that I’m in my senior year of college right now. I’m applying to graduate schools, something I have planned to do since I was in middle school. But I just can’t get myself to do anything. It hurts when I have to think or write something down. I don’t even wanna spend 5 years in graduate school. the idea of it terrifies me. The grad school applications are due in a week, I have a project and two exams next week. What should I do?
Thank you
Obviously I have no right to tell you what to do – nore does anyone else BTW — I believe you sound like you are an advanced human that KNOWS alot oaboyt this planet and your soul and what it needs to be happy – the problem is that most PROGRAMMED folks do not see life this way. You need to determine (if you choose) what is YOUR TRUTH and no one elses and that can indeed be difficult. Coming from someone that completely changed their entire life in their later years — following your TRUE heart is not easy but IS worth it….even if others believe you are a nut! My suggestion is DISCERN, discern and discern some more to find your real true beliefs and stick to them because you are not just a daughter, a sibling, a friend a whatever… you are a soul that is having a spiritual experience here on Earth in a Meat and Bone Body – and you only get once chance at this existence in this incarnation – so choose wisely – and own any consequences that coem along with those choices – and do that in love not regret.
Why are those symtophs happening? What is the ascension in short words. Would someone please summerize it in a few sentence? I use to see th number 911 all the time since years, I feel tingeling on my body and a new sympthom i have now is vertigo. I wonder why all this happening, what is after the ascention? will i have skills like psychic abilities or whay is this all happening?
We as a planet, a cosmos and as individuals are ALWAYS ascending = but this current planetary process is unique and we are feeling it differently this round. An ascension cycle is over 26,000 years each cycle = and so no one knows what is after because technically there is no after. This process means that our reality – our plane of existing – our dimension that we create and live within is speeding up in terms of the vibrational frequency – this offers us more LOVE but also offers at the same time more fear if we are not doing the spiritual work to learn, connect and navigate this. This increase in frequency hits our meat-body hard if we are filled with FEAR (hence the symptom list) and so the goal is to de-program your fears and upload more love into your individual reality matrix. We all always have the ability to have psychic skills as that is part of our birthright – we can either ignite these or ignore these.
Great article, I found myself having many of these feelings after acquiring second degree of Ushui Reiki.
Most importantly, I cannot sleep anymore without waking up in the middle of the night, usually from 4am to 6am about two or three times per night, having really vivid dreams too. I tried to take Valerian Root, Melatonin, CBD and Bach remedies but none of these worked.
Having read all these symptoms of ‘awaking’ I now know I cannot help it, should just let it flow.
Thank you Suzanne!
yep and these symptoms come and go remember so have patience is my suggestion!
Ive been feeling like everything you wrote down in does paragraphs exactly the same way idk its crazy but i been having this feeling that ive lived this many times nd i been repeating it to get it right idk i just need a answer is all cause this sounds crazy
feeling other lives right now is not crazy in any manner as the veils are thinning and we have access to other dimensions as well as other incarnations. The goal is to learn from this and not fear it.
Here is something that happened to me 3 years ago and now I am struggling with anxiety, fear, phobias, no energy, tiredness, palipations, aches and more.
I was walking to the bank was into a good mood smiling full of life. As I walked there was this thing around me. It felt like a bubble around me as I walked it started to get bigger till it disappeared. It made me feel really protected like no one or anything could touch me or come into that bubble. 3 years later I am sick, sad, depressed, bad anxiety, fears. What happened to me? Can someone tell me and how do I get past all of this?
Again, I am a supporter of the ground and bubble technique (strengthening your auric field) – maybe you simply lost reference of your bubble. I have a free meditation on my webiste homepage to do this if you choose upload it and do it twice a day to regain that bubble which then offers you the discernment tool.
I’ve ben having fisical pains and problems for as long as I can remember, but as a child I was never takin to the doctors to find out the cause, iv learned to live with pain so it’s nothing significant, now that I’m dealing with a lot more all around my body it’s more annoying, but I have faith that I’ll be healed and healthy in the future. Iv always felt like there was two people living in my brain, like an angle and a demon, always fighting with each other. About a year ago I started to get my life on track, or started to care about it to say the least, so I was bouncing around houses trying to pick up the peices as much as I could before I became an adult. I had and don’t doubt that I might some what still have abandonment issues. Iv always felt alone in this world, like I could see straight through people but nobody could see me. It was only when I looked up at the moon and stars I felt at home, Iv come to an understanding of why I felt like that as a child now, and as of now I live with a loving and caring family that accepts and believes in me. When I moved here is when I stared going through my awakening, I was vary depressed about a twin flame situation and even though I was holding my life together I felt like I just couldn’t Pick up the pieces anymore. My twin flame really helped shed light on who I really am and my purpose, but even though after learning more about myself and inhancing my spirituality where I had none before, now seeing with a more grounded perspective, Iv never felt more alone in my mind, as much as I love and value the time I spend with my family I feel like there’s so much information I’m holding in my head and they just can’t relate or understand. They except that I have gone through this significant change, but still can’t understand it and it kind of scares a couple of the family members I live with, they discribed me as a “distant glow” I have withdrawn from almost everybody, even thought I have gained massive control over my emotions, and know my angles are here watching and guiding me, I still can’t help but cry when I’m alone now because nobody around me understands what I’m going through, I’m 17 now. Getting ready to graduate high school and work twards my life purpose as a singer. And I’m vary focused, but Iv ben unable to get rid of this overwhelming feeling of mental loneliness, I don’t want to be in this low vibrational energy, especially now that my life is finally making sense, I guess I’m just looking for comfort..
Sounds like you experience alot of what others do including myself. My suggestion for the disconnect it is use NATURE to do it as that is omnipresent and always there and non-human. Nature needs us as much as we need it remember.
Most of the things are happening to me as you describe here for a couple of months. But the worst part is a nightmare. Now I am tired and frightened, don’t know what to do to flow this divine energy. And I’m eager to know what’s the purpose, why it choose me? Could you please help me with this?
I usually suggest grounding and bubbling your self and your room prior to sleep to assist with this – I have a free meditation to do this on my website home page near the bottom – try that maybe.
I have MANY of these symptoms, one thing I tend to get alot at random times, is that my ears will start burning and are visibly red. This started with one ear, now it’s two and now includes my face and neck. What do you think? I have no idea what this could be. Shedding energy? Guides? I’ve been off balance, sudden weight gain and can’t lose it, stiffness in my right hip extending all the way down my right leg. Will this dissipate at some point? Maybe once you move into another phase. Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you for all info.
I suggest you study Ascension more as these symptoms will always be in flux as the energeis change. We will always more them through different areas and body parts to find what is still blocking and holding fear. Learn about the conscisouness behind the block – there is a ton on my site free for this.
Had a crazy experience that I was told By a medium and Psychic that I had a gift that I did not know the tools to use it. Came at a weird timing 6 days after I mentioned thinking I had ESP to multiple people. I ran into the medium unexpectedly and she came up to me and told me a bunch of stuff. I have been fighting a cold which I thought had been a virus leading up to this. The next day after meeting her I am experiencing a migraine, and I am baffled because I have never experienced a migraine before. The week leading up to this I had experienced almost blurred vision and was seeing dots and lines for about an hour. I just felt very off. After having the interaction with her all of this is making sense. I have always had very good hearing and can hear ringing and background noises other people can usually not hear as loudly. I have felt the feeling of my pulse beating rapidly. Recently I felt like my temples almost beating. It was a feeling I have never felt before. With this new migraine I am starting to believe that this might be a spiritual awakening because it just feels like a very strong pressure on the right side of my face around my eye. Is this common and what should I do I have the contact of the women who came up to me who wants to meet with me.
Oh my. This article is depicting everything i have been going through. Very spooky the accuracy of this page.
I’m not sure if this is a good thing or I should be worried. What does all this mean? What. if anything am I supposed to be doing?
Thank you so much for creating this web page. It gives me great comfort to realise that im not alone with everything I have been going through for the majority of my life.
Thank you so much Suzanne
Thanks Peter and I suggest you study – as knowledge takes the fear away – there is a ton of info throughout the blog eries on what this is and what to do. Also there is a free Ascension Guide on my site at
all of it.
just all of it.
I’ve been learning balance within.
surrendering to it all.
to be a wallflower.
to go with my heart and gut.
to know that nothing is forever.
not this life or the next.
the only thing I wish I could rid of is the fatigue.
I’m exhausted by my dreams.. whether good or bad, they’re exhausting.
My karmic level is the max high it’s always been… and I suggest to all..
to just let it be..
flow will provide you clarity.
reiki healings help me in overwhelming weeks where usually maybe the full moon and my cycle comes into play.
meditations allows me to atleast breathe when my head is overworking.
great info – thanks for posting…and get the rest you crave.
I can u sweet and so many of these symptoms. I have a few extra though. I have gained about 40 pounds quickly. When I read it is like the words are floating on the page. I am usually a very calm person I feel like anxiety has attacked me all of a sudden. I can’t catch my breath but have no breathing problems. I feel tingles throughout my body and my legs especially feel like they have too much energy in them. My shoulder is constantly hurting. I went to get lab work done because I figured there had to be something. Wrong with me and everything is perfect. I have a constant feeling that I am not doing enough like a dread that I can’t find my purpose. I keep being nudged to go to the serpent mound and the greenbank observatory. Things that I didn’t even know existed a year ago let alone that I live somewhat close to them. I constantly feel like I am only half here. Like I am also somewhere else. I am always tired. I have been drawn to healing but am afraid that I am going to hurt someone with my energy. I go places that I would never go before places that use to scare me like psychics, acupuncture, mystical stores. I also in turn feel like I am royalty of some kind. Which is hard for me to even say out loud because it sounds cocky, which I am not. I am not afraid of people I am actually afraid of hurting them. Almost like I love their life more than they do. When I know I would never hurt anyone. I am drawn to Crystals and herbs and essential oils. Sometimes I feel like I have been guarded or hidden most of my life. Men are especially drawn to me even when I go out of my way not to invite it. But at the same time they are intimidated by me. I am seeing 11:11 everywhere. I wanted to add that even with all of the negativity above something keeps letting me know that everything is going to be ok. Lead with a pure heart and everything will be ok. Nothing can hurt you when you lead with pure intentions even if things would like to get a hold of you they will not be able to if your intentions are pure. That last statement I don’t even know what that means. Like what are things? What would try to get ahold of me? One more thing I have random bruises ranging from small to large. They are usually on my arms or legs. But I have also noticed one in my abdomen. I have no idea where they come from. Anyways thank you guys for listening we are all going to be fine. The answers come from within! See I don’t know what that means either!🙃🤪.
Thanks for the post. Keep on searching and studying and grounding and protecting…..
I have had the random bruising, and know it is related to ascension symptoms somehow, yet do not know all the details. I hope that you have found more integration and peace since you posted this. I definitely have over the past year. Wishing you all the best.
Hi all!! I have experienced 95% of the above listed. I tend to feel one of my chakrahs opening when i think about what i want to happen without the negative of not having it, for example, a loving boyfriend and family. When i thought about having that for myself and believing that when the time is right i WILL have that, i got a strong tingling at my crown. What i’m confused about is, is that a message that my wants are received and will become reality or is it something else? thank you so much for this post.
Your crown chakra is the i nitial thought pattern that begins the proess of co-creating reality – or manifestation. I suggest reading more about the chakras – I hae a ton of free info on my site at
Hi Suzanne! Thank you so much for sharing this information. It’s good to know I’m not the only one. It happened to me too. It went so fast and it was so intense. I’m already almost 8 months at home, because I can’t work anymore due to the symptoms. How long did it take you to feel normal again? and after how long were you able to continue with your life and start working again?
I do a lot of personal work to remove progrfams and fear. IMy own body goes through many variations of symptoms all the time. Sometimes worse, sometimes better, sometimes gone. It is costant flux because we are also part of the colletive programming, so in addition to clearingout your personal container of fear it is important to release GROUP collective fear programs, all that will help.
Oh and I forgot to ask, how did this start in your case? Or what are other causes? I got Reiki and the same day it all started. I would like to learn some more about it so I can be able to help others. I also wondered how do you feel now afterwards, did you get any new abilities or what changed for you after this process?
Kindest regards,
I myself am an energy working full time so I change all the time as do the clients. The spiritual work is the key to moving it thorugh – it is not the problem. My take is help yourself and by holdign that you already help others.
This awakening thing is new to me in the sense that I am aware that it is a “thing” and others are going through it. Since I was very young, I knew that how I saw the universe, my life, others, God, everything was very very different from the norm. I thought for awhile I was just making things up in my head about being able to connect with nature, with God, etc. When I was younger, I always saw crazy patterns of all sorts of color flirting, swirling, appearing, disappearing in front of me, green long skinny faces would come out of no where and it was frightening to randomly see them. I must have shut it out because it stopped somewhere along the way.
It wasn’t until last year, my first year of college, that similar things began to happen. It started off with me feeling presence (which I have always felt around me, good and occasionally negative in certain spaces) in my dorm room. I have always felt “held”, “watched over”, or just never alone. I have always known I am protected, even when my grandmother was alive. A few years before college, she passed away. She took my sisters and I to church since I could remember and raised my spiritual side. Although I don’t follow the same religion strictly, i am very very spiritual. Always have been; there has always been comfort in “whats out there” – but at times has scared me and I don’t know why. I knew she would be my guide when she passed, as she said she would always be there for me.
One night in my dorm room I was alone and going to bed around 1-2am. I got into bed and looked up and saw almost a transparent shadow (no shape – just organic), almost smoke like…except I hadn’t smoked at all. I looked away and then back, and it was gone. That was the beginning of coming back to myself. Another night, I was lying in bed, and blue and purple swirls appeared in front of my face and I immediately thought of my grandmother and grandfather being with me. I watched them swirl, intertwine, closer and further. It was beautiful, safe, memorizing. One night, I was laying in bed, getting used to the swirls, when all of a sudden a tiny green lady (solid), size of a fairy, appeared right in front of my face. She stood there, raised her hands, and dove into a ripple of water…and was gone. I felt so safe. Along with seeing a light blue aura around one of my holistic health professors (for the first time), many other things have happened to me. Static energy has always been in my vision…I just become less aware or used to it, and then it came back into my thoughts as something much more beautiful last year.
Having reached out to a friend over FaceTime, her mother, who can contact spirits, whispered to her that my grandmother was behind me. I can’t explain the sensation. She told me what my grandmother was trying to say to me…everything matched up. I never felt more protected. I know she is always with me. Hummingbirds and monarchs are with me always. I am needing to feel her presence more strongly, recently though. I have to remember to call out to her.
Recently, going through my second year of college. I feel like I am experiencing some harder sensations of spiritual awakening. I have been feeling very alone, waking up in panic, unable to sleep and if i do they are in short bursts coming from vivid dreams, bizarre sensations of being watched (but not in a comforting way), crying about being “human”, wanting to go “home”, feeling scared about what comes after I leave Earth, feeling like my mind is making things up in my head…being negative or seeing things end in pain. I am thinking this is coming from trauma of loosing my grandparents (3 within four years – all who were very much a part of my life), being away at college, awakening, etc. I just feel sad that I am not feeling the happiness, the abundance. I can lift myself up some days when I let in the feeling of unconditional love, gratitude and if any overthinking comes into my mind about someone or something, i just replace it with unconditional love. Unfortunately, this isn’t all of the time. Tonight, I woke up in a panic from a nap that felt like I was just resting fully but with worrisome thoughts or thinking in general, although I can’t recall entirely what it is about – just about a person that I was thinking about before i fell into this. I know these aren’t my thoughts. Some times I feel like I have thoughts placed in my head. Before bed I think of positive things, affirmations, etc…but random scary images and thoughts seems as if they are placed into my mind right before bed without control. Scary things that I don’t want to think of, or would naturally unless I was digging in a dark place or something.
The difference between this year and last I guess would be I am meditating less, but I feel vulnerable in my home. I moved in this fall and it felt great at first, full of energy, not good or bad. Just full. Some of my roommates are experiencing some similar things of presence (just unsettling), running from it, vidid dreams, scary thoughts before bed. I am living with a friend that has had bad experiences in the past. I have always felt safe. I just am curious if it could be the house, my housemates vibes and her experiences that may have stayed with her, my own self being too vulnerable?
I want to grow within my higher self. I want to be more protected, more able to control my thoughts, more full of love. I want to feel more settled and okay.
I miss feeling safe. I overthink in the realm of “higher-self”, what else is out “there”, how I feel much different than others. I want to feel human again. But also with the knowledge and guidance of my higher self and my guides. Coming to this website has helped me feel less alone and isolated. I have been wanting to connect to the man I love about my higher-self and my feelings. I want to be heard, especially by him, who I feel like came into my life with purpose and synchronicity. I know I’m not fantasizing it (I mean not unless I overthink and get in my head and down..which isn’t my first feeling) because I have felt this way since I first saw him, when I first felt his skin. I know I am on my great path, I am just needing a tribe. Some people who understand, who can hear me, who I can help. I feel best when I help others, provide for others, loving others and being together. I feel full when I do this, but I need some support myself too, but from people that understand, who experience things similar to how I do.
Hope to connect with some of you! Warm light and love to all of you.
I think yo uhvae had a ton of super cool experiences and going through some of the more negative ones is also typical as you are also connected to the colelctive and that is a bigger arena of negativity so it is critical to do the personal work to discern, protect and be in charge of your reality. Having a TRIBE is important – you might want to consider looking into the Vibe Tribe on my site at if you want a place to connect.
Hi , I’d like to start of by saying that I first noticed some weird things happening to my body when I was about 15 years old , this was in Mexico I was out in the soccer field sitting down on the grass , no one was there yet it was just me the fields and green hills filled of nature I closed my eyes and noticed everything around me then all of a sudden , I can see a friend of mine sneaking from behind but the thing is I can c him with my eyes closed and once he was going to grab me thinking he wanted to spook me or something , I reached behind me and grabbed grabbed him while tossing him about in front of me with one hand but the weirder part of it is that it felt like he dint weigh nothing like if he was all foam, so that was that fast foward a few years i was about 17 years old ,I could leave my body while falling asleep It would start with a feeling of some kind of tingling sensation more like energy coming from my toes all the way up my body and that’s how it would happens I was able to do this twice only, I could c my self like if I was floating above my body or so , and then fast foward 2 more years I was 19 by then I could c glowing outlines around people and everything els, and that still remains till this day I am 34 years old now and recently last week I started feeling my wife’s body energy when I touche her it feels like some kind of mixture of tingle or vibration but in energy, that’s all I have for now if I can get any kind of answer that can help me understand all of this I would be greatly appreciated thank you oh and yes I do noticed the 1111 all the time 🙂
Hi Steve – I have also experienced most of the same things, my take is that we all ahve the opportunity to expandour psychic skill as it is a birthright – but many of us do not do so for whatever reason – sometimes it is a belief that keeps us from doing so. None if that need to be weird or scary – if we choose to embrace it as your “normal”. You are igniting your ability to see, send and work with the energy fields that make up everything in our self, our world and our universes.
Hi Suzanne,
Thanks for the great information, after reading through your posts, it appears that all the info that you have written are happening in my life. It has helped me to understand and realized my years of experiencing through my lifetime. Why it happened and to know who am I now… 😀
Thanks so much!
Hi suzanne,
I broke up with my psyco ex (who I believe has left evil entities in my flat). Just before i broke up with him he flooded my flat when i was out, which he claims was an accident. (He watched videos on how to perform rituals and about worshiping the devil). Then ive had nothing but bad luck. A shooting happened outside my flat a few days after the flood, then as soon as i got my flat redecorated an accidental fire happened when i was cooking on the gas hob. But didnt seem like an accident. I feel as though something pushed the tea towel to the hob and was trying to burn the place down. Sounds crazy i know. I do feel im protected and ive seen signs symbolising protection 🙂 im just worried incase another disaster happenes in my flat especially after having to redecorate it again from smoke damage. Do i need to get it blessed… and can i do this myself or do i need a professional? My ex used to tell me he hears voices and sees shadows… im worried that he has invited the bad in if thats possible.
Hope to hear back from you soon
My take on evil is that yes it does exist because it HAS to exist in our dualistic reality…that said, I also believe that we can raise our vibration above those frequencies therefore we do not have to exist beside and with them. I would do a blessing yourself – it is all about INTENT. You cetainly can do sage, candles, etc….but seriously clearing is all about your personal level of what you want to create and what yo choose to believe in. Also any belief in the evil of the hex or the anything is exactly what allows it to be in your paradigm, so shift instead to believing that you are now BEYOND that in a HIGHER frequency – this is key. It is all about living in the LOVE vibration verses the fear one. Another’s efforts can always be overridden by your personal intent.
Hello again,
Wanted to talk about another aspect of my life too…
Ive just opened my third eye about 2 months ago and im starting to question everything and i find it all fascinating.
I was working the other day but my vision suddenly went all blurry to the point where i couldnt see words or faces! And the background was full of flickering lights….. then half hour later my vision came back, just a really sore head and a layer of smokey haze! Is this normal?
What was even stranger is that just the day before i was watching a video of a woman (talking about the conscious and subconscious) having a stroke… but before it happened her reality went all blurry but then she could see her energies lift out. Its as if the universe wanted my spirit to lift out but i hadnt let it reach that far as i just got the first stage – blurryness… or it could just be a funny coincidense. Who knows.
Its feels like whatever i read… the universe is then showing me
not totally sure what happened to you but personally I too have had a lot of blurry encounters and they can be a bit scary – but for me they too seem to again find a balance. I think it is all part of the inner changes goign on side our bodies…
I’m 33 and have never really looked into this kind of stuff just never thought about. I’ve always had stranger then normal incidents and my husband swears I make things
happen to him when I’m mad…nothing major just stub a toe so he realizes he’s very late and his phone is dead type things. Except when I was a teenager really bad things happened when I was angry. I’d say it and it happened so I try to check myself. Anyways that’s the major past experience the rest was intuition, dream premonition and feel people’s intentions so hate being in public. people always come to talk to and i dont know them…guys follow me around. Ive proven this to my husband of 15 years. This makes me not want to leave the house. Diagnosed agrophobic. So I’ve been “lost” driven crazy with anxiety for the past two years, a couple months ago shadow movement became more frequent, the repeating numbers everywhere 11:11 12:12 21:21 3:33 and 12:34 started screen shooting my phone as proof to myself that I wasn’t crazy…then I had a vision of a longed haired lady looks just like me but more native, confident and wiser, she was attached to the tree which were attached to each other, she stretched down and touched my face said about time and vision of a huge fire circled by ancient people with drums playing dancing and chanting and the same lady stretched out of the flame and made crops grow grass green stars sparkle then she said I was her and she was me . Sounds crazy right….so I start googling researching trying to find anything to prove I’m not crazy. Then was going to sleep and seen a winged man that told me I need to stop denying my true self and wake up only it was heard in my head and he said i was a descendant of him. But i was researching my family genology due to the rh- at the time so it may have been imagination. SO i came across numerology nights ago looking up repeating number meaning. they been everywhere! Found out I’m life path 22 also 33 right now and I’m A rh- as well. ANWAYS I feel like whirlwind inside it comes and goes for two days now. I had an emotional breakdown to my husband days ago about how I feel taken for granted. I feel lost. I need something and I don’t know what. Now I feel physically ill…I’m forcing myself out of my room to try and find some way to get this coming and going of vertigo to go away. My vision randomly does some strange tunnel vision or like I’m on acid trails of movement includes. I just can’t stop thinking about the rh- theories that we negatives are demons. I don’t feel evil but I do have red hair and that vision of the fire lady. I don’t have any to talk to because sounds like I need to be locked away in a nut house. So am I evil morphing into a nephlim? Like theorists say? as I visited by demons? I do dream of deaths before they happen to family members. I don’t even want to post this….but I need someone to tell me the truth so many lies and theories and see others on here have simular things as well. Thank you for reading
I seriously don’t think most of what you are posting is crazy or even weird – as I and many others have similar experiences – the only difference is that you are working in FEAR verses LOVE in most of what you have going on. When you begin to shift this and embrace most everything you have happening as not a scary thing but an extension of your Higher Self and have nothing to fear but possily need to learn more about — things will manifest differently. It is all personal choice however.
I shouldn’t have posted I think I’m just in some midlife crises and imagination is over acting because of insomnia and I lost two of my grandparents in the last 4 months. So that probably doesn’t help my situation
As stated in the first post reply – this is not that abnormal and most likely part of your Ascension process – again, I suggest learning more about Ascension overall and expanding your skills. I have a free Ascension Guide on my site – and have a lot of additional in on the earlier Blog posts about all this – maybe look into them….
Has anyone seen (i think energy) in people’s eyes? For example looking into a person’s eyes, zoning in without trying (comes natural) and seeing like cloud or film over their eyes, deceit swirling, pixilated look, or eyes turning a normal blue to a bright bright blue. It’s hard to explain but maybe someone knows something on this subject matter? Thanks!
I have not experiencecd this as yet but certainly will keep my eyes open (no pun here…) to see if I encounter any of that for sure now that you have brought this to light. Thanks for the post.
I want a help. I have been having frequent shocks going through my body or more like my spirit. I also have been having very eerie dreams about succubus. & even a few months ago i had a severe headache. right before the headache, i used to hear a whisper. And even now when i am typing to you i had someone touch my head. when i looked back no one, but the ceiling. Then, at times would see distressed spirits needing help, So thru my sleep, i help them out & often they would send deja vu warnings to suffice for thank you. Which i often receive thru dreams. these dreams i always remember. And when the events happen, i remember that & change course. So that i don’t suffer. Even, i remember that when i was about to commit self-death, my guide & my archangel Raphael came to my aid in the form of blue light or more like a bird & rescued me from that thought. Could you help me out with this? I am more inclined to Pagan Gods more than christian gods. Like Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Sumerian. Those type of gods.
You can check my site at for some assistance. There is a ton of free stuff and also services available.
Thank you for this article. A month or so ago I went to a hypnotherapist to work through my issues that stem from my childhood. Wow, it has helped me see things differently.
I cried like a baby as I read this because I was nodding my head as I read each “symptom” that I have experienced over several months. Now it’s all making sense and I cannot wait to learn more so I can continue to grow and evolve. Also, it would be great if my garage door opener, cars and other things would stop going on the fritz! It’s become an inside joke between my husband and I. And I can’t wait to read this to him, he is an engineer and very logical and skeptical, but is also learning and is open with me. Peace and love to you!
I’ve been experiencing most of these symptoms, it all started on my 14th birthday 2018 August 5th where everything felt unreal, I felt like everything was almost fake like a dream but not the one you wake up from, my first panic attack out of nowhere I had nothing triggering it it would come out of nowhere everyday until I learned to control the panic and anxiety I had from nothing. Later enough I was listening to music and thought it would be a good idea to try and eject my spirit from my body so i focused and focused and my music suddenly faded I felt like I was a couple of feet away from my self with my eyes closed I couldn’t see but I could feel my soul out of my body and so I tried to walk closer to myself and heard footsteps going toward me, I thought it was just a coincidence until I started talking to my father about these things that happen to me. Before my birthday I seen something before it happened, I was in gym class and seen myself from above achieving a headbutt goal! So I went to where I saw myself and the ball came to exactly where I saw and and I got a headbutt goal! It was unbelievable for me I was trying to tell everyone that I just seen the future but they didn’t believe me it’s like they didn’t hear me at all. Another time I was playing badminton and I tried to focus and see what would happen next and I seen myself again hitting the birdie down on my friends side, i did the exact same thing I saw and it happend! I told my father about this too, he said “it could be your power”, he also told me not to misuse or use it for bad purposes like if I get mad or someone and try to hurt them and I fully understood what he was saying, we then were about to leave the house when I got another vision I seen myself turning off the light but I missed the light switch and my father turned it off, i thought to myself “maybe I could control time” and so I went to turn off the light, I missed so I tried again before my father got to it and I missed again I tried a last time and missed again I laughed on how I missed the light switch and my father turned the light off I told him about what I seen and tried to do. I also thought as I was a kid I thought differently then everyone else like a weird different like I was more awake and in control of myself than others, I still don’t know why I thought that. Let me know what you think about my story!
Yes you were simply traversing timelines – it is moving through dimensional planes – therefore it affects what we experience as “time.” I too have done that and it is not powers as much as a form of psychic skill (that we all are privy too BTW) and your dad was right in being intentful and having integrity with this stuff.
I have chosen to be on this journey because I always felt I was suppressing what was already there anyway. I am getting tingling in my left leg daily! I am in good health. I am learning to open up and balance my chakras but this leg tingle is every day. I have read it could be a blockage of energy, and I have read it’s because I’m opening up more and that my guides are reaching out. Why only in the leg?? Why not the crown?
The synchronicity of numbers have been happening too: 3:33, 2:22 and 12:34.
The leg tingle has me so perplexed. Just sitting at my desk at work, just sitting at home on the couch, in bed, driving. Etc. Etc. I’m doing nothing profound. I also get tingles and goosebumps to a beautiful song voice but I think anyone would. 🙂
I actually have the same !! was googling for some answers but havent found any… did you get some insights to this ? if so let me know !! thanks 🙂
I found this while trying to find out what I was seeing off candle light… that’s strange enough. I was in the middle if doing a tarot reading for someone I really care about. By no means am I an expert, I just started doing these a year ago, and they tend to be pretty accurate. Anyway… I glanced up to see something I can’t explain other than I saw the flame’s energy radiating from it. Like, the energy waves it was producing… looked like a prism… or that is was what came to mind, surrounding it like 《◇》 but with the flame in the middle. Maybe someone here can tell me what that was?
I’ve been going through something, and I seem to have the majority of these “symptoms”. I discovered ascension through a friend who was talking about being able to see the “matrix” and wormholes. I thought he was messing with me until I saw a video that talked about it. I have a rare form of synesthesia and I always have, where I see music. Not in specifically assigned colors, but is patterns and swirls, and yes colors. Sometimes like mist, and others, like a pulse… it’s difficult to explain. So seeing something no one else sees… that isn’t a hallucination sorta is believable to me.
I’m an INFP personality type. I left a relationship with a highly abusive narcissist back in April of last year. I’ve been isolating ever since really. I’ve left my home, and even traveled, but I am happiest alone. I’ve stopped talking to so many people who I see as toxic, because they only seem to want to be around me if they want something. Every new person I’ve let in since (accept for one) has turned out to be the exact opposite of who they said they were.
My tarot was strange… my best friend’s has me in his on the same month I got the world card. The man I am in love with, and vice versa, and lives a state away, got 6 of cups, that month. So I got wholeness, my bestie got me… the daughter of wands… and my love gets joy. Am I moving? Ascending? Going nuts? I have a great sense of humor but could someone just help me out here, lol?
I have been having all of the above symptoms, and all seem to now be building to a climax. They have been accumulating over the last year as I have done the work to purge my heart and mind of all the past guilt, anger, blame, judgement etc and learn the lessons so I can release all my old fear and Karma and move on. The thing is, I feel like at any moment, I might disappear from this world altogether. Is anyone else feeling like they are bordering on invisible? I’m all fine and good with this, except that I have a son who is still in this life who is just about to begin college. I love him so dearly and want to be here for him so much I can’t seem to quite let go. I don’t want to disappear out of his life…not yet. When we complete this process, are we still here from the view of others who are here still? Or, do we HAVE to let go and disappear out of this world? Can I bring my son with me to the new Earth?
If you are having the disappear thing going on I suggest you do much more to make sure you are grounded and bubbled. I have a free meditation on my website at the bottom of my homepage – I suggest DOING it daily as when you have that sensation adn nightly too if you are really bad. When this happens you are oftentimes slipping in and out of dimensional planes of existence and that can be dangerous to your ground and overall health.
I’m not sure if this allowed but would it b possible to speak with u or someone who can help me, I’m sitting here literally with tears streaming down my face as I am not just writing this but the entire time I read the list of many many many things, and with the exception of 3 of them at the end of the list Ive been experiencing every single 1 of them, and even just how I’ve ended up getting to this posting is really really strange!!! I googled something that is completely irrelevant and not even remotely close to this!!! I can’t even explain what happened with that, some of the things on here I’ve always had, since a child, I’ve always been diff. And very self aware of who I was and am, I never felt like I fit and as I’ve gotten older it’s just increased, however that’s what I would like to discuss and ask, and whatever and wherever this is coming come idk, all I know is that I know for some reason I need to ask to speak to u and I need to ask what I can not in this comment b/c it entails things that r very very difficult in general just to speak about at all, let alone in a public and not private setting or situation. Pls I know this probably sounds ridiculous and crazy but I’m even going to screen shot what I googled which will have a time stamp so that u can c I’m being 100% truthful and honest as I have always been my entire life, I was meant to read this and talk to someone from this, what’s happening to me? Can this happen without u consciously doing it or trying to make it happen, could something cause it to happen that is not something like being shot and ur heart stopping and not breathing for 5 min. And pronounced dead but brought back? Is there r other ways and reasons? And if there is I really need to know if what happened to me is what maybe pushed something that’s always been there just not like this over that threshold or did it happen in order to do that cause I was meant to b over that threshold? And then if that’s the case then, I’m rambling I’m sorry pls I know it sounds strange but I was meant to find this, everything that has happened today has literally been leading me to this and Idk why and I’m kinda freaking out!!! Pls help me???
I highly suggest you learn some more about this Ascension process as this IS happening to not only you but to all of humanity the planet and the cosmos. You are not alone – it just feels that way sometimes. Knowledge is the key so that you have context. Read more on my site if you choose and also there is a free Ascension e-book that explains tons. Also I do remote sessions if that is what you need – check my site at for more.
Hi there, i stumbled across the page at a time where I am really struggling to find the balance between staying in my reality and letting this new cycle completely take over me. The past week or so has been extremely intense and I felt like I could relate to almost everything listed above.
I met someone going on nearly 2 years ago that I believe started this process and i was absolutely blown away when I discovered the twin flame journey and the purpose behind it. This person fit every description box and it was overwhelming feeling like I knew what they were thinking or feeling and on some level i just knew this was a very significant person in my life.
I have always believed in energy and something is out there besides humans but I never looked too deeply in to it until I came in to contact with who I believe to be my twin flame. I am writing about this situation for the first time because I am unsure of where I can turn to in regards to how this journey has made me feel, think and transform myself, not everyone is going to be as open or understanding about this topic which made me just deal with it internally… up until now. I guess what I am asking for is if anyone is aware on where i can recieve help or even general chat around this subject as It Is very difficult contantly keeping this to myself and trying to do all of this inner work without expressing it correctly. I know this page wasn’t in regards to Twin flames but I thought I would take the chance, thankyou.
Not pushign services – but maybe consider going on my site at and reviewing more blog info and the e-book on the Ascension as this will give you additional insight to what is happening overall. Specifically Twin Flame is often seen as something that is life-changing about the “couple” but I look at this as info to learn about you personally in terms of your INDIVIDUAL soul contract with self. Obviously you get to look at it however you choose – but the more you study – the more you learn. Also I have mentor services (remote also) if that resonates.
Was wondering if someone could tell me what just happened. I was asleep about 10 minutes ago, and I dreamed I was in a bed and all the sudden I felt like my soul was being sucked out of my body and had this loud wooshing ringing in my ears. I thought I was being raptured into heaven almost, but nope. Can anyone tell me what this was, I’ve never felt or experienced anything like this before.
By the way I should say, I have had lucid dreams a lot, and what might have been astral projections, I have seen some extraordinary things in my dreams, places both here on earth and in space and places I have never seen before. Just filling in some missing info.
Sometimes it is important to command you fully return from any lucid dread – you set that intent prior to sleep state.
My take is that you were “in between” planes or dimensions. That can be kind of scarey – it is important to breathe, relax and draw the energy back into your physical self. Stay out of fear if possible.
This describes everything I’ve been feeling for the last couple of months. It’s almost overwhelming. When I’m at home i feel alot of negative energy in the living room. I’ve been feeling, hearing and sensing so much lately. Hopefully I can make sense out of all of this.
I would sage and clear the living space that does not feel safe.
my boyfriend has been involved in reading and reaching his highest self for almost 2 years now. For the past 8 days he has been experiencing uncontrollable, sometimes vigorous body movements. They started with his neck and jaw and now gradually have moved to other parts of his body. He feels as though he is being healed and nothing is hurting him. Pains and tightness he used to have in his neck and shoulder are gone. His posture has improved. All good things. But these movements are almost scary to me. They contort his body in ways that are almost not normal. He has been leaking fluids into his mouth like when you’re sick and having to swallow them. He feels as though something is being drained but for the better. It started out to be every once in a while with the movements but now it is almost constant and it’s only when he is at home. Not at work or in front of other people besides me. He feels as though his body is being healed through different sections at a time almost. He went back to work today and said he saw the world so differently. He has also been having the crying out of nowhere. I am just looking for a little clarity, possibly for the both of us. And how long this might go on for if this is something you have heard of? There are nights that he barely sleeps because of this. He is totally aware and cognitive. When he describes the movements he says he feels pressure and almost like a hand is guiding him and sometimes it is the most gentle touch.
Hope you can give me some insight.
Thank you.
First – I am not here to give any medical advice – and you should always make sure to discern for yourself if you are in need of looking into Western Medicine for anything – but in terms of ENERGY and what I personally have experienced similar to this – I too have had a lot of similar things happen. I have experienced the contorting and the shaking and the jerking in a lot of different ways. To me – this too has actually helped and never has hurt. Alot of times it is when “they” (guides, benelovents, etc.) are working on me to raise my vibration and or remove energy implants and blocks. It also happens sometimes when I am doing what is known as “downloading information” that comes in in frequency that my current body needs to find alignment with. Sometimes this happens in waves and when I find integration it stops. The crying jags are because the heart is filling with new frequencies, which is “love” and that pure energy is difficult to integrate and ground as well. My personal opinion is that if you are secure in the knowing that this is not pain-filled and/or hurting your actual body – it may indeed be like what I experience. I have also had many cients do similar jerking and shaking. Usually everything eases when integration is found. I hope this eases some fears.
Actually, leave it, many things happening to me right now, which no one can describe, from A to z everything happening with me. I m Indian and fall into deep spirituality, don’t know whose soul enter in my body, I saw visions, I saw repeated number whole day, 000 to 999, I senses many supernatural things,my physic ability going too much crazier, and I see sudden bright light for no reason, I go in meditation for 5 to 6 times a day even at night till I awake, my back right shoulder start paining but this is not pain, it also tickle . Start from lower than end on back shoulder, my breathe stop for no reasons, I got headache than it sudden gone,there many thing happening with me, don’t know how to describe,
Even I never did this whole in my life, I just remember my childhood that whenever I go near TV or lights it goes on blink mode, and still happening, I can feel air, water, soil, even fire from far, aaah..
I don’t know why I m doing this meditation, but before meditation it was all happening but when I start this, it goes like kboom, rocket is going higher in the sky.. Can anybody tell me what is all this?
To me it seems you are just awakening and learning out of body wise. The body will adjust to upper heart chakra – the places you are having energy work done. Things always change and shift as we do and the cosmos does.
I have just read through your symptoms section and can pretty much say that I have experienced almost all of them. Maybe not in a short amount of time, but rather over a couple of years.
What I really found confusing though is that only within the last month or so I am suddenly experiencing this feeling of a happiness kind of state which I have read about and it’s mostly described as some kind of vibration.
I feel myself drawn to a certain person and even have visions of this person, like there’s some kind of deep connection between us. Like we’re communicating on some kind of telepathic level. I have even had a vision where they were showing me that they were in a certain place near to where they live and taking a picture on their phone to show to me, suddenly I had this sudden burst of happiness going through me and I felt so thankful for it and it even made me cry. I was so grateful, as it felt like some kind of message. I have other visions and sudden feelings of this happiness throughout the day. Like a sudden burst, just to remind me that the person is still there.
I must add, I have never met this person in my real life, nor do I think that this person even knows that I exist. It is completely bizarre but a really lovely, but kind of sad feeling at the same time, because I don’t know if I’ll ever get to meet this person, or if it has a different meaning. All I know is that I completely and utterly feel drawn to this person and I don’t know what to do about it. What’s going on? Am I losing the plot? Can you please help me?
We are becomig multidimensional now and able to cross timelines and planes of reality easily. I just do my best to accept things and stay calm. I also gratify the moments of oneness and ask for more of what I want verses concentratingon what they don’t.
When meditating on Gods word I usually feel a strong pull on either my left or right ear, sometimes both and I often have these migraines that come and go. I also randomly feel jolts of pain usually in my joints and sometimes around my body. Just yesterday I was walking by the road and as soon I got near this toyota car the engine started so I turned to see if someone was in the car but there was no one in it. And this car was like a 2012 model so I don’t think it has that kind of advanced features.
the ears are often times where we receive message from higher self and guides. As far as the pain – very typical body response to the Ascension cycle overall. Stay grounded. It helps. As far as the car – not sure – may just be auto start as that was around then.
Oh and I also tend to experience the number 3 a lot
seeing 3 is typical for many – trinity message
My Testimony This time it started in 2014 when i saw ‘11,11’ everywhere and a Dove kept showing up outside on my balcony , At sankt johns day i felt an urgent feeling that i should pray so i did , then my soul suddenly popped out and was begging to come home , A voice behinde me said ‘make happy immediately i became very joyful ‘Then one night a angel woke me up telling me i had to meet the lord , i flew out of my body from my balcony and saw a shinning crystal stairway I was so amazed that i sat down on it for awhile and looked around , there was nothing else but the shinning stairs the stars in the sky and me , soon after i heard a voice say ‘ Sarah Come ‘ So i raise and continued to the top, there i saw two doors , i chose the one i could hear music from , now i was in space again when he (Jesus) came flying on my right side , we then went to Orions Nebula (Messier 42) where he opened up a black hole or a tunnel with somekind of spellword to the four stars on the Nebula , as we walked through it i looked at the ‘walls’ it was kind of flickering electric but still i had view to cosmos .. As we approach i saw many glittering colors and music, he said thats inspiration too people on earth and that i soon will fall apart as we get closer but he will fix me again when we get there…Then I woke up on his lap as a kid in the New Jerusalem (a star *) ( all stars are home for our souls * ) I was growing up fast , my whole past away family was waiting on a little bridge in front of me , all of them was young again I asked my aunt ‘Do you know who this is’? Her answer was ‘Yes He is always here’! I had some alonetime with them and we went up in a old mill tower to talk . i remenber there was a big old closet behinde the door and the floor was of red tiles and a little round window in the small room on 1st floor, after awhile Jesus came to get me and he and I went outside in what looked like a courtyard with pillars Jesus and i sat on the the edge of an small fountain and he gave me gifts , toys i had as kid , he laugh highly when i was silly , at one point i pinched myself and felt it like i still had my body even though i knew i was out of my body , I looked up in the air there was no sun but still everything shined like a beautiful summerday . On somekind of cloudscreen he showed me my whole life and some of my future .the cloud somehow surrounded me and i was reliving a scene from my life but from another perspective , i saw myself eksemple playing with my brother and sister , when the scene was over the cloud left me and i was still sitting with jesus , and he showed me another scene from my life , at one point i was showen that he was the one that put my soul down in my body the day that i was born , i actuelly was in the hospital watching him kiss my forehead one second before i came to the world . When there my soul didnt care much for my body , i was still me but in my soul it ment much to please and obey him . He also showed me the many times he saved me in life , from car accidents among other stuff , like many of the times i prayed as kid , it felt like i was reliving all the scenes again , he then gave me some paperthin flesh like papyrus with his name on , written with blood that i had to eat . Before it did that i asked him if i could see his hands , he smiled and showed me them , i could clearly see that he once had huge old nailmarks in them . He then begain to teach me with words from the Testament and from the first page of the Bible but in some sort of code , words i had to heal with he said , and names and words was flashing fast on the screen , all the Desiples names and some letters , I said ‘It is so simple that a child could make it'( It was sooo easy there) He then showed me the stonepillar Symeon Stylites use to seat on and something about the ANKH In the end he showed me myself as about 80 in a nursinghome and that he will come and get me the day that i die , he then gave me eternal life while he did that he draw something on the ground and said i should stop the daily temptations and stop saying hard words in anger then he hugged me and a big bright warm light surrounded us and we had go back to my body , on the way back we went close to saturn and walked on clouds … I been there two times now and everything he said came true (At the first experience i was sitting with Jesus looking out on a sunset and a beautiful wheatfield , behinde me there was a large tree with fruits i never seen before and a ladder in the middle of all , later he took me to a throneroom where i saw two chairs in one of them infront of me on my right hand i saw a old man looking exacly like GOD from Micheal Angelos painting of The Creation of sun and moon , behinde me on the wall i saw a big old wooden wheel with saphires between the spokes , i heard a loud voice said ‘Bend’ so i did and now Jesus was sitting in the other chair he told me that i had to save a girl from doing drugs , i met her and manage to convinced her , she is now working for the Governent ..(everything above was going on telepathically) . I also been filled with the Holy Spirit twice , the last time it lasted for five days , i was full of pure joy , infact i never felt more joyfull and happy in my whole life , I was glowing for five days and the Dove keept showing up , in the air i saw tall blue/grayish men flying up and down everytime i heard an ambulance in my town and energies , purple /turquoise colors like rain comming towards us all the time maybe Neutrinoes) , His hair was so beautiful and his beard had at the throat some sort of an ancient hammercut style , his robe was light blue and old sandals ….The followring days i saw his face in everything , in the the shape of trees and in almost everything living on earth ..
UPDATE: A few days later i saw the old man sitting next to Jesus in the throneroom came flying right towards me in a vision when i blinked my eyes for a short moment
I feel like there isnt any kind of jugdement for us up there, only love compassion and understanding ..
Out of boredom, I’ve been researching my odd experiences in life. Meeting certain people and becoming physically ill in their presence and/or uneasy. Children are drawn to me everywhere I go. I’ve been in the mall walking and feel a hand, a little boy is holding. His mother runs and catches up and says her child has been trying to get to me since I walked out of some store. That’s one instance of many, they scream at me in parking lots and want to know my name. A mother cried after a story time I hosted because I spoke to her daughter and she said hi and told me her name. She shared that her daughter has autism and will not speak to anyone outside of the house. The mother told me I have a gift. I always know if the last time I speak to someone will be the last time…they die. I absorb the energy of my surroundings. I can change the energy of a room. I’m always in the right place at the right time. Wasn’t paying attention and took the scenic route to work. I was drawn to a man who was crossing the street and I would not drive after he made it to the sidewalk. He collapsed. I’m scared of all of these things and I’m scared to discuss them because people think I’m crazy. My energy is strong and people are drawn to me. People absolutely love me or cannot stand me; there is no in between. Please give me some clarity.
Hi. I Am experiencing unwanted weight loss as a part of My journey. I had been trying to lose weight for over 4 years and had actually started doing pretty good at losing the weight. Then I got to a point, like a year ago when My weight started to drop without any diet or exercise and it continues to drop even now. Most of My weight loss started after a serious blood pressure scare where I was admitted to the hospital and given a shot of some type of blood pressure medication, something I vowed to never take into My body. After that, I was afraid to eat ANYTHING high in sodium, but then I realized that just about everything was packed with sodium so My diet changed drastically to avoid the sodium. I started losing so much weight until I started back eating things that I knew were bad for Me just to try and put some weight back on and once again My blood pressure flew up sky high and I used natural methods to bring it down this time. My body has now developed intolerances to certain foods such as beef and most processed foods. People are noticing the weight loss and I feel so skinny. It doesn’t look bad, but I don’t want to lose any more weight. I kept thinking that something must be wrong with Me, but I know that I’m not sick. I’ve had enough blood work done to know that. I read that the Ascension sometimes come with weight loss and I Am absolutely sure that I’m on the Ascension path because of all the other symptoms that I Am experiencing. I exercise to try and build muscle but it’s hard. I have no one to talk to about it. I’m tired of people mentioning My weight loss. I don’t know what to do. Please help.
Both weight loss and weight gain are symptoms, and again just make sure to keep an eye on this via traditional western medicine as well (if you choose). I know that many that are on this path no longer can tolerate any processed foods because our original self is not designed to eat crap and the body knows it. It most likely will find a balance if you make sure to fuel it with foods that are organic and good for you. Also I suggest working with the vibration of the foods as you put them in (another form of praying over the food), plus looking at possibly adding in enzymes and other plant based supplements to make sure you are holing onto a good base within. Many young people are, and will be, coming in as plant based and that is because we humans were not meant to eat meat originally, and many will be vegan or at the least vegetarian and that is all a good thing.
i am grateful to have found this website, few days ago i had 24 hours of very high fever, years that i did not have fever(more than 39), so high i could not stand up or move i woke up during the night with a strong pain to my arms, from the elbow to the hands, the early morning a strong pain in my head started, fronthead, jaw, teeth, back head, i felt like my chest was cracking and my back was very painful too. There s a virus that many people have but nobody has it 24 hours, it last longer, next day i was almost fine only a little nausea. but from that day the quality of my dreams is different, it s like i changed the lens, and lots of range and frustration. i keep seeing things moving around me, i see it with the side of the eye and when i turn there is nothing of course. so much in need of being in nature in wildlife with animals , walking and ealking in forests. i feel like i am blocked, i cannot meditate, too much thinking fast thinking…and more.
as i read this i started crying, i feel everything is ok now. thanks. blessing to all of us for this shift . lots of love
It is always important to rule out anything medical of course – but I love that you are aware to use NATURE to assist in resetting your balance within. We are indeed a part of the planet – Gaia – and it is a source of fuel that can really assist us during this time, plus the planet needs us as well!
I started reading 6 to 7 years back spiritual books and listening to utube videos. I feel pressure in skull and third eye areas and cannot meditate due to pressure in skull. There seems to me energy rushing to head.Also in last 9 to 10 years back started having issue of difficulty in understanding other person on phone(I do not have a hearing problem and perfect in face to face talk and listening radio and TV) sometimes i feel same issue on listening to utube videos,
I am not clear understanding on phone, pressure in head and forehead are ascension symptoms and how long these continue. Please help me on this.
Keep studying about Ascension as this is not going to stop – there is a ton on my site to tell you what to do and it is all free.
Honestly, most of these symptoms are happening to me. I’ve been experiencing dramatic changes in temperature. I changed my diet recently. I just got a pet cat. I’ve been begging to return to the source. At two am I woke up from a bad demon dream. Feeling massive amounts of energy releasing from my soles and making me feel drained. Basically everything besides the psychic part.
I would be locking down your room with love and light and command a safe space, only you draw in the negative and only you can command it out. WOrk with what resonates, angels, sacred circles, whatever works for your belief system.
SO many of these I have been experiencing for a long time. One that is on here that has happened a few times but i never realised it was a sign of ascension is the light bulbs going out or lights flickering when you pass by them. That is a newer one i’m experiencing and even my BF said babe it’s you, that light goes out and flickers only when you pass it! It was a streetlight near my apartment! Also the sparks of light out of the corner of your eye, ringing in my ears, the crazy connection i feel to animals and plants now. If i even think about an animal being hurt or sad i burst into tears. I cry over everything, i cry a lot about the pain the world feels because i sometime feel like i can feel it in my gut. I randomly get vertigo, and numb fingers and toes. I also get brain fog, wake up between 2-4am, see 11:11, 1:11, 3:33 etc all the time, every day really. I’ve had special people just come into my life randomly that give me something that i didn’t know i needed to aid me in my spiritual journey. i’ll say a person name or think about them and they call me. A lot of pricks, electrical shocks, falling asleep feelings, warming energies, tingles, and random spasms, rushes of energy, twitches and jolts that come and go for no reason. Also my nails grow crazy fast now and change texture. I also have cravings for natural veggies and fruit now i stopped eating meat. I just can’t eat an animal anymore.
Thanks for sharing all of this – I DO suggest you learn to ground and bubble and not empath however, it will really help. There is a free mediation on my homepage.
Forgot to add. That last night i was at the grocery store and they said on the loudspeaker that a white dog was lose in the parking lot. I got really worried for the dog and i started asking people” didi anyone go get the dog” ” Is that your dog” etc…it was like i was invisible! I literally tried to talk about the dog to 5 people all of them looked at me, said nothing in response and went back to standing there in the grocery line. Even the cashier didn’t acknowledge me or what i was asking her about the dog. I was like WTF people??? Am i the only person who heard the announcement and cares about the dog!?!? SO i go outside to my car and even ask the boy getting the carts, he looks at me and just pauses and looks away and walks away. I felt invisible. All the sudden i see the dog, it looked like a white wolf dart by me so i run after him. He goes around the corner, he was so fast i couldn’t catch him or really even keep my eye on him. So i jumped in my car. I felt like i was meant to be there and see this dog. I tried to find him and I couldn’t. I drove around crying my eyes out that i couldn’t find and help the dog. It got dark and i went home, now i can’t stop thinking about him. i feel like i was supposed to be there but if it wasn’t to save the dog then what was it for?
quite possibly the dog was simply a totem or a guide for you (as was teh ability to hear the message) – when we need to KNOW everything we lose our minds sometimes, so maybe just go with the flow and be in awe of more things….
This is my first time coming across this article and I have to say, reading the comments definitely helped me. My initial awakening, at first we magical. I walked around feeling connected, peaceful and overwhelmingly in love for a month. I would meditate and get Devine messages and I just knew things. I would get messages everywhere. At one point it felt like energy was exploding out of my forehead and crown, like a 4th of July fountain. It didn’t take long before it turned negative. One night I woke up and I was partially in a dream and partially observing myself. It freaked me out and I got out of bed, went into my bathroom and I was terrified because when I looked into the mirror, I didn’t recognize myself. I didn’t know who I was. For nearly another month afterward I couldn’t sleep because I would see floating dots flying around my room and I couldn’t close my eyes without intense visuals. I learned to fall into sleep without closing my eyes initially. I thought I was going insane. Keep in mind I have no history of mental illness. I immediately stopped meditating and slowly things became more solid and more grounded. But for the next 8 months I became deeply depressed, unlike I’ve ever experienced. I cried a lot and I couldn’t connect it with anything in my life. I lost a job I worked years to get in the process. And that was challenging. I felt pain at such a deep level in the middle of my being that mostly I just wanted to die. But I felt like experiencing it was important so I continued the processing. Things have leveled out but its now been 9 months. I still have tension around my third eye almost constantly. Sadly to avoid the sensation, I wear a hat when I go to bed or when I’m off work. It does help. And I notice gold, blue or black splotches out of the corner of my eye that disappear when I try to look directly at them. I don’t get visuals anymore and I don’t recall my dreams anymore. So nearly everything has stopped, however, the tension on my forehead is constant. It’s literally there like Indian water torture. I haven’t meditated in 9 months and it never lets up.
It sounds much like you hit elements of the Dark Night of the Soul – when meditating and that can be tough. You can look up more about it online if you choose – but many retreat from the meditations because they fear that work, but educate yourself – that work is important (or so I think) and you need to be strong enough to move THROUGH it and in the end you will have freedom and trust in your skills. Again, take only what resonates.
It certainly was and has been challenging. But daily I’m healing. I wish I had words to describe the anguish and pain. I’m a million times improved from where I was. I still feel emotionally moved everytime i see something touching. I also wanted to share something that happened during one of my meditations at that time in hopes that maybe you’d have some insight on what it could mean. During meditation I noticed a small blue light and as it got closer it began to change into a living sphere. It was rotating and as it rotated it was also changing into a million different geometric shapes but still maintained its shape as a sphere. While this was happening, the love I felt was overwhelming. It was coursing through my veins and swirling through my entire body. All I wanted to do at that time was send the love that I felt to everyone in the world. It sounds strange to say, since I’ve never shared, but it’s what I felt. The blue, geometric, living sphere was right in front of me and instinctively I recognized it as a gift of some sort and I grabbed it with my hands and put it into my heart. And when I did that, the feeling immediately stopped and I opening my eyes. I’m not entirely sure what the gift was but it’s been a while at this point and I gave up trying to figure it out. Any insight, from an outside and knowledgeable person, like yourself would be appreciated.
Thank you very much for your help. I think I’m experiencing some of the things on the post. It’s like life has thrown me off a cliff emotionally and physically. Maybe I’m a bit dramatic but I was just meditating for 20 minutes or so a day and really didn’t expect something like this when I signed up for a 10 day silent retreat, although when I think about it I realize I’ve been on an inner path for some time. I experienced really strong feelings of dissociation and emotional disconnection. This was interesting since it felt like I was never going to recover but I could feel like something kept integrating me and everything day to day was changing, my feelings, perceptions, I had new ideas come and go. I haven’t had much support I think because I’m in foreign country and I couldn’t communicate with the teacher. Now I’m feeling better and I feel this I somehow positive. It’s as if a weight has been lifted. At the same time I experienced so much fear that for the past 20 days I’ve though I was developpinhg all kinds of physical and mental diseases. I started obsessing a bit when suddenly I started feeling extremely tired during the middle of the day. It’s like suddenly my energy would drop to 20%. It would come and go. But still my fear looked for an explanation and since my mother had had sclerosis I started panicking that maybe I had cough the disease and would have regular panic attacks. My body just felt so light at times, and at the same time I felt so tired. Anyway, im going home now to check with a good friend who has helped me in the past. On one level I know deep inside that it’s changes I’m going through, on another I can’t let go of this fear of having the disease. But it will be fine I I’m sure. Thanks so much for your help!
I’m also considering doing an medical check just in case for the disease. I guess it would be a good idea just to be safe. But I really think this has been some kind of spiritual shift because day to day my perception and feelings were changing. It’s been all together and at the same time.
I go with my gut and it always knows when I need western medical advice in addition….
When doing any metaphysical work we have to be aware of the integration time, and that always comes with fatigue, so I honor where the body is at and try not to judge. And we careful of what you fear because with the Law of Attraction, you do not want to create it because you give it so much awareness. Just focus on what you WANT, and release any attachment to what you don’t. Plus, BTW the unattached feeling is moving into the observer mode and a sign of movement forward, but feels weird at first.
Is spiritual awakening good and can it unite and make one meet the God.?
Good is a relative word andmeans many things to many folks. Spiritual awakening is a “remembering” of what you know and if that unties you again with what you know as your God so be it. It can also EXPAND your concept of God, and in my opinio that IS what awakening is all about.
When I met flame , I knew something was different, I felt intense emotion and just like everything says “like I was home, we were unable to be apart, text all day , even though he 18yr older and married . I 34 he 51 I was so anxious and sick and thought I was going crazy. One night tried to sleep over and I never experienced such wake and light flashes behind my eyes the whole time he was with me that night and I know he didn’t sleep as well. We both felt more confused and anxious but after a few months he admitted to feeling the insane connection that I was begging to know if it was just me. I knew that I would never be able to feel for anyone else again the same and since separation that’s proven to be the case. I isolate and think of every day , sometimes I believe it’s just me then I realize there is no way I just know he knows something was insane with us to the point it hurt. So intense, I think easier for him to be with family and not feel that intensity than go through it again and deal with accepting the connection. I love to believe it’s all in my head, but the intense knowing that feelings were so different make it hard , it was pure bliss, I was home for a bit , oh and also would cry for no reason sometimes sad sometimes joy and in beginning I was completely unable to get him out of my mind it was so overwhelming. Now I know that music is the only thing that we will always have connection with . I just want to know how is he able to not give in to speak with me. For long time he was unable but family and kids got involved and he chose losing money and reputation over what we had . I feel doomed for life. I used to going out and being with guys but I try and it’s impossible.
This has been very interesting. I think about God and spiritual energy everyday and am always curious about the world around me. This read has given me some insite and shows me I’m not crazy there are others who feel these feelings that I feel. I have been dealing with the unexplained headache for over a week now it happened 2 years ago for six months no relief unless I was asleep now it’s back and no medicine helps in the past I had scans went to neurologist nothing then it eventually went away I get cooling sensations in my hands arms and sometimes feet it just feels so unexplainable I’m very healthy I’ve had heart palpitations recently very random never in my life had that yesterday morning I walked out my house and the birds were so load I could only think about the work of God there’s a creator no way this beautiful noise could be created from nothing I’m on my way to work praying out load and a deer run right in the side of me in same exact spot my husband backed into my Jeep many months ago no further damage I just feel like something is trying to get my attention and I don’t know what to do or what I’m doing wrong
Forgot to mention the rattle snake at my feet yesterday when I walked out the back door
again, animal totem, and snake “medicine” is very strong right now. Study (if you choose!)
First I don’t feel as if you are doing anything wrong at all – you are just waking up to all that is around you and that is overwhelming physically some times. I have had headaches all of my life because I do a ton of quantum work and it is just how my telepathic head works. When I further download new information my headache will get bigger and stronger and then ease up again. Possibly you are downloading too, receiving information. I think you have some great animal totem interaction, and I suggest you study the signifigance of them to get further clarity on their messaging.
Hey I’m from Arizona Native American roots so this is my story I just started my practicing , taking (meditation) it seriously but as a kid always very intuitive maybe growing I learned how to just read people’s body language or emotions naturally because it helped me talk to them so then maybe 8-17 I and still get dejavu it’s freaking nuts u don’t have to believe me but I just can’t explain it , tell u two one I feel if the like Grand Canyon but as soon i hit the ground I was actually falling off my bed and caught myself with my eyes CLOSED… sacred myself then just normal ones of me in a dream talking to someone or walking past trees on campus and maybe 2 months later I’m there and the dream hits my like you’ve been here before I don’t get it why is that humanly possible!!!!!!! Please this all 100 my life so I’m taking this meditation stuff seriously using Cristal’s came across some strange people when I mean strange like when u look in here eyes 👀 in like pure evil nothing I’ve never seen before it looked animal in this pretty lady that always sticks with me today so blah blah first time I try to meditate spirit guide session cleared my charakas first time was like I was flying in the clouds was amazing had to learn how to ground literally hugged a tree idk why and that was after but that night during that session Made Me A BELIEVER there is something we can’t see with our eyes idk so hour in I’m deep I hear a lions roar sounds like from deep sup or conc idk but it was loud , loud enough to just me up from lying to as soon as that happens where my eyes open above the tv which was off two like golden orbs dropped down so fast in front of me in like a backward c shape and diapered where they did was where my lamp was at how my room is set up over like my balcony I could see a claw black I was beyond scared beyond like who do u call and tell that the cops but the hand was huge the claws were felt like hate to say it the one that won’t be named starts with a D ya picture that hand going back into the darkness I didn’t sleep that night really the next day woke up I could stand up literally guys and I had class so I had to when let’s just say couldn’t drive and not high drunk anything when I’m in the car still like I’m just gunna pass out because lightheadedness and dizzy when I closed my eyes say these scary images can’t even remember em but nothing I’ve never felt seen anything with my eyes closed or felt that since that extreme felt like something was there truly trying to enter me I felt my body almost in two can’t explain this unless you know what I mean I remember fight the feeling trying to ground myself since that day my intuition is great and also that day had dejavu and was scared I wasn’t ready for what I just did even tho I have been doing this since little but there’s a lot of good and bads in my life but just a normal 23 year old that night I’ll never forget any body have this kind of experience ???? 100% facts don’t believe me if u don’t idc I know what I saw
Again, I think you have A LOT going on Dillion and my personal opinion is you need to take things slowly and learn to ground and protect your body and your space, so that you are working in a safe vibration and commanding what you want and making sure you have clear boundaries on what you don’t. I would get some energy work done and get some help on learning protection so that you are working safe. Also, dejavu stuff is very common these days, and no one that is doing this stuff would think that was crazy, it is basically jumping dimensional lines, but you also need to be staying IN your meat-body. Again, important to learn, study and take it slow and safe.
I REALLY AGREE with Suzanne on this. Please slowly learn find things to protect your energy and self. Clear thoughts find positives to keep within somehow. I cant explain HOW When where but maybe it will find you like mine did. I am sending energies to you for positive boundaries and goodness of protection to circle and watch out for you so you can attempt a journey to finding exactly what you are meant to. Thank you for this, it really helps me as well to know feel more at east within myself. *Suzanne, if you’re reading this first or have read my NOVEL (LOL) prior as I stated the Numerology Life Path Blinded me one day so happens I found THIS page and YOU and the rest of good company spiritually or in commentary. Just realized that, I wasnt even LOOKING for you. I was researching this absence seizure, migraine, rotational vertigo, meningioma issue concerning me as I was feeling agitated and lost very confused. I skimmed a few pages and hit next 3-4 times half way down before clicking next again BOOM… There you were with rest of these amazing comments and people i relate to on some level. So IM NOT CRAZY… That makes me probably start crying in second but JOY HAPPY cause puts me at more peace happy and know IM GOING RIGHT DIRECTION WILL BE OK regardless of all the horrible bad right now recently… ** How does this happen… LOL IDK but not going to reject it ever! Thank you.
awesome post! Thank you!
Any insight here would help because I’m newer to this and haven’t found a teacher to help me through my journey thank you guys if your reading this so on my name I saw two orbs after my first meditation spirit guide and that changed my whole thinking about what we can see with our eyes or just this dimensional plane I heard the lions roar while meditating spirit guide session never heard anything like that , that lead to seeing the orbs when it scared me and opened my eyes to the shadow idk what it meant but the next day woke up beyond dizzy seeing images in my head and it went away after that day but what does it mean or how can I have dejavu it’s super strange I’ve neevr got it but it’s real to me very real to the point where I try and remember my dreams and write them down, someone out there go through this? -Dillon
I can relate to nearly every single one of these signs and symptoms. I don’t know what to make of all this. What I’m supposed to do with this clarity. I want to be a musician. Somehow I feel I should be a healer.
Vivian I suggest using your music as a healing modality as that SOUND element is SO important to shift the throat chakra!
All this has happened to me from birth every since I can remember. but theres one thing that bugs me deeply. I remember as a child pulling up to this stream and looking down into it and seeing a sword and a knive in the water. No one else could see it. That was the only time I have ever seen something that looked so real that i could reach out and get it. and i would of if I didnt think i would get into trouble. I remember that day so clearly. And it haunts me to this day. I was in 1st grade and I’m 40 as of sunday. this coming sunday. 03/17/1979
So, what does all this mean? because to me it means its time to get ready for whats to come. sounds crazy but thats what everything tells me. but why me not someone else. He has walked with me from child hood he has stood by me throw my trials. and he said , I am he.
crazy I think i belong in a nut fram. but there is nothing crazy about me. I help everyone that crosses my path, I forgive all that have wronged me. and given them my hand again. and they still wronged me and i forgiven them . intill they could not wrong me again. and now they walk with me.
crazy, crazy is the day my mother passed away and I told them to come down and walk her to the other side and you should of seen it it was beautiful.
love love is all we need . but hatred is all I see.
Thanks for sharing Steve – I think you get to draw any conclusion you choose to from your chilhood experience, but I would not take it as a warrior as much as standing up for your truth possibly.
I have been meditating on an off for 35 years (more consistent in the last 10 years). Recently, I have been waking up and seeing swirling numbers, letters and symbols that seem to be spiraling down to me from above. As long as it is fairly dark, I can watch them for quite some time. Also upon awakening recently, I have seen a “hand of light” in my face at the level of my third eye. I am not hearing of anyone with these types of symptoms. Do you have any idea what they are?
In my opinion Deb you are accessing new planes of existence that were not available to you prior – meaning you are seeing how the energy works in the sixth dimension and upward. Numbers and symbols are within the sixth plane and the hands usually indicate the starseed assistance of guidance and healing. The entrance to additional planes is happening for us all but some find it and others don’t.
I found you on a search for what ear-crackling/popping is all about and am so grateful to you… in the past 1 1/2 yrs have gone through about 50 of your bulleted experiences. I received so much more than I came to your page for! Thank you!!!
Thank YOU for sharing!
Hi. I don’t even know where to begin, but I want to share my journey thus far, since I’m on the road to spiritual awakening and it’s personal.
From a very young age I always knew there was something special, but I never knew out of what that would be. I was a victim of bullying and was diagnosed with ADHD.
When I was around 13, an old friend of my mother called her one evening, and he was a medium. He saw her back, which she had been having problems with for a many years. She had not seen him or spoken to him since she was in school, and out of the blue he would ask her about me. He asked if he could speak to me on the phone, and my mum asked me if I wanted, and confused with a hint of curocity I took the phone and I was told. “Have you ever experienced weird phenomenas? Things at night? Voices?”, and I kept on going, yes, yes, yes, and I was very young at the time, and I can’t deny or confirm this, but I did hear some voice when I was younger, adressed itself as Zeus. I did not tell the medium about who the voice would adress themselves as, but it was this one voice for a duration of one-two years. I believe it could have stopped because I was afraid of what others would say or do, as I was bullied enough from before, but then the medium picks up with; “In one of your previous lives I see you having a great connection to Greece. A general of sorts. If you ever travelled to Greece you would just end up with deja vu” he said. I never mentioned anything about Greece, or Zeus, but as a child, I dreamt of a city with white walls and blue roofs, and as I discovered as older, Santorini fits this description, so, I really would like to visit one day.
He also went on to tell me; “You are an old man trapped in a young mans body.” and; “You are man of books.” Understood as a creative type, great skills with words, and at the time this would not make most sense. I was 13 at this moment.
Years passes, and nothing much happens, but I live life, bullying stops, and I get the time to breathe, starts a new school, and get the chance to get to know people, and figure out who I am. Observing people, and becoming really well around the opposite gender amongst others. (This would become very useful and important later, as it’s easier for me to speak and communicate with females, as feelings are something I love talking about and explore) I met a group of outcasts and fit right inn, but we were only close for a year or so, as we all started to split up in life.
I quit ADHD medicines in 2014 as I wanted to go through life with both the joys and the pains that came with it.
And in 2015 I broke down for the first time and developed severe depression. Wanted to end it, but the guilt I felt for making a decision to bring my temporary pain over to others permanently made me decide against it. I was very active with school politics, as I wished to help others, and try contribute to prevent others from feeling similar pain, and situations. I met a lot of people, and always found the outcasts in groups and tried to include them, as I knew how isolation felt. Even when I were in big groups, I felt very lonely.
I spent most of 2015 and start of 2016 feeling sorry for myself, no self-worth, no self-confidence, just thrash and quit school. 2017 would mark the year of redemption. I started school again, finished with great marks, I got my first summer job, and moved out for the first time, signs of independence, and people around started to really like me.
I moved to a brand new place 2 and a half away from where I grew up, with a wish for starting over with blank sheets, and going to the university, grown up with ADHD I was told it was less likely to happen because of my diagnose, and I did not really have anyone to help me with the depression outside of myself, and self-reflection, which became the turning point in my life, as with self-reflection I started to unuderstand who I was, what I felt and why I felt the ways that I did.
I started to write poetry to get my feelings out, instead of building them, I met different characters in life that would get me more into the self-awarness, and that’s when the crazy things happened. (sorry for making it this long, but now the juicy bits are really coming up)
When I write my poetry, it’s based on; “Emotions, thoughts, logic and experience which forms a piece of my soul”, and that’s where the soul first came into play, for real. I discovered a love for art, writing and photography for the most part, while Music is something I was fascinated by since childhood.
My grandmother died 18 days after I was born, and I was the last new member she got to hold in her physical form, and while she was very sick “breast cancer”, she held me, which made my grandfather nervous and furious of my mother, as how she would let his wife hold the baby when she was this sick, but Mum told him that it was her own wish, and so he calmed down, but what she supposedly would have said was; “Some come, some go”, and that’s life. Those words, while told back to me, means a lot to my growth and understanding.
I built a lot of my personality and life views surrounding these, and the list that is provided on this page again is most of what I’ve already discovered these last 2 and a half year. I’ve really started to look, and experience.
Now, I live with 2 other students, and the first year I lived there, I started to notice that around 11 PM to 2 AM there would be something happening in our flat, and I believe I’m the only one who took notice of it. The light that is directed in front of me flicker. Usually just once EACH day at this time. If the lamp was off and the TV on, then it would flicker. One time, I even saw the time approaching and went into the bathroom. Sitting there on my phone, the bathroom light flickered. The energy had looked for me, and popped in, even in the bathroom to say hello.
I used to have an older MP3 player to listen to music, and sometimes during these moments the MP3 player would freeze, and I could not do anything but to wait for it’s energy to drain.
Another time I would see a white silhouette for a split second in the kitchen. Our washing machine once flooded, and our owen exploded. The misfortune stopped once one of the two I live with moved out. Now it is only the lights who flicker, and some quick shadows that I see from my eyes.
When I’m outside at night, the light poles sometimes turns themselves off, walking passed them they turn on again, and some just flickers when I’m near, this was normal, I’ve come to find it fascinating rather than scary.
When I came home to the family now the last 2-3 times, I seem to sneeze a lot and have allergic reactions for no apparent reason, this is the same place I’ve lived at for nearly 20 years prior, never had the problem before. (with the list above, this might explain some of it)
However, now, March 2019, I got a rock crystal two weeks ago, and when I got home here, I met my cousins girlfriend who does posses abilities, who were kind enough to channel the crystal for me, and I’ve felt it’s energy. As of writing this, I’ve only had it channeled for a full day and things have certainly started to happen. I have not felt stress in my body since it’s channeling took place, and I’ve felt it stipple through my fingers while holding it. Also, I wanted to have it close to me while sleeping, and I had it on a plate “near” the floor, and when I tried to sleep I got messages like; “Elevate”, “Higher”, “Lift Me”, with scenes from an airport and a bridge. I abruplty woke up at 03:33 when my foot, outside of the sheet just got an EXTREME GUST of energy coming directly to it, and into the body. I woke up, and I took the crystal to a higher point in the room by the TV stand, and it was now fine.
I don’t believe the extreme gust was meant to be felt negative, or in any negative term, but perhaps to get my attention, or something I’ve at least never experienced before, you could say.
Which leads me to this night. I thought that I would take my crystal out for a walk in the moonlight and see if I could experience some lights flicker. And when I tried to ask it where to go, a light would flicker, and once I went the way, the next light pole would flicker as well. Now, at this moment I’m familiar with lights flicker, but NEVER have I experience two at the same time, so, I went between them and one would just shut off completley for a few seconds and turn on, while the other kept blinking like crazy. I wanted to follow it to see if more would do the same, but I never got anything more out of it other than a female in the house next to the light looking out in utter confusion, spotting me. That’s when I left.
These are exciting times, and I can’t wait to see what more to experience. I’m ready, and I’m fascinated about finally getting close.
Also, I could mention that I do have healing abilities, as I figured out long ago with my hugs. There have been plenty of people complimenting my hugs, and even wanting them frequently, but that’s because of the healing aura.
All I know is that we give energy, and we take energy, and if you give more than you recieve, you will be drained, and having a down-period, which means you need to be cautious about what you do, but it’s all fascinating how all of it is connected.
If you did manage to go all the way down here, thank you for reading about my journey, and I hope you have a pleasent day/night.
Oh, also, I’m currently 23, and people often compliments my abilities for self-awareness and reflection, which I believe is a great key to understanding. However I still got a long road left, but I’m excited to learn so much.
– Thomas.
WOWIE that IS quite a story! Thank you so much for sharing.
Symptoms started since 2009 , slowly , slowly. Increased intuition. Revealing the Truth that bothers many persons, including the corrupt ones) Many stalkers ( one of them a fake hacker from Anonymous World Legion Council) and envious people ,so for time being disconnected ( get rid of) many toxic people.Some from my family and close friends(blind spiritual people.)Much to many because I am resisting to lesson” let it go and let God”. Very connected to mother Nature and animals. A true warrior for animals cause and mother Nature.
Thanks for sharing!
I am into sitting meditation for quiet sometime now. I go for running almost every day and that’s my way to relax myself. One day, I was running on the treadmill and I was listening music at the same time and I felt so dissolved , and suddenly some feeling or vibration came from my spine and it moved up from behind my ears to my forehead. After that i am feeling possessed. i have been facing palpitations around heart and solar plexus area. I am feeling like my mind is behaving like it is completely mad . To counter this, i increased my running and it resulted in sleep paralysis during night for many days. I am currently seeing my face changing many times in a day and i feel as if, something has entered my and trying to possess me. Some times, i have to see my own face in the mirror to convince myself that i am the same person. I have been having heaviness in my whole fore head, especially my third eye area, as if someone is trying to control me thru my third eye. Please guide.
I would do your best to dial back all the fear of this and the dramatic effects it feels like – not that I am not saying it is real for you, nor judging in any way. When we are traversing these times we are indeed dissolving our lower chakras into one and it does feel a lot like you described. It is important to find NEW ways to stay grounded and present, and there is no right or wrong way to do this.
Hello! Thanks for this article it helped a lot!
I was hospitalised for psychosis and went to the mental hospital to get checked because I’ve been having weird things happening to me..
Insomnia that goes on for 70 consecutive hours, coughing without sore throat, headaches and fevers, paranoia, hair falling, random sadness and grief, highened awareness, intense weight gain, dry skin, infected eyes, ringing in my head, giddyness, diahreah and nauseousness etc
I was quite convinced I was going crazy but mental institute says it is stress..
Without articles like yours I would never realise that this was just part of my awakening journey..
Thanks for doing what you do 🙏🏻
Wow that’s amazing and I am so glad you are not only surviving but reaching out to find additional answers to what might be going on and I am super excited for you to now also look further into how to work with the Ascension symptoms and self heal, that’s exciting! Good luck on your journey and sending love and light your way.
Hi Suzanne, I’ve been raised an atheist but have been experiencing very many different new spiritual things over the last 6 months. I have been unexplainable sick with joint pains but they have eased by now. I’ve experienced static energy, not being able to be on my computer to long because it would hurt me, light bulbs going and being static to my cat to the point that it was avoiding me.. this all stopped when I touched a stone called tourmaline, my cat sat back on my lap the same day. Another thing that started happening is these swirls of energies when I’m meditating, sometimes my body swirls in one direction sometimes there is more than one area that swirl in different directions, do you know more about this? Lately I also had a feeling outside of meditation, that either my own energy or someone else’s was rocking me like a boat. I also felt exegurated feelings of being more alive and happy, a huge draw and connectivity to the universe then suddenly it would all get to much and I would feel a bit unstable or lonely because I can’t speak about all of it to the people I love. I experienced the flashing light you mentioned and sometimes white light around people/animals and vibrating air off flocks off birds, grey thunderlike clouds too. When I meditated I had a daytime vision of a storm or tsunami. I’ve noticed I have a deep desire to talk about experiences to other people and also feel this urge to motivate people to think about change, sometimes I think I’m channeling a message of something else, it wants change on earth and it wants it now. Like a revolution to stop the world from going under and regain our real powers of who we are, compassionate, magical and beautiful beings. There has been a message of a Raven coming into my head, I looked it up and found it relatively to a messenger of spirituality but in my interpretation without following a book, to connect people with spiritual and humanitarian commonalities rather then pick on each others differences. Often I don’t know where to go with this. It’s all very confusing and at the same time extremely exiting, like I’m on the verge of something bigger but don’t know where to start.
I think you are already starting, in fact already going and I say just keep staying open to things and learning. Check out my Vibe Tribe on my site if you choose and if it resonates sign on as having a like minded community to tap into helps a ton!
I found this article in a desperate act to at least partially understand what is happening to me. its been about a year and half since I first start to notice some weird things are happening on me, most of the time I feel like am here and some where else at the same time, I have been having these asthma/sinus like symptoms with killing head ache and it doesn’t respond to any thing, my body have been etching for more than a year now, my muscles are getting so athletic like with very little or I can say no exercise at all, I have dropped all my former friends and other encounters more than a year ago just because of a strong sense that its all fake (what is between us), …… and many of the symptoms you listed above except the numbers, but in my case it was an strong obsession to figure out what is the secret behind the numbers 1,2,3,4,7,12…21.. and one thing different is that for the past 6-8 months I keep seeing a kind of yellowish brown world/planet with an intense lovely feeling that like I belong there, that is my home…… and the problem a really have facing is that I cant discuss any of these things with any one as it would be like I have lost my mind for them (am from a very very poor country (Ethiopia) and every one is concerned with pure end simple survival i.e. food and shelter ). so inn don’t know what to do, why, where, next. any opinion? and thanks so much for your article, its so comforting for some one who got no one to ask such questions and symptoms. I hope my comment is not too much. Thank you.
When I sit still, I feel stiffness in my arms and I think the entire body and involuntary vibrations.
Ah, so years back when I was a kid I had many of these symptoms Espically when feeling things that cant been seen from other people. Ive also had very strong connections to animals, nature, strange senses around people, being able to feel practically everything that would be missed frpm other people and many more from the list 😞. Its died down significantly now that I’m older. Does that mean I’ve missed it or something has happened to me???
In my opinion we ebb and flow with this stuff and if you want more you need to do the work to get more. If you want less you do the work to get less.
I have been feeling this way for many years. I cant predict things but in some with a touch I can. My father in law passed a while ago but he wasnt the first That this happened to me . my husband and I were separated and in laws were in a hospice home perfectly healthy just was time to sell the home etc…
Anyway we went to the room they stayed in after dinner and as usual he was on the bed watching wheel of fortune whatever and he had ingrown toenail so he was trimming it out. For no apparent reason I stood up and grabbed his big toe and in an instant flash of static and electricity my eyes as tho I was watching a black and white static channel and my fingers wouldn’t let go of his big toe all in a split second of time and I looked at him and said “I love you see you later kid” and I smiled and walked out. We got into the elevator and a projective stigmatic feeling of conciousness yet not came over me and I turned and looked at my S.o. and said “I know we aren’t getting along right now but your dad wanted me to tell you he loves you dearly and not to cry thats hes dying tonight” He was livid with me he was pissed that I would say that. I felt like crap and couldn’t believe I said that as well. It was January 8, 97 at 6:30am I got a phone call from him.
His father had passed that night it was also my 37th birthday. It wasn’t the first time but I ignored the signs I began to notice things differently around me a new perception of things and interpitations of things.
Theres a shop in pike place called Tinzing mo mo a place you can get oils wax candles books insence etc.. A witchy kind of place I never considered my self the sort. I have shopped there many times throughout my years starting at age 16 I am 50 now and the last time I was in the men or warlock as some say walked away from the counter from me and kept looking back at me I asked why are you walking away one of them turned and looked and said “its not you M its the energy you carry with you its draining us” not in a bad way either. It takes a while to understand these things Im still learning myself and the triple double numbers you see at random mean something dont ignore them . For me mine mean death and they start out one double number a day for about a week and its a call from something beyond telling you something everyone is different they have a different calling why I dont know but dont ignore it. So after the random few it will hit about 3 days and all day long itll be double/triple numbers then just like that it stops. Then usually I or someone close to me will say so in so just died.. Or the last one was not to long ago for two weeks straight these numbers and a person came to mind I had no car at the time so I said I need to go see so in so. No one would take me plus it was far from my home. Then a suprise visit from a friend who lived by that person and I said will you take me over there he said M didnt you hear ? He died two weeks ago from breathing problems.. He called in my sub consious to me for those two weeks and that scarred me. I had a barn owl of white in the middle of the city seattle come flying around a corner on halloween taking my then 4 year old son trick or treat this white owl pure as snow the wing spand had to be at least 12 feet across wing to wing and stood about 4 feet tall and the mouse it was chasing ran through my legs underneath me as I stood there stumped at this in mid flight this owl back stroked to avoid slamming into me I could feel the air being whisped by his flight change and the breeze on my face then he flew to a wire an electrical one no more than the length of my arm away and looked at me sitting there his eyes wouldn’t stop following me .I have never seen a owl as long as I have lived in the woods in the PNW only heard them and never in the city like that. On halloween night of all nights was creepy itself was in shock .. We exchanged looks for a long time. I left before he did. Like a guardian he stood a messenger of some sort but couldn’t figure out the message. Needless to say that coming august 27 2011 my oldest son was killed in a car accident . Decapitating him and killing him instantly. A few weeks after that when they begged me to leave the house we went for a short walk up a little mountain type park in tukwila when we got to the top I sat down and the night was warm and the sun was setting but there was a good wind gust going and on my left as I turned my head surfing and catching wind to ride in a motion it flew in place like it was gliding in place I lie not was the cutest baby pure white owl and he was again no more than an arms reach away from me just looking at me. Like he was saying to me with his eyes ” its ok mom Im ok look at me fly look at what I can do I can fly and Im free” I about hit the dirt I looked at him and gave him the biggest smile ever and in my mind said ” I love you son and I am proud now fly be safe and be free” it was a way to start the healing process of letting go but I still cant let go at times. Its been 7 years now since hes been gone and never have I before that halloween have I encountered owls except in the zoo. To this day when I drive out in the woods on my home a white owl on a certain road always meets me at the begining and flys next to my truck to my point of turning flying next to me looking at me as though he is smiling. These are only two storys of many. Never deny your inner self and dont fight it because its coming weather you like it or not. Welcome it the feeling and be lucky because only the chosen few have this . Its unexplainable to some some do. Its like a sixth sense . I was conceived under the power lines according to my dad in 1970 that powered the whole kitsap penninsula and I was born in a sanitarium called Waldo Sanitarium that conducted electro shock theropy using the forgotten souls as the conductors of experiment a lot of mis understood forgotten souls torchured for this medical treatment a lot of death. Why I was born there was because at the time the city limits was 115th or 145th st northgate way so whatever street that was anyway the hospital was on the city side being constructed still the birthing unit wasnt up and running. In the 70s you couldnt experiment within city limits on patients without a proper medical licence it had to do with natural medical practices just wasnt excepted nor was torchure i guess. So waldo sanitarium took the front part of the hospital and in order to keep up practice and testing rented out the front to northwest hospital for birthing until northwest was built. So yes I was born in a sanitarium only 270 babies were born there during that time. To finish this off now at the age of 7 I was curious as to what it would feel like to stick my finger in a lamp no shit plugged in and I stuck my finger in it and electricity held my finger in it as I tryed to pull it out and I dont know why I did it but it was warm and tingly and just then gradually pulled my finger out like I had counter acted the energy being shot through me. Thats my story and Im sticking to it. Lol.. True. So the point being dont ignore what you see feel or hear. Investagate it .. Go to pendragons or look up wicca book stores etc.. Im what you call a seeker and a empath. Meaning I find and Feel. I read people like nothing and I can tell what happens sometimes before it happens but only in the moment I dont predict I feel it see it call it especially if its bad energy.
Im still learning and coulld use all the help i can get ..thanks good site and good topic.
Thank you
Michelle M
I been reading and studyng and I feeling things about spiritual olot . I was looking for a place to find books or stuff about spiritual and the other day iwas going to work it was in the morning and iwas at a stop light and cop car was behind me and I got pull over and when I parked my car to show my ID to cop I look in front of me and there was the place that I was looking for but I never seen that place before I didn’t know it was there , I just parked there cause I got pull over .
I am really glad to have found this page. I always thought there was something wrong with me growing up. My mom told me when I was little that I used to talk to Spirits, my pastor told me I was talking to my Angels but after that it stopped. I could see certain peoples Auras, I just thought it was light shining from behind people and then I learned not everyone can see it. My pastor also told me I had the gift of discernment I never knew what that was until I was old enough to research it but all through my life things have happened to me that I had no clue how to explain. I have had prophetic dreams that came true. I would have dreams about babies and if something bad was happening to the baby that meant they were going to lose it, I didn’t know who in my family was pregnant just that someone was, other prophetic dreams that I have had were of my spouse cheating on me with the exact person it happened with. I dreamed about myself being pregnant but it was in the form of a Fish I even knew he was going to be a boy. Recently I’ve learned that I am an Empath. This was a relief because when you grow up with all these feelings and emotions with no idea where they are coming from it’s scary and hard. Upon learning this I’ve looked more into focusing my energy on positivity and learning more about my gifts. When my step dad was passing away its like as soon as he passed I felt it before I even knew it, I jst started crying uncontrollably and had a fit of rage, right then my mom had text me that he had passed. A similar thing happened when my Aunt passed I woke up at 4:00 in the morning and started crying and my cousin text me it was like I felt them leave at those times. Lately I’ve been having dreams about War and very realistic dreams of spiritual warfare in my house, twice I’ve heard what I thought was my boyfriend calling me clear as day but it wasn’t him. Just today I had my craziest experience. I was partially asleep and awake and I felt what felt like a warm fuzzy electric energy touch my face and cover my whole body it wasn’t scary it didn’t feel negative it was just weird I felt like someone was trying to communicate with me but I’m not to that point yet.. I don’t know maybe I’m thinking too much into it.
Too many programs will slow down a computer or phone, same way if we give various commands to our mind and body, system slowness may experience, stick to few (one) program till results being delivered
About a month ago it started happening went through a heart ache and there it go i started awakening…. alot of brain activity (if u know what I mean),feeling connected, headaches, ear making weird swooshing noises, waking up at 444. seeing repeated number everywhere, static looking air which I believe is being able to see vibration. prophetic dreams, visions, body pain chakra healing sound helped that tho… Know its probably a few I forgot.. haven’t told anyone don’t wanna seem crazy…. Its scary at first but its nothing to fear its being more in tune with your higher self….. I’m excited about my next chapter ima create some awesome things…. happy manifesting 🙂
I don’t feel well at all. I’m crying right now. I always have headaches. Everything seems to be going wrong. Relationships, professional and personal. And on top of that I am diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder. I can’t have these feelings. I can’t go through whatever I’m going through. I have to get sleep. This feels like it’ll never end when I want it to.
I would suggest studying the Law of Attraction to learn to paradigm shift.
I’m feeling so overwhelmed.
I’m 14 years old and I’ve opened myself up to spirituality again because I always use to shut myself off to it due to personal reasons and my life couldn’t be more chaotic at the moment.
I feel over exhausted and all of a sudden I feel naar when I eat a little bit and I’m feeling bloated and the crying just won’t stop, the headaches and my sinus is so painful I feel as sick as a dog.
I am so sensitive to energies and I feel like I’m stuck, I get moments when I feel like I’m looking through a different persons perspective and the outburts of strange thoughts about the universe and my intuition is so strong at the moment. My mind is all over the place and I’m trying my best to just survive! I get goosebumps when I’m right about something or when a spirit/entity/energy is around me. My phone has always worked perfectly fine but I’ve noticed lately its been messing around and freezing or dying quicker. It’s like I’m seeing life so much clearer now but at the same time I can barely comprehend it. I feel so angry and emotional and then out of no where I get these outbursts of creativity or out of nowhere I just feel loved by this universe it’s so hard to explain because I can barely comprehend this myself.
I highly suggest you study and learn – there is a ton of free info even on my site – but I also think the best thing you can learn is to ground and bubble your body daily – there is a free meditation on my home page for this and I suggest you dowload it and use it twice a day morning and night for several weeks until you are stronger.
Hi Suzanne,
I hope this message finds you in excellent health and spirit. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and insight on this matter.
I’ve been experiencing 95% of these symptoms. To describe it all, I’ve been feeling real airy and light. I’m glad I’ve read this information. It’s going to truly support me in taking a deeper look at what’s going on.
Im a Scorpio and there are seven stages of a Scorpio. I’ve been drawn and can relate to the Phoenix. It seems as though I’m always going through great transitions. These experiences purge me from my old ways, and I’m reborn into a whole individual, with more insight, wisdom, knowledge.
I’m also starting to practice Buddhism. There’s a lot more to be said. However, I would love to connect with you, if possible.
Until then, take care!
It’s far as the physical part, I haven’t had any illnesses. However, I do wake up around 3 a.m. most early mornings. It’s been happening for 7 years.
Also, I’ve gained some healthy weight. Maybe it’s my new found relationship, with someone that is super amazing. It all seems breath taking to me. Like wow, I actually manifested all of this.
I don’t know how to explain it but I honestly relate to almost everything list above
After reading a while i can confirm it’s the third time i came here in search of responses for what i’ve been feeling. It’s been years since the first.
That feeling of longing is really intense. It feels like everything i do with my life is a lie that’s distracting me from what i actually want.
There’s a place, a thing inside me. It’s like at the tip of my fingers, literally. So much is burning but i can’t exaclty say what.
So close to the answer yet so far. I hope i’ll find what i need soon.
This isn’t helping me but at least i can remember that it is not the first time i’ve been searching about that feeling. Must be one of the rare constant in my life.
remember a longing inside us is our primal wound of feeling separate – so the more work you do to realize that you are in no way separate from Source energy – the easier this gets.
i see 1111,2222,22222,333,3333,33333,444,4444,555,666,6666,777,8888,9999,
and the time on my mobile phone
i lost my cousin 3 weeks ago when i was there at night 05:05 my mobile phone alert was rining i wake up and turn it off.
and time that i saw and almost every day see…
06:06 ,07:07,08:08,09:09,10:10,11:11,12:12,13:13,14:14,15:15,16:16,17:17,18:18,19:19,20:20,21:21,22:22,23:23, but the one 0:00 is already on my alarm because i pray on midnight.
but still my 3rd eye is not opend. every where i go i see this number for more than 4 months when is it going to be openeddddddddddddd i can not wait.
patience is key – usually our Higher Self knows exactly what is best for us.
Hi Suzanne,
I just stumbled upon this site by searching what i’ve been noticing.
Today multiple things have fallen when I’ve walked by and not touched them or been close enough to have any type of breeze. The lights have been flickering, even my flashlight in.
I am wondering what it may mean?
I actually have a lot of the things from your list above, especially vivid dreams that end up having answers or predictions.
This week after I drove by my great grandmas house I ended up smelling her exact smell. Just noticing odd things and wondering if it’s telling me something is going to happen or warnting me or something. Any thoughts?
Sounds like you are simply activating a lot of your birthright psychic skill sets and I suggest you take things slow and always do your best to stay in your body, grounded and clear, and work in a frequency of love verses invoking fear. Lots of this will learn to integrate on its own I have found.
Hello my name is Adam, and I have had the same experience two different times now. Once with my dog and another time with someone who wasn’t happy with me. I have a feeling it’s a spiritual attack or it is them giving their gifts to me I’m not sure yet. If the devil and demons can take different shapes maby thats what was in my dog. But these both happened when I was sober tell if you’ve ever heard of someone eyes actually spinning while you’re sitting there watching it happen and for 10 sec or so. The dog’s eyes turned into what look like big giant bugs eyes and then they started spinning almost like it was trying to cast a spell on me. And then the next time it happened I was actually in the psych ward I came out of my room screaming at the counselor and he put me in the quiet room. While he was staring at me from the other side of the glass his eyes literally started spinning in circles. I’ve been in and out of the psych ward 9 times in the past 4 years and have been battling some crazy crazy things. Everything from seeing a demon eye to eye, too communicating with the devil and God. I’m a Christian I’ve repented for all of my sins and I believe in Jesus 100% And Ive also prayed for satans soul so maby he respects me i mean this is technically his world right or is it possible just that God fooled us all and there is no devil this is his playground when he isnt being God Almighty in hevean. I did denounce my faith one time in my life and that’s all it took and I lost his protection which opened me up to all of this. I am now back in his good graces as far as I know and am doing the best to walk in his footsteps. I forgot to tell you I was also bit by a vampire while in the hospital. I don’t know what I open myself up to and I don’t know what my purpose is but God has a plan for me and I know it’s going to be huge. Im also the same age as when Jesus died and Ive herd that Jesus was the second coming of Adam well my name is Adam could I actually be the holy spirit in the future and the third and final coming of God as the 3rd Adam?! Do I really want to be God? Would I want that kind of pressure I guess if its my destiny ill find out and be punished for this as blasphemy but I don’t know who else to ask because God hasn’t given me a straight answer yet.
Wow that is a lot – and much to deal with. Here is my two-cents – we co-create our reality so if we choose to believe in demons and more, we will have the ability to co-create and interact with them. Conversely, if we choose not to – and do the work to raise our vibration in love verses fueling our reality in fear – those entities will not find you in that high-frequency-vibration, so we always have free-will choice.
Don’t know if I believe all this but recently I cry easily. I noticed other things that I have put into “coincidences” type category. I started seeing things coming off my own body like a lite hazy smoke. So ignored it to bad vision or just going crazy, I’ve done drugs in the past. Now I’m noticing it lightly around trees and birds. I was watching birds looking for worms in my grass and noticed it slightly so I tried focusing on it. Now I can see it mostly in mornings but I have to concentrate it seems to stay in the outsides of my focus. I don’t know it all seems weird. There’s a lot to mention, that’s just some of it. Maybe I’ll feel better just by writing this.
You are simply opening up to seeing auras or aurically. It is the birthright of the human to be able to do this – but if you did not have a support system as a child you most likely shut it off until now. You are not weird, nor broken, not faking it. It is simply energy – i suggest playing with it more to extend your skills if you choose to.
I too have some of these symptoms and have since I was 16 yrs old. I have always felt thing that wasn’t there. I have also had bad war like dreams or dreams where I’m running from an evil presence, night terrors. At times I can feel energy rushing through me or vibrations. Sometimes I may be watching TV or something and it would be as if the noise around me I could not hear but would hear a tone or sound wave. I can feel when others look at me and I turn in their direction, creeps them out. I can feel if someone likes or dislikes me. At time I am off balance. I’v been seeing number patters such as 1144 or 1414. I have had pinpricks, electrical shocks, feelings, warming energies, tingles, and random spasms, rushes of energy, twitches and jolts that come and go as you noted. Also I have never fell asleep before and now find myself always when I’m near a certain place get tire and start to fall asleep while driving. I was just in a car accident and fell asleep. There is much more I feel. Don’t understand what’s going on.
you are awakening to past life memories most likely and working out imbedded fear within dream state – I suggest doing more learnign on the Ascension process and doing more work to clear your body of fear and open more to grounded and protected guidance. And be patient.
Hello Lovelies 🙂 I have been living with so many of these symptoms my entire life, many things not on this list that would make you disbelieve me. I am into healing, in fact, I can’t get away from it, my hands just undo bad stuff in bodies. I have to stop hearing and seeing stuff all day. Literally, I have to ground myself to control it. I blow street lights, the overhead fan, connections in my car, every car I drive the lighter connection for chargers is finished working after 3 days with me in it, my computer, batteries in my pocket burn my leg, I can read people and find things, and I am so happy that I have finally managed to leave every type of institutional setting in the world. I am off-grid, and for the first time in my fifth decade of life, I am free. I left everything. I learned the hard way I have to ground myself all the time, and I can’t live ‘up there’ all the time. Granted, I don’t like Earth, but I am here. Yes. It gets hectic. I have to choose, and deal. I was born plugged in. I saw stuff as a child, I know stuff only physicists know, I know more, actually, and is what they talk about here, meaning HOME. Yes. Home, has been a biggie with me, and this was the first and only place it has been validated. The old information. The real old place, is really here. In my body. It wants to be here now. I am remembering. I am giving in. Finally. My energies and most of my daily information comes from ‘up there’, and that is really cool, guys. With practice, you will do that! You will expand and find parts of your potential that will blow your mind and paint a smile on your face and heart for all to see! But you do, at the end of the day, live here. You, like me, need to stay grounded and live a healthy life, while learning to tap into other energies that lead your growth into awesome directions.
After digging around the internet this evening for answers to a symptom that I found quite frightening last night, I fell upon this site. Now, on to what led me here.
First, I believe it was triggered by something I saw and understood on a molecular level. Lately, as in the past 4 weeks or so, my third eye has not stopped buzzing. As if that weren’t weird enough,… because it has done it’s weird thing my entire life (yes, toddlerhood). But now, my forehead feels like there is a heavy magnet the size of a 3×5 card stuck onto it. Plastered on. Like a name tag in a guessing game. Nobody notices, of course. Funny, right? All in my head? Uh… more like on my forehead. My crown chakra is a-buzz all the time. All my life I could not wear head bands, plastic or elastic, because they blocked the flow of energy on my head creating a migraine. Now it is even worse, … no caps at all. Owie. It will not stop. I am used to it tingling when meditating, and I am used to my hands tingling at the mere thought of working with stones, crystals or healing modalities of any kind. Now they just hurt. I can lay down and feel energy pulsating through my body, causing it to feel as though it is writing, undulating like wave. Spooky. Only when eyes closed and relaxing, thank God. (seriously. all this stuff happens. so much, in fact, i am so used to it that i am not phased at all, except for what happened last night. finally, something to figure out).
Now, however, my crown chakra just buzzes, tingles, and there is no stopping it. Where for 20 years there were blue patches of indigo light in my periphery that disappeared the instant I tried to glance at it to look at it or study what it was, now, they are right in front of me. They…. come… and stay right here. Wow. I always see stuff and spirit moving through the room, even in the dark (light patches flitting in and out or moving through the room), but now, dark crap too. I ground, pray, ask for protection… guys, be careful. Just as there are both good and not so lovely here on this plane, so is there the same spam junk out there, so be mindful and ground yourself before meditating or doing energy work. Creepy stuff just love to hop in unnoticed when you don’t realise. Careful.
Okay. So, last night, I felt very tired. I leaned over to my right in bed, from a sitting position, and laid my head down. I began to fall asleep. In fact, I did, but I wouldn’t have noticed sleeping and probably would have just woken up a few hours later or in the morning had I not got freaked out by what began happening inside my body. Not my head. Not my legs, arms, neck, back. No. My… entire body…. was electrocuted… or … obviously because I am alive,… it was energized so HARD…
Have you ever been at a bar in Mexico (only happened to me there, twice (yes I was stupid twice lol) never in the USA)… where a guy would come around for entertainment and ask you to hold onto two metal small bars/cylinders that were connected to cables, much like battery jump cables? Sound nuts? Well… the guy will have a box that has dials … numbers from 0…. to 10 or whatever. You hold onto the metal bars, and he ups the dial. At first, innocently, you feel a slight buzz in your hands. Then, just when you think you have control over everything, he raises it. Then, you realize it is too much, and you can’t release your hands. You are stuck. It is so strong… and just as you are officially scared, he stops.
Last night, my entire body did not feel like a body. Not at all. It was buzzing hard, deeply, and it felt as though it was being pushed into me, onto me through my back but I had no body. I was only aware of my ‘self’ being this massive, place of energy…not a ball of energy… no body. No. Energy that was super strong, and it was orange or brown somehow… It was in some plane but not in my body. I struggled, aware, but asleep. I brought myself out of it, freaked a while, stood up, walked around, then climbed right back onto the bed, sitting up again as before, then leaned over onto the pillow. I closed my eyes. And. It. Happened. AGAIN. Oh… Em…. Gee. WTHeyyyy! Again, I brought myself out of it. It did not happen again.
4 weeks ago, things started happening after I watched the movie Heal, on netflix. Something clicked that night when I paused the movie. Something became drastically clear to me about healing, energy and oneness. So I paused the movie to meditate. I meditated for 10 minutes, and when I opened my eyes, I realized my arms were both up, almost like in prayer. You see, this was bad, as 7 years ago I had complete rotator-cuff repair surgery on my shoulder. I canNOT keep my arm up like that. In fact, until I came out of it, I did not know. So, there I am, lowering my arm, expecting the pain and clicking of the joint in pain, came a smooooooooooooth…. unclicking (omg) painless… pain-less… no pain…. arm…. coming down to my side. At first, I thought…okay. Give it a sek. Nope. That was 4 weeks ago. My shoulder has no pain. It…is gone. Yes… if stressed in a tweaky way, once… it felt as if it would come back, but it did not start. So mild, not even really there. Healed, for the most part. I had been meditating on healing the planet. Not myself. I opened my eyes, and my shoulder as well as my hips with severe bursitis were great! The hips are still edgy, yes, but I am not hobbling around so badly that people ask me if I need help crossing the street or taking my bags to my car. Lucky ducky me!
So a lot got triggered that day. And I started understanding things that irritated me to no end, mostly about the pettiness of people I work with. I understood things and concepts out of nowhere, suddenly from an umbrella perspective, overseeing everything from compassion and understanding, and how things connection on a social level.
Crazy, right?
Anybody relate to what I am saying here?????
Thank you for enduring my mini book.
Wow quite an experience – Kundaliani awakening can be agressive. Heal was a great movie.
I’m petrified.. I just recently felt the need to read up on empaths due to my experiences which lead me to starseeds .. I’ve been reading and crying all night because it fits me to a t from the eyes, blood type, 333, the signs .. everything is in the stars .. the rapid weight loss I’ve recently experienced.. feeling different , being able to feel/communicate with spirits. I recently changed careers to cna so I can work with elderly .. the past week or so Although I’ve always had issues with fluorescent lights because they cause me seizures but this sounds are so high pitch it drives me insane.. I see the black shadows I know who’s going to pass away next.. I read up on the awakening.. is that what’s happening to me? I’m
Scared .I’m confused .. I don’t get it, am I losing my mind? …. I’m sorry if this does not make sense.. I’ve also been diagnosed with MS epilepsy and a possible brain mass with in the last few years I won’t let that stop me but it does… sorry I’m rambling
And why do I have a date of May 12
Be clear that we are ALL experiencing this Ascension process but some feel it more than others and this sounds like you. You are not alone and most likely not going crazy but knowledge is power so study. Read more and there is a ton on my site alone. Not giving medical advice here but energetically MS is a fear of movement forward in life….somethignto ponder. Release the fear and symptoms change.
I am inlove with every second of this. I am seeing 11:11 , 00:00 often now, my body ichying , so hot and sweating during the night, hearing sound on my ear.I can feel the change in my bodu the energy flowing I feel it. I welcome and receive it I am inlove with everything .Living according to my devine self higher self is all that is . Love&Light
Hi my name is Vlad,I m a simple guy whit a gift from God.I m blessed whit a wolf angel guardian which allow me to see beyond people s surface whit a simple eye to eye look(not on all people),or maybe curst because I see bad things in people s soul and this thing make me a loner.on 15 April my dad passed away and recently from 4 days I start dream about what people do bad things to me behind my back.every night I see in dreams whit perfectly clarity what people do and say about me and dream ends whit death of every single every dream there are different people from work and not just from work.some of them die brutal in accident or heavy deasee and some of them older.i m not crazy I m sure everything is real this dreams are sended by my angel wolf guardian or by my senses accelerated 1 week ago and I can feel and know what people think and talk about me just whit an simple eye to eye look but I pretend everything is looking to speack whit someone because there are a lot more to say and I need time to discus about 3 rd eye is open 24 from 24 and this is very painful both phissicaly and emotional.i need to speack whit someone who know can guide me.thanks
I suggest you Google and learn aboaut the Lay of Attraction as you are drawing in a lot of negative nevery and that will only multiply – you can paradigm shift this by CHOOSING to refocus on positive outcomes.
Yes I expirience everything said on here. Can someone tell me whats going to happen and what should I do I feel lost and I keep thinking I want to relocate and find true love. And yes also I see the repeating numbers daily and have ringing in my right ear and sometimes in both ears. I expirience like 95% of everything written here. I also want to go explore the universe and see other planets. I dont know why I am like this.
I cut all my friends because they bring negativity to my life. I kept only several friends in my life. I dont even go to meet with them on a daily basis. My life here feels boring nothing is interesting to me its why I barely go out anymore. Its like I am waiting for someone to change but I dont know what it is and it bugs me up. I am somehow more connected to my cat then ever he even knows what Im saying. I am not kidding he is 7 year old cat and he showed me that he knows what I am saying few times already and I was shocked. I feel sensitivity and I am more emotional to the life around me. I feel like my body vibrating at times. I want to be pure and expirience only love and understanding in my life. Yes I can have wild dreams. Because I think theres a war between good and evil. And its like the war never ends. This is my thoughts on it. If you like you can contact me on the email if you like to ask me something or if you expirience the same things. Have a great day!
I suggests the true love you search out is for your SELF. When we are at this point in this type journey what we are yearning for is connection and the primal wound of DISconnection is that of Source energy – meaning if you remember you are part of an entire planet earth and its systems, get conencted to that – go seriously hug a tree, feel the wind, gratify the earth and you will find a sense of true unconditional love and then your body will relearn to vibrate to that frequency which will in turn bring forward others with the same frequency to share with. It all starts with self and self love.
hey my life was stuck i was in a very bad relationship and i prayed to jesus and asked for help i was about to quit on life. but then one night a ball of light came into my room which was bigger than a football and it was glowing and floating at one point after 3 seconds it rushed out the door . after that day i saw angels and they even touched me, started to see number patterns on a daily basis, its been 9 months now and still it happens. i once had a shield over me while i was sleeping and it vanished after i woke up. what’s happening with me any idea ?
When we begin to awaken we also begin to be aware of otehr dimensional BODIES of the god or source energy and oftentimes that coems in orbs. The more support and love and guidance comes forward – it is our birthright to be connected, I suggest being grateful for the messages and protection.
I am not new to the spirit world or all of the things that accompany it, but i am definitely new to my current experiences. I have been blessed with the ability to see spirits, though i havent learned how to communicate with spirits out of fear of drawing in negative entities. Its so much that i dont know where to start. Upon the birth of my now 2 yr old daughter i became increasingly curious about other forms of life and kept being reminded of a reoccurring dream that i had when i was between the ages of 11 and 14 of being abducted by aliens and having something put in me in one dream and the next dream was exactly the same but they took something out of me or vice versa. After giving birth to her weird things began to occur within my apartment that was witnessed by my middle daughter as well. Since moving nothing has changed. On April 6th i miscattied twins by my fiance who was living in a totally different state from me. After texting him a few times telling him i was miscarrying and recieving no response from him from that day forward i assumed he had left me due to the miscarriage. I would find out almost two months later on may 24th that he too had passed away on the very same day that i miscarried. The reason he never responded to my text was because he had already passed on from an accidental overdose of benadryl. His family had burried him without me. I guess 10 years of being with him meant nothing to his family. To top it all off for the past 2-3 months i have taken on a strong fear of snakes out of nowhere. This fear has grown since it started and i have no understanding or peace. I cant help but to feel as though its spiritual. All of my senses have gotten stronger, i know things that no one else knows, for example; i have predicted both of my brothers expectencies before he or either of the girls knew. I keep feeling as if there are snakes close by me. Things are moving by themselves and i always happen to catch these incidences as if im suppose to or as if its me whos moving them. I am scared but feel that i need to know more i feel as if im losing it yet i feel that i have a purpose or larger than life responsibility. I dont know where to go who to talk to or what to do. Please help me!!!!
I am sorry for all of your loss. From my standpoint there are always bigger reasons for what is happening and quite possibly the reason you lost the babies was to asssit your fiance in his crossing or vice versa. Oftentimes one being leave this earth-plane to assit another in their death and to me that is an incredibly beautiful choice. As far as the alien stuff I too go off planet ofter and find myself on ships – I do not believe I get taken as much as GO. If that is fear filled for you I suggest bubbling and grounding not only your body prior to bed but also your room/spacec/home. And command that you are NOT taken and do this in love not fear. I have a ground and bubble free meditationon the bottom of my homepage on my site and si suggest training your body with it.
I was researching about migraines, which I have had since early childhood, when the link to this page showed up. It is fortuitous, as I learned last night from a conversation with my cat, that more changes are coming. I have had several spiritual & mental ‘awakenings’ since childhood which were a bit scary at first. Despite being terrified at the initial introduction of my main spirit animal (he is a lion), I have been fortunate to have protection & guidance from my totem animals, especially my main spirit animal, as well as a spirit guide throughout my life. They answered my questions, led me through a guided vision quest, & have comforted me in times of physical, emotional, & psychological abuse/trauma. Most recently, my spirit guide showed me how protect my subconscious & unconscious while sleeping, so now I can dream & get sleep. (I learned how to severely limit the number of spirits who share their life stories before ‘leaving’.)
Over the years of spiritual awakening & learning, I have found that Meditation, maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, & staying in the present living in gratefulness makes handling the spiritual growth much easier. I am definitely going to check out the rest of your website, Susan.
Love & Life to you!
I am 59 years old and have had a headache every day of my life and that is exactly what drove me to learn about the world of energy because tradition medicine could not offer any clues not cures. It is not a migraine, not a normal headache – I had to eventually figure out my head works out in the universal grids and it is just a tool for the work, but not so fun for my meat body !! BUT the gift of learning this was and still is worth it.
I just realised I anglicised your name. Sorry about that, Suzanne!
Wow, I have a feeling you are correct about the migraines. I have always had a feeling that they have been related to my spiritual experiences. I did some more research online after I posted here & found that the symptoms I have had are very similar to Hemiplegic Migraines. Besides the blurry vision & dizziness, I usually have difficulty speaking as well as the pins & needles which makes my arm & leg feel so heavy they are difficult to move. Sometimes, I have had to just sit down on the floor/ground due to the extreme heaviness & dizziness. It usually takes quite a while (15min to 1 hr) for my body to retain homeostasis so I can stand up & move around. Fortunately, it has never occurred while driving.
I have been trying to figure out how this physical manifestation of a ‘hemiplegic migraine’ connects with spiritual/energy events or happenings. Do you have any information about how this relates to spiritual/energy occurrences? If not, what would you recommend for further research?
Thanks for your assistance!
Love & Life to You!
I’m so glad this post is still active. I just found it today!! I hate to have such a long comment but I feel so lost and new in this. I hit my 20th birthday last week and since then , I’ve felt a total shift in my body. I don’t know how to explain it. Leading up to my birthday , I felt weird too. Ive always been into spiritual growth and natural things. In December , I moved out of my parents house because things were crazy. Me and my boyfriend stayed with a British woman who was so mentally draining , it caused me so much stress. After much prayer with my mom , I found an apartment where my sister lived. I was so excited but when we moved in , I felt like I went crazy for a minute. I was tired all the time and I was super late to everything , emotional. Me and my boyfriend had a fight one day so I took a walk and had some meditation/prayer and felt like I was hearing things from my grandmother on the puerto rican side of my family who has passed. I felt better and went on with my life and my boyfriend and I were fine. Then recently , we started finding spiders in our apartment and I started feeling the urge to make oils and use my herbs more. I’ve been journaling and researching these things more than ever before. Especially mysticism (i feel like i really identify with that) Today as I was doing my makeup , it felt like something was in my left eye and I started tearing up. It became red and looked like there was a thin almost see through string across it that I could not get off. Of course I got emotional and my eye turned red. I tried to finish my right eye while the other one rested but it did the same thing. It was so painful. I instantly got cold like symptoms (headache, sneezing, stuffy nose). I had to pull myself together to go to work and my boyfriend gave me a quick pep talk to calm me down. When I got to work (10 minute drive) the symptoms were gone. As soon as I opened the store I worked at , there was a line of women waiting which is rare. They were telling my how beautiful I was which I thought I didn’t look too great cause I’d been crying and sniffling all morning. I’ve been able to predict genders of women with children which my mom told me was a gift that she had too. This morning , an astrologer I follow on Instagram replied to my comment on a recent a post of theirs “the universe has a way of getting its message around, step into the Divine”. I feel like these are strong signals but WHAT ?!?
I don’t think we always get the WHAT answered because the what changes all the time, meaning we are always being led, asked to surrender, guided to love and get opportunities to learn and grow. I think it is awesome that you are doing this work at such a young age, good for you! Keep up the work of staying PRESENT because that is the gift and do your best to work to release fear based beliefs.
Hi Suzanne,
I am blown away right now, nothing I’ve read has described my experience so perfectly over the past 8 years.
If I were to list all the symptoms you described in the article above that I have experienced over the past several years it would be most of them, approximately 90- 95% I’ve experienced.
It started in 2012 when I started having out lucid and astral projection occurring to me spontaneously while dreaming.
Than after a break up just 4 years ago. I thought I was having a nervous breakdown or something. Things started happening to me I couldn’t begin to understand. I started seeing numbers 11:11, 2222, 4444 etc… on tv on the clock etc.
Than I began seeing blue, and red flashes of light and sensing energy as almost steam or static. I could see energy streaming of trees at night, Also off the tips of my fingers, it looked like smoke with color and sparkles in it. Eventually I realized it was my aura, and began seeing it around strangers, my boyfriend, family and dogs. Than I started noticed thought forms (I have to say this scared me a little). I didn’t understand at all what I was seeing or how. Lastly I Started having visions while falling asleep or just before waking, while in the hypotonic state, where your still between worlds so to speak the dream world and the physical.
Needless to say this all scared me quite a bit. I started to pray, and ask for guidance because I felt like everything I had ever know or understood had been swallowed whole. I felt like a stranger from my love ones and friends and began to isolate, truly believing I was starting to go crazy.
That’s when god moments started to happen. I out of longing, fear, and depression began to pray to god asking for guidance. Things started being unveiled to me in dreams and visions. Prayers and proof of go if asked for came to me. I asked for my heart to be opened and in the middle of the night I had a vision of Thoth, he appeared with a staff and touched my heart with this staff, light shot out the end It. In that very moment I felt gods love and grace and my fears began to lift.
I have to say since that, I have experienced many more things. I started communicating with my spiritual guidance team. I have experienced so much love and awe and wonder, but at the same time feel so saddened, exhausted, sick from the spiritual awakening stymptoms ie) electric shocks, leg spasims, exhaustion and fatigue, flu like symptoms, depression etc. I am grateful for the changes in diet but for the first time in my life have to watch what I eat or I get horrible bloating and abdominal pain. I feel much more drawn now to be out doors spending time communicating with spirit. Also being around tv or electronics make me depressed and the ringing in my ears gets worse. When I’m out doors it almost always completely disappears or is lessened substantially.
Anyways, after all of that jabbering… there are moments I want to go home. I know u said it’s not Suicide but I feel so alone like no one sees or experiences what I’m going through. Thank you for showing me I’m not alone.
I’d love to speak with you further and get more support.
Thank you,
Yepp can totally relate as I too thought I was losing my mind at many points in this journey and soemtiems still do! I think it sounds like you are navigating really well and waht ever GOD package works for you – use it because connection to Source in whatever package is key in not feeling alone because many 3D folks do not understand but that does not in any way mean it is not YOUR truth. Symptoms come and go BTW. Staying focused on love verses fear helps.
You are NOT alone! As I read your comment, I felt a bit of déjà vu, as I have had many of the same EXACT experiences you have had. It is scary at first, but after a while of working with your spirit animals & spirit guide(s), it will be less scary & become more exciting to find out what comes next on your spiritual adventure. I recommend you talk with your spirit guide(s) about doing a vision quest or something similar. That will answer many of your questions. It did for me.
Keep eating healthy & enjoying nature. It has always helped me re-charge & regain balance. It is OK to seek that out as much as you need it. Some people are draining, so one thing I have recently learned is how to minimise physical encounters with those people & how to protect one’s self when around such people. If it is not too uncomfortable for you, try the meditation Suzanne offers, or something similar to ground yourself & create a protective shield around yourself. Each person does it differently (Protection Spell), but it is important to protect ALL of yourself against external negative, draining energy. There are also affirmations you can say & write to keep your energy strong to repel and/or reduce the negativity from other people. I have been using “Mind Movies” & “MindValley” for various guided meditations they offer for free, as well as other courses about maintaining positive energy through affirmations. My favourite is:
“You have the Heart of a Lion & You will Love Yourself no matter what the world tells You.”
It is very powerful to say that to yourself while looking in the mirror – looking yourself in the eyes. It gives you a huge boost of energy from the Creator’s Energy within all the Life around you (Nature/Gaia).
I hope some of this helps you.
Love & Life to You!
Go = god above ☺️
Hello. I have had a few experiences, early this week I was closing a door and turned around and got a fright as if somebody was standing there, but I was alone at home. I laughed at myself.
Later in week, I was preparing food when I suddenly became dizzy, felt pressure in my chest and my throat felt as if I had been screaming but I hadnt been screaming.
Sometimes at night as I drift off to sleep, I feel funny, I cannot explain it but I do feel a shift in energy.
I lately sense something strange but I cannot put a word to what is strange, as I continue on my daily routine every now and then, I feel so much has changed but yet nothing in my daily life has changed. Im very emotional and for the past week the back of my neck moving into my shoulders are constantly burning and I need to sleep all the time, if not sleep just lay and be peaceful.
I cant talk to anyone about this, nobody seems to understand.
That sounds all pretty “normal” to anyone that is energetically aware of this Ascension process and remember many folks are asleep to it and will not necessarily experience the same reality. The way I best navigate all this is to stay present, stay grounded and stay in the observer mode – meaning be somewhat in AWE of what is going on around us, and own it as your truth even if it is not everyone elses.
I’m literally losing my mind. I have the majority of these symptoms and I’ve been having a difficult time learning what this is and how to cope, so I’m happy I stumbled upon this blog and hoping to find some advice. I know this sounds crazy, but I thought Satan or a demon was trying to possess me and my family. The scariest part about this is the development of telekinetic powers. I think it’s possible I’ve had access to this capability for quite some time now, but ignored or buried it out of terror. I’ll sum it up quickly. I either discovered or rediscovered this ability almost a month ago. It works like this: focusing on moving something small that’s right in front of me or in close range triggers the smallest of movements it hardly noticeable. If I focus on a large tree the limb I’m focusing on gets tugged and when I focus on another area the branch is let go and snaps back wavering back and forth. If I focus on the middle of the tree or somewhere near the top, all of the branches twist upwards and the entire tree starts to twist and gets pulled towards me like I’m trying to push it over. This part is the most terrifying. If I expand that and look at the sky it appears to halt the direction the clouds were moving in and either disperse or accumulate and become darker. I was staring at the steam clouds from the smoke stacks at the power plant on my way home from work a good distance away and by the time I got closer the clouds were spiraled upwards to the sky. The easiest thing to manipulate is cigarette smoke and I can see where the energy goes and what the energy looks like. There’s always a pair of eyes I can see in the videos I record while I do this. Sometimes they are cartoony beautiful morning eyes with long lashes and there’s always smaller versions of the that tug, twist, and manipulate the smoke. It’s natural state at rest produces mini twisters which is coincidental because where I’m from there have been multiple tornado warnings within the last 2 weeks with an actual tornado touch down about 3 weeks ago. The forecast was constantly changing last week, they couldn’t keep it straight and weren’t sure why. Last week on the way to a job we stopped for gas and I was focusing on the top of a large tree because the urge was too great and the entire tree looked like it was about to topple and then I looked at the sky. Within the next minute a tornado warning was issued in the exact area we were in along with 3 other warnings locally at the same time. My coworkers, 2 guys (one my boyfriend), are well aware that I think I can manipulate the weather somehow and have had things happen when I’m around or when we’re not even together in separate locations. I feared my boyfriend was possessed for some time, or at the very least brought demonic entities with him from years ago when he and his ex used to practice such disturbing things. Knowing that this is going on he started acting insane and wouldn’t pull over and the clouds were black and you could see the rotation in the sky and he was driving 9mph heading straight for it. I put my head down and was panicking because I was afraid of what would happen if I looked at the sky any longer. They both said it appeared a funnel developed but started dissipating before it reached the ground. I’ve had sign after sign of some significance and I’m afraid they’re pointing towards something catastrophic, for the string of numbers I keep coming across are 666. Add the sense and fear Ive had of the devil and the end of the world and I’m almost convinced this is what’s in store. I’ve been keeping my head down a lot and avoiding eye contact with the sky and trees because the affects of the wind and breezes increase with my levels of anxiety. Also, when I begin to relax the breezes come in towards me and circulate around me. The air feels both cold and warm. I’m not making this up. I feel so scared and hopeless and downright insane. Sometimes I think the solution is to take myself out of the equation. Please help with advice if you can. I’ve been trying to reconnect with God and Jesus and I find it sometimes helps relax me. Please help if you have any advice.
First off I do not think your story sounds crazy one bit as I too can easily manipulate and change weather and ahve for some years now. That said I ALWAYS ask the weather to work with me and only in terms of what is HIGHEST AND BEST for all, meanign it is not always about me. When you begin tohonor this as a gift and not see it as scary – you can them choose, if you choose, to work on behalf of the entire weather spectrum in terms of waht is for the highest and best. Sometimes what we percieve as bad is not bad fromt he weather’s stanpoint remember. Also on the demon concept – if you are giving this attention (even in terms of what you don’t want) it is only giving that notion fuel. I am perfectly aware that there are demonic energies out there but do not give it energy – do not allow it into my paradigm, therefore I do not experience it. I am not ignorant to it but do not allow it in my “sandbos” per se. It is a choice. Natural law will follow that direction, so change your paradigm if you choose to not engage.
It sounds like your affinity is Air/Wind. (Mine is water). The energy of the air/wind is very sensitive & picks up on your anxiety. When you observe the air/wind around you, try to breathe deeply, like in a meditative state. It will keep you grounded & calm, which will keep the air/wind around you calm. Using one of Suzanne’s phrases, when you observe the air/wind around you, try to think more along the lines of being in awe of this part of Creation & how majestic the air/wind makes everything look, especially the trees and birds. You will notice a difference in the reaction to your calm wonderment (& Love) of the Air/Wind.
Love & Life to you!
Hi! I am a massage therapist, and had an experience while working on a client I had seen several times over the last 6 months. My intuition told me to give special attention to the client’s knees, and while I was working on the second knee I saw a bright white line of light go across my sheets from knee to knee. It moved like water in a steady wave. It really surprised me, and I kept watching then the line of light passed by again faiter the second time. Anyone else experience something visual during a massage or healing session? What is this called?
I teach a lot of massage therapists about energy and basically you are beginning to see/takenote of the auric fields and the energetic movement that are all energetic beyond the physical plane. I suggest you keep asking for guidance on what you are seeing and experiencing as your Guides will eventually begin to teach you exactly what to DO with this expansion of gifts. That message can be auditory, or a knowing – trust it (if you choose)
Dear Suzanne
This is a good post.
And positively a good place to connect with people with similar experiences.
Majority of the symptoms I have witnessed in these passed 2 years and by the grace of the Higher Power and My Guru, I could manage the stability in all its occurrences.
But what really got me to this page was an inert curiosity, that does all this also *probe frequent bowel movement* ?
This post really did give me a sense of assurance and I am thankful to how internet can be used responsibly in connecting people.
Thank you and bless you
Thank you for connecting and sharing!
you can possibly give me an idea of what ive run into in the last weeks. ive aquired 2 little entities, they seem childlike, i cant see them , i dont hear them, i only feel them, both physically and in the mind.
one grabs on to my 2 feet and squeezes. it is beyond question that this is happening. i cAN feel the warmth i can squuz harder but i know id hurt it. nothing is more obvious than this is a child.
the other climbs on to my back, and is much more open for suggestion to moving around.
i talk but they dont make a sound. im thrilled to have the company. i live alone, i am 70. i would love a conversation but ii dont think thats going to happen. could this be a set up for something negative in the future. i dont know where im at living in arleta ca. who could i talk to if not you
I am not sure if you are asking for assistance but if so you can check my site for services at if you choose. If not, this is all about boundaries and intention. Choose both and set both and commit to both.
I have been seeing blue spark orbs since 2003. I thought I had something wrong with my Brain or vision. Head scan normal eye exam ( don’t even need glasses to this day). I realized this was loved ones from heaven. I also see silver sparks like tinsel flashes. Once in awhile Gold sparks those are rare for me.
Wowie, thanks for sharing
Not sure how to send a comment.
Nice to know I am not alone. When angry,I interrupt electrical things. I am able to temper weather. Know things ahead of time,feel all the stuff you listed. Jeepers. I really did think something was wrong with me. Like loosing it. I do not want to die, but feel like I am moving on to a new life.
Last night seeing white light opening in my dark room, on the ebbs, then moves, like breathing. But then closes again. Only like a few inches when fully opened. I hope it is not the white light they say you go through at your death. I try NOT to get very angry. Stuff happens. Not ok. Drawers fly out, etc. I stay away from too much interaction with people. I wish I could work with these parts of my life, but do not know how.
Hi Shirley – you are not going crazy at least in my opinion. Take what resonates here and toss the rest. Often times when we are going through these awakenings, things like this can happen. The best thing to do is learn more about what is going on. Get some mentorship or healing help. Not pushing my services but you can check me out on my other areas of this same site at You seem to be very kenetic – that means your energy is overly abundant in the electrical charges. This can cause a lot of issues. My suggestion is to work more with the magnetic grounded energies of the Mother Earth and nature itself. Learn to ground and protect your bubble and auric field. Work with the belief that you are safe. Again, there is a free meditation on the homepage of this site that you can use for that auric skill set. This will assist you tremendously.
Hi Suzanne, I’m fortunate to have found your article, thank you. I have been having what feels like my eyes and behind them feel very heavy, but cloudy. I’m not sure if this is brain fog but also quite drained and not grounded. I practise Qi Gong and eat healthily but wondering how I can get help myself move through this? As feeling completely zombified and fatigued.
Fatigue is assisted by keeping grounded and bubbled, check out my free meditation available on my site on the bottom of the homepage.
The numbers ive been seeing alot is 2, 3, 7, 11, 32 & 33 idk why but i know the mean something …since a child ive had strange encounters and strange things happening to me …but now im open to know why!!
Numbers sequences are usually messages from Source to let you know you are connected and I do my best to gratify that and enjoy it as a great sign of being loved.
I been praying a lot to know where I belong… God has answer my call but my fears in being open to much will lead me to demons.. My third eye has been opened an I feel more aware but at the same time I wonder what I really have opened myself up to… I did a session on my phone (evp) an seem to channel spirits through a device that communicated with me telepathically nothing felt negative but I feel the pressure build an build… What could I do to get more assuring feeling that what i have is a gift or something that shouldn’t be opened? What can I do to assure protection? I guess what I am wondering where can I find guidance? …
Most of this is all about intent. Your intentions create your reality and your experiences, so I suggest that you choose to work in love verses fear. There will always be both sides – meaning dark and light, good and bad, however you want to look at it is what you experience. There is a free meditation download on my homepage that is a ground and bubble technique. I suggest learning how to do this so that you will gain the skills of being grounded and protected in your energy field. This gives you discernment as well, ands then use your inner voice to determine what is and is not of your best good.
I have been dreaming of numbers. not all the same just different numbers. I look them up afterwards to understand what the message is. Also going through the kundalini awakening, and have had some of these symptons, Thank you.
Is this thread still open?
seems as though the year I turned 33 is the year shit hit the fan, left my husband, started new career/business, the whole year leading up to today has been a whirl wind of 11:11 3:33 4:44 1:11 777 10:10 12:12
I’ve had dreams that later came true. Some that don’t make sense, often know what people are thinking, animals always come around me. Can’t be around certain people, I suffer from other people negative energy.
Very hard to stay grounded, literally though I was going crazy. Im turning 34 in a few weeks so I’m hoping this was all leading up to something positive.
Any kind of feedback or advice greatly appreciated
Hey Amanda – yes it seems the chaos is never ending but remember the energies will always be in flux and my personal take is to do your best to stay PRESENT, and grounded and bubbled. Use that free meditation at the bottom of my homepage if you choose to do so!
Hey im a baby witch in the making. I found a tree branch cut and was really sad looking.
I wanted to help it so i cast a circle and called upon the spirits to help me bring my energy to the dying tree branch to make it grow. I gave it gentle rain water and aventurine stone.
But then My hands were
Getting hot. So hot I thought if I touched the plant it would turn to fire. After i was done i felt dizzy and my hands still feel hot. My head has pressure all over. Almost like a headache.
Im not sure what to make of this since I’m new. Do you think I was successful?
It my personal opinion it is not about successful – it is about connecting and giving UNconditionally – when we want to be successful we are conditionalizing the work. I suggest just giving and receiving with Nature because you GET TO – we all do.
My finding this article today has given me comfort and confirmation! I looked the article up because I am experiencing a heaviness in my chest and pressure around my throat. I suspect someone has cast a spell or out a hex on me. I usually burn white candles I The essential oils. I have burned sage, covered myself and said a clearing prayer. I have been, for some time now, many of the symptoms listed above. As soon as I felt the pressure I was not scared. I didn’t suspect that it is medical. I am 108 pounds, very active and healthy. I meditate, do new and full moon rituals. I suffered a seizure last September for the first time. I believe it I was proof that I am becoming enlightened. That I am reaching a higher vibrational frequency awakening. I know I am not crazy and I am but alone. I have been having turbulent times, problems with relationships, both with family and friends. No matter how positive and loving I am to others. I know it is an attack. I will continue to be positive, loving, encouraging, an example of how to be in this world of negativity. I will be the mustard seed that radiates to all I come into contact with. 💜🧘🏾♀️🧿✨💫🕯🧜🏾♀️🕉📿
I see numbers and synchronicities all day everyday as well. 💜🧘🏾♀️🧿✨💫🕯🧜🏾♀️🕉📿
Not trying to change your belief systems in any manner but in my personal opinion when we believe we are being attacked or have a spell cast on us – we draw that in. Law of Attraction plain and simple. Possibly change your perspectives, but still do the work. Love verses fear.
Hi something been happening I’m not sure. I got a broke up 2months ago. N I did not cry and I went to comfort him. I was very confused but I kinda sign up for many things, I always wanted to.. I became alot more positivity then I could ever. And I seems to grow alot of interest in astrology psychic tarot card reading. Things around me happens and I seems to pick up clarity quickly about situations. I feel energy of people and I feel they drained me. I’ve always been feeling hungry all the time. But I cant eat for some reason. I show no signs of illness. Just since ystd.. I suspect someone I’m really close to is fighting. Like a major fight. My chest has butterflies hitting the wall all over the place. I cant concentrate and leads to breathlessness.. like I’m almost dying. Today I still feel heavy hearted.. not Iike I’m thinking of anything or anyone. Pls help wat is this.. I close my eyes and speak whoever u r pls stop the fight and go home. I cant breathe pls go home. A flush pass thru my body and i felt extreme drain
And also within 3days.. everyday people from my past are returning.. thru I saw them on the road or I’ve been randomly receiving msges that they are connecting with me. Like even friends of 20years.
happening to many right now as old energies and relationships are coming full circle
Sounds like you are an extreme empath and that is not doing you or your auric field any good. My suggestion is learn about empathing as it is stealing others fuel and you can re-learn how to NOT do this. Use the free meditation on my homepage both morning and night to begin with if you choose to get a stronger field. I also have a Empath class on my site – consider taking maybe.
Hi Suzanne, long post ****Question, what does it mean when your abdomen/gut area feels like you’re on a rollercoaster? That’s the best I can describe it or when you’re in a plane about to descend….but I think the rollercoaster feeling captures it. I noticed this about 3 weeks back and some days it was intense now it comes and goes BUT I believe it started when I began listening to YouTube videos on healing/clearing my chakras sometimes in the day while at work and at night while I slept. I stopped for a while when the feeling was so intense not in a bad way I just felt like stuff was shifting maybe energy 🤷♀️🤷♀️ tried once last week at bed time with the sound really low and I had a few dreams on and off but the one that stood out was of a snake, green and pretty like a lime green just slithering in a garage, not my home but a family member since I recognized some stuff in the garage. As I sit here typing this long post the feeling is like a 3 low but I feel it. Does anyone know what this means, thanks for reading this far and for any insights. P.S. I work with ledgers and this whole week 111 has been popping up whether I’m running calculations, reviewing work, looking at the time, driving and seeing it on tags there it is 111 other numbers may proceed or follow but the 111 is always present. Also I haven’t been manifesting anything been very busy at work. I have also been seeing flickering on my right eyes peripheral view.
Hi, is this page still active. I didn’t want to post this long post on social media since this page is what came up when I was searching for insight. Thanks
Sacral or belly issues are all a bout relationships, and more so emotions and feelings and owning your truth with all of that. So ponder that and sede if that resonates to do further healing on. The 111 is typical messages from your angelics or spirit to let you know that you are not alone. Flickers can also be angels or faeries communicating assistance.
i don’t really know where to start but yes…i do have sinuses that comes and goes. ive had dreams that comes up occasionally on who is going to die soon (wierd but it happens). Best thing is… i can transfer out my energy onto my palm and feels the energy like pressured wind in the form of a ball. i use the energy to heal people. Pulling out their pain, aches…. sounds weird but its what im experiencing right now. People thought im crazy…until i heals their pain personally. Gifted? or craziness… i do hear sounds at night. sleeps early but wakes up at 2-3am. Feels exhausted in the morning.. i stays away from crowds. keeps to myself. unsocial is the right word… maybe… loves animals. and im not very popular among friends or colleagues. Thats the offthing.. im always keeping myself away from people. Sad but true. Permanent disabilities.
Totally understand, but in my opinion it is still important to be in NATURE even if alone.
Hi Suzanne thank you for your postings. I have recently been going through what seems to be a spiritual awakening. I at night have had a cobalt blue orb floating by me that seems to have a white core with electrical currents that go out from the middle. It floats about 6 feet in the air and a little more than an arms length away. It bobbed in the air for about 5 minutes. The next night the same energy was there but it almost looked like a swirling energy with blue in it but not the white core and center. I feel like I see things all the time now and don’t know if the experience is normal or if I should be concerned. Thanks for your time.
Hi Laila – I think we are in the times of new “normals” for many of us and as long as you feel like your experiences are safe for you I believe they are. Just learn to protect your self and your self and your space. I have a free meditation on the bottom of my homepage for a ground and bubble technique – maybe incorporate that into your practice daily to maintain discernment, power and grounding. You can always extend that bubble to spaces as well. It is at
my names khloe and im 10 years old, and alot of the time i look at the clock randomly and its 11:11,1:11,3:33, and more.Most people just say im good with time but i think differently. Another thing is i get random shivers that make me jump. My house has been haunted by a man for 60 years, while my grandma lived here. Now the final and most disturbing thing was recent, probably 2 weeks ago. So it was around 2:50 am at night, and i went to the bathroom and came back to my room. I layed down but had my legs uncovered. all of a sudden, i felt a clean,hard poke to my knee the scared the living heck outta me. but the worst part is, when i woke up the next day my knee was sore around the area where i got poked. Im clue less on what to do, could you help me??
Hi Khloe – I suggest you begin to do some protection techniques and this is not because things are scary – it is about boundaries and maintaining your power. If you want there is a ground and bubble technique free on my homepage at the bottom, a black button that says free meditation. Put that on your phone and do it daily – in the morning and especially at the night time. At the night one – extend that effort of the bubble to include your entire room placing boundaries for you and your space. it is at
I swear on my sanity that I connect with aliens in my sleep. I also relive past lives in my sleep. But mostly cosmic things that I can’t really see trying to talk to me. i had one last night… I could tell it was female… it was asking me where I was. I knew to answer with “Earth”. Then an electrical current ran through my spine into my head and I woke up at like 3:30. It was insane. I couldn’t fall back asleep for about 2 hours. Pretty much half the stuff on these lists is happening to me. Especially psychically and physically. I typed my dream into a Google Search and it brought me straight to this page. Again, It’s insane! I love it, though!
I too do a ton of off-planet work in my sleep,, in my meditation and in quiet time. Not all folks resonate to this realm so sometimes it seems lonely and you think you are a bit nutty – but there are other alien-folk out there so know you are not alone in this, and it does not have to be scary like the movies.
My first memory as child has been one of seeing, vision and predicting. I kept this within because I always felt the odd ball in the family. I get messages within my head which, I act on. I have untamed energy that causes radios to cut on, computers to crash, was so angry at work went into bathroom and each commode flushed as I walked in as well as paper towels emitting from dispenser. In my head I heard calm down. Which I did immediately. I have taken pictures and video footage of spiritual beings, orbs and so. My neurologist gave me 3 sleep studies, I wore CPAP year, Dr thought I had narcolepsy. Long story short, he called me a Receptor, after I showed him footage and talked about his deceased sister. Some say Pshyic, others empath,
I DO NOT KNOW WHAT I AM. My secret is out at work, as I accidentally, talked about someones deceased mother, and the things she did not like, describing her. Another time at work, a thought came through that a rat was in a desk my co workers surprise it was there. I have pictures with me walking parking lot alone but have 3 shadows. I sometimes want to faint because the predictions come through and my educated brain can not handle. I am coming to terms with that which others call a “Gift”. I am relieved to know others have experiences and that their is a forum to speak. Do not know why large orbs of light shine over me in some pictures and circle my home. I have had some vandalism. The sky over me reflects white light circular and in between space then another circular round light yellow with a smiling face in the circle. The Third round Orb of light red and the 4th shining on the ground being red/pink color. Then there are straight lines of light point at me as if from the sun. I have video footage and pictures. where this has appeared on my security cameras. I have been praying for understanding and have had several near death experiences…but still here. Deceased visit with me and I get strong urges to go into cemetary, most times, I find relatives from long if pulled to go towards certain areas. I am humbled by my experiences and have had all kind of medical test, brain scan to get understanding. I am learning to live with this gift that has helped numerous people to heal and move forward. I have found comfort…now in being different. I am praying that my level of understanding gets better. Reading as much as I can. ,
Thanks so much for sharing your story as that is what helps others not feel like the crazy one knowing there are others out there much the same. My story is much the same and I too deal with this stuff every day reminding me my “gift” does not make me cooler or better than anyone else but it does make be realize I get to own it, if I choose to.
Is getting yelled at or people causing trouble for you a sign of this. I noticed I get many of the symptoms in a cycle. Then while going through this or after I telease the anxiety or block a narcissist, people go off on me out of the blue.
Happened last night at work with a coworker and she later apologized and admitted she took out her frustration and anger out on me. But I stood my ground with her as well and firmly told her, we are not going to be unprofessional.
This morning at my second job this lady had me call a mgr and gave such an elaborate and false accusation I had to wonder if I was being attacked spiritually.
I ended up crying later cuz I couldn’t hold in all the demeaning behavior and people turning on me I have been dealing with.
This has happened before. Is this normal before a blessing or an ascension? &Like lower entities are mad you are ascending or standing in your power? Couldn’t find any info on this.
It is more about the different frequencies fighting between folks, meaning when someone is holding a higher vibration in love and then encounters another that is holding a lower vibration if fear – those two energies fight much like magnets pushing and pulling. In my opinion the best thing to do is determine what your own personal frequency is – if you choose love, choose it, believe in it and hold onto it. This might affect another that is basically uncomfortable with that different vibe but that is their choice. Surrender to the push pull of the energy with no ego attached and do not take it personally as best you can meaning do not trip up old programs of non self worth.
Hello. I am suffering from most of these symptom for years. Only the problem is now half of my face is changing and I am only getting worst. I’ve been to the hospital they can’t find anything wrong with me. Half of my face is swelling up and I am losing sense I have no mental issues. A year ago I met this African man he made sure he would do mind control on me. He was suppose to help me but his intuition was to help him self he took my money and even wanted to take my place he wanted a European citizen. I didn’t understand until he started to ask me strange questions and made sure me and my husband wouldn’t be together. The spell he did on me almost killed me what can i do? I need help asap
My personal opinion about “spells” is that the moment you believe there is a spell – there is – meaning that your mind power (that you believe you gave away to him) is exactly what you need to take back – if you choose. We are very powerful humans and our thoughts create our reality both good and bad. Keep up the medical reasons search but when there are no answers there turn to your higher self and ask for assistance that way. Law of Attraction practice helps a lot!
When does this stop? I know it started several years ago…at least over a decade…. it hss progressed…i have noticed significant changes. I am able to really see things clearer and sometimes now…it can mind blowing at times. I find myself not relating to others and I have no interest in things I use to. I thought I was going numb with emotion but I am not bitter nor cold I still have love just a more deeper love. I have no interest in tv…news…drinking….drugs or anything like that. I feel a huge weight has been taken from me…like chains only because recently I just lost interest in finding a partner. Which I spent most my life worried about. Now i am content. Anyways I am 44.
Pain has subsudied, mind has gotten clearer, I see signs now as if they smack me in the face, and my life I notice is falling exactly into place. I spent years and years in agony….started as a child…now I feel free…but not entirely. Just a stage up. So where to next?
Ascension is not something is is OVER, and these cycles are over 26,000 years at a time (began this last one in 2012 BTW), so we all are in this for the long haul and I don’t try to find endings as much as stay present. Also try to stay with gratitude working that Law of Attraction to bring in more of what I want verses don’t….
I have been going through Ascension/Awakening since 2013. I can identify with every single symptom you have listed. However, I am occasionally experiencing heavy energies which come into my body via the head and culminate in the stomach, often with a warm feeling. As the energies enter my head, my body aches quite badly: often I will briefly shed tears as the energy passes through the head. Shortly after, my stomach feels warm and quite heavy.
Can you tell me what this is please? Do I need to be alarmed?
Best wishes.
I performed a new moon ritual amd clearing in my home as well as a floor sweep and I can relate to many of these aspects. One in particular pin point pricks and feeling of lightening bolts only on the right side of my brain (which coincides with the Arts, Creativity & Intuition). I have foggy memory, off balance but also a serious sense of calmness which i have never had in any of my waking life. Pressuure around the head, tingling in my legs and hands, liking to be up until after 1 am, having a deep appreciation for my angels and other gods & ascended masters i work with. Number syncronicities as well specifically 111 or 1111, feeling of inner peace. Sleep and eating changes. Naps are necessary. I have practiced for some time but i havent experienced these things at the level they are right now. Guess im finally aligning the way i want to ;).
Can TOTALLY relate – thanks for sharing!
Hey my name is lisa and I’m getting a lot of severe headache eye pain in the back of my eyes my eyes also becomes blood red when I take baths and feeling to vomit I’m I spiritually awakening
I get a ton of head trouble too Lisa – especially when the solar flares are up!
I’ve been twitching and jerking while in bed at night. It’s totally involuntary. I see shapes or objects in my peripheral vision that I can’t see when I turn my head to look. I can see auras. Mine is turquoise. My husband’s is yellow. I’ve been waking up several times per night. Last night I woke up and felt like I couldn’t breathe for about 10 seconds. I feel like I’m going to jump out of my skin, like I’ve had too much coffee, which I haven’t. I have lucid dreams. I have precognitive dreams. My head is killing me.
Again in my world of an energy practitioner this is all quite normal as they say. THis is all part of the reconfiguration and regeneration of our energy fields. Stay grounded and bubbled. Stay focused in love and allow verses fight. Use nature.
4 years ago, a pulsing energy, braided, green / fir, phosphorescent.
In and out of the right temple, very fast!
I showered, the flow of energy was uninterrupted 15-18 min.
I began to pray consciously
I stepped out of the bathroom into the darkened hallway where the energy stopped. 22.20pm, December 26, 2015.
Another experience after one year and four months:
I was translating from German, I was focused on perfect peace, I was alone.
A large lake, of approx. 2 m, a golden lake, waving in the direction of the breeze.
I left my translation, went to the kitchen, sat on the couch.
There he appeared again, after a few moments. I prayed intensely, he disappeared. 10.30 in the morning.
For four years in a row, in my mind there have been continuous, continuous church choirs.
I go to church often.
I mention that I sang in the choir (more than 20 years).
* (I always worked hard. Stressful service: in parallel, family, husband, children. I was also preparing my doctorate in Philosophy).
What can it be? Thanks.
(Sorry, Google translation).
The more we open up and “awaken” the more we have access to other realms and dimensions. This often comes with amazing and somewhat crazy experiences. It seems however from your post that you are traversing this journey with love and awe and that is the point! I say enjoy it without needing to find logical answers.
Yes, have been experiencing large majority of all your information and more in intense ways since 2010 … just began happening spontaneously … no prior connection or “conscious” desire for any of this knowledge but was drawn to brief, “chance” encounters with a couple powerful spiritual beings. Living “solitarily” in trust as all continues.
Suzanne, are you finding that more and more people are experiencing these specific awakenings, and if so, what is your opinion on why? Appreciate your information.
For sure! That is what this Ascension process IS all about, we are being asked by our Higher Selves to REMEMBER WHAT WE KNOW from our soul space which in turn opens us individually and collectively to this new higher vibrational energy and information. This is about elevating our soul/God self (not religion here but energy) and about saving our planet and humanity overall, hence the “Awakening”.
Okay, so I’m not entirely sure where to begin. What has happened to me has been happening my whole life, there was no sudden change, but it has become stronger over the years. I am now 20 years old. I don’t sleep well, mostly sleeping a few hours every 2 to 3 days. When I was 15 years old I found out that I could do strange things. I would walk up to a florescent light thats turned off and when I touched them they would flash and then glow dimly. I have freakishly good reflexes being able to catch things I don’t even see coming towards me and getting high scores on games related to hand eye coordination. I somehow almost always know what people around me are thinking or going to say. I have had prophetic dreams, but not of anything important. Mostly mh dreams are about what happens the next day, or in my dream I see movies that haven’t been made yet. I have other dreams that are extremely lucid to where I can’t tell dream from reality. My mom found out about how I have such a large amount of energy; she used to be a massage therapist and told me about energy healing. She wanted me to try it on several occasions, but she couldn’t handle it, she said it was too much. Her discription was that she felt overflowing and it was like her head would explode. My dad was into ghost stuff so he got an emf detector, it was really interesting. We experimented with it and it showed that I was creating a large electromagnetic field. I also found out that in my sleep I accidentally magnetized my box spring bed. There have been times that objects have moved around me. I have also tried moving objects on purpose and had success to some degree. I would always shock metal objects or people when I touched them. I tried to burn paper and was able to by putting aluminum foil behind it and touching it with a nail creating an electric current between. I succeeded, but during this my mom who was in another room started yelling “Stop, STOP, it’s too much, just stop whatever you are doing” she didn’t even know what I was doing or if I was doing anything so it freaked me out and I haven’t tried it again since. Back to using my energy for healing. I have been able to take away swelling from allergic reactions. I have also improved my moms overall health. The issue is, most the time I don’t know what I am doing, and sometimes I can be overwhelming even just pointing my finger in someone’s direction and also when I have no control while sleeping. I need to find a way to lower my energy levels and still be healthy so I can sleep and not accidentally hurt people around me or just have better control entirely. Do you have any advice? My high energy makes it to where I don’t sleep much anyway, but I have tried to reduce my energy by not sleeping even more, but it resulted in blackouts and at one time sleeping 2 whole days. I really need some help to understand this, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
IN MY OPINION – you sound very “alien” in your field – that does not mean you are a little green man inside as much as you hold a very electric field of energy much like myself. I have done a ton of work over the past years to get my alien electric telepathic field to trust the earths magnetic grid and it helped me in my world, my sleep pattern and my healing efforts. I work with a lot of rocks like Obisdian and Jet, I wear magnetic bracelets and I do a lot of Gaia work to connect and ground and I also am tenacious about my auric field to stay separated from other’s fields. All this seems to help me and may help you too.
I hope she posts my story i wrote as it’s LONG but I was so happy to see IM NOT THE ONLY ONE with differences and your story made me feel LESS CRAZY. THANK YOU. We are ALIEN… yet we arent. IF that makes sense.
I just posted ^^^ there.
I Don’t know if this is important, but while growing up I was an extremely open person, but lately I have become secluded barely talking to people and generally not wanting to be around them. I also dislike most of the human race, and am more attached to animals. I feel like I understand them and they understand me more than people could.
I think this is also a common thing right now for any and good for you that you can find energy and comfort in the animal kingdom – they need us as much as we need them.
i was keen on all this enlightenment process untill i was attacked by something evil its not ok , its safer in the real world
Everyone has a right to their version of reality, and this includes navigating “this enlightenment process”. If you feel it is not safe for you, that’s your truth, it just may not be another’s. I personally believe “evil” has every right to be here – I also have the right not to play in that sandbox so to speak. I raise my vibration. Just a thought. And BTW – what IS the REAL WORLD anyhow.
you deleted my post ,shame i needed help. why?
did it not suit your agenda? im confused
I didn’t delete anything – I have just been working and have not uploaded until now. Not sure what you are feeling judged about, as I do my best to not have an agenda on here. As I stated on your other post, you have a right to your reality.
Hello, I needed to do research and this helped me somewhat. Since I’ve awakened I have noticed that my body shuts itself down during insense situations, wheras before I had no problem. For example, my dog accidently bit me and I went into a serious state of shock. Even blacking out for a little less than a minute. It is like I disappear and have no recollection of where I go and I am SO disoriented when I get back. Just wondering if you have any advice or explanation for these scenarios.
Not sure on specifically that Heather – however I have been doing much more in the way of the OBSERVER mode – meaning looking at or experiencing things out of body. Might be along those lines possibly? It is important to take a moment when coming back in and intent and breathe to get grounded back in fully.
You just explained my life from end of 2016 to present moment… getting worse slowly. I have been diagnosed with multiple mental illness, but also migraines, fibromyalgia, thyroid disease, sleep apnea, eczema, SInus allergy issues, stomach disorders, rotational vertigo with migraines causing absence seizures, nightmares come and go, out of body experiences, dwindling and struggles of confusion being lost then one two days couple times month with more upbeat go get out do clean fix talk whatever, started having vision issues this summer, tinnitus in 2016 with the “dazing” absence seizures migraines rotational vertigo “drunk spins” said to be consistent with “Tornado Epilepsy” Incidental meningioma found barely grew cm in year said to have had entire life or since about 10 maybe. Lately Random outbursts over SMALL things that never would cause me to care that much, over summer tapped into what hit me hard in 2014 but always had known was there just never knew what it was why. Intuitive Visions Information.. Like Being told now starting see bits pieces but like a puzzle sometimes. Some things I dont want to know… at all. But 2014 I was supposed to bury my only daughter and IDK how why it changed last minute after months of constant illness fevers unknown reasons negative testing hospitalization transfer to different city and 2 days there we go home shes fine to live but then realized..she will only suffer somewhat from this and keep her life as I recall unconsciously thinking Id give up mine so she could. As hers got better mine started to unwind. Thats when ALLL OF this started to affect attack consume me, my life thoughts mind sleep etc. Used to be almost 300lbs lost 120 of it over last 2 years gained 20 back last few months. Ive gone into knowing things months before im told and actual person finds out. IDK why tho what do I do with that? Just like Numerology life path guide was thrown at me bright colorful blinding one day while not even looking for anything related or researching etc. But its 98% right for most except more i got into other things like fact Ive known Im an empath, but Im an Aries and I dabble with that but not on Horoscope level much. More that Im a FAUNA Empath and explains so much with how I can be on much different level with and attract so many different animals near me it’s scary. But I learned I can charge crystals… I took a video of how interchanging of love i was losing being scorn abandoned left for another lied to… I took that created a deep red heart in a clear quartz through the moonstone that attached itself with it somehow. Where there was just opaque frosty quartz and clear plus white and black on the moonstone now had shimmers that moved protected that red heart rainbows and transferred between two stones plus moonstone would show a coldness of blue under it which means that was his heart away from mine to me. But with that I feel I was born on the wrong date. I should have been an April 4-6th baby not March 30th. Idk why just came to me that way. NO IM NOT CRAZY I PROMISE! I have friend witness this. I was able to banish the other female who took my place from my presence and home where I was until a week AFTER I was gone for good. She was terrified to come there. Wasnt exactly what I was going for but whatever, I got left alone and found peace and ability within to learn about me and move on. I feel Ive done something wrong (yes so much more to my year) I was getting better doing well and suddenly feel like starting all over again for me. What is this Spiritual Awakening Im still learning, but Im LOSING so much right now its exhausting unreal and as irritating and angry i randomly become more ever been sometimes im saddened worse than ever have been as well never have i once watched myself do harm to anyone or my own self until this year twice for both and im terrified. But Meds dont help me.. they keep me on a certain mid level from snapping hurting constantly crying Im just BLEH. Lately have nightmares anxiety feel like something draining me from inside out a few times when think Im awake but not sure and falling asleep so tired exhausted but agitated i cant then again some i just fall and feel it then scared wake up feel anxious feels like hearts gonna jump out run away cant breath. I DO NOT LIKE IT. I know how to deep breath, think positive, brain drain journal, stretch, yoga, meditate, but i FEEL energies around me good bad and in between. The bad, Im not afraid unless asleep because thats when Im most vulnerable unprotected alone. So I dont sleep much if at all sometimes. Ive told them not today keep out go away not welcome and cant have me or anyone here right now. They go. But like something hovers seeing through walls roofs idk am i losing it? There is so much I should could tell should probably NOTE IT ALL DOWN before forget. Memory loss.. I am telling you EVERYTHING UP THERE I go through have gone through or felt experienced happens etc. One thing that happens is my visions… it started as just information like a gut instinct for example when daughter was very sick I knew weeks months before all I could do was prepare for battle. Then a year later remember being told go right not left… thinking Ill be late new job omg.. went left. got pulled over trying to catch break into traffic hit downhill slope bit too fast and WOAH. oops. There are many more but recent one biggest so far longest most informative and oh so many people. Hard to explain but basics of it I sat watched like SCROOGE or something just never left that spot though, gates of heaven, watching people already there I loved, ones were coming sometime but its not decided yet and saw my daughters future after that her home husband adopted children explained this to ex husband and when my teenage daughter who has goals smart talented knows what she wants success in her blood raging to get out there show world she WILL do what she said she is going to and more, he looked at her when she asked what we were talking about and he said Mom just explained to a t exactly what you’ve told me many times before about your life career what you want colors home kids etc your future even decorating and I only know she wanted to hopefully own her own bakery and not sure about having or adopting kids but I SAW her kids I saw their future I saw her husband I knew his profession she had two and IM CRAZY ARENT I??? (breath) this trips me out i dont get it. But after that I saw my recent ex… my mom.. TROUBLES causing me issues in life not speaking negatives and as I understood something with my mother and what will need to be done, my ex and long time should have just stayed only friends oops, is circled by dark and light unsure if carrying angels need to help or pass by. Heaven where I was.. yes I believe in it, was nothing at all like movies stories church at all. You walk or are carried in and the Angels carrying are massive gold white so bright you cant see their faces just wings size spread of 10 people standing side by side beautiful amazing glorius to see. Maybe some of you dont believe in that at all but Whatever Wherever I was.. Its real. Maybe its just the afterlife eternal realm but separated of positive no anger and struggle of karmic payors like myself living to pay back debts of my own and ancestors so my descendents dont have to. Makes a lot of sense im 42… thinking back.. yep. I Get some of it, not all .COnfused but with friend/ex unsure doorway of karma or lit path… somehow I am shoved in middle supposed to help but he wont even give me my car or speak to me with this homewrecker who only wants taken or married men. Yeah exes and wives all have SAME STORY.. guess I wait.. he’ll find his way.. i cant force him nor make him just guide and hope he gets it. IDK. If he chooses wrong tho.. its early life to end sooner than later unfortunately and I DO NOT WANT THIS INFO why do I have to know when how people die? Why did they show me my grandmother a 4 like me, GLOWING PURE INNOCENT WHITE only her face carried so fragile further in than anyone I watched… but to be told.. she is a guardian and sits in the 3rd chair from throne. UM YEP LOSING MY MIND.. but how when i only told my ex husband and things start to happen be shown come about that just show truth of that vision and I dont realize it cause its puzzle pieces. WHAT AM I? WHO AM I? Why did my mother turn on me for no reason did nothing to her I know no one can answer that but.. she’s pure evil and used to go to bat for us. Trying turn my teen girl precious angel against me and all it did was turn her against my mom instead because I dont lie I Dont talk badly of my mother may say mean things when angered I instantly feel horrible and vow to not do that again and I try so hard not to. I TALK TO MUCH RANT VENT Who I am… Not any ONE person Ive ever met can handle me alone on any level for very long if a day. Surprised ex did at all. But he did and I was supposed to write this to you as a piece of the puzzle OMG… he was ONLY ONE 1.5 years of 2 friends for 22… he was ONLY ONE for a year and half every day… taught me stand up fight dont run love give see gave me strength fight reason and we were such great team. He was always giving never like he is past 6 months since SHE came around I call her the SIREN ugly greek bird sounds like screaming goat looks like pile of crap flakey full of mania anxiety 24/7 controlling insecure but to him… best thing hes ever heard lie to him. I have to wait.. I already know she wont last. Ive seen that future she’s not in it anywhere, after IDK how long.. i get stuck dont try to figure it out just dont know. But it’s not long, I did see vision though, with her first, she was evil wanted him out he was so shakey scared anxiety lost crying fetal position hurt she wanted him gone worthless to her. Wasnt in home I just left though, Its like EPHIPHANIES happen randomly I get horrible feelings and feel lost confused irritable agitated feel sick and get headaches badly out of nowhere not like migraines. Like brain gonna explode too much going on info realizations and puzzle pieces. (breath) Stop…. If dont ill think then make pain worse cause not ready for another piece to it yet but sometimes get 2-3 night sometimes weeks months apart. Yes my MRI was fine LOL. I need another moonstone and quartz… And i cant show you what just happened but i did nothing didnt move lifted hands and stopped touching keyboard completely, within 10 seconds or so select all blue appeared over entire message. I pressed ctrl c quick then the cut copy paste box appeared I pressed copy and back to normal. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO ME I cannot explain it. But SOMETHING KNEW SOMEONE that I have bad tendencies to accidentally LOSE ALL I WROTE lol. Looking out.. Thanks. Because I was too deep into puzzle pieces and thoughts to remember. Ill stop.. As ive written WAY beyond my limit. But when I will say, when I was 15 my NANA (more a mom to me than own) had cancer, I met one best friends around same time, still she’s my STRONGER THAN ME EMPATH BFF, a friend of mine took his life shortly after, i learned my grandmas arrival date reason to heaven, mine, my mother how many children id have and married or not. So far, I have NO REASON to NOT BELIEVE. But my time, has changed due to my altruistic giving for better reasons. IF you celebrate, Merry CHristmas Happy Holidays, If you dont, Please stay warm cheerful and be HAPPY this winter. ***Couch, Cocoa, Fireplace, White slipper socks, a robe, ottoman, no tree, female, brown hair, but happy peaceful content with her life*** IDK who you are but Proud of you for strength I dont yet have. Wish I could draw… Id post photos of visions. Goodnight. (Sudden big breath uplift brighter lights less headache no nausea TY).
WOWIE This IS a big post! There is a lot in there – but what stand out are two things, yes these crazy things come and go and then return oftentimes again, so I suggest just roll with it all. Also there is no right or wrong – not really much of a crazy either – I just take things as owning your own version of truth and sharing sometimes helps, so thank you and stay in the joy.
Thank you for this safe and supportive place to share and receive feedback regarding special experiences. Since my initial mystical experience and with it the healing of a severed disabling vertigo, I’ve encounter the lions share of the symptoms of ascension listed and have been seeing energy since this summer. (Literally presents itself to me in the air looking like millions of swirling paisleys that are brighter than any light I’ve encountered here on earth. They have lots of movement. I experience this outdoors but have also seen it inside on a few occasions. My meditations have involved an interesting degree of energy that manifests through my body and is released through involuntary movement. None of this is disturbing and all is within my control to stop at any time. Lately I have encountered energy/sparks connected to things like a water bottle, for instance waking up from sleep to take a sip of water and being amazed by the “light show.” I also have to be very careful not to “shock” our animals when I touch them. This does not seem to happen with touching people. I’d like to know how best to channel this energy. Thanks.
Yep, I too see most of those things and also find myself shocking things daily including shutting down my stereo just by touch! Kinda funny. My suggestions to folks when they are encountering these type things is just enjoy the journey and stay curious and magical as there is really no handbook on the Ascension process. Everyone does it their own way and that is part of the fun and part of the magic! Do your best to stay clean and clear of fear based energies, and work on behalf of service to self and service to others in any manner that you see fit.
Best post ever, I can understand it all, that has happened and continues!! Thank you for sharing and for the comments it has given me many answers 🙏🙏🙏
Hi there all, I just had to share this somewhere and ask what you all think. This happened yesterday. I have been feeling exhausted – more so than usual with a hectic schedule and i decided to go for a treadmill walk. I was feeling down, bland and somewhat hopeless (the opposite of my normal personality) and thought the exercise would do me good. I also have an aching hamstring muscle – out of nowhere. While walking i watched parts of a stunning sunset and sent up a communication to spirits, guides, God – whoever is there – to assist us in finding a solution to our immigration mission (our country is in a mess). Subsequently i walked past our balcony door (open) and noticed the brightest star! Thought, wow Venus, you are outdoing yourself. Carried on, popped back to take one more look at it and just thought WOW – even blinked a few times. Went downstairs to eat dinner with family and am playing and laughing with the kids when suddenly…from my screen-locked phone, blurts “Im here…………I’m here” in a woman’s voice, American accent. No i dont have Siri and in any event any comms are in the British accent.
My whole family was like “What was that!!??” When it repeated the 2nd time we were all freaked! I grabbed my phone, unlocked it and just closed everything and threw my phone back on the couch.
Then we headed back up stairs…bathed and did bed routine. I went to check the old Venus beauty again and guess what…NOTHING was there – I even climbed higher and looked all over – but GONE. Told my hubby what happened and we had a little freaked-out chuckle as this was all just too weird!!
Woke up this morning and first thing hubby showed me was the changed VISA list… the very issue I asked for help with…. Do you think my spirit guide showed herself to me via the light and voice!!?? Or am I losing the plot!??
That’s an awesome story to have shared! Way to rock that spirit guide assistance – and I for one LOVE that crazy shit our guides can pull of via technology! Way to go and Congrats!
Reading this feels simultaneously overwhelming and validating. I know people are complex whether it be medical, upbringing, or what’s actively going on in their life. I’ve always thought I was just a complex person who had to learn how to manage all the different aspects. But this nails every single thing on the head from heart palpitations to 11:11.
I’m not sure where to go from here, I’ve been getting along in life just fine, but now I am so curious. 😕
Again, I try to encourage everyone that comes to my site here to keep learning – keep reading – keep searching and never feel there is a fail – this stuff is constantly changing. Not pushing services here but maybe check out my Vibe Tribe on-line community for additional info and support at
THIS HAS MY ENTIRE SOUL CRYING RIGHT NOW! Out of PURE thankfulness as well as GRATITUDE for the timing of me PROCESSING this. Right before getting online and allowing my brain to guide my search AFTER I saw 11:11 ALL the sites have HELD SOMETHING HOWEVER I SAID THIS SITE WOULD BE MY LAST . THIS GAVE ME MY FINAL PEACE TODAY. My life WAS NOT THAT OF MY OWN my entire life UNTIL maybe 5 Months ago when I VOWED TO TRULY KNOW ,ME good as well as bad. I HAE NEVER SPOKE ABOUT MY JOURNEY WITH ANYONE OTHER THAN MY FATHER & OLDER SISTER HOWEVER I DON’T EVER FULLY EXPLAIN CERTAIN THINGS. You see out of nowhere I started to get EXTREME BACK PAIN my legs barely able to hold me swollen red out of nowhere . AGAIN I NEVER TELL EVERYTHING however GIVEN THAT I HAVE SEEN THIS THE ONE THING I MUST SCREAM TO ANYONE READING THIS WOULD BE to FREE YOURSELF ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE YOU ALLOW YOURSELF TO TRULY LOVE YOU TAKE YOUR POWER BACK if your around a sea of people who don’t get you or make you feel as though your alone or weird or just fucking stupid THEY ARE WRONG THEY ARE THE ONES WHO SUFFER & THERE AS SOOOOOO MANY MORE PEOPLE LIKE US . I CAN PROMISE YOU KNOWING WHAT I KNOW , THE MOMENT YOU ENCOUNTER THESE PEOPLE YOU WILL NOT ONLY KNOW , YOU WILL FEEL IT DEEPER THAN EVER BEFORE. That love starts within SELF . The biggest blessing from my journey thus far has been learning how incredible it feels to finally LOVE MYSELF UNCONDITIONALLY. In case the bad grammar as well as swearing doesn’t make it clear I OWN WHO I AM , FULLY & I AM GR888TNESS IN MY OWN FORM. This message is to send love & light to those who have been forced or hid in the warmth of the dark.
***SLAMS world *** puny little world *HULK VOICE*
*Side bar: THIS TYPED EXACTLY AS IT CAME TO MIND . GRAMMAR COPS & TROLLS . I don’t need your energy ! *
Thanks for sharing and remember Ascension symptoms are always in flux – they change all the time. Stay in the moment in gratitude and love – it helps!
I am glad to have found this page, as I especially the past week, feel like I’m going crazy. I know I have deep spiritual connections, denying them (out of fear of unknown entities) lead to my life falling apart. This past week has been unreal. I think I was awake like 7 days straight, yet I still had intense dream like visions. I developed a rash that spread over almost my entire body and had different symptoms like I had multiple conditions at once. I Slept for a day or two and woke up not sure what was real or dream. There was physical evidence that what I thought was a dream was in fact real. But these dreams. Very sexual in nature, although on a higher level with no actual touching besides oneself, cant have possibly happened. It’s like I lost some time in realities waking life in exchange for what felt like ages in a dream world. And I became aware I was dreaming. I transcended through a mirror into an different multiverse? Like trading places with myself? I’ve been hating myself alot lately for mistakes I’ve made but I was madly in love with the person in my mirror. Note that all these events happened in my apartment. I won’t go into graphic detail but in these dreams I became one with a small circle of people (some friends, former lover and her new lover, fantasies) and we without physical contact between us reached euphoric orgasmic bliss. It was with some purpose tho, we had to figure out how, and I mostly lead the way. We trashed my apartment in the process and when i awoke in my bed i was shocked to see things the way they were in my dreams. I was so confused. Still felt like I was dreaming. It feels like I was out of my body and now have returned. The skin rash is mostly gone. As is my facial and pubic hairs, and I dont recall shaving. I found my shaving gel in my kitchen. Water was essential in this dream, like the source of life was needed for pleasure, and there were towels all around and water jugs just like in my dreams. Also note I consider myself an agnostic atheist yet there were references to religious symbols, in particular Baphamet(although the name was different so I may have wrong being) or the hermaphroditic fallen angel? Like the representative of pure physical pleasure. My senses were heightened all week but I felt an unknown feeling while awake, I refused to drive anywhere and didn’t want to be around people, the only reason I didnt seek hospitalization as my skin got worse and even included a very foul odor unlike anything Ive ever encountered. I was disgusted by myself. In my dreams however, the opposite. I have had hallucinogenic experiences in my life but always that I caused intentionally. I have a 6th sense, I have seen and can sense ghosts. I have become aware that a, for lack of better term, “demon” attached itself to me and fed upon my misery, suffering, and self-loathing. I’ve battled her to great extent and can sense her presence and it seems she is finally moving on from me. Somehow with her holding me down physically on my bed for weeks and essentially giving up, accepting death, I didnt die, even though I should have from starvation/dehydration. I felt myself falling into, or through my bed and I thought this is it, I’m leaving this world. Suddenly I saw little orbs of light surround my wrists and ankles and felt something pull me back up. I awoke flat on my back legs apart, arms stretched apart like the making of a snow angel, the most spread open position, and I assure you I never sleep in that position! This was just before the skin rash, insomnia, vivid dreams/visions (of which I’ve only scraped the surface and they were not all sexual). I always felt a calling to some higher purpose, as a child I had psychic visions and abilities that faded as no one taught me. I was told it wasn’t real. Well it was. As a teenager after making fun of some friends for believing in ghosts, one appeared clear as day. I’ve asked the one friend about events after that, including him being possessed, and me talking to whomever he was, no real danger occurred, but all he says is we were playing with black magic and we shouldn’t have been. Perhaps he was but I read nothing, no rituals, just improvising and exploring my new found senses. There’s many stories I can tell from that time period. Current events feel a little full circle now that I’m reading into things, your page has been very helpful. I feel there is a greater purpose for my existence, always have, and that’s part of why I was attacked and fed upon, note that all started during a period of time when I denied any of my abilities or senses. Somethings not letting go. I have a job to do. I should have died more then once, including a bad car wreck in 2004. But here I am. Music was my life, but I have lost all direction, all motivation, I put my spiritual energy into my music and it made me feel alive and powerful but I just cant seem feel it. If I cant feel it there’s no faking it. How do I put the pieces together? How do I find my true purpose and become the entity I am meant to be. I seem within this humanities realm to be weak and failing at life. But through all I have explained and described here, which is the tip of the iceberg, is it not obvious that I actually hold some power? I refuse organized religion as I feel humans are incapable of so clearly answering the biggest questions with simple texts, and to be so positive without any true spiritual exploration or actual evidence that you have said answers and to push them on to children and wage wars against those with even slightly differing views may just be among the highest crimes possible against the universe. I personally identify as nor good nor evil, and I accept and love everyone from Christians to Satanists, Buddhists to Hindus, Muslims to Jews. In fact when I slip up and judge another human soul it always comes back to bite me. I have learned through hard lessons that is NOT my place. But what is? How do I ascend the rest of the way while still surviving in society? I still ask myself, am I insane? I know I’m not but like many others have said, the process of awakening feels like you’ve lost it! Thanks for taking the time to read this, any advice is greatly appreciated and will not be forgotten in this world or the next. Peace be with you.
That is a lot going on for you – but I for one do not think you or any of us experiencing this Ascension stuff are insane – but certainly it feel like it sometimes! Sadly there is not a lot of main stream conversation about it all so places like this are a great place to share. Ascending while surviving is all about balance – we do have to maintain some semblance of connection in 3-D but those that have removed fear are actually moving through 3-D IN 5-D. This is all about frequencies and fear DE-programming. If you are IN MY OPINION still experiencing a lot of dream state thing like you noted — I would encourage you to entertain ways to further release fear around relationships, especially intimate ones. It sounds like this is the way the programmers still “attack” you – now don;t make that word a big deal – we all get attacks daily from frequencies and programs. It is a very real and on-going thing but does not have to be scary. I am not here to tell another how to do or what to do – I am here to share. No judgment. But from many of my clients experiences added to my own – the more work you do on you the better. Command better boundaries for your auric field. Your room. Your home. Your spaces and places. Command and practice discernment consistently. Command protection without fear. You are protecting your fields – not being sacred. Find support. Not pushing my services – but my online community Vibe Tribe is developed just for that reason – to fine like-minded people and to consistently learn.
I feel intense depression. I feel irritated with needy people and those who are insecure. I also feel intense disgust to my past life. I just don’t want to go back to where I was. I don’t know how to relate to things now and I feel like there is no point in living life. I feel alone and I feel all people are bad somehow. I also had bouts two days ago of intense unconditional love to the divine and to myself. It’s getting difficult and I feel weak in my body. I have no clue what to do other than praying and journaling, which sometimes help but other times those feelings are so intense that I lose control over them.
In my opinion – the folks that are still holding onto fear frequencies are going to be stuck in this vibration – no judgment here – it is just the concept of letting go of what no longer serves you is what 2020 is all about. So, then most ask – how do I do that???? Well that is the great part about doing spiritual journeying – it is all so personal – you can do just about anything to release from dance, to song, to drum to burn….it is all about intention to LET GO of what holds fear. This will open more frequencies of JOY. Then when you find even a shard of JOY – celebrate and gratify so that JOY becomes you new normal. Again, not telling anyone what to do or not do – it is all about personal choice. But I do know we humans will do this work either here or in between lives – so I suggest entertaining ways to do it while still here.
Thank you for sharing these symptoms! I have been meditating for about 3.5 years now and just in the last year I’ve experienced a lot of feeling one with the universe, and the interconnectedness. There have been many synchronicities and repeating numbers coming up when I’m driving or when I check the time. I’ve also experienced odd twitching, pins and needle pain, and flashes of light in my vision. I also feel slightly off balance like I’m not always walking in a straight line. At first these things very much scared me but now I’ve accepted them as they are and I know they’re all impermanent. It gives me comfort to know I’m not the only one experiencing this.
Thanks for sharing Gloria! That’s some awesome connection!
Wow! It is one of the best article I have read in a long time ! everything you posted here I have been thru. The only think I didn’t see on the list was severe convulsions when you are in energy circles. Mine were so violent that people would get scared and I would be asked to leave from the group that I was attending. It calm down after two years of craziness, sometimes it would happen in home and i would find myself in the floor. I’m getting very depressed and crying all the time for no reason lately. Also something else started to happening, that’s how i found this article. I was looking for answers… My head keeps moving left to right like pendulum, sometimes move in circles involuntarily or moves backwards, like it is very heavy to stand. It’s happens a lot lately and i can feel my blood passing thru my veins so fast that i can see my skin moving. when I laid in bed my body vibrates like a generator. I use to have crazy visions all the time and see spirits and energy forms, i could even see the guides of other people. Now i don’t have that many experiences just once in while. I’m experiencing lack of energy, I spend most of my time in bed if i don’t have to work but when the evening comes, I get extremely alert. I’m able to sleep after 2 am, some days no sleep at all. I have one dream all night long when i sleep, even if I wake up go to bathroom and fall sleep again the dreams continue where it stopped. These dreams all have the same pattern, I interact with people that i never saw in my life and it is always happens at a vacation house or gathering in a garden. when is time to leave I never make on time for my flight and I wake up. I remember when the chef Antony Bourdain passed a month later I had a dream with him. He was showing me this place with this amazing look people everyone very well dressed and it was a very beautiful garden. I was extremely impressed by the beauty of everything( the funny thing is … I never liked him in life, i always felt him boring! ). So thanks for your article! Im going to share it with other people, many of us are struggling and getting medicated because we’re thinking something is wrong with us . Thank you again !
Thanks for sharing and BTW I too do serious convulsions during my energy work too as I hold and do a lot of circuitry and it looks scary to others but its all good inside of me.
Well my journey was interesting
After the awakening ….life has changed.
Electric energy , and be able to move things without touching
And when I meditate walls crack ls things move … this normal.
Well I’m interested in practsing further to understand this ….weird
Everyone does this differently – I just try to stay in a state of AWE that makes things more interesting!
Hey Everyone, I too am having a spiritual awakening. Well a prophet ministered to me and said that God is awakening the things He has placed within me and He will cause me to be filled. The same night I had a dream of me being on a cloud and feeling at peace my soul and holding a baby. I saw people walking around and smiling. One night I was sitting reading my bible and I kept hearing loud knocking noises on my door and it kept getting my attention but no one can hear it. The other night I had a dream where I was awake and i was laying down and every time I get up I keep being pulled down. I fought myself out of the dream and was scarred to go back sleep but I know that God has not given us a spirit of Fear. My ears keep nobbing and my sleep patterns has changed. I also had a dream that I was awake and my window was open and I lost most of my friends. Well the prophet did say that God is removing people from my life and I will be in prophetic great so I will prophecy.
Thanks for sharing!
It’s comforting to see that many other people are experiencing the same. I first noticed feathers, then repeating numbers, butterflies and now I get so some doves and one same pigeon coming to my bedroom window everyday.
I have also noticed that whenever I have a question or worry about something, I get a solution or answer in a matter of hours up to a few days.
I have experienced the electric shock and effects on electrical systems too.
I can relate to many of these but I also see some bugs sometimes. It’s like I see them for few seconds and then they disappear. I wanna know what is it ? Can you explain?
Thanks so much for the article as it’s always nice to hear and see that like others I’m not going crazy. I’ve had several of the symptoms during my life as I’ve gone through different levels of ascension; however, the last several months have been driving me crazy as I will randomly see flashes of light like lightening and feel as though a jolt of electricity went through my brain. Afterwards I almost feel as if I’m floating in a tunnel. I’ve never had experiences like this before so I’m quite sure what is going on. Thanks
I too have had many of the same – it is all part of this process, but not a lot of info on main stream news or channels so lots of folks think they are nuts or dying – I think we are just ascending and changing for the better but sometimes it doesn’t feel or act like it.
It’s all happened to me,but I also see some paranormal activities,dead people’s, strange people in mirror
yes our lines of dimensional planes are very thin now and I personally think that is a great thing – just work in love and offer whatever feels right for you. It just might be love.
I can identify few things I have experiencing for a long time, but 4 months or so back these feelings are heightened.
Burping and excessively when I am in church or where the sing or speak the word of God. Become very emotional and ever cry for nor reason. My body shakes and have feeling that I may fall very hard.
Feel pains and aching of my arms (joints) that comes and go especially during the night. And when those pains come, I start burping to an extent that I cant sleep I have to wake up and sit up.
I feel spiritual void, feel empty and lonely and this becomes at night.
I have moved out of my house and leased it, rented apartment which feels not like home so much that I am planning to terminate a contract a go back home. Feels like I have left part of me at my house.
I am longing for a place I have never been, and not even sure how does it look like. I am puzzled… by dreams.
Every time I read a scripture in the Bible, when I get to church or memorial I find the same message is going to be said by other people.
Seems like you are doing a lot inside your body mind and spirit, I too have a lot of physical things happen when I an “upgrading”. Maybe your belief systems are also changing when it come to your “God-Package” – my advice is stay open to all possibilities and stay present and grounded in your meat-body.
Blessings to you all 💖 this is the first time I’ve found this page again since my awakening a year ago. I thought at the time I was going crazy and I read every single comment! My awakening led to me leaving a narcissistic marriage of 20 years, and I spent 6 months in hell afterwards, but I am so grateful for finding this page when I needed it 🙏
I had loads of the above symptoms but one that isn’t mentioned and I don’t know if it’s just me: I was stuck in the ‘present’, the now… at the time my mind could not even begin to comprehend how I could go to work the next day, I was literally consumed by the ‘NOW’!
I recently had a spiritual shift and the symptoms weren’t as bad as I knew what was happening but there was that much energy my body was vibrating and my hands were shaking for 4 days. It got way worse just before a download too.
Anyway thank you for your page and your research, I’m sure this has been a great help to many people 💖
Thanks for sharing!
I have many of these symptoms. To me, these things are getting stronger and more noticeable every day. I noticed a few years ago that I would see a transparent static in the air and it is only growing more visible now. I recently woke up to many truths of the world and leading up to my revelation I just felt like something BIG was coming. I still do. I began seeing orbs this past December and was looking at childhood pics of me and found these orbs in 75+ pics. I see orb shapes often, in my peripheral vision or in quick flashes. I also began to see crystal shapes like a diamond shape. More recently I have began to see all different sorts of quick flashes of shapes and lines as well. My diet had dramatically changed bc I have been eating extremely less and not feeling hungry as much. I’ve also had weird dreams and have remembered dreams from when I was a child that I can read into better now. I’ve been not only uninterested but get really uncomfortable when talking about “normal” things or watching entertainment media and things like that. I have a strong feeling that I should choose wisely what I focus on. I see repeating numbers so often I have become just so used to it. 444 and 333 and 222 and 111/1111 are the most common for me. I recently felt such a strong desire to return “home” to my familial consciousness that I packed my car up and drive from CA to NC to go back to my family home. Noticing more and more quick spasms of pain in places. My brain and thought process also feels more clear and faster than ever before. I’ve noticed I have to be very aware of my energy because I can easily begin to shake and have a RACING mind that will not quiet and even begin to be rude to others if I don’t remain grounded. The more visibility of the air static is very noticeable for me and now that I’m seeing more phenomena, I do get afraid sometimes to close my eyes for long enough to sleep without having to distract myself by watching a tv show or something. Once you become so aware of the extreme evil in the world it is hard to put that out of your mind so well enough to feel entirely safe and good. I’ve noticed I’m so much more in touch with my emotions than I’ve ever been, I find myself tearing up or crying at things that would have barely touched me at all before. Sometimes I cry over things that aren’t even that moving though and feel I’m going a bit crazy lol. My hair is also growing faster than ever, it’s almost to my hips now. I’ve also been sleeping much less and staying up much later. I stayed in a hotel the other night while traveling across the country and I saw so so so much air static and shapes and orbs that I had to look mostly down or at my laptop to try to ignore it. My mind was racing into such dark areas and I was very scared to sleep. Once I finally got to sleep I woke up every single hour and was even woken up in the middle of the night by the alarm clock turning on to straight static. Leaving that place I felt so drained and out of body. As I’m writing this the lights just flickered and they did earlier as well. If I’m in a room with many tech devices I sometimes get a headache or hear/feel a weird frequency and will have to reposition the tech or unplug some and also reposition myself in order to stop the resonance.
In a way, these metaphysical experiences scare me a little bit but I have been eased into it in a way especially by becoming used to the orbs I see. I would love to tap into more and widen my abilities and I truly feel like I can do so.. however, I do feel a sense of fear at these things because I’ve seen evil before. How can I find more safety protection and light and harness that into spiritual confidence enough to where I can feel safe to turn off all the lights (I recently have been sleeping with a light on, but I never did this before) and meditate or expand my abilities to see energy and that kind of stuff? I would appreciate any advice on how to handle the journey into the metaphysical realm. Thank you for this post it was very interesting and helpful.
Yep Holly yours is coming on super fast and that can feel like you’re going crazy and also feels lonely as there are not many that understand, but I do and many on here do as well. My best advice is you choose it is to learn as many ways you can to connect to this planet – as you seem very starseed (as am i) and that means you THINK you feel safer “out/up there” but in reality you signed on for here – Earth. learning how to ground and stay in your meat-body takes work but can happen and then things begin to even out. Work with plants, animals, trees, water,…….learn to ground and bubble (maybe use my free meditation on my homepage) DAILY if not more than once a day until you learn to hold your auric field in strength. This will also help in your discernment skills. Learn, study, stay present. Find like-minded people to surround your self with for support. Check our my Vibe Tribe on my website too – a group like that might help too!
Hi there! I’m 14 years old and have had a weird jolt of energy that pushes me I guess you could say. Sometimes when I’m in this hallway in my house or standing in the dark by my door frame to my room. Also I see the time 9:11 when something bad is going to happen it is normally leading up to a sad or shocking event (this time is the date my grandfather I never met passed away). Do you know what this could possibly be?
Thank you!!I
(Also this started happening around the time my papa passed last year this month and has been going ever since.)
Hi Samantha – Sometimes our homes can sit on what is known as ley lines that have strong energetic pulls and pushes to them – and they can also have vortex energies that do funny things to our bodies. Oftentimes folks confuse that energy with paranormal activity. That said, if a lot started after your papa’s passing, some of this energy might be a supportive spiritual energy from him and if it feel OK should be nothing to fear. The 911 thing is how your Higher Self aligns to being told information coming in and can give you insight – but does not mean that you have to DO anything with that and/or stop/change anything. See if you can ask for 911 insight to “good things” to come as well – might be a fun thing to play with….
I am particularly interested in your clear description of each of the areas. I would like to say I have been on this journey for three years now. Some days I just want it all to end and some days I feel it will never end. In each of the categories I have experienced at least two in each. The most profound is the vertigo and feeling like the top of my head is aching to be snatched off my body. I am trying to take note of all of it but I am not even sure if I will ever escape this awakening. On one hand I grateful it is me going through it and on the other hand I am asking when will it stop. Has anyone experienced this ascension for this long or am I doing something wrong?
Yes many have experienced it for a long time now and BTW will continue to do so as there is not really and END to this process. It is all about finding a balance and staying on top of the levels of integrating and upgrading. Staying grounded and bubbled is also a plus.
Hi Suzanne,
I so appreciate your Ascension Series 2 article. The last few months have been amazing but exhausting in the same breath. I find myself waking up to extreme energy coming into my body (sometimes I wake up and my muscles are flexing uncontrollably). This week I was happy the back of the neck pain coupled with headaches that were crushing have dissipated and the ringing in my ears is becoming a norm. This has been replaced with tremendous emotional swings, being hot and sweaty (I am usually cold) waking up between 2 – 4AM every night – this week one night to an extreme pain going though my back and blasting out my heart chakra, another night seeing my bones looking like hollow bird bones being filled with a very light crystallized sand, and the other nights just waking up to pulsating energy coming out of my hands and feet. I find recalibrating myself helps but any insights suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thanks for the post – yes you sound about the same as many of my clients and a lot of what I too am experiencing. It is as if the symptoms all came rushing back after they had somewhat settled for many and all kinds of new stuff too along the way. I personally am experiencing a lot of head calibration that is not fun. Many are having all kinds of calibration issues, and a lot in the face and head. I am finding that lots of hot baths and meditation are helping. I also do a ton of massage – using a hand-held device that looks like a power tool! But it is really assisting. Stay positive if able and make sure to get outside is always good ideas too.
About 10 years ago, I received Reiki I attunement. About seven years ago, I received Reiki II. At that time, there was quite a bit of personal disturbance, and I was told/reassured that this sometimes happens with Reiki II. After a few months, things did settle and I was grateful for the Reiki attunement and what turned out to be the positive positioning it affected for me. Throughout the last 10 years, I have been practicing self Reiki as well as distance Reiki for others, and from time to time I get Reiki treatments from a Reiki Master (although I don’t have access to one at this time). When I was first getting Reiki for myself, there was a lot of energetic adjustment, which usually involved uncontrollable shaking and chills. After a period of time, I no longer experienced it. From time to time, I would experience a jolt of electricity. Starting about two months ago, the jolts have become significant. This is usually strongest in the heart chakra, but it can happen at the other chakras as well. In recent days, I cannot do Reiki self-healing without these continued jolts. I would like to understand what is causing it. Smaller jolts sometimes happen when I meditate, as well.
In my opinion it is a lot of different factors of energy coming into our awareness and these take a toll on us in many different ways; and can include multi-dimensional frequencies, solar flares, Schumann Resonance changes, 5G frequencies and more. This all can wreak havoc on our meat bodies and immune systems. I find the Symptoms come and go depending on what is happening out there. Sometimes I am better sometimes worse. We humans are re calibrating at a rapid rate and that brings on all kinds of symptoms, depending on how you organically hold your energy. I do my best to stay grounded and bubbled.
For me, and my mother, it’s the drunkenness, pressure cooker feeling, and an increase in pulse/heart rate….especially this past year. Also, annoying constipation. And lots of sensitivities to things.
WHEN is this ascension gonna FINISH? And what will the benefit be, and will be it tangible…something we can notice?
Been dealing with Ascension symptoms since 2010
Hi Suzanne ,
I don’t believe on coincidences, never have. I was searching for something totally different when this blog popped up.
Omw!!!! I have always been a very active person. I was a sales person most of my life, but for the past maybe 8 to 10 years I’ve just wanted to die. I want to GO HOME!!!!
Every single thing you mentioned above is what I’m suffering from.
I suffer from extreme tinnitus, sometimes it sound like someone calling me on a long distance phone.
I have tried to commit suicide, I tell my husband on a regular basis that im not gonna live long because of all these things happening to me!!
If its not a pain on the neck its a pain in the stomach, ive even had a MRI because of having vertigo for about 18 months.
Ive been told i have a Serotonin level that depletes itself so will have to stay on antidepressants forb the rest of my life. Psychiatrist, Occupational therapist, Psychologist, past life regression. Nothing.
My belly has grown large
Ok thats enough.
But thanks for sharing!!
Atleast i now know I am not alone. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I was looking up symptoms thinking wonder what the doctors going to fix this time.
I had a brutal experience that’s left me scrambled but I discovered about ascension years ago because every night I would go for a walk I would hear the moqns and screams of people. I would hear wood being splintered and the ground being torn up. The third week of every month I would see 3 moons overlapping like a triangle and about 3 4 am I would see people from every century made of mist or smoke or cloud. The detail… they are souls going home. They would float one at a time until they got under the 3 moons then they would ascend and dissipate.
Now they visiting me. Something used to mess with me. Come up behind me and make its presence known to the point I turn around. I saw it one night. I couldn’t sleep. Kept hearing something outside my window. Grabbed truck keys and no security lights came on so Ithat heightened my awareness. I walked the yard then up the driver side of truck and as I was in front my high vissy vest I have my passenger seat wearing disappeared I stopped looked and he was sitting there looking at me. I was suddenly compelled to go for a ride. I got in and said where we going as I was driving out. This happened around 1am. The next thing I know I wake up in driver seat. Its 5am thinkn. The truck was pulled in. I always back in and from that night I dont feel stressed or anxiety from something haunting me. Instead theres few of them with me now. They dont mind that I’m documenting it so mabe if I can figure out how to put more than 10s of video in a email I will share with you here because I wont share with just anybody. hunters of opportunity trying to open the way to exploit but there is so much in the universe and people are not very smart. Not saying I know of a way but my guests come and go.
You may think I’m nuts. I dont care what anybody thinks of me.
Ever since I got badly beaten 6 years ago? I have experienced…. things and the longer I go well I give thanks to the universe for trusting me. I’m hoping I go soon.
Tarot cards told me get rid of the woman. She’s a distraction. Cards got mad at me and said they give up on me. I was one of them and the universe left me to life on lifes terms. I got rid of her today.tarot. 10 of swords. Let it die. Lol. I’m ready to die and move on. I dont know nothing. They dont communicate with me and I dont understand why me. I’ve been beaten almost into my adolescence. I dont know why I sharing this. Somebody out there has gone or going through this as well. I mean should jump off a bridge or exhaust myself slash up. Am I supposed to join them spiritually?
When I stop and put logic to this it’s not real but when I dont look at it the way I was taught. It’s my reality and it feels right. I stopped talking about it when the psych at the hospital said they wont let me out if I dont stop talking about it. This is the first time I shared in 5 years?
Please somebody tell me what I’m supposed to do. I’m ready to go. I’ve outlived my purpose.
Obviously I nor does anyone have the right to tell you what to do. Personally I do not feel like anyone has outlived their purpose until their Higher Self takes them back to Source. So possibly this time you have left is about enjoying the beauty of what is here – seeing the joy, finding gratitude for simply BEing. Just a thought.
Can you tell it’s been held in too long?
Theyll put me back in the psych ward
If they find out.
I am so thankful to have read your article. I have been aware that my body will go thru some changes as i awaken and i have visited the doctor regarding migraines, shoulder pain and rapid sudden heart palpitations which make me feel like i’m going to faint…every time, doctor tells me all vitals appear perfect and i am healthy, no concerns. The heart palpitations have been the most noticeable for me, out of no where, anywhere, anyplace… I have learned to ride it out, to know that at the end of an episode i am always well and being supported by my higher self. This has definitely been on point, trust settles in and i feel aligned, healthy and calm. Thank you again for all of the details and affirming that i am not alone. Much love to ya!
lately i been feeling sad and out of no where i start to get anxious and my heart start to go fast i feel like there is butterflies in my stomach and other times i feel alone when i’m with people so i go to my room to cry cuz i feel like no one really understands me and feel like i will be alone forever and then sometimes i could just be really happy like super energetic and sometimes i feel tired but can’t go to sleep until 4 or 5am i been seeing all the numbers you listed like 11:11, 111, 1212, 333 and 444 and when i enter the bathroom the lights start to flicker sometimes lately i been noticing i see like tv static and the light it hurt my eyes and it gets dark and i start to see dots and the tv static and also i forget what i was thinking about and also forget what i’m doing sometimes and also i get that feeling of going home but i am home i also beening wanting to walk my dog everyday and admire the trees and the sunset and also feel bad cuz my dog is always inside and i feel kind of connected to animals and nature i told my sister that we are kind of like leaves on a tree we appear then we grow we change like when leaves change colors and then we die like when a leaf falls and she said i to shut up and that i’m weird like not in a mean way that’s just how our sister relationship but yea i just mostly keep to myself yea but do you think this a spiritual awakening
THANK YOU for sharing and yes I believe you and all of us are experiencing spiritual awakenings in many ways.
I have been able to save my now husbands life by telling him to stay put where he was bc i was able to see two cars coming that he couldnt. He was 25 miles away from me at that time. I have been able to “visit” him at his place of work and elborate on what he was wearing, that there was aonther guy by him and what that guy was wearing and what machine he was working on. I have energy surges that map my entire body with red lines and splotches. When i was younger i blew up a tv and computer just by touching them during an energy surge. I have preminitions days b4 whatever happens. I am super sensitive to light. I have migrains that only goes away with sleep, they span my entire head, down my neck and into my shoulders. I have healed those that i have a good connection with by just laying my hands on them and concentrating on the ill spot or system. It takes a day or so to really feel a difference but as soon as its gone from them i have the same pain or discomfort as they were having. An example my best friend threw out his back lifting a refrigerator, i put my hands on him and concentrated, the next day his pain was gone he was able to touch his toes when the prior day he couldnt move at all. I always thought that the soul travel was bc im native american and my grandmother was a dream walker. Theres a lot to me that i dont share bc it really is supernatural. I constantly yearn for home as earth never has felt like home to me even in the begining of my life as far back as i can remember which is around 2yrs old. I remember numerous past lives such as when i was a high preistest in Atlantis who taught Thoth the truth to life and most of what is in the emerald tablets. I have been told that i produce a bright light around my head when i am very happy or very emotionaly charged and that the hair that is directly in the light becomes quite lifted as though static is being poured out from my head.
THANK YOU for sharing your stories and your gifts.
Anyone having like an increase in pulse/heart rate often?
THAT symptom, along with the pressure cooker feeling, is one me and my other been having, especially this year. As well as feeling drunk.
Higher Heart activation has a lot of these symptoms but make sure from a medical standpoint all is OK too
This is a bit mind blowing to me because I’ve never done any research into my spiritual abilities- just kind of rolled with them. I’ve always had these abilities- I can still remember my first lucid dream. I think I was 2 or 3? But it’s vivid still. And throughout my life there have been many experiences. Mostly seeing/feeling/knowing energies, premanitions, dreamsssss, auras, etc. And just coincidences that definitely are just coincidental. But I spent a great deal of time (especially in my teenage years through my early 20s) trying to push it down and be “normal.” Despite my greatest efforts that part of me never totally subsided and a few years ago I began a serious spiritual awakening. At the time all I could say was that it felt as though my universe flipped. Like…. completely. At one point I literally lost EVERYTHING. There is so much to it all I can’t even expel the amount of energy that’s needed to go into detail. A few months ago I felt this energy come over me, somewhat comforting, that an older woman will be coming into my life soon to help coach me through all of this. It’s so overwhelming at times that I’m having trouble keeping the balance of being a functioning adult and embracing my abilities. And, also, I get frightened in certain situations which I feel is holding me back from my full potential. She keeps sending me comforting vibes and reassurance that she’ll be coming soon. I hope so!!!!! Long story short, haha, finding this article has also brought me a sense of comfort AND (most importantly) some validation. This can be a very lonely and isolating journey. So…. just feels good to know I’m not a total weirdo. Even though I am. Whatever. Lol! Thanks!
Good vibes and sunshine, always.
Thanks for sharing and yes know you are not alone!
Hello, it’s my first time ever writing on a blog. But I’m getting really tired of not having control over my systems or abilities. Every since I was 12 I been fainting. I never knew why. Went to the doctor cause I ended up fainting out doors and breaking my jaw in 3 spots. The doctors can’t tell me anything that is wrong. But before I faint I feel short of breath, overwhelmed, pressure in my head and chest, very tired, feel like anxiety attack, body aches and I just be wanting it to stop. I feel like so much energy gets build up I don’t know how to release it. I need help cause now I’m 26 and still have these systems I just know when I’m about to faint cause I sit down when I feel the systems.
Sattyn I still get the sense you need to also find a medical reason for fainting along with all this Ascension stuff – please keep searching.
I have definitely been experiencing many of these! Currently, for the past two days I’ve been seeing snow in my vision almost as if I have a large TV screen in front of me no matter where I turn, and I see images form almost like shadows of things or people (silhouettes) I’m hoping this will eventually go away. It’s almost impossible to ignore. This has been a rollercoaster of emotions, and sometimes it is really difficult to deal with.
Thanks for sharing Caroline – many get this same feeling and sensation, know you are not alone
I just want to say I am so thankful that I found your site! I feel like I am going crazy! I started to see 11:11 after my grandma passed away, this was in September. I would see this particular time every time I would look at the clock or my phone. I kind of just thought that it means that my grand mom was watching over me. Last summer I moved into an apartment with my now ex girlfriend. I could not lose weight at all, I tried everything you can think of! I was taking new medication I stopped taking it. This had my doctor very confused and stunned, I was on a medication for weight loss but instead I just kept gaining. It seemed like I just gained even more, It wasn’t until my ex broke up with me that I noticed that my weight was going down again. I moved back home in Feb. a little bit before the pandemic started. I was so heartbroken and shocked with the breakup and I was/am grieving/ the loss of my grand mom. The shock of how these events took place really put me in a very bad state of mind. The events both happened so unexpectedly. I started to experience most of the signs and symptoms a few months ago and it seems to keep getting more powerful everyday. I always had neck and back pain but it started to get really bad. Sometimes I wear a patch on my back or I will take Advil to help with the pain. The neck pain has been out of control, I get chronic migraines but I am started to wake up with them everyday. Medicine would help me so much but now it is like the migraines will not go away until they decide to. Today, I had a migraine right where the 3rd eye is located. That migraine would not response to anything! It finally went away a few hours ago. I have ringing in ears at times and my ear pops when I swallow. I am near sighted and my vision changed on me, I made an eye appointment a few months ago and nothing has changed. I was so surprised because I can not see like how I saw before. I would of bet anything that my vision has changed. My eyes are always so dry or itchy these days too! I have been finding a lot of feathers over the last few months, just the other day I found a bluejay feather and today I found a gray feather in my driveway. Last Sunday there was a baby white feather in my path. Last Monday I saw a black butterfly just flying in front of me. It was black with a little white I believe. I have never saw a black butterfly or one like that before! Yesterday, I saw a yellow butterfly, it was flying right in front of me while I was in my car. I have a strong desire to save insects, I will not kill them, I put them back outside if I find them in my home. I started to see 10:10 a few weeks ago! I also have been seeing the year of my grand moms birth (47) I also see 12-23 which is her birthday. I have been seeing 37 a lot too. I see 47 mostly with anytime (12:47,5:47 any number that ends in 47 or 23 I tend to see a lot of. There is this squirrel at work who always stares at me. When I am in my car he will come out to be seen, he just stares at me and poses it seems! I see blue jays a lot even when I am just sitting in my car at work. I do not like watching TV anymore, I am off of all social media. I feel that my personality has changed seeing from another point of view.I went from being petty and angry to now being able to view things from another perspective. I have social anxiety and everyday life is a challenge with having SA but at times I am not that anxious or actually calm. Below is everything that I am experiencing
Lots of pressure on both the front of the chest as well as the mid back and upper breast plate area as there is an additional chakra vortex activating
Periods of sudden nervousness or anxiety that comes and goes spontaneously for no reason
Feeling drained of energy
Unexplainable worry or panic
Nervous breakdown sensations or feeling that you are spiraling out of control
Heightened sensitivity to sound
Hearing unusual sounds or auditory sensations ( at times)
Ears popping and ringing
Hearing pings, beeps ( at times)
Feeling off balance, sense of vertigo
Stuffy head, pressure, sinus and allergy problems and respiratory changes ( I thought I had asthma or was a very bad panic attack but was not either)
Changes in body temperatures
Increased sensitivity to heat or cold
Circulation issues
Chills or hot flashes, night sweats and waves of heat throughout body
Increased psychic awareness and sensitivity and other extra-sensory abilities
Heightened intuition. My gut is right most of the time and at other times I call things happening before it happens.
I ended friendships with friends who were toxic/negative.I feel that I outgrew them and I do not want to listen to any negative talk. My romantic relationship ended and I walked away for good. I lost interest in social events or even seeing certain people.
Emotional Sadness or Disconnect
Feeling lost and or as if you are someone else
personal identity, old beliefs changing, feeling disassociated or fragmented
Tears or crying for no apparent reason ( at times)
Feeling lonely or isolated, even when in the company of others, as if others can’t hear or see you or you’re not relating
Desire to flee groups and crowds
Disimpassioned, no desire to do anything
Loss of motivation for hobbies and interests
Experiencing more clumsiness or losing balance bumping into things, lack of coordination
Feeling dizzy of lightheaded or jittery and nervous for no reason
Moments of memory loss of “what was I just doing, or why did I come in here”, forgetting simple things or conversations, brain fog, jumbled words or scattered thinking
Relationship Changes
Sudden or abrupt changes in relationships, job, career, living environment
Changes in how you experience environment
Sudden feelings of being connected to nature and animals like never before
A deep understanding and appreciation of nature and animals and more natural or serene environments
An overwhelming desire to be in nature or live around more natural and serene environments
Nature begins to energize you and bring you peace of mind and expand your heart
Change or withdrawal from family and friend relationships
Changes in diet and eating habits and digestion
Fluctuating between feeling hungry all the time to lack of appetite
Foods and liquids begin to taste differently
Cravings may come and go
Healthier and more natural options may be more appealing than in the past( I do not have a desire to consume meat)
Digestion, IBS, bloating, and gastrointestinal issues
Sudden weight gain or loss especially in belly area
Sleep and Dreams-
Unusual sleep patterns or changes in pattern
Finding more increased energy at night with frequent awakening between 2-4 a.m. ( sometimes)
Periods of insomnia that last for days.
Intense or unusual or wild dreams or visions that can range from pleasant to bizarre to prophetic
Increased feelings of Divine and Unconditional LOVE
Moments of gratitude and deep appreciation for life (sometimes)
Increased peace, clarity, understanding and compassion
Profound revelations and insights
Feeling more connected with nature, other people, animals, the universe, Spirit/Source, God, the All, etc.
Encounters with angelic and cosmic beings and the awareness of the presence of non-physical entities or energies ( not sure)
Sudden increase in synchronicity and meaningful coincidences that occur frequently when you least expect them
Noticing 11:11 and other repeating number sequences such as 111, 1212, 333, 444, 144, or other numbers that are significant or meaningful popping up in your day-to-day life in unusual ways whenever you ‘happen to look’
Uncanny alignment of events or chance encounters
Thank you for taking the time to read this and also thank you so much for writing about the signs and symptoms! I am honestly so blessed that I found your page!
That is an amazing list and I can feel for you as it all happened at the same time for me some years ago and I thought I was going crazy. Now I have learned to ground and bubble and maintain a better balance and harmony. Keep doing the work, keep finding gratitude and keep staying out of fear and yes this WILL change relationships so stay away from those you now find toxic (if you choose) because that will help you stay at the level you are meant to be at….and mostly – know you are not alone!
I had a quick & sudden turn of events that caused a shift in my ‘humaness’ and I started looking more into my spiritual side…
The more I looked into this the more I’m leaning towards what’s happening to me is a spiritual awakening.
Many things have happened since.
– I used to always see 9:09 on the clock but since the shift, I see 11:11 or 1:01
222, 444….
– I asked for clarification and I asked if I could feel them..
So now I feel a light pressure around my right temple.
– I wanted more so I asked for something to see…
so I now see ‘floaters’ which I never saw before the shift
– I tried to talk to them and I had a conversation with a woman named Gabrielle.. I’ve thought about it more since then and am considering whether that was Archangel Gabriel…
– I hear lyrics more profoundly- like lyrics that pop have a message
-my eyes are getting itchy
– I get dizzy heaps
And whilst this is all happening.. I’m struggling to ‘believe’ fully… like there’s a logical explanation for everything!
I’m not sure why I do that still…
I’m such a newbie to all of this!
Like I’ve only been looking at all of this for just over a month although I’ve lived with the belief it all exists since forever..
My dad could see as a child but his was more dark and out of his control so it wasn’t pleasant .. ultimately scaring me off wanting to experience anything similar.
But now I know it’s not like that and as I grow strength to overcome my fears, the more that’s coming..
I’m learning how to meditate as well.. open charkras .. higher vibration… all of this is like a whole new world and I’m just catching up!
This is super exciting for you – just learn to keep grounded and anchored and bubbled – that will really help!! Plus learn to study and get good info – not pushing my stuff but maybe go back on my site at and look into the Vibe Tribe for a great place to get good info and connect with like minded folks.
hey.. I have had all the experiences mentioned in the article. i connect to different smells.. i have had amazing experiences with various lights…. sparkles around me… chills and heat spreads … headaches… happiness being all with myself and at the same time disconnected from souls which no longer had any lessons to give me anymore…
I had a dream where I seen my late brother and he told me to look in his eyes. His pupils where dilated and when I looked in them I could see my late mother. Now that was weird 😳 I have recently been healing myself with moldavite since then alot has been happening. Thanks for the read. Very interesting.
Moldavite can kick your butt so be careful to also stay grounded. COOL stories though in connection with your family!
Hi Suzanne, I stumbled across this as I was wondering why I have a reoccurring dream of a presence, I’m scared but determined to accept it, and let it known I’m accepting of it.
I frequently have chills and sometimes it lasts for 10 seconds or more.
I also have fatigue at odd times , I always think it’s allergies, it all started when my parents passed away nearly 10 years ago.
That list you have blew my mind. I don’t often believe in ghosts or apparitions but this was seriously weird.
I’ve taken notice to these number sequences also, but the biggest one was lights blowing out and batteries going dead, that one sent me through the roof as this is common occurrence for me.
Hi Ronald I guess I would command your room to be more locked down for your dream state and tell yourself that you are now done with that presence. You seem to be having a lot of Ascension Symptoms and many I also have. Just do your best to stay grounded.
Wow this is amazing insights. I woke up one morning with a swollen face. I read about emotional inflammation. Then I came across your page. I have had itchy eyes for at least a year now and I am seeing prism colours in my peripheral vision. I recently have a feeling of something heavy between my shoulder blades. It feels like a hump but there is not one there. Does this make any sense to You? I believe I have a good appreciation of life and don’t quite understand why I am manifesting these experiences in my life. Can you help?
That hump is usually an energetic backpack indicating you carrying others (people) and other’s stuff – maybe look at who and what you are carrying that is not yours to carry. Then release them.
I am sorry to hear that but I have not heard that burping relates to healing but maybe it does. Energetically speaking however, the esophageal track can be tight if the solar plexus (your power and ego) and the throat (your truth and being heard) are blocked chakras so I would certainly entertain clearing those to see if that helps.
I have always slightly sensed energy, but it has increased. My husband passed away in december of last year. Since then i have had odd rushing sensations. I can only describe it as when you are sitting in a car wash and the moment it starts up there is that little passing moment of vertigo. Sometimes I feel as if my hair is being played with. I look around and my vision sometimes looks like there is patterns or heat waves, occasionally a odd dark movement. It started to scare me, but lately I have been more curious. Sometimes i feel odd physical symptoms out of nowhere. I don’t know if I should just allow it or if I should tell it to go. I have been usually talking out loud saying that i only allow a positive energy in my field. I have tried to talk to people about this, but i usually get an uncomfortable moment and then they change the subject. I just don’t know what im dealing with. Is it my husband’s spirit, or me just sensing energy fields? I feel so out of sorts with my husband gone, that this is really confusing.
First I am sorry for your loss. Second I feel like you getting so many validations from spirit is amazing and really a gift from those that love you that are gone, as they are never really gone – just different. That is why it is important to allow them to still be present it you are comfortable with it – draw any boundary you may need to help in feeling safe. You are in charge. I think because of your situation you are opening up to many different realms and I believe this is great news because these human bodies are supposed to connect to more. Not pushing my stuff but if you have not already read my book An Energy Healer’s Book of Dying you might choose to – it was released this year.
I wonder if you can tell what this is? Just when i fall a sleep, a few minutes later i open my eyes and i see round/cone like portals in the air. Sometimes its colored green or black. Then i fully wake from this strange phenomoma. What do these portals mean? It’s started to happen more frequently now.
When I go out into dream state I too see this type thing. Remember we go into the astral plane when we sleep and dream and often the colors we see are also our fields and auras.
I’m in shock from reading this, nearly all of this is what I been going through for A WHILE and I lost my girlfriend of 5 years because of how bad I let myself get from going through this. I’ve been seeing a lot of 1’s lately and while butterflies so I decided to look up what it meant. It all correlates even with my astrological predictions. My question is where do I go from here? At first I thought I was going insane and but this article helped me realize it’s a spiritual awakening. Can you help me figure out what my next step is?
I think you are taking steps by learning, reading sharing and staying present. Possibly some folks that are more like-minded might help. Maybe check out my Vibe Tribe info on my site at to assist you in getting information and guidance. IF that does not resonate, find something that does, it you choose!
I just completed a laying down Meditation session. Towards the end I was having visions of the back of a head, buddha like sitting position. I snapped awake because something blew a breath into my mouth. My cheeks puffed a bit and it literally pulled me out of trance. What is a breath blown into your mouth mean? Thank you for your time.
Personally I cannot say that has really happened to me but it may be symbolic of the breath of life itself. If it all feels done in love – I take it as a good sign. If received in fear, maybe consider doing better grounding and protection if you choose.
hi there, i have been feeling alot of fatigues, severe headaches no medical seems to work on me, i would have palpitations or sharp pains still doctors can’t detect any sort of sickness. i get blurry visions and itchy ears and hear loud sounds i would try so hard to listen too what exactly its saying but nothing can’t comprehend anything at all and it frustrates me.
people close to me would have dreams i am able to interpret them, i would have visions and see them happen after sometime. i get back, neck and shoulder pains thought its stress but it has been going on for a very long time. i can’t resist this feeling anymore how should embark on this spiritual journey.
As you can see from the many posts on this site Mary that all this is very typical for so many right now. My advice is to stay grounded and balanced and study so that you stay out of fear because none of this energy stuff is going to be going away any time soon – it is US that can change and choose to stay in harmony or not.
Hi, I’ve already dealt with what all I could find were crown chakra symptoms and they have since calmed down, I’m more worried about my stomach which has just now began to start feeling weird.
I’ve had this sharp pain near my belly button the other night but it has since gone for now but I can sometimes feel it,and my stomach has just been feeling really weird lately…
Is this an ascension symptom?
I’m afraid to eat too much and I just need some guidance.
Thank you.
Stomachs are going to be very affected as this is the feeling center and how we also relate to others center. During such crazy times this chakra is definitely taking a hit. Self care is essential in my opinion.
I have read many posting today ( Nov 25,2020) and a lot of things have been happening to me for the over a year and a half ago. I lot of it I feel touchings on my body , sometime pin pricks like needless. Sometimes it feels like I am being probed, like a full body exam. I have a lot of vibration particularly in the lower abdominal area. I am wondering if it could be succubus or incubus. Female and Male Sexual demons. The Bible says to test them. Ask them is they in believe Jesus the Christ and that he came physically into this world, word of God incarnated-born a babe of a Virgin. I try this and they ( the spirits) agree that he has and they are not evil. Then again that is NOT to say that all spirits a not evil because many are. Many spirits want to possess your body, others do not. Pray to God in Jesus’ name for protection from the evil(one) and his fallen angels, demons such as the aforementioned succubus and incubus. Ask God to surround you with his protection. (God in front of me, God in back of me, God on the sides of me, God around me). Seems to work for me and yet it still happens, I am thinking the they are Good spirits to help. Pray this at morning when you wake up and at evenings when you go to bed. Hope this helps you. I seems to have helped me…………………..This as I say started over a year and a half ago when I had a TRAMUTIC experience. Research ‘the wilderness experience’ and ‘the fractured soul’ , this information may help as many others have these experiences. There is a site on the internet called ‘’… Good luck and have a blessed life.
Your brother in Lord Jesus the Christ
I can’t believe what I’ve just read. For almost a year now, feeling so insanely alone at age 50, after being the life of every party in my younger years.
Every day for countless months I have been in my home, in the dark -(because turning a light on or leaving a light off makes no difference in regards to my surroundings & the way that I see the world as of late) only with using a reading light to research subject after subject, countless write ups & suggested professional scenarios as well as watching the 1st “6 minutes” of endless documentaries only to immediately be let down after realizing that maybe I’m on my own here, at least for the rest of my time in this world. I mean, just to simply find, “2, maybe 3” similarities that I could relate to & find some peace knowing I am not alone. But, as I read everything just now…
Every sentence, every itemized symptom, literally everything above, explains “me” so perfectly that I could die, “Rite this second” with a smile on my face knowing that I finally found what I thought I would never find in words, explaining my everyday existence!
Which is a list of everything I’ve felt but never been able to sit still and write down as perfectly as that was described above.
Thank You so so much
Thank so sharing!! You are not alone!!
I can’t believe what I’ve just read. For almost a year now, feeling so insanely alone at age 50, after being the life of every party in my younger years.
Every day for countless months I have been in my home, in the dark -(because turning a light on or leaving a light off makes no difference in regards to my surroundings & the way that I see the world as of late) only with using a reading light to research subject after subject, countless write ups & suggested professional scenarios as well as watching the 1st “6 minutes” of endless documentaries only to immediately be let down after realizing that maybe I’m on my own here, at least for the rest of my time in this world. I mean, just to simply find, “2, maybe 3” similarities that I could relate to & find some peace knowing I am not alone. But, as I read everything just now…
Every sentence, every itemized symptom, literally everything above, explains “me” so perfectly that I could die, “Rite this second” with a smile on my face knowing that I finally found what I thought I would never find in words, explaining my everyday existence!
Which is a list of everything I’ve felt but never been able to sit still and write down as perfectly as that was described above.
Thank You so so much
Christopher G
Yes know you are not alone! You are supported and more!
I have had many of these happen to me since I was a little girl. I am repeatedly seeing 1010,111,1111,1212,444. The part that states about wanting to go home has been for me weird. My mother was born and raised in Ohio, my dad in Puerto Rico, I’ve always had this pull towards Puerto Rico, ever since I was a little girl. I was born and raised in Ohio as well. I have these visions of myself on the island feeling peaceful. I can smell the coffee that most of them drink, (it’s an espresso type of coffee).
During early 2020 I became unable to work. I started seeing more of the occurrence from above, I think it’s because I had the time to realize it more. I feel as if my time in ohio has come to an end and it’s time to move into another or new start of my life. Mind you I turned 44 last year. I appreciate all the sites that help all of understand our questions we have. Thanks you!!!
Thanks for posting Dolores and for sharing your journey! Like minded folks help!!
Sir I can completely relate this… can’t believe when I was reading about synchronicity the time was 1 : 11 ….lots of questions , don’t know what’s happening ….am I going to shift reality ??? I always feel one …even though I’m alone but still I’m feeling connected with each and every being …from that tiny ant to human …In this isolation period in beginning I was feeling stucked in 3d but sudden expand of conciousness has changed my vision …….I FEEL LIKE I’M IN A JOURNEY ….
I believe we are all in our own version of our journey – thank for sharing
Great article Suzanne,
I would agree with what you composed. I would want to share my experience, I’m a serviceman going to peoples houses everyday I’ve notice people freeze for couple seconds after I walk in, they let out the relief breath’s, they don’t leave my side, some tells me all there problems, today this elderly man had tears coming down his eyes for no apparent reason.
Thanks for the post and for sharing!
These are all symptoms ive experienced since childhood and have caused me to be diagnosed with GAD and BPD. No doctor has ever found a cause for the physical symptoms. I am now 45 and still experience most of the above. The new thing is that lately i see things, hear things and feel things around me every now and then.
Yes lots of these symptoms are things that the medical field does not understand or are able to diagnose – I do my best to work with them versus against them but everyone get’s to choose.
Hello m’m, i just want to ask M’m I see Different Colors of Angel’s but mostly I saw is White, Brown, Blue and Gold and when i’m praying I see The Face of Father God Jesus and Eagle and Then Couple’s of Days when i open my FB there is a Picture of Father God Jesus that my heart is trying to tell me that Father God Jesus want’s to hugged me because ever since I’m Battling with this Brown Angel or Shadow that always in my Back manipulating my Mind and my Heart. i just want to ask that what does that mean? Thank you may the Father God Jesus Protect Us and Guide Us. Have a Blessful Days.
Maybe it is a message to allow yourself to let go of anything that no longer serves you and move forward in freedom.
Hello Suzanne ! Thankyou very much for sharing this ❤ … I though I was alone.
I have most of these symptoms. I used to think very deeply and metaphysically before . But I couldn’t do it now … I feel like I’ve become very dumb. Can you please say something about that and give some tips for me. Thankyou 🧡
I suggest just begin to study again – read anything to get the energy of leaning back; and/or join a group of like minded folks (you can always check out my Vibe Tribe on my site at it is all about staying connected to the current energy info and knowing that you are not alone or crazy. Just my take.
Right now as im writing this my eyes are achey …with a faint headache around them…werid feeling, just started two days ago…I see 1212, 1111, 1010 reguarly….and the numbers 55, 555 have been following me for years…I see hearts everywhere…right now the crying for no reason, feeling deeply sad, needing a lot of sleep and rest I can relate too.
I have a lot of those symptoms including aches and pains and strange rashes on my skin that started just after lockdown last year. I also get intense itching when there is no rash and goes after a few days. Also I developed Narcalepsy which means I fall asleep during the day (even typing this I fell asleep for a few seconds) Once it gets to around 9pm at night I suddenly wake up and have more energy but still manage to sleep when I go to bed. I have had a lot of hullucinations during my sleeps and sometimes when awake. I have heard voices while asleep which tell me things about life and what is going on now. I told my husband I thought it was God but I am not sure. Its not like a dream. I feel I am going mad sometimes.
Thanks for sharing. I feel I am going through some of these symptoms right now. the need to disconnect…daytime fatigue. like all my old garbage has been purged up…It all feels terrifying. a bit of panic lately….i thought my kidneys were malfunctioning. some weired anxieties about my health have surfaced…Im realizing my whole life has been about suppressing and holding onto all this stagnant energy so that I felt safer around other people….so people would not discover who i was… trying to rest now when i know im in need of it and its ok to disconnect at times…..Theres a feeling like so much old stuff wants to just erupt and has been scary but i must go through with the process….issues with my mother are coming up to to surface….i heard a strange sound the other night….i think the doctors will just put me on MEDS if i go to the doctors
Today, while driving, I had an overwhelming feeling come over me out of the blue. It happened twice in a row. It was a rush that went from head to toe, followed by super warmth. The feeling was super euphoric, in which it felt amazing. It’s so hard to explain exactly how it felt because I don’t know if I’ve ever felt it before.
It was a cool experience; but it also had me worry for a second. But I wouldn’t allow my mind to go off into the direction of negativity. I truly had a feeling that it had to do with something spiritual. It happened again a little bit later, and then it stopped
Obviously, I bit the bullet and searched what it could’ve been, just to see if something would come up. This was the first thing that appeared when searching.
I have many of the symptoms on this forum that I’ve been experiencing since becoming awakened & super spiritual.
Anyway, had this ever happened to anyone else? I refuse to believe it was something “medical” because I didn’t feel bad or horrible. It was a rush of I guess you can call it peace and just love or joy? Idk. It was literally a rush of it that just came over me out of the blue for no apparent reason.
Lots of times Susan upgrades and downloads can feel like that – not saying that it is or is not “medical” either – but there is a lot of ways the info will come into the body. Additionally you may also have driven THROUGH something that was in the holographic signature as well.
HI, I would like to read all the reactions in the next few days, for now my eyes are woozy I just had my spiritual awakening ten days ago, and I’m so glad you did post this. The process before was hard chaos, thoughts I’m going mad, breaking up my husband after 20 years.. Seeing Jezus.. I had so many visions (I did in January a video on my YouTube about my visions and prediction of a global awakening, but it was my own I predicted. The awakening self was also extreme hard electric shock blue light and the noise made me believe my own kid could die from it. Before awakening I allready had many years of electric shocks (that started in 2016 after kundalini awakening. But this shock was extreme. I now do many grounding but won’t work as good as before, tiered like a baby. I wrote my proces down and I had also the number 444 (Iam 44 years) and so I asked to spirit what it means ( iam psychic ) so they showed me answer – a vision off the lock of briefcase,,it’s the code to unlock the new energy. Just today I did my first video about the awakening, I would like to invite you all to see and give your comments- not for me but for all everyone who is in this born again proces .. I saw that the proces self is needed to understand also (it’s like a puberty become an adult). I am glad I find your post, thank you much love from the Amsterdam the Netherlands, Liv .my YouTube channel: Spiritual Gypsy
I realized completely on 2013. Before that i gone through almost all symptoms. Recently i realized that i was having symptons almost trom birth i think. Like always low energy, can’t hold things properly and low voice. From childhood i was like as if a lost being from other galaxy? Lol.. but people believe me when this realization phase is complete then slowly you will become more stable and fo not mind or imagine other beings, sleep at sides mostly then nothing to worry because it doesn’t matter how much you fear of somethinv still no one can take you out of your body. Only you are the owner of your body. And keep your mind at ease let it go of thoights donot hold it and if you are awakened at heart chakra then no one can stay there for long. So calm down.
And in my life i went through an open surgery due to cycst obviously i was unaware of happenings before realization no external support or guru nothing. I was having too much bleeding in 2010, 11 so on.. and got operated. Yeah it was abrupt. Infact i realized out of my misery. Lets jump to main point which is unforgetable in my life.
After all such abrupt things, the night before awakening i became aware of what happening (from 1 week, aftet total rebooting), i went to roof to watch stars as if i got a connection from far other world? But it was just that my boundries are disolving and becoming universal? … i was 23 years old. And what i saw is orian belt stars got shifted and other stars like spoon, 3 stars, + sign etc… appeared over my head. I felt as giza pyramid related to it. And as if the MAYA is gone. I was unable to sleep that night out of excitement and some nervous same time. As if many people speaking, some light like early mornings, templ bells sounds then i woke up and saw its still 1 am, i tried to sleep but sounds became too fast and forms but i was as of aware of it and didnot got scared but annoying. Can’t tell anyone since my parents were at other rooms and have no idea. Next morning my mind got blown away from inside and felt like whole galaxy revolving around me and iam the centre of this universe. I was at peak obviously as if energy chakras (triangles) met at centre. Suddenly birds became wild and 1 bord hitting the mesh door to come it maybe lol.. i freaked out and controlled my emotions since my mother entering my room. Inside myself felt like some orchestra is going on but outside it was silent normally. And many amazing things happened and some disaster too due to anger so on… so i controlled and realizwd how powerful at anahata region dangerous so i controlled and practiced to focus on breathing. I just realized that this is an illusion not real. I felt esctacy. 🙂 ..
There had been a time in my life we I had felt very spiritual and used divination techniques such as the tarot, astrology, crystals, etc. I was a wonderful time in my life. I worked with astral projection and had many experiences which I was able to remember, past life reembraces, dreams where the deceased had visited me and wanted to send messages to loved ones.
I’m not sure why or when it happened, but life became a drudgery and I began to focus more on my life versus my spirituality. This wen on for years. Then one day, I said to myself, I can’t stand it here. I’m ready to go home and I don’t want to reincarnate. I’m sick of this life. I was miserable. If anyone had asked if I was happy, I would say I’m about six rings below content.
Then one day. I burst into tears and said to myself, no one is going to make my life better, I’m going to have to do that for myself. Almost immediately my entire outlooked changed for the better. I began to work on positive affirmations. Asking my spirit guides, angels and the Divine consciousness to help me and work through me.
Several days later, there was this metallic salty taste in my mouth that nothing could get rid of. My doctor was concerned but my blood work came back normal. And I still have that taste in my mouth. I began to sleep better and have strange dreams and would wake up exhausted. In one dream, I dreamt I was in a classroom. In another my spine was being adjusted. In another I had a warrior sitting in front of me and I was painting blood on his shoulders, back and arms.
My attitude is great, but I am really tired all the time. I feel good about things now. I noticed yesterday as I was talking with someone that I could see an outline around them, No colors, just an outline. And people have been drawn to me lately to discuss personal situations and I have been able to tell when something is off with people too.
I am experiencing much of what you’re speaking about and I can’t decide if I’m experiencing ringing in my ears, sinus/nose issues, headaches, aches and pains and such because I’m ill (which otherwise I feel fine) or I’m getting back to where I need to be spiritually. My throat has been feeling odd lately too outside of the metallic taste which I am attributing to my throat chakra.
Any advice would be very helpful. I live in a conservative area with no one to discuss these things with.
My advice is already what you are doing which is getting back to remembering what you already know! You and all of us have what we need INSIDE of us and it is our responsibility to reconnect with our truths and heal ourselves. That said it is also important to share. Not pushing services here but you may consider looking further into my actual site at under Vibe Tribe which is an online community that supports like minded views and shares information. Keep up the great work!!
I’ve had blurry far-sightedness from what was previously 20/20 vision. I’ve seen bizarre flashes of light during the middle of the day. Very tired some days. Light bulbs keep shorting around me. Five or six of them now. Before they short, they flash randomly. If they were normal bulbs, I wouldn’t think twice about it, but these are LED bulbs that should last for ten years or more! Also funny frequencies in my ears and ticking. Some days, I’m sure I’m going mad 🙂
You are not mad and you are not alone in this!
As a young child I went through some intense experiences. These included abuse, neglect, torture and disconnection from myself and others. At my Mothers insistence, we would regularly attend a Pentecostal Christian Church, which regularly featured all the trimmings of a gospel church. From the earliest of those days, I felt deeply troubled about the teachings and doctrine, as well as my troubled life. I had the sense though, to pray, to pray wholeheartedly, to God, or as I questioned that word God, Source energy. Being told that God was male, that, I was going to be punished and sent to eternal damnation or hell, made no sense to me!, “Why had I been born into this experience, having had things happen to me beyond my control that would ultimately condemn me to eternal punishment?” It made no sense.
Strangely at this time, some of the people in my church believed I had a mark on my life, and would tell my mother so. I was unconvinced however, and rebelled, at first by forever leaving the church, and by becoming Atheist. Then Buddhist, a Warlock, a Muslim, and now spiritualist! Having gone full circle and some fails completely to describe my amazing experience.
I resonate with 100% percent of the symptoms above, about 98% at this point in time, and 100% at one time or another in my life.
I came across this article after researching my abilities to interfere with technology, especially when angry, (I have also interfered with weather to the point that my partner recognises the powerful interaction between myself and my surroundings)
I’m also guided by repetitive number sequences, I know to put a number sequence into google when I see one, and am constantly amazed and reassured by the accuracy of the information that comes across from Source, from Angels, from the Ascended Masters.
I have now made the connection between this incarnation, my souls purpose and journey, and the extreme events that happened to me as a child. I live outside, away from victim hood, or blaming those life experiences. I see them for what they are, learning curves that put me firmly in a place to help others. These are exciting times, challenging times, times of great spiritual shifts in consciousness and growth. Most people have an overwhelming sense of dread, of negativity. I, however, see this as the most exciting time to be alive, and challenge anyone who resonates deeply with any form of ongoing spiritual discord, or disconnect, to really look in amazement at the gift of being alive right now, in this rapidly changing world.
There is beauty in change, there is a chance for us all to embrace these gifts, that’s how I see the gifts of ascension! How lucky we are!
Blessings to all here, blessings to your journey of discovery.
What a beautiful post and a wonderFULL story to share! THANK YOU!!
This morning I dozed of to sleep and something very strange happened I heard noise whooshing through my head it was very loud I was holding a book and thousands rays of light pouring from it I felt something surging through my whole body I tried to wake but couldn’t move
Ive never experienced anything like that before and now today I feel incredibly calm and good
I did practice meditation and manifestation yesterday at 8:08 am and 8:08pm for 8 minutes
Can anyone explain what happened?
I would assume it was surrounding the Lion’s Gate Portal (8/8) and that this was an experience with the Akashic Records/Library that we are currently moving through to clear and delete anything that longer serves us individually us as a species and this planet. This Lion’s Gate seals this opportunity this year to reset the inversion of the 2012 inorganic matrix of programming to the 2021 version of the organic records.
Thank you so much for your reply I’ve looked up Akashic records I’ve tried asking elsewhere to no avail.
The noise I heard was so intense I could feel it pulsating in my brain it was for all the world like i was floating in a primordial soup and surging through my body and seeing the rays of light
I only regret now that I fought against it I felt scared the longer it was going on and tried to wake myself up
But this event that happened to me has cemented my beliefs that there is something powerful out there I hope I can experience it again only this time ill just go with the flow
If I may make a suggestion? I had similar experiences in the past in which I was flying and very colorful sacred geometric shapes were forming and shifting into others. The light spectrum was nothing like I had ever experienced before but the first experience I had with it truly frightened me, and I commanded for all experiences I was having to just stop because I wasn’t ready. However, when I felt as though I could handle it, I simply connected and either thought or spoke out loud that I was ready mentally and spiritually for this experience to happen again, and within a few days, I was thrust back into the same exact experience. For several weeks, I went to this other realm and learned many things. Then it stopped and for a time I was disappointed. That was until I had realized that it was now time for me to integrate what I had learned, make the changes needed, and embrace the experience ajd everything I gained from it. I haven’t ever had an experience quite like that one again, however, it did open the door for new cosmic experiences to take place. So my suggestion is to just connect with Spirit/Source/Universe etc. and acknowledge your willingness and readiness to explore it further. It may not happen right away, but I do believe it will happen. Many blessings ♥️
When I close my eyes to sleep my spirit leaves me I know this because I can see myself somewhere else but it’s not clear if exactly where I am. This has been happening for a couple nights/days now. I slept moreso in the daylight because at night I usually have no desire to sleep. When I wake up my eyes are blurry. I don’t quite understand my gift but the more time I spend alone meditating. The more things are revealed to me. It’s hard to talk about in my flesh. I write about it a lot and in my mind it all makes sense but my trying to speak it out my mouth I become confused almost.
Since I could remember things have always been revealed to me in dreams. My intuition has always been strong. My spirit is very sensitive to certain things mostly other people and their mind or intentions. The repetition of the numbers, the migraines, feeling when something bad/good is going to happen. I just don’t completely understand what it is.
sounds to me like you do indeed understand what is happening to you just maybe let go of trying to make it understandable for the masses and make it OK for just you!!
Hi Suzanne,
My spiritual awakening began at age 36 (I’m almost 67 now). I frequently get the tingling Sensations (I call them cosmic hugs) when I know that the present moment is significant. I also notice an opening sensation in my throat which no one I’ve ever mentioned this to has experienced. I’m curious what this means.
Many spiritual synchronicity events have happened to me. I’m drawn to minerals, and often give them to people who are troubled. I have no psychic abilities that I’m aware of, but I consider myself a healing facilitator. Lately, since I retired, I have felt sluggish and lack motivation. Is this normal? I am sensory-sensitive, and find the news invasive and depressing.
Open to advice 😳.
Sounds like you do indeed have many psychic abilities and possibly you might want to own that finally and find gratitude for being able to feel and have sensory experiences. Throat chakra is all about communications and so your guidance is most likely coming through there when you feel that sensation – also that is the creativity chakra and you seem to be very creative in how you feel and work with the energies so possibly find more ways to express that as well. Hope this helps – that what resonate and toss the rest.
Thanks for helping me understand that you will have an unusual feeling that you can’t explain and your body will respond differently when you are awakened. I would love to try this out with my partner since it might help our relationship of 10 years which is on the rocks now. Hopefully, I find an awakening session near us that we can trust and have a good reputation.
And again, remember we can only do the work for ourselves and not for anyone else – even a partner – but the more you heal the more you offer them support for them to find their own healing.
I’ve been going through the ascension process for about 6 years now and in my experience, some of the symptoms are just brutal.
In the very beginning, I got extremely sick and the doctors were never able to figure out a cause. I had some symptoms of a respiratory virus, a bad migraine, swollen lymph nodes, a sore throat, a 102 degree F fever, constant chills and I was so tired that I slept for about 18 hours a day for 5 weeks. My doctors originally thought that I had either mono or meningitis but I tested negative for both and then the symptoms all suddenly went away. I was going to college at the time and wasn’t allowed on campus while I had symptoms of meningitis so I ended up missing 5 weeks of class right before finals and wasn’t able to catch myself back up and ended up having to drop out. Not only was my “introduction” 5 hellish weeks of an unexplainable illness but it also forcefully changed my direction in life to one that I still haven’t quite figured out 6 years later.
I also spent a year and a half completely depressed and being forced to work through a lot of traumatic things I’ve been through in my life and things got so dark that for most of that time period, I was on the verge of suicide. That feeling didn’t go away until I dealt with everything that kept coming up.
Since then, most of my symptoms have come in waves and will last for a few weeks before going away. Luckily nothing has lasted anything close to a year and a half. The exception to this are symptoms that started in August 2021. I randomly broke out in hives and a rash, starting on my face then slowly moving up to my scalp and down to my arms and torso, then eventually to my legs. The rashes didn’t start going away for 3 weeks and once they did, my skin in those areas started to dry out and flake off. I’ve been dealing with the flaky skin for the past few weeks, exfoliating every day in the shower to try and remove the dry skin as fast as possible. Unfortunately, only portions of the dry skin are actually ready to be removed so it’s still taking a long time to clear up.
That’s a lot you’ve endured Cody – thanks for sharing.
Suzanne, Your list of symptoms is very helpful to many who are beginning to come online spiritually. Even those of us who woke up decades ago can benefit from reminders of how our spiritual beings are intertwined with our physical body. However, I wish to suggest that you may want to learn the hidden significance of the so-called ‘flower of life’ logo on your page. It is also called the ‘daisy of death’ for good reason. Although it is the basis of current life on earth and ‘sacred’ geometry, it is also true that such forms were tampered with many millennia ago, to subvert our energy. Quick research will reveal how the spirals upon which this ‘daisy of death’ are based (Fibonocci and Golden Mean) HAVE NO RELATIONSHIP to their SOURCE. That should be significant to you. There is an Ascension Spiral, to which life on earth is returning. Which spiral do we choose to be on? THAT is the significance of the choices we are now being asked to make.
thanks for your input and to some extent I can agree and in another extent, I don’t. I choose to stay NEUTRAL to all programming and feel it is everyone’s personal responsibility to choose that if they choose.
Hello I had the craziest shit happen tonight from 300am-305 and now it is non stop at least some thing is. So I am in the process of my fiancé’ on life support from covid 19 one day fine she gets tested positive and goes to hospital for check up and doesn’t come home instead ends up on a vent and now could die any time. So I had a super crazy day all day today ups and downs non stop doc called at 9am told us she had lung collapse I think the worst they call back say they got it fix hour later call back tell us other lung collapsed and there is no blood flow I feel she was going to pass I plan to try and soulkiss her (soulkiss is my own belief as far as I know) only when I am wright it down to let other know why I come to reilize that it’s not the way I’ve alway seen it growing up but see that it could easily be I changed my mind the doc calls says the lung is fixed and she has improved to 80 on the vent instead of full blast . I think she is going to die then I think she could live then I think she is for sure going to pass and then get that she is doing better then any time before I so get happy and hold that hope I love her with all my heart and I have this guilt that I didn’t do all I needed and wanted to and just feel like I’m never going to get the chance to make it up but do have a crazy belief I call soulkiss I’ll tell you it just ask me and I’ll email you my thoughts on it. So on to what took place tonight I am cleaning up our room and the entire night I am singing to her talking to her openly not on the phone just talking like she could hear me and I am telling her how much I love and care and how I love her and want her to stay all night until I’m sitting there and I hear this high pitch sound like a dog whistle and it gets so loud that all my hair on my body raises up on end and I’m so scared I can’t move I’m froze with a fear I say out to the room @If you just left me I’m going to be pissed” then this computer that I can’t figure out what she change the password to is on starts making this notification sound it did about her camara like someone had set it off I get so scared feeling I think I must be about to stroke or something then I hear this thump thump thump fast coming form up stairs I go cold and feel my lips tingle so bad and go numb I’m stick with the frighting fear I can’t move I get this aluminum taste and my mouth gets die I manage to stand my body is freaking out I make it to the top and the sound is our mouse doing loop arter loop crazy fast like a ape going crazy in a cage, I worried she had passed or I’m going to stroke but the phone don’t ring but every time I hear the slightest noise I get scared and my hair raises up and I have been feeling like something is rubbing my head or crawling on my skin , or seeing flashes out the corner of my eye I am worried about what is happing and has been happing I don’t want her to did and I don’t want to be dieing if I new it was her or if something is wrong I want to enjoy her there but does that mean she would be gone or could she be able to do this from the coma state they have her in I love her so much
Wow that is a lot going on for you and I am sending you love and light for your journey and hers. Remember (if you choose) to know that everything has a purpose and will all be as it should from a higher perspective.
Hello Everyone! Blessings to us all in our individualized and yet collective experiences! This can be SO disorienting! … I continue to walk the path that staggers both sides of consideration: I’m having a spiritual awakening OR I’m manifesting emotional stuff at a physical level. My symptoms really took off in February 2021 that ultimately got me to even employ Western medicine [including a trip to the ER], which is huge for me since I use alternative practitioners as my approach to health. Western medicine has not determined what’s going on, including vast blood work, neurological tests, spinal tests, etc. Currently I’m ministering to my body as if it might have a systemic candida overgrowth or mold toxicity [based on symptoms not any test results]… but suffice to say that I’m gaining no relief so far and am often feeling on the cusp of emotional collapse as my body [feels like it] deteriorates around me. My dominant sensation is numbness and what I call “body buzzing”, which at its worst, feels like all my body parts are plugged into dimmer switches and they’re all turned on and all turned up to HIGH! Joint pain comes in second, in a big way. And so on down the list! I can check nearly everything on the list above except for the more ethereal experiences. I seem to be steeped in physical anomalies. So pain, disorienting sensations, and lack of sleep all add up to depletion of spirit. I have my practices to try to accept what is and to rally, but I’ve slipped into a phase of questioning everything and basically being postured with the universe/God/who-or-whatever as “Ok, here I am, I’m open to truth, whatever it is”. I’m tired in so many ways: even tired of the tears that come during painful physical episodes. If someone could tell me for sure this was a spiritual thing or kundalini awakening, it would put the “medical” fears to rest and maybe contextualize things… but in the end… I still need to refine how I respond to the actuality of these disorienting and challenging sensations. I seem to have more and more subtle phases of surrender, which can offer some relief even within the sense of depletion, but I don’t seem to be in control of the surrender… it’s more like it happens as a consequence of stopping or minimizing my inclination to be angry at the sensations. … I’ve yet to develop a sustained ability to do that, but the process goes on! … I repeat, blessings to us all!
Thanks so much for sharing and yes this is all such a difficult path for many. It seems for me that the aches and pains come and go and come again…the never ending cycle. I do my best to stay neutral and yes there are times I utilize Western Medicine to “just check in” and stay out of fear, but most of the time I surrender to the faith that this is all part of the bigger plan and there are not really many answers as the energies are in constant flux. Staying neutral also can help keep us in the place of doing our own inner work. Blessings to you and anyone else out there that is courageous enough to make their journey!
First of all Im in common with Most of the symptoms!!
The weird thing is Sometimes i feel like i just entered my body! Then I start very quick to remember all the information about my life. It’s like am new version or smt
I was about to get a promotion at work, buy my house, life was good, was having problems with a neighbour for years but nothing serious or so I thought. I started being able to feel certain connections at night and was being kept up (sleep deprived for years by them). They were accessing my memories/history for sometime before one day I was about to start my car for the work journey and all I can describe it as was levitating with all the most positive emotions one can feel multiplied ten fold, it felt incredible. My neighbours then started to become very aggressive as I was developing attributes after this ascension type moment, my neighbours were in an evil clan and I can defend myself whilst I’m awake but as soon as I sleep I’m vulnerable, I wake up and they break through and go to town on me, I use to heal myself daily but cycle keeps repeating and no longer bother just leave my head all snap crackle and pop, I’ve since learned that this clan ascends people (by a machine) for selfish reasons, no choice on the individuals part, they don’t really know what to do with me as I have a lot of attributes that they are interested in and can’t steal, I won’t join them so they want me out the way, I’ve learnt a lot about this clan and exposed them, they are fractured now but a few hardcore real sheet bags are so persistent and I’m constantly defending with return to sender, everything that gets done to me I can mirror, this 1 particular entity can go into any electrical appliance and use that to charge her attributes with, if you ever come across this computer entity run the other way fast I have been at war with this sadistic women for 11 months all because 15 years ago I blew her out so has been following me doing things to me all that time I discovered, a real dangerous entity who can multiply her light bodies and control multiples at the same time, she goes by the name of Kim (aka Kerry, computer a few others no doubt) I won’t go into great detail of the people she has destroyed along the way, families she don’t care, I have got a lot of help since the ascension (levitation) thing that happened to me, met a few women that I got really close to before she found away to ruin it by manipulation or other attributes, apparently she is a medieval witch. I was an atheist a year ago the most scientific based, multiple source based, credible evidence based and the paranormals biggest critic, now I can’t believe the words that flow through my tongue/head. The clan won’t let me go because of this ascension attribute that I have as well as TK (telekinesis) including TK surgery but would rather me dead than not in their clan.
All I have to say is working in LOVE versus fear, anger, etc. is the only way through all of this – that does not mean you think life is bunnies and rainbows but it is about love.
Here we are in 2022 and I’m experiencing most of these symptoms. What does it all mean? This article was written 6 years ago. I feel and know that something big is happening like a great awakening. Best wishes to all.
This means the ascension process is a cycle of 26,000+ year processes and we are only scratching the surface – we all have a long way to go! Hang in there!!
This has only happened a few times, and it’s always happened in the same dense forest. All of a sudden I experience a very calming relaxed feeling. Then my eye sight goes completely black, and I hear a ball bouncing noise in my head . Or a drum beat sound. This only last for maybe 5 minutes. Any idea what’s going on?
No fully sure but it feels like you are doing your best to get to an information portal of some sort and I suggest you invite this process more and sit with it asking to see what it is that is beyond the blackness – and continue to work toward moving into it to learn more. Just an idea.
I came upon this article as i was researching why i felt what i was experiencing do get a better understanding of what has been happening to me and i came upon this article. I have experienced every single symptom exactly how it was explained in the same order…this really opened my eyes. I thought that something was wrong with me until the bad feeling went away and my life went from bad to amazing in the ways u explained. I have seen white orbs i have proof in videos. I have seen weird things in the sky which i have on video. I feel so much like im one with nature and animals. I feel greater than myself now i feel hope and sense and read who people are with out knowing them. I am so thankful i came upon this. My dad has been consistently warning me about what is to come. On 02/22/2022 is the first time since 1000 years ago. I know now that i am not alone with what i am and have experienced. THank you for helping people umderstand what is happening to them.
the dreams are exatly how u said every single symptom u wrote is what i have been going through what I have experienced in the past from bad to right now great awakened for the better i am speechless to see how spot on you are from what i have been dealing with
Thanks for sharing!
Awesome Kathryn – you are not alone in this that is for sure!
Greetings Suzanne. Namaste and Blessed Be!
I am definitely experiencing most of the Emotional stuff, seeing a lot of triple, and other number multiples, and also feel like “I am a window into my past that I can walk through.”
That last one is giving me some uncomfortable feelings, and I probably don’t want to walk into my past–unless the purpose is to change certain things so my current timeline comes out more balanced and desirable. I certainly know that there are some things I would change given the chance.
That said, my main motivation is to move forward and bring into clarity the path I’ve chosen for myself, and the Realization of my goals and desires, which aren’t many, and are quite nominal in terms of success and desire.
I really want to establish the Clarity of My Mind, so I am able to utilize my own personal power and energies for desired change, and be enabled to see a clear path through the fog and mist of things.
I’m 56 and am in need of being in better physical shape, and need to up my game a bit, monetarily speaking. I am working on some book projects, but having the energy to do them takes a lot to build up to. How can a person get to a state where one is not feeling drained and tired all the time?
In Love and Light,
Hi Stephen – in my opinion a huge part of staying energetically balanced and healthy is the skill set of the ground and the bubble, learning how to stay connected fully to the Earth energies all while maintaining your auric field. If we do not have a good aura it is equivalent to not having a good gas tank to hold your gas within your vehicle. You are the vehicle, the chi is the gas and the tank is the aura. When our gas spills out everywhere we take on everyone else’s stuff so this skill of the bubble also assist us with discernment. There is a FREE meditation for this on my website homepage FYI. Hope this helps.
Hi I’m looking for some help in understanding what is happening everything you have mentioned above and more is happening to me I also see sparkles from the corner of my eye but what’s scary is there is black figures both large and small I felt like I got punched in the back one night and also last night before I fell asleep I saw a white mist in my room and just before I fell asleep I was jolted awake with a static shock in my fingers I get these weird feelings in the Pitt of my stomach my head pounds and I’m starting to feel a little freaked out to be honest and help would be greatly appreciated thank you.
Hi Sarah – first off it is important (if you choose) to command your space, intent protection not out of fear but out of self-love, and command that only of your highest and best gets to be in your field/room/space/mind etc. This is all about intent. Lots of times black scares us because of our mind programming that equates black with bad. Many times this is a version of our higher self visiting, even if it feels foreboding because it is our shadow self. I would encourage a lock down of your space with a sacred circle effort especially before sleep state. Do your best to stay out of fear because that fuels negativity. BE diligent in taking command of your surroundings and rely more on your Guides and Angelics in whatever way works for you. Take what resonates, toss the rest.
For a few years now after developing an interest in the paranormal after leaving the Jehovah Witness cult I was raised in and my father’s passing in 2016. I think I brought some visitors home but they don’t harass us. I can’t say they are evil or good, an ancestor or guide. I would like to believe they are ancestors or someone watching over us in a good way but I can’t say. We don’t mind their presence as long as they respect our space. When this initial started, I would get strange dreams, a lot of strangers and animals or situations that seem symbolic in nature because some did not make sense. When I would close my eyes, I see clusters of sparkles. I sometimes see repeating numbers. These days because I no longer interact with spirits, they seem to still hang around and leave messengers on my Ring Camera. See Tik Tok #ringwhispers, you will see and hear them.
I am also fairly new to meditation because it calms the anxiety I get sometimes. Anyway, thought I share my experience with you. Love, light and peace to you all. May we continue exploring our beautiful spiritual journeys. xoxo
Thanks for sharing Lorraine
Nice! The information I got through this blog has really helped me. That was something, I was desperately looking for, thankfully I found this at the right time.
Awesome – and thanks for sharing!
Dear Suzanne,
I’m from Germany and I’ve been experiencing the weirdest things in life, I think…
Months and years ago I’ve been mentally extremely stable. Then, one day, I met a woman that was about to change my life. When I first met her we vibed pretty good together and it felt like destiny that we met each other. But soon after our first encounter, she told me she had mental or spiritual problems and that she was walking from one spiritual healer to another, but just didn’t find a way to help her. That was our second talk (1 day had passed since I first met her).
And then, for me, the absolutely most amazing thing ever happened. While she was talking to me about her problems I started to see 3 blue dots around her with different sizes and they weren’t all at the same distance from me either. I was an awe and couldn’t believe what I just experienced. I instantly told her about them and she said that she knew about these kind of “spots”. I had never ever seen anything like that before in my life, so I thought I was either going crazy now, my vision degraded heavily or… I just experienced something paranormally, something spiritually.
Because I always sought to strive for more peace and serenity I was leaning towards “I just experienced something strongly spiritually”. And I think I was right. To make sure my eyes weren’t the problem I went to an ophthalmologist. He told me that my eyes were one of the healthiest he’s ever seen. Now, because I tend to also somehow think rationally about things sometimes, and not fully emotionally, I started to doubt my psyche.
She told me how she put herself in psychiatry 2 times, but she was always released with the explanation that she wouldn’t have any big mental issues. She told me she (and a friend of her) could feel the pain of nature and God itself. I was intrigued, though I did not fully believe her, because I am not sure whether God exists.
I decided quickly to stay with her and help her go through whatever it was she was experiencing. We lived together for 5 months, in between rented flats and the craziness kept increasing… EACH. DAY. She was doing crazy demon-like noises every day and when I asked her why she was doing them (after I found the courage to do so) she responded with “I’m not doing these noises…” and that was scaring the living shit out of me after I first heard it…
That wasn’t all, though. She often made a disgusted and aggressive face and I wasn’t sure how I should ask her about that, so I let it be. We were kinda a couple, even though she told me at one point to rather see me as a “good friend”. That was devastating for me, but I wanted to still help her. I felt like I was *made* to help her.
Was I really “mentally stable”? Or did I just “think” I was, though? I know that the brain is powerful enough to create all kinds of illusions. Within at least 4 months of living with her I constantly evaluated my own psychological state and asked others if I looked crazy or mentally unbalanced to them. They all answered with something like: “It’s probably hard to live with a sociopath or otherwise mentally ill person together. But you don’t seem to me as if you were mentally unstable… And I find that fascinating in a way…”
And they were right for some reason. I seemed to have stayed stable throughout all of the time I spent with her.
And now comes the topic I originally created this comment for. I’ve never written about it anywhere on the internet yet, because I felt like people wouldn’t really know what it is and that they wouldn’t be able to help me either.
Throughout the time I spent with her I heard a specific noise coming from within the flat. She told me she could hear it too. And sure enough my mum once seemed to hear it as well… As we moved flats the sound stayed… I’ve never heard it before in any other building and my ears are exceptionally good. I’ve been in choirs since over 21 years now. I have a strong musical intuition and knowledge. That sound was super special and it made it clear to me that she wasn’t “just crazy”… There’s something with her, but I don’t know what it is…
That wasn’t all, though. One quiet night (there was no thunderstorm going on outside) I lay next to her (my “girlfriend”) in bed and then I saw an extraordinarily beautiful blue hued rotating (around it’s horizontal axis) mini sphere (about a centimeter in radius). Happening OUT OF NOWHERE next to the left side of the bed we lay in, floating about 20cm above the ground… It vanished within about 2 seconds. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my whole life. It was so extremely special that I felt a deep connection to the spiritual world in that moment! And it wasn’t a dream either. I’m still in awe till this day, over one year later.
Do you, Suzanne, perhaps know what this blue sphere was/is and why I saw it? I need answers… I will never forget about this orb, ever, in my whole life. I’ve seen other blue spots in my vision from time to time since I had last contact to her. That was reason enough for me to think that it wasn’t, because my brain was mentally exhausted and making up stuff. I can see these spots and I want to know why and what they are!
I know I have a devine purpose in life, since many years. I feel like I will be good for this world. I know that sounds crazy. But it’s a fact for me. There’s no doubt. At some point after knowing her, btw, I started seeing the number 666 almost every day. Sometimes multiple times a day. It was frightening in a way, but mostly just annoying and I felt toyed with by the universe, lol…
I really hope you have enlightening thoughts about some of this. I’m pretty sure, by now, that I was experiencing spirituality (especially, because my father is very spiritual and meditates each day. I haven’t yet, even though I want to start practicing it!).
Yours sincerely,
Hi Hendrik – I personally feel as if you had guidance that was protecting and assisting you all while you were dealing with this other person that obviously had a much lower frequency that yours. That is not judging her it is just saying that your assisters were helping you keep a higher vibration and keeping you from experiencing more lower vibe experiences while in her presence. I feel as if they (the blue ones) were therefore you spiritually and were not anything to fear. Maybe find gratitude. We can never change another. We can support them but sometimes when we get involved with someone that has that kind of energy we allow ourselves to get sucked into their field and that can be dangerous to ours. I think it is important for you to find grounded energies to assist you in staying in your OWN body. Work with nature. Meditate, pray. All simply suggestions here – take what resonates toss the rest.
Ok so one night in 2018 I was getting ready to go to sleep. I laid down then all a sudden I felt something leave my body. It was like I felt empty inside. I felt like the whole inside of my body had been wearing a jacket and now it was ripped off and it was cold. like i was being hugged from head to toe on the inside and now I wasn’t any more. I looked up and around to see if I can see anything but no., I felt scared and I wanted whatever that had left me to come back ASAP, but it never did. I can’t find any post or person that can tell me what happened to me. I’ve read all kinds of stuff and slightly driving myself nuts. I just want to know what happened to me. Did I lose my soul? did my spirit just say this is my stop and leave me? was i posed? It was something I will never forget. The feeling of it leaving made me sad, scared, cold, empty. I don’t know.
Hello Theresa – we all leave our body all of the time and this time you simply were attached to the experience and felt it fully. It can seem/feel confusing but know that you did not lose your soul, you are an omni-present piece of your soul always. We go in and out when we dream. Even when we daydream. We do it when we meditate and more. If feel cold because our frequency of reality is shifted for that time moment is all. It does not have to be scary – you just attached fear to it and therefore it felt YUCK. Do more to stay grounded if you choose as that will assist in staying in your body better. Hope this helps.
Hi , my names Sean. It all started when I had not eaten for at least 24 hrs and I was dehydrated. I was sitting at my Moms kitchen table and reading a passage about the Id, ego and the like on a site called Zazen life in 2016. It was explaining how we are not who we think we are but how we are the operator of our 5 senses. I don’t exactly remember the details but all of a sudden I completely understood….it was so profound I felt like I got sick and heaved. The only way I could explain it was I was in a Black Void…..I was nothing and I had been there before. It Freaked me the hell out to save the least, as I was totally sober. The next day I was at an open speaking AA meeting as I was sober for 3 months. At my turn to speak I rambled on about my friends dying from opioids and how I was not familiar with them so I couldn’t directly help someone on them. As I left a guy approached me and said “ A lot more of your friends are going to die”. Which kind of startled me but I just ignored him. I left to go do an estimate and on the way there an old friend had called me and told me a mutual friend of ours had passed away from an overdose. I couldn’t believe it and I raced home, I hit traffic so I just took a left and Without realizing it I had turned onto my friend who had died street he grew up on…. my other friend who just called me he was standing there with his mouth open looking at me because he never told me he was there. He said how did you know we were here? I said I didn’t I was just on my way home. My two friends looked dirty… road kill. Not sure how I can explain it but it was almost like a demonic filth. One of them had moved in on a girl I was talking too and he got her all messed up on drugs, she crashed her car lost her job because she went out with this guy one night. I had introduced them and at that moment I had the deep realization that I was responsible. I watched my friend being dragged out about his house in a body bag, he had overdosed and the EMT that was carrying him out with another girl was his longtime girlfriend in high school sweetheart… What are the odds? For the next 2 weeks Everything was VERY WEIRD. I had a ringing on the top of my head…. it seemed like anywhere I looked it wasn’t my vision….. like I was looking down from above, like the vision of an eagle. I could see everybody running around going to work and it just seemed pointless, but at the same time I had super peaceful feeling wash over me constantly. It was like a shimmering dream state. I read one of my customers minds. She hadn’t seen me because of all the rain we had and she was walking over to me, I immediately thought in my head she thinks I’m taking advantage of her. Well she walked right up to me and said are you taking advantage of me? I was dumbfounded. Either it was a huge coincidence or I just read her mind. Everyone I encountered face had a certain shine to it, kind of like a porcelain doll or cherub. I don’t know if it was demonic or what but it wasn’t normal. I felt like I was going nuts, I couldn’t tell anybody because surely they would commit me. I was listening to the song by The Beatles and I would play it over and over and over, I felt like it was trying to tell me a message and at the end of the song it would be a chant and it would say “ never to see any other way” i’d listen to that and dust in the wind over and over and over and over and over and over and over…. They were the only two songs that made any sense. I was meeting people were exact clones of people I had met in my life if that makes any sense. Which it doesn’t. But they are they were…… my girlfriend had bought me a Christian amulet Thats supposed to bring you closer to God or reunite you. Well I was wearing it one night, and I woke at four in the morning with a voice coming out of my forehead….. it was this jumbled alien noise that made no sense but in an instant I completely understood it. It was in a black woman’s voice and it said we’re giving you another chance. But That’s it it didn’t explain anything else which was kind of annoying. Anyways I have never heard a voice before and it scared the holy shit out of me. Only way I can describe it ? Take the speaker out of your cell phone and put it inside your for head. Insane right? But a literal voice came out of it and I wasn’t sleeping and I didn’t make it up. At the same exact time that I heard this jumbling alien sound that I understood I saw a flash of light, it was a geometric face……Just white light bars around a black background. I think this whole experience only lasted a day or two more but I remember the exact instant it stopped. I saw a curvy young black woman walk by me and I wanted her. At that moment it was immediately over. I was sad it was over. I preferred that state. Please someone explain what the hell happened. I don’t care if you email me. I need answers.
Ok Sean – that is a lot! And you seem to be having a lot of different experiences and are opening up to a lot of different energies. My suggestion is to take things slowly. Make sure you are NOT dehydrated because that can cause all kinds of trouble for your brain and body. Take good care of your body-vehicle and keep it grounded to nature and protected in your own auric field so that you can use discernment as to what you are encountering. When we begin to experience synchronicities and more, we do feel as if we are going crazy but it does not necessarily mean that is so. It does mean that you are being called to awaken to more planes of realities and that takes more of a disciplined life style so that you can handle the energies. Start to study energy more if you choose. DO more quiet meditation and connecting to guidance so that you stay out of fear. Find gratitude for the experience you do like and unravel those that scare you so that fear does not take over. Stay present. Take what resonate from this and toss anything that does not.
Hey suzanne i want to ask you how i can take the blur feeling our my head . I just recently discovered im a light worker i been getting messages and hearing angels from the divine realm they been leaving me messages but some messages i hve difficult times writing their names , because when i hear them i just get a pen a paper to write . I just recently discovered im clairaudient but how can i hear them clearly and not have to try so hard to get it right , because i dont want to leave the wrong messages for their loved ones & im also scared of judgement i what they would think after i give them the message , this is all so new to me & im super grateful but i dint want others to feel and think weirdly of me 🙁 how can i hear the spirit guides messages clearer i been meditating for thay but i has my phone connected to the charger cuz it was about to die and i just fall asleep and wake up drainedd and. Coulnt really get the benefits of the meditation .
Hello Coraima – hearing guidance takes time and practice and I suggest you do not try so hard. More so allow. And remember messages sometimes come in clear and other times not so much. Worrying about being judged or getting the message right for others is a common feeling for many and I always do my best to tell the person that I am only a person getting information and I can only do my best at offering what I get remember also that I use my personal filter so that can take what resonates and drop the rest. For me this is very important to share. We are not supposed to be someone’s “right or truth” we are only there to share the messages. Hope this helps some.
I didnt know what was going on until i stumbled upon this article. I decided to search what was going on with me. I watch a lot of gameplay videos. I literally remember watching some videos and then 2-3 weeks later, the same video is uploaded again. Same exact video. I thought maybe the creator is deleting and just reuploading the same video but it happens too much to wear i start searching through the comments of the videos to see if anyone else is noticing and nothing. No one else is noticing. Is it just me? Or am i actually getting these visions of me watching these full 30 min videos before they even upload it? I actually think im going crazy. So i searched up and this article came out and all of these things mentioned have happend to me. Even the electrical appliances acting weird. This cant be real right?
Hi Mariel – there are a lot of odd and weird things going on with time overall, so I believe anything is possible. Possibly it is good to consider limiting your exposure to electronics as they also wear on a person’s energy field. The more grounded you are to nature the better you can handle these energies. Just my two cents.
I’m 21 and I’m a Tuscarora. I have been experiencing almost everything described in this blog post. The one I connected to the most was the “Odd Longings” part. About a year ago I started having day visions. The first one was the most intense. I don’t want to describe it too much but basically I was at a huge massacre during the Tuscarora War. It took place at Fort Neoheroka and I was the last warrior who was shot. In the vision I had a wife and two sons who was killed as well. Since then I have had little visions of the two kids or of the wife. They make me burst out in tears.
I also have a lot of lucid dreams. I’ve lucid dreamed a good bit of my life. Many of my most notable dreams are me collecting certain glowing stones or seeing dead friends and family. I also see different types of spirits a lot during my week.
I started seeing a clairvoyant who thinks I’m one as well.
Is there anyway to learn how to harness these abilities of seeing things like being able to make them come when wanted or no? Also, is there a way to calm these ailments like the body pain and migraines?
Hello Nyaweh – Yes it can be difficult when starting to connect to this all. Take what resonates here and toss anything that does not, but my suggestions are to make sure you are grounded and protected when you choose to tap into this info. And make sure to cut all cords when finished and be clear in your mind and hear that these past lives or future lives or concurrent lives are not your own personal incarnations life. It helps with that longing and sadness feeling. Make sure to process that this is more of a movie viewing with an observer status than an owner ship. Body pains and migraines are the same. You want to MOVE the energies through the body not hold them. Speak to the body parts and ask for guidance of what it is that you are holding and then release what no longer serves. Also make sure you are hydrated and grounded. Hope this helps.
Hello, I feel like I’ve experienced almost everything on the blog post. I’m Tuscarora and I’ve had a lot of visions of the past with a different me that has a family and a wife. It makes me sad or depressed randomly like I miss them so much but I don’t really know them.
The visions started one day on a drive home. It’s like I teleported back in time to Fort Neoheroka where my people were massacred by the NC Militia and enemy tribes. I’ve had similar visions since but focused more on my kids that I had.
I was wondering, is there a way to control these visions and dreams? Also, when does the pain from the transforming stop? I’ve been in terrible pain with my back, neck, shoulders, etc.
Sorry I already posted prior. I didn’t see it was answered.
When experiencing/remembering these you are finding pieces of our “other selves” and what is a good practice is to allow them but truly do not connect to them as you are NOT them in this incarnation. See or envision a way to send them back to Source energy – pray, see a balloon, cloud or burn/smoke – and send the info back so that it cam reunite with your over soul. Remember to keep the incarnation of YOU in meat and bone form separate even though sometimes this is difficult. Find balance with gratitude. Only take what resonate here -toss what does not.
Hi. Hopefully this page is syill active. I had a emotional breakdown 3 weeks ago and called a therapist and scheduled a appoint because i had this sudden feeling that i was begining to go crazy. 3 days after that call i watched Dr Steven Greer’s documentary Close Encounters of the 5th kind and when it was over i had so many sudden realizations. As a kid i used to ask my friends if they could see the glow around the trees and the plants. I only asked a few but the response was the same from all of them that im crazy and my imagination is getting away from me. Anyways i watched the documentary on sunday evening. Monday morning on my way out to work i stopped on my back porch and started to pray to god. Mind you, i was baptized in the name of Christianty at 16 and studied hard on it for a while. Then i denounced jesus and god and went on with life not believeing in anything. And now here i was praying…. To god. Asking for forgiveness. By wednesday morning the same week i quit smoking cigarettes. I smoked 2 packs a day. I would even wake up in the night to go to the bathroom and would have 1 then also so i was literally smoking 24hrs a day. The same day i also switched my diet to MOSTLY organic. The tree aura returned so strongly so fast! As of now, tuesday July 19th 2022 (its been 8 days since the documentary). I can see energy balls, very small tiny partical/atoms like energy. They appear as a flurry of tiny tiny pure white balls with maybe just a hint of blue hue or its just so pure that there is no blue. I also see sound waves going into and out of the trees now also. When i meditate i often see thw color red, VERY strongly but it appears as if you were standing in a dense forrest looking up and seeing through the gathering of leaves with breaks in them here and there. Lastly, everyone that i tried to talk to now thinks im crazy. I dont want to be in my relationship anymore either and i dont know how to break that to her especially after she said that she thinks i need to see a therapist and that im crazy 😔. Luckily i got in contact with a local Shaman today and she really helped me to understand that im NOT going crazy! Which was very reassuring. I have no clue whats next for me. Scared and excited for sure. I feel like 1 of the apostles now though. Ive lived such, such, Such a terrible life with so many bad decisions! And now i guess im chosen or something? I dont really know. I started reading Transurfing by Vadim Zeland and the Shaman said its definitly worth the read and also recomennded some extra readings for my particular ability of Clairvoyance.
As always take what resonates and toss anything else. I believe that we are ALL chosen to do this work, no one is special, we are designed to be ONE with the energies that are all around us and within us. Some people choose to activate and others do not. Activation is not a value system that makes us better – it just is. IF you are choosing to activate, that is a great experience for you. We do not need others to validate our journey; in fact when we are looking for that outside validation that is because we do not have it within us. God is not a “guy” it is a design intelligence that is within everything that surrounds us. Our birthright is remembering that we are one with the I AM presence and when you begin to see the energy fields it simply makes it easier to navigate (and sometimes harder lol!).
I’m so glad to see going through exactly what you are 🗣️ about.I see things dream things it’s always 311 411 911 for the number.I walk into a funeral and I see a big fog that separates the evil I guess.And Today I saw it down the street next thing you know someone was dead down the Like I be going crazy not knowing what to
Wow! It was meant for me to find this! I’ve been having a spiritual awakening going on for quite some time now. There is not one thing that you have mentioned in your article that I have not experienced. Today is 8/7/22. I’m currently going through a lot of physical, auditory, visual, and emotional symptoms. I get chills off and on. I feel an just generally I’ll feeling. I’m not eating. I’m sleeping during the day and awake all night. I have become a hermit wanting or needing very little human interaction. I find myself crying for no reason. I’d like to share the biggest reason I’m leaving a comment. I know I’m not crazy as some I’ve confided in ate telling me or making jokes about. I have seen shadows many times of what some would call spirits. I am hearing visions of that makes sense. I hear something or an event that has happened to someone else. For a week now an owl has been outside my bathroom window where I sit up at nite with the window open doing work since I’m not sleeping normal hours. He’s “whooing”, but not the loud kind. It’s just a low tone non-stop for about 20 minutes then he’s gone. Can anyone relate? I’m feeling events before they happen. The gut instinct thing. I’ve been right everytime. Yet all my friends think I’m crazy. Im not crazy. They are still asleep.
IN my opinion you are not crazy – and I LOVE the owl – I too have had a TON of them this year right outside of my home – they are wondrous spirit totems! Keep grounded and do your best to move through any old beliefs and old fear energies that cause the stuck stuff. And remember no one has to validate your experiences outside of yourself. They are for you and about you.
Interestingly a lot of all of this happened to me at a very young age from about six it being able to see Aura is the ability to manipulate and see energies and auras seeing spirits seeing flashes of like having super good peripheral and I’ve actually seen it seemed physical to me a Angel come to me at about the age of 12 I’ve had abilities many of which most people don’t naturally have information and ability with that information just off the top of their head and throughout my life things that I’ve done and things that I was starting to think I might have been a little crazy so I went to go look it up and sure enough it was actually a thing like a lot of things in divination physical and spiritual abilities and even more then that most people if they are aware of their special abilities usually I haven’t seen very many people I’ve seen one other that didn’t have a true label whereas to define the person and what they are most capable and better best at and what their ability to fall under like divination is people having premonitions being able to read things like tea leaves it and tarot cards and being able to do divination are and list goes on but outside of that there spectrum of things they can do like being able to influence forces of nature or energies or projecting a physical or spiritual influence without the physical effort being at a lesser stage than their main like the divination are I consider them special or for instance people who can see into the past present future for Sears people who can influenced fire would be a pyro kinetic person but me I can only describe it in two different ways gifted or more or less a jack of most if not all trades Powerfully so I used the term gifted because it’s not just one it’s not just a couple there’s never been anything I’ve come across today I couldn’t do and do at a level that people train their whole lives to be able to do in the speed strength and focus that I do and never having to study those traits to have the Jack if you get what I meanthat come naturally with information to access them whereas people would have to go and study to figure this stuff out I’ve never had to really study any of it and when I hit about a teenager I actually lost the ability to see spirits as well and to protect my energy much further away than myself and around about 2 to 3 ft distance from myself but lately I’m 34 now and it seems things are changing again now I’ve always been able to see my own or in other people’s or us but I’ve always had to think about looking at it for it to become squintingly enough aware to be able to see the colors now I’m seeing colors pop up interestingly right where I don’t have to look hard to see it I tend to see a depiction of a third eye on my forehead a quite literal depiction and I don’t know a lot of that stuff on that list he’s been happening to me my whole life but now things are changing and seem to be intensifying and weird ways I can even feel the third eye in which I was just talking about on my forehead I can feel a pressure tingle that’s round my head almost kind of like a crown and I have come to realize that I am not just a clairvoyant or just a spiritually abundance of physical knowledge that I shouldn’t have access to like most people’s access to their previous lives and spirit are blocked when they come into new lives some people remember the before life memories just before Coming into there lives that they are currently in me on the other hand I remember there being no one there but me whereas everyone that I’ve read about that have those memories had someone with them I did not I was alone in the clouds the clouds opened up and I saw the future of this life and for me i mean I remember them better then most to the point where my deja vu is actually remembering memories from that whereas almost everybody who has deja vu can’t access the memory that is making them feel like they have deja vu my deja vu’s are remembering those memories andI remember them in such a way that I avoided times where I’ve known I was going to even die at certain times in certain locations and because I changed the actions in which I made it turned out that I’ve avoided almost all of them that I’ve seen I can access information under categories I am just learning about or remembering about without actually ever studying and performing a lot of these things like I trained in doing them but have never done it until I’ve accessed to that information to the circumstance and can perform it like I have practice at performing it for years but it be my first time with all the information needed to perform it even with never studying it this is been my whole life but now things are changing when I look at myself in the mirror even when I don’t look at myself in the mirror I feel my third eye and when I do look at those reflections I tend to see depiction of a third eye on my forehead and I also have a constant tingly crown like type feeling like I’m wearing a crown on my head also I’ve always had to think about looking at oras to see them or energy now I don’t have to think about it to see them and when I am seeing them they are so much brighter to where as before I look really hard concentrate on it to be able to see individual colors and get them correct because it was like they were all shadowed like so dark that you could barely see them unless you had the right background to see it now they are so bright it’s interesting because of the fact that I had lost some abilities that I had when I hit 18 and almost seemed like I got a restriction placed on me for things I could do as well but now things are intensifying past the point of what I was able to see or do back then before I was 18 the most part about what I am capable of is that I have always had a strong idea of to never really using the information and talent I possess or the abilities that come like first nature to me for benefiting or bettering my own life even though if you’re a clairvoyant and pretty sure you would you’re reading on me and find out that I’m the type of person that doesn’t deserve the life that I’ve had to live through but still never using weight I can do to improve it it’s a weird strong belief of mine but it would have helped if I didn’t feel that way but I do I mean there are people out there who have had worse lives than I’ve lived but I’d have to say between everything and that has happened in that is currently still happening even with my huge belief in karmic law and being a person who doesn’t steal from stores try not to lie unless I absolutely have to I hate it when I have to physically irks me to to do so and carrying loyal and hard-working type guy so there’s no reason why I shouldn’t have had the ability to make it better but ya the thing about it is the thing that really surprised me today and made me go on a search for the meaning of this I’m a person with blue eyes my whole life almost 35 years having blue eyes just blue and all of a sudden today I decide for some reason I wanted to take a picture of my eyes to see what the design look like and it seems there is a small town with almost a quarter Brown and the rest Blue and baby blue and the baby blue is what is making the designer to make it look like a artistically Divine art of the Sun in my eyes and it being eclipsed into the iris but it looks like an solar eclipse in my eyes both of them they both look almost exactly identical which is odd because I’ve never had those designs or those colors especially at the same time in my eyes every now and then they turned a slight shade of green but that was about it so do you have any idea because for some reason I don’t what that could mean and does it have to do with the changes that just started happening as well I didn’t notice between it all until I saw the pic picture of my eyes like this and I have a strong feeling that the things that are happening ard the changes are connected and the eye thing feels like of divine a nature but one of the few times in my life I don’t haVe the answers I I am seeking and n3ed a little help trying to get info on why my eyes have changed in the last few days so dramatically In the last few days and sorry for if I did repeat some of what I was typing in this message because I was using voice to text and the app kept messing up on me so I kind of lost track at what I felt was necessary to inform you with to help maybe better get an answer for my situation it’s like I said it feels like and looks like of divine nature and all this stuff happening at the same time it can’t be coincidence can’t be so I would like to know what your thoughts are on this and maybe a direction in which I should take to if not get the answers here make my way to those answers please and thank you for all the time you’ve taken to read this I know I wrote you kind of a book but it was necessary for you to understand how different ly more excessive my situation has been for things in which you were talking about with that figure you might know enough especially since I felt like I was drawn to this page to help maybe either a give me an answer be help me find my own answer or see direct me where I can find an answer and your time is truly appreciated I hope to hear from you And if you could please send me an email that you have answered my message if you do it’ll be the email attached this but just in case you don’t have access to that I will leave it here in the message as well
Interestingly a lot of all of this happened to me at a very young age from about six it being able to see Aura is the ability to manipulate and see energies and auras seeing spirits seeing flashes of like having super good peripheral and I’ve actually seen it seemed physical to me a Angel come to me at about the age of 12 I’ve had abilities many of which most people don’t naturally have information and ability with that information just off the top of their head and throughout my life things that I’ve done and things that I was starting to think I might have been a little crazy so I went to go look it up and sure enough it was actually a thing like a lot of things in divination physical and spiritual abilities and even more then that most people if they are aware of their special abilities usually I haven’t seen very many people I’ve seen one other that didn’t have a true label whereas to define the person and what they are most capable and better best at and what their ability to fall under like divination is people having premonitions being able to read things like tea leaves it and tarot cards and being able to do divination are and list goes on but outside of that there spectrum of things they can do like being able to influence forces of nature or energies or projecting a physical or spiritual influence without the physical effort being at a lesser stage than their main like the divination are I consider them special or for instance people who can see into the past present future for Sears people who can influenced fire would be a pyro kinetic person but me I can only describe it in two different ways gifted or more or less a jack of most if not all trades Powerfully so I used the term gifted because it’s not just one it’s not just a couple there’s never been anything I’ve come across today I couldn’t do and do at a level that people train their whole lives to be able to do in the speed strength and focus that I do and never having to study those traits to have the Jack if you get what I meanthat come naturally with information to access them whereas people would have to go and study to figure this stuff out I’ve never had to really study any of it and when I hit about a teenager I actually lost the ability to see spirits as well and to protect my energy much further away than myself and around about 2 to 3 ft distance from myself but lately I’m 34 now and it seems things are changing again now I’ve always been able to see my own or in other people’s or us but I’ve always had to think about looking at it for it to become squintingly enough aware to be able to see the colors now I’m seeing colors pop up interestingly right where I don’t have to look hard to see it I tend to see a depiction of a third eye on my forehead a quite literal depiction and I don’t know a lot of that stuff on that list he’s been happening to me my whole life but now things are changing and seem to be intensifying and weird ways I can even feel the third eye in which I was just talking about on my forehead I can feel a pressure tingle that’s round my head almost kind of like a crown and I have come to realize that I am not just a clairvoyant or just a spiritually abundance of physical knowledge that I shouldn’t have access to like most people’s access to their previous lives and spirit are blocked when they come into new lives some people remember the before life memories just before Coming into there lives that they are currently in me on the other hand I remember there being no one there but me whereas everyone that I’ve read about that have those memories had someone with them I did not I was alone in the clouds the clouds opened up and I saw the future of this life and for me i mean I remember them better then most to the point where my deja vu is actually remembering memories from that whereas almost everybody who has deja vu can’t access the memory that is making them feel like they have deja vu my deja vu’s are remembering those memories andI remember them in such a way that I avoided times where I’ve known I was going to even die at certain times in certain locations and because I changed the actions in which I made it turned out that I’ve avoided almost all of them that I’ve seen I can access information under categories I am just learning about or remembering about without actually ever studying and performing a lot of these things like I trained in doing them but have never done it until I’ve accessed to that information to the circumstance and can perform it like I have practice at performing it for years but it be my first time with all the information needed to perform it even with never studying it this is been my whole life but now things are changing when I look at myself in the mirror even when I don’t look at myself in the mirror I feel my third eye and when I do look at those reflections I tend to see depiction of a third eye on my forehead and I also have a constant tingly crown like type feeling like I’m wearing a crown on my head also I’ve always had to think about looking at oras to see them or energy now I don’t have to think about it to see them and when I am seeing them they are so much brighter to where as before I look really hard concentrate on it to be able to see individual colors and get them correct because it was like they were all shadowed like so dark that you could barely see them unless you had the right background to see it now they are so bright it’s interesting because of the fact that I had lost some abilities that I had when I hit 18 and almost seemed like I got a restriction placed on me for things I could do as well but now things are intensifying past the point of what I was able to see or do back then before I was 18 the most part about what I am capable of is that I have always had a strong idea of to never really using the information and talent I possess or the abilities that come like first nature to me for benefiting or bettering my own life even though if you’re a clairvoyant and pretty sure you would you’re reading on me and find out that I’m the type of person that doesn’t deserve the life that I’ve had to live through but still never using weight I can do to improve it it’s a weird strong belief of mine but it would have helped if I didn’t feel that way but I do I mean there are people out there who have had worse lives than I’ve lived but I’d have to say between everything and that has happened in that is currently still happening even with my huge belief in karmic law and being a person who doesn’t steal from stores try not to lie unless I absolutely have to I hate it when I have to physically irks me to to do so and carrying loyal and hard-working type guy so there’s no reason why I shouldn’t have had the ability to make it better but ya the thing about it is the thing that really surprised me today and made me go on a search for the meaning of this I’m a person with blue eyes my whole life almost 35 years having blue eyes just blue and all of a sudden today I decide for some reason I wanted to take a picture of my eyes to see what the design look like and it seems there is a small town with almost a quarter Brown and the rest Blue and baby blue and the baby blue is what is making the designer to make it look like a artistically Divine art of the Sun in my eyes and it being eclipsed into the iris but it looks like an solar eclipse in my eyes both of them they both look almost exactly identical which is odd because I’ve never had those designs or those colors especially at the same time in my eyes every now and then they turned a slight shade of green but that was about it so do you have any idea because for some reason I don’t what that could mean and does it have to do with the changes that just started happening as well I didn’t notice between it all until I saw the pic picture of my eyes like this and I have a strong feeling that the things that are happening ard the changes are connected and the eye thing feels like of divine a nature but one of the few times in my life I don’t haVe the answers I I am seeking and n3ed a little help trying to get info on why my eyes have changed in the last few days so dramatically In the last few days and sorry for if I did repeat some of what I was typing in this message because I was using voice to text and the app kept messing up on me so I kind of lost track at what I felt was necessary to inform you with to help maybe better get an answer for my situation it’s like I said it feels like and looks like of divine nature and all this stuff happening at the same time it can’t be coincidence can’t be so I would like to know what your thoughts are on this and maybe a direction in which I should take to if not get the answers here make my way to those answers please and thank you for all the time you’ve taken to read this I know I wrote you kind of a book but it was necessary for you to understand how different ly more excessive my situation has been for things in which you were talking about with that figure you might know enough especially since I felt like I was drawn to this page to help maybe either a give me an answer be help me find my own answer or see direct me where I can find an answer and your time is truly appreciated I hope to hear from you And if you could please send me an email that you have answered my message if you do it’ll be the email attached this but just in case you don’t have access to that I will leave it here in the message as well and because it’s trying to block me from giving you my email through this it’s at gmail and the name to the email is ibninjat Well you have an awesome day and blessed travels
I am no t really sure about the change in eye color but I too have changed my eye color significantly over the years of doing energy work. Mine were always super dark brown and now they are all filled with gold flecks and rimmed in blue – maybe an aging thing but believe it is more about the quotient of light moving through. That is all I know about it = hope this helps some.
I am not really sure about the change in eye color but I too have changed my eye color significantly over the years of doing energy work. Mine were always super dark brown and now they are all filled with gold flecks and rimmed in blue – maybe an aging thing but believe it is more about the quotient of light moving through. That is all I know about it = hope this helps some.
So, like many other people here I experience much of the list. This all started when I was 13 or so after an accident at the beach. I was changing cloths and slipped on the slick concrete. I remember getting up again and slipping again knocking me out. But I remember floating above watching my friends and workers rush my body to the table and lay me down. It was the strangest feeling when I was watching. Like, I see this boy laying down there and I remember it felt like something speaking to me. But I heard it on the inside? If you know what I mean. Well anyway it gave me this feeling that the way I was acting my whole childhood was wrong and that if I wanted to live I had to lead a different life. Let me tell you I did change my life l, but ever since then I have weird occurrences. I’ve had people I have never met before know my name. I seem to recognize everyone around me, like I have met them before but they look different. Literally everyone. Omg I have had issues with electronics since then, doing operations in wrong order. Phone not working correctly even when it was fine a second before. When I sleep my body temp feels like it raises 20 degrees and I sweat all night. I don’t know what is watching over me, or even if it means well. Over the years I have been trying to learn to watch for the signs and not fight the current. I also have numbers that show up too often, I’m not kidding, I see 666 everywhere! At least once a day, like, what are the odds? Sometimes I feel like I am exploding energy from my body just because I want my energy to push whatever it is away. I don’t think it works lol. I try to live a better life everyday, but damn that depression is hard. I did alot of soul searching while I was in the navy trying to figure out who/what was either trying to help, or take advantage of me. Some days are easier than others, but most days something random will happen like a part randomly breaking on my car. Or like I literally fix 1 thing on my car and the next day something else will go wrong. I just try and roll with the punches and do what I can to make my and other people’s life better. My empathy has gotten me into the 2 worst relationships I have ever had. I have never experienced narsasistic abuse, mentality and physically like that before under the guise of love. So it’s come to me living in my car with my dog because rent is out of control and I would rather out that money into my car then to pay for a place that will just fill up with crap. Uuuhhgg I apologize for how long this post is, and I don’t even know why I felt the need to look this up tonight. Or even post something. Like I said, I just try and ride the waves, not make them. I don’t know if I should be looking up how to control this better or just to uhhh hang out and chock it up to shit just being weird that we don’t understand.
I sometimes think shit is just being weird and we don’t always have to understand! Hang in there – you are not alone.
I believe I can relate more to the relationship changes. I have an Intermittent explosive disorder wherein I get mad at a particular person and that is consistently occurring, even to my partner I burst anger easily if things don’t go accordingly to my preference. One example is I value my time so much and I get mad if someone wastes it, especially if I have tasks that I missed because of time wasted. This is always the case between me and my partner, I value time and she doesn’t so that is always our point of argument. Having a sort of therapy or consultation helps a lot because they are the one who connects the link making sure it is bonded tight. I’ve also learned a lot from reading articles such as yours, Suzanne. This is a big help and I have a deeper understanding of this type of situation.
Totally get it Rodney – our human fight or flight systems are all out of wack and if you already have those tendencies – it is even more exacerbated right now, so I personally am doing a lot of physical and emotional work on myself to calm that nervous system down.
Thank you for creating this blog. I have been trying to find resources for a very specific thing that I experience often and none of my spiritual/truth seekers/enlightened friends have experienced it. I finally delve into spirituality on a much deeper level in April 2022, I say finally because throughout my entire life, I have always had the ability to see & speak to spirits, I have been in predicaments where my life would have probably ended if an energy didn’t physically withdraw me from the situation (I have a library of situations), etc…….
Today I am talking about slipping into other dimensions when I close my eyes. When it happens I am 100% totally conscious. With all of these experiences in the past, I never attempted to say anything, I was always in wonderment. A friend of mine said, maybe you should say or do something…….So, it happened again on 1/12/2023, and for the first time, I talked and touched the two people that were there. I went along with what was happening in the room, so I fit right in as if I was always there with them. I learned so much that day. I am posting my story in hopes to find a spiritual scholar that has experience with this specifically.
Thanks again for creating this blog.
Universal blessings,
Hi Mercedes – yes that is something most folks do not really understand and even when you are in the midst of doing it as well it is difficult to get your head around. I have a new book coming out in April on my website at called Confident Empath where I share a complete client story about a home that I was hired to clear for paranormal and it actually was two interpenetrating timelines wherein the people were crossing over into each others spaces. It was one of the most fascinating sessions i Have even had. I also share another one where I jumped into another timeline holographically wherein I could walk through the building as it was in the 1800’s. This all is able to happen ow because the actual density that kept the timelines separate is now thinning (also a thinning of the veil so to speak) is how people are finding themselves slipping, jumping, etc. While this is all cool and exciting it is super important to lean how to stay grounded yourself in the 3D so that you are sure to fully return with all of your own personal shards and fractals of light or you can find yourself experiencing vertigo type difficulties. Just my two cents.
Wow, just wow.
I am also seeing light flakes…
Is this photons I am seeing?
I am at the stage of developing deep self love and forgiveness between my soulful inner child and my higher angelic spirit. It’s beautiful.
Any tips??
Light and Love
Thanks so much!
I cannot be sure of your personal experience but I too do see these and believe they can be the photons – I see them kind of like light squiggles floating and shooting about int he air. My tips are to just play – play with “soft eyes” so that you can expand your third-eye and extend that effort to then things – like trees, plants, etc. to train your eyes to see their auras – then people, etc. PLAY
Thank you very much for your guidance.
Thank you for your guidance as they are really helpful. I need help on something that happened to me in the past and no one could tell me what that was. I felt I was traveling in very bright light and that last only maximum 1-2mins. I had my eyes wide opened doing my crochet when suddenly I found felt enjoying flying in a bright light but I don’t know why when returning, I was back in 1 sec. WHAT WAS THAT? Is there someone who can give clarity on this. Neither doctors or others could understand that. Thank you.
Take what resonates and toss what does not. Sometimes when in a relaxed or meditative state (which can include needlework) we can find ourselves going through what is termed our silver cord – which when human is attached from our heart chakra to our higher self/soul self. It is what we use to traverse into dream state. Our unbiblical cord per se. You may have been traversing here and the reason we see the light is due to the connection to the soul – at the end of that tunnel. This is where we travel during death also BTW
Wow I’m experiencing every single thing mention on these list and is driving me crazy I keep having dead spirits asking for help taunting me if I don’t popping up just everything on here and more dresser drawer’s open when I walk in my room my bed completely standing like if someone lifted it to sweep under it dressers moved inches items destroy push pinching feet grabbing foot prints appearing when I mop and no one is home toy dolls cloth rip off Paralyzed paralyzing me when I sleep and I start to come to because I’m my dream there holding me and when I start to come threw I can’t move just scream for help and when someone comes it stop doesn’t bother me when I’m around someone but if there giving me there back he it would do something and or move it and when I say wow look what happen it’s back to normal so then I look like I’m crazy I stop saying anything because my mind is intact and if someone told me I would had never believe it ever didn’t believe in god devils and Jesus but that’s what saved me the first time Holy Ghost and a foggy angel looking thing fought it off me and now being Christian it open doors to demons trying to get me to not believe it I wouldn’t had believe anything if I seen it but I am going threw this and I wish it would stop already it was nice to hear Jesus and Holy Ghost and a angel come to help and hear my dead fathers voice saying is ok to the point I broke down crying but is just to much for a person to process at once and I remember 2 month before all this happen I ask if the devil or god is real proof it and now I can’t run away from I beg anyone to not ask anything to show proof might not like the result and gonna spend days researching how to stop it and answers on why is happening and meaning is exhausting I ask god 5 things 30 helicopters on top of my house make house shake and present ur self all happen I call city they said they was spreading a chemical because of some toxics that was spreading in a storm how likely house shaking turn it a beam broke from termites the angel Jesus and Holy Ghost all five I just can’t and the devils is proving it by taunting and breaking everything I own and hacking my stuff is just weird
I suggest you shift your paradigm from fear based fuel to love fuel and command your sovereignty – anything that bothers you – stand strong and firmly state – I DO NOT CONSENT – the Laws of the Universe are on your side if you command it.
All of them at once. Sometimes it feels too much to take. Not only continuing my regular Sadhna has helped me, but also being aware “at all times” and accepting all that is happening as a means for a greater good. Trying to use and redirect this powerful energies for the benefit of my own process has provided me some relief. Kinda when ascension symptoms show up, being happy that they do cause I know they come as a unavoidable part of the process and “enjoying” it , for the lack of a better word.
Dear Suzanne.
Excellent! Thanks for sharing. I am manifesting all of those symptoms. Sometimes it feels overwhelming.
If I may ask, after confirming going through such process, What next? How to handle such symptoms?
Thank you,
Chris Phx.
I do my best to just roll with the energies – stay out of fear as much as possible, stay grounded and protected and balanced. Know that this is all bigger than us and we are each doing our part.
I am as well Chris, especially blurry vision. It’s amazing to look at people now and see their soul and not just the physical body. I can’t wait for full transition.
Thanks for sharing!
I am experiencing many of these things, and I know I am going through spiritual awakening, but a few of these things, particularly the longing for home without knowing where that home is – I have had this for at least 15 years, and only recently started tuning in spiritually. Could an awakening just kind of simmer for that long?
Totally! And I find the more I ground and connect to the Mother Earth energies in nature, that longing lessens. Just a thought!
My energy trasition is happening on 2.4.2024. I feel how everything is changing and i am going over this intense period withouth resistance.
But.. For the last two days people are literally fainting, experiencing halucinations, dizziness around me. This has become a problem since i work with so many people every day. I don’t know what to think of it or what to do. Can’t find any answers or similar cases.
Can you help my in any way to understand this better or give me a direction to investigate?
Thank you,
Not to come off self serving but my new book Confident Empath would be a wonderful tool for you to learn your boundaries and how to stay protected and grounded. You can find it on the site you found this info.
I have been experiencing majority of these especially the spotted lights and flashes in the corner of my eyes, the very intense vivid dreams and the mid back aches, I never understood why I would have them I like it’s deep in my back and it’s like all my dreams would play out in real life like it’s scary because I don’t understand it especially the dreams it was a point I was scared to go to sleep at night or sleep with out lights because they are extra heavy when it’s completely dark. At first it started with me seeing my grandparents on various occasions while I was sleep to me talking in my sleep and panting to me feeling like I’m up but where I’m at its like I’m still in the room but it’s completely dark to me having vivid dreams to the point in feeling them in reality while I’m sleep and I can hear and feel things from my dreams. Like I kept I was kissed on the neck and the feeling of the kiss woke me up out my sleep. Like I don’t understand what’s going on and I really wanna know I feel like I’m going crazy and I’m not making any of this up so if someone can tell me please because I need a better understanding from other people that experience this too
Keep learning and keep studying is my advice but also begin to learn boundaries. My new book Confident Empath is a VERY GOOD tool to learn how to keep boundaries. Recheck my site that you found this blog on at for more info.
And my mother told me that when my grandmother passed I would always see her around the house and when I was in 8th grade I told her I seen a big dog in the hallway at my granddads house I described the dog to her ,she showed me a pictured ask me was that the dog and I said yes and come to find out that was our old dog that passed underneath the house when I was five and in the house too I always felt uneasy or like someone was watching me . Like I’ve experienced a lot that I can’t even type everything but it’s very scary at times because like I said I don’t understand it
They are all just experiences and the more we learn about it all and about ourselves, the less scary things become.
Been having on and off symptoms of blissful vibes, energy pulsing out my chest. Now I been very tired for 5 days like zero energy. What the heck is going on? Also getting vibrations in face a head and also electric shocks in my legs. Isnt this just stress?
Lots of time it takes an integration period after we upgrade or get additional love/light frequencies. It is pretty typical. Not just stress in my opinion.
As we expand our consciousness, we become more aware of the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of living in harmony with the natural world. My personal experience with spiritual awakening and expanded consciousness came during a meditation retreat in the mountains. As I sat in stillness and silence, I began to feel a deep sense of peace and connection to the earth. I became aware of the subtle energies that surround us, and I could feel the interconnectedness of all things. It was a profound experience that left me with a greater appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the world around us. If you are experiencing signs of spiritual awakening and expanded consciousness, it is important to embrace these changes and allow yourself to grow and evolve. Trust in your intuition and follow your heart, and you will find that the path ahead will become clearer with each step you take. Remember, we are all on a journey of self-discovery, and the more we expand our consciousness, the more we can contribute to the greater good of humanity and the planet.
Hi, My name is Devendra, I have recently loss both grandparents, however, and unfortunately, I was only present for grandmother cremation and ritual. Hindus has a rituals of 10 days and 12 or 13 days depending of the priest. on the 10 days of her shraadh ritual, that night come kind of energy that did not felt right came home with me? I don know. I can relate to mostly of your check list. I try sage and mantra nothing help. I try the remedies that priest suggested nothing.
IN my opinion we have command of not only our body but our space. Re-ritual your space and command auric protection of it and of you. Do a lock down on your space daily until you feel more at peace. Stay out of fear and watch your Law of Attraction as what you are giving attention to is coming to you. Take what resonates, toss rest.
I hear a ringing sound all the time and it hurts along with any other high pitched sounds i also notice small things other people don’t notice and have a reaccuring dream that i’m in a concentration camp but i was never alone i have friends in these dreams but don’t know them but i see people that look like them at my school and in the im in little boy`s body they started when i was 7 and now im 15 another thing is my body is alway burning up and i get cold easily and i can take heat from any thing i touch i can also burn my arm with extremely hot water and it doesn’t hurt and i feel more connected with nature but mostly with water and animals and i have hyper senses, sharp teeth, sharp nails and fast healing and fast reflexes also growl. please get back to me as soon as possible.
A lot of odd things can happen when we are going through this time – we can have dimension jumps and feel like we are getting info in dreams – which we may – the most important thing in my opinion is to remember that you are YOU only in this body at this time and allow all else to simply be information. Hot cold is all part of it also. Ringing can be down loads, messages or vertigo and more – so check in with yourself and ask if you need to be seen by an actual MD or if this is a part of it all. Take control of your body and use your auric protection. Stay out of fear, take what resonates – toss rest.
This article is amazing and I am so glad I found it. I have so many of these symptoms and have gradually been increasing or developing over the last 15 years. The ones that really stuck out to me was when I was a kid, my aunt and uncle lived in a house that me and my cousins would say had a ghost living there. We called him Mr Boots because he wore brown boots, a flannel, and jeans. He had an orange beard. Fast forward 10 years and I meet my now, husband. Turns out his parents used to live in the same house as my aunt and uncle several years prior and my father in law passed away in that house. When I saw the picture of him, my stomach was in knots!! I immediately knew that was Mr Boots. How bizarre that I would marry his son. Our families did not know each other before us meeting. Other ones that stand out are seeing colors and blurred vision. Lately, I have been seeing peoples thermal radiation. Tingles, twitches, pressure in my mid back and upper chest. Honestly, I have too many to list off but it is incredible and relieving to know I am not insane! Thank you Suzanne!
What a cool story Kelly – thank you for sharing it! I certainly do not think you’re insane – sounds like great experiences to have!!
Every word 🙌 ! So if I know and I have to be my own doctor in these situations who helps me cope and deal who can help me with these feelings of being the only one of feeling so unique in a world of ugly selfish people I can’t even look into peoples eyes without seeing directly in their souls amd its like every ugly nasty thang they ever did is starting me back in the eyes and when I bring up their past and what they did I’m the crazy one for knowing ! They always ask me how I know they panic I’ve lost so many friends I’ve surprised others these epic life events happen all around me constantly and yet I have the ability to stand out and know I’m blessed and most days every breath is a gift I’m greatful for it but I’m so tired of knowing things and if I don’t act or try to help then bad things via the worst things seem to happen I’ve warned so many people about their life habits then just days later their dead ♥️ .. death accidents major life events seem to be the easiest to predict / know when comeing and de ja vu or dreams that actually happen in real life always occurs in my life constantly I wake up out of my sweat filled dreams drenched in a panic and go drink a bottle of cold water then write down what happend within a week it always comes true and I can physically see the dream unravel in reality I don’t want to admit to many of the other things in life via shadow people / 4th demitional beings that are invisible to the naked eye but u can see their oroa when around and looking have grabbed one of them by hand out of a nightmare dream my hand was asleep felt like pure static energy and I wouldn’t. Belive I had em in my hand if I didn’t get slapped with sleeping sand and b 4 I closed my eyes that dumb m.f. slammed my bedroom door shut ! I’ve had 2 counts of what I consider abduction waking up on a covered belt with a giant praying Monticello and body parts all around me couldn’t talk couldn’t breath couldn’t spit just terrified and stuck their as they dug right in ! Woke up the next day felt like I didn’t sleep at all and so uneasy !! I need help or friends who are the same or know what’s really going on I’ve died 3 times in this life and can remember 2 of my past life’s part of them anyways the more this goes on the more I feel like I’m waking up but I can’t identify or attach to anything I need to know who can bring clarity to my life or if I have past life therapy might help idk !
That’s a lot! Possibly it is time to command better personal boundaries – my book Confident Empath may help you. Check it out on my site:
Do know what everyone else is going thorugh because I have experiened may symtoms on this list. I am so glad there are outlets like this that Susanne created for us to openly discuss such matters. At first, I did feel alone, but I have gotten use to it because I stay busy with reading and course work to enhance myself and trying to establish a business. Right now, I am search around to see if thier ar any local meetups or groups where we can talk about these things in person. sending harmonic balance and high vibrations of love, peace, and positivity to you all!
Thank you for sharing!!
Good evening Suzanne
I really thought that im Going mad ,and everyone around me also thinks the same ,then I came across your page and iam so glad,thank u so much for helping us,my body is vibrating and I went on Google to see if I can fine out what is wrong with me iam not siek but my hall body is vibrating and I alwys feel like something is going to happen and my eye sometimes I can see and then sometimes its so hazey and my ears hurt when peopel start talking to loud.I see brite litel lights and sometimes big lights that just appears from no where and I can read peopel and know when they are lying ,everything started changing for me sins last year and it just feels like it’s getting stronger every day and I want to be alone and lov nature and animals.iam just glad to know iam not going mad .
sounds like some cool awakening experiences!! Stay grounded!
Yes it’s an amazing time to be a sensitive energized spirit.
I am experiencing all of these celestial symptoms and reminded to be grateful for every manifestation from Source and our guides. Blessed. Acceptance of these gifts and welcoming them into my presence is helping me to evolve. After a decade I finally feel these symptoms recessing while the coincidences continue. I am grateful to have these symptoms reduce as my understanding increases. It can be a painful journey, and I only needed to change my perspective. Acknowledging pain. Embracing pain. Then allowing it to go. Lately, symptom improving with the addition of new spiritual practices. Loving-kindness is a daily process, pray and mantra for myself and others that keeps me balanced. I have felt better recently by adding a key of attention to each of my mundane activities. For example when driving I say “May every rotation of the tires” release all those suffering abuse. “May every blink of my eyes” clear all the pollution in the ocean”.
Adding to my loving-kindness mindfulness practice has somehow relieved my of numerous “celestial” symptoms. Cannot explain.
I think what also helps is improving relationships in my life.
Be well!
I LOVE your sentence: I am grateful to have these symptoms reduce as my understanding increases. !!! thanks for sharing your wisdom.
I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this, but recently I have been waking up anywhere from 3-3:30 am with intense tingling or butterflies in my stomach. It is the tingling that actually wakes me up.
Lot of regeneration and upgrading happens to our light bodies while we sleep….
I just think 2024 is the year of death I can feel in every part of my body just feel the perfect storm is coming and there is no way to survive this with my family celebrities building bunkers this world is out of control I try to stay positive all time so my kids don’t have to see me cry this world is based off of so much symbolism and numbers I really feel in my heart Sunday the 18th 2024 that we will no longer be here cause I dug deep into things I shouldn’t of I feel the universe is fading I feel once we die we will go back to nothingness how we came I just fear for my kids safety I find it unfair the people in power know it’s taking place and they are not saying anything to the public most people think I’m crazy but I am not I know that it’s all going to happen at once im talking eruptions of valcanos oceans mountains all the above and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it I want to live I don’t want to die because of someone else’s actions the thought of losing myself and family that I learned to love so much and being taken it destroys me as a person it’s like I’m trying to hide from the inevitable but I can’t and it hurts me to my core and I realize I’m not the only one in the world that has to go through this and it doesn’t make it any better because we are all scared
Alot of people are feeling a sense of death right now because in so many different ways we are dying and rebirthing. I think it is important to stay focused in love and light versus in fear however. Gaia and the human species are divine vehicles of Source – I keep the faith it is all happening as it is for a reason…take what resonates – toss the rest.
I have some of these symptoms. 2 nights ago I suddenly woke up at 1.49am feeling an intense surge of energy on my feet. This felt like pressure that traveled up and wooshed through the chakras till it hit the solar plexus where I could feel it pulsating, creating pressure. I consciously willed it to travel further up and felt it move up into the heart then the throat where it seemed to accumulate. I had been feeling low and depressed the past few days before this happened and as this pressure traveled through me, I felt myself letting go of fear, old resentments, jealousy, stress, hatred, all the negative things accumulated in me and found myself forgiving everyone as I realized that they way they behave is because they don’t know better. I felt a surging of love/energy in the heart and this pushed the ‘pressure’ to the third eye. I had my eyes closed but could see the energy moving in waves, feel it travel through my face and when all of it reached the third eye, my lower body felt empty, lightened of all burdens. Then my eyes rolled back into my head and the ball of energy pushed its way out through the crown and I felt myself smiling at at total peace with myself and the world around me. I am not a regular practitioner of meditation and this happened all of a sudden. I can now feel energy flowing through me from the root to the crown. I also felt a deep and profound recognition of someone, a face flashed in my mind, I could feel this person’s energy blocked at the solar plexus and was able to help him clear out his energy in the same way mine happened. I keep waking up between 2-4pm – like wide awake – and feel the energy rushing through me in a gentle stream. I feel energized through the day even with less sleep, I feel really light and limber, I am not hungry – I feel like I could live on the energy flowing through me. My heart now feels sudden bursts and surges of intense energy that ebbs and flows through the day. I am not sure what this all means, but I am at peace and happy and calm. I did hear tinkling bells and chirping birds in the middle of the night several times in the weeks before this transition happened. Can you pls explain what I am experiencing?
You are awakening and upgrading to the human blueprint of our birthright – it is all part of the Ascension process. I have a ton of free info including a free Ascension ebook on my site at Enjoy the ride!
Hi I’ve recently started going to Kundalini awakening sessions. It’s very powerful for me I shake uncontrollably and I’ve had strong visuals during the sessions. Most of the things above I can relate to. In my first session I ended up at a place and felt an overwhelming sense that I was home. Each session I’ve been seeing different things but I end up back to that place. Like I say I relate to most of the things you have written about. I need to connect with likeminded people to discuss and share what I’m seeing. I’ve just decided to start writting it down. If you are interested I am willing to connect. I think you would find it interesting.
Got this twice so answered the first one…..
Hi I’ve recently started going to Kundalini awakening sessions. It’s very powerful for me I shake uncontrollably and I’ve had strong visuals during the sessions. Most of the things above I can relate to. In my first session I ended up at a place and felt an overwhelming sense that I was home. Each session I’ve been seeing different things but I end up back to that place. Like I say I relate to most of the things you have written about. I need to connect with likeminded people to discuss and share what I’m seeing. I’ve just decided to start writting it down. If you are interested I am willing to connect. I think you would find it interesting.
Thanks for sharing Katie – maybe consider my Vibe Tribe community to connect with – see it at
I am so happy I stumbled across this blog. My dad passed 02/02/2022 and my life has not been the same since. It started with an inability to feel. Sadness anger or happiness were no longer emotions that I embodied. I tried so hard to cry for my dad and I just could not. I am such an emotional person so this was a big deal for me to have such a blockage. From there I started to always see 222 which I associated with losing my dad but then 222 expanded to 333, 444, 1111 and 111, even to this day these numbers appear constantly. The summer of 2023 my cousin came and created an oasis on my back deck to give me a space to find myself again. I spent most of my time on the deck reading my bible praying and even napping. I had recently had a discussion with my Nana about my faith where I was really questioning my beliefs, so one day I decided to have this conversation with The Most High. Just then some birds came to my bird feeder and embracing the faith of my Nana I told The Most High whenever I saw birds it would remind me that he is with me. All of a sudden I lost my breath and tears began to fall from my eyes, my body felt warm like a big hug, I felt an immense sensation of love. I drop to my knees and began to cry out for God, this happen two times that day. I have a new appreciation for nature. I just want to be near the water and under the sun. I get the urge to just stare at the sun its so peaceful to me. Now, I am starting to have weird sensations in between going to sleep and actually falling asleep. Feelings like my body is buzzing and loud gongs sounding in my ear. The other night my body felt so electric I couldn’t sleep. I am having lucid dreams/nightmares and lots of sleep paralysis. Sometimes I can not tell dreams from reality. I hear high pitched ringing in my ears often and now for the last three months my eye lids twitch like crazy. I no longer desire alcohol, when wine use to be my water lol. I crave fruit and veggies when my whole life I’ve been a big carnivore. Something unexplainable is going on and it feels so good to just to have some place to release all of this. I have felt like I was losing my mind for so long.
What a great story and what a great portal date to have your dad transition!! Hang in there as it sounds like you are fully awakening and that is awesome!! Check out my Vibe Tribe if it resonates on my site at for a like-minded community support!
Wow. I go thru all of this. I’m in shock that this is a thing. Ive been blaming it on PTSD, autism and perimedoupause. Very interesting
I had a profound ascension experience this summer on my 36th birthday. I resonate with a lot of what you say and have photos to prove it. People thought I was crazy but I was just talking to God and experienced the Holy Spirit and Ghost. Now lights at night are viewed differently from my perspective. I do not deny the other dimensions.
thanks for sharing
I have questions? My whole life I have experience just about everything but growing up it wasn’t easy seeing, hearing, or knowing things before time. It was scary sometimes I mean I was a child. My Grandmother used to say I was born with an veil over my eyes what do that mean? But something just happened within two weeks in my life. Well I just lost an family member from a heart attack, what got me is that I had just told her to take rest for awhile. Why because she was going to have a heart attack. I have been going on a roller coaster ride as I like to say for two months now. You know just about everything on the list. It was yesterday that family member left us. Just about four hours ago I seen like white smoke horizontal lines float right before me. I was on a phone call with a friend of mine when it happened. I had to get off the phone because I could feel the panic from this. It was that family member telling me to give an message. After I called someone 10 minutes later I was at easy. Now I believe it’s a gift from birth but at first I didn’t. I am just really starting to really accept it now for about two years now. So all this to say sometimes I don’t know what to believe until I came across this just know.
Gifts are just that – a gift. You cannot make anything happen or not happen for others, you just have knowledge and if you just allow that to flow without fear it is easier.
I had a spiritual awakening in December of 2023 it was triggered by my cousin dying and other traumatic things happening all at the same time I couldn’t handle it.. 5 months ago I found out I am a master number 11 so I am also a healer and empath which is good to know I thought I couldn’t handle conflict but that’s not it.. I healed my first soul today online and they told me it worked.. when all of this happening and I couldn’t handle it at first..Now I am getting it down and understanding how everything works I lost friends cuz they said I am doing doing wrong which is thru numerology and angel numbers because everybody believes the Bible that stated, the angel numbers are sin, but God never said that only the man that made the Bible said that because God didn’t make the Bible only man did that believes this is what God wants so I don’t believe anything. The Bible says, only believe what my angel says, because my angel numbers are coming directly from my garden angels and God himself not from a man that believes this is what God wants before awakening, I believe in the Bible, I also went to church and everything but not now i don’t want to be lied too that’s why i am not going.. my gifts that were given to me I made a promise to the universe that I won’t be making a profit off my gifts that God has given me because that is a sin, and you are not allowed to God gives you these spiritual gifts to share freely like Jesus did and that is what I have to do and I have no problem doing it. I’m happy to do that.
Thanks for sharing – but remember we never heal anyone – we are the healing conduit – they choose to heal themselves.
It is truly a well-researched content and excellent wording. I got so engaged in this material that I couldn’t wait reading. I am impressed with your work and skill. Thanks.
thanks for sharing
I am so happy to read this. Often going through something like this you feel alone and at times a little crazy. I have had so many signs. The numbers for sure, ringing ears, cold flashes, sense of someone near, hearing songs at night-but just verses over and over, like someone is telling me something. A true sense that there is so much more, and a earning to have soul communication become stronger and more apparent. It’s like my soul is so hungry for it’s pupose and it’s family. Hard to explain, but a little sense of feeling lonely, like these aren’t my people. I’ve lost many earthly friends abruptly lately, like someone is trying to pull me from old habits and patterns, and push me into new things, and new people.
Thanks for sharing – the lonely feeling is really common right now for many – but remember this is bigger than us, we are never alone!
Omg yes! I forgot to mention this one! The random songs out of nowhere! I can hear them though they are barely audible, and it’s not like in my head, it’s out loud and no one else will hear it. Now that you mention it, it usually is a chorus or a verse over and over for several minutes at a time. I will also hear random conversations happening around me in the middle of the night when the world is quiet and my household is fast asleep. I can never actually make out the conversation, but I can hear the different distinct voices that are participating in the conversation. This used to leave me very unsettled, until I realized that I share spaces with other beings in different dimensions and they may be wondering about us as well.
I have most of the symptoms. At the very beginning, I felt like I’ve started losing my mind, but it all set back into place after while. Now I’m sharp minded, self aware, practicing mindfullness, as much as posdible trughout the day, and meditating three times a day. I still have a rendom brekedowns, and crying like a baby out of nowhere, cosed by nothing. The problem I’m dealing with is how to protect my self from other people energy. Sometimes i feel so lost and exhausted. Great article by the way. ❤️
Maybe consider downloading my FREE meditation on my home page at for the Ground and Bubble – it will help!
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Ill share something with this community that i am usually looked at for being weird.
I dont sleep well and rarely dream or if i do i do not remeber them. However if i do wake up while im in the dream it usually is of something unsettling. To sum it up without drawing this story out too long. the most disturbing dreams that i have had and have ended up coming true or almost exactly as what i dreamt. 1. i dreamed my grandfather was going to pass a week before he died. 2. dream about my mother needing to go get her woman looked at something wrong. she took my advice and ended up catching she had utern cancer very early and was able to have it removed with no further treatment. 3. i dreamed my father had something wrong with him but it was not specific. however again took my advice went thru numerous test and found he had early colon cancer. however he did need treatment and by the way now are both cancer free.
4. woke in the middle of the nite and actually seen the silouette of death. that was disturbing by the way. the appearance was so tall and lanky and dark. i have 8ft ceilings he was as tall as my ceiling and and scrunched over barely fitiing in the room. there was no sickle or sithe but it did appear kinda like the pictures u see. but like i said he was so tall and just like a dark smoke or shadow. when i got my bearings after starring at it for a while and finally like blinked and got up. it was gone. 1 week later my weiner dog that slept by my bed passed.
one of my most disturbing ones though. when i started seeing my fiance about 2 months in i dreamed he passed of an overdose. it was a slightly over a year of that dream he did pass. however not before having another 1 week before. i woke up so startled that i got him up to check on him. again within that week unfortunately he passed rite beside me while i was asleep. when i have a significant dream like that im scared to tell the person that i dreamed about. for fear of it coming true and or them thinking im nutz.
one last thing i played with a quiji board when in my early 20s with a friend all drunk and pot smoked up. and was told iwas gona die at age 39. that has stuck with me and i never for gotit. especially now beacuse this year i am 39.
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Most of the “symptoms” on this list have been occurring for me for a couple of years now. I started having serious issues with gastrointestinal tract, having flu like symptoms on and off constantly, severe migraines, insomnia until the full moon makes her appearance and then for those three blissful days I sleep like a baby. New moon energy is the most difficult for me all the way around, and once full moon is over, every single night (not kidding) I am miraculously awoken out of a dead sleep at 3:00 am or 3:13 or 3:33, that is if I’m not struggling with another bout of insomnia. I feel energy buzzing constantly, hear long ringing in one ear before it switches to another, and my phone will glitch like crazy if I’m upset and in a heightened state. All of these things led me to go to a doctor (which I struggle with doing because I don’t trust them after many horrible experiences in childhood), and I was told nothing was wrong. Some of the symptoms got so severe at one point that it led me to keep going and then making him send me to every specialist possible. GI, ENT, lung specialist, etc. Many weird tests conducted that were extremely uncomfortable all to confirm that there was nothing medically wrong with me. I used to love crafting and painting and refurbishing old furniture, and have zero drive or desire for any of it. The fatigue is so extreme sometimes that I have a hard time functioning. I have cut myself off from dang near everyone I hung around before this all started including key family members (which once shadow work started I realized those key family members weren’t good for me and I could love them from a distance and protect my peace) and now only share energy with my spouse and youngest child. I do get lonely a lot of times and feel unheard or like I can’t truly express myself, so this causes me to retreat into myself. My affinity for animals (I have several cats, my babies, and two pitties, my loves) and going to the lake near my home or sitting with my favorite tree (gosh I love them all really) is the only thing that truly brings me back to my senses and helps me face what I have to. I speak to the trees and the entities that surround them and ask for permission to have an energetic exchange before sitting, hugging or touching one (trust me, they let you know if your energy isn’t welcomed). My favorite time of day is night when the sky is clear and you can see the wonders of the sky that people like to see as “stars”, and especially when the moon is full and bright. I also love the sun, but I love the sun we used to have before all the chemtrails really started becoming a problem, when it was orange and not white like an LED light in the sky. That’s not my sun, so now I choose to try to sleep during the day if I’m able. This is also because my dreams are 1000x more intense when I’m asleep at night but no matter what time of day I sleep, my dreams are always incredibly vivid, most times it is apocalyptic war and finding myself leading battles. I have had weather event prophetic events which freaked my family out and one member asked me to keep them to myself after the second “prediction” came to pass. I cut that member out of my life. It’s incredibly difficult having all of these experiences and no one around that can genuinely relate to you. My spouse has their own experiences but always tries to claim to know exactly what I’m dealing with when their gifts are different and I can literally see their thoughts or hear them telepathically and know that they don’t quite understand what I’m saying, but I love them for trying. I get the notion to take random pictures of clouds or trees at weird times sometimes, and not long ago I was taking pictures of the field and sunset behind clouds from my bedroom window (two days in a row which was odd even for me), and when I reveiewed my shots a week later, I was stunned to find a huge blue vortex in one area of our property on both separate days. I also caught a blue energetic light being, oddly shaped but with chakra points glowing and floating towards me. I literally caught that both days as well, and both times it was in several photos very bright at first and as it got right in front of me, it almost had completely faded. This seriously shocked me and I have dug into this multiple times and have found no one else that has had the same experience. I felt very calm and at ease when I looked back at these and remembered how calm and at ease I felt as I took those pictures (I’m normally kind of high strung, anxious, and spastic tbh). I do believe that vortex opens often but it’s not always positive calming energies coming and going through it. Backtracking back to sleep and dreams now, i never had sleep paralysis until my spiritual journey kicked off in 2017, and then it became a huge issue for several years and every now and then it still comes back (to me it feels like it’s a test to see if I remember how to stay calm and navigate through it). When I studied sleep paralysis all I can ever find is hypnogogia and I don’t remember the name of the other type but none of these experiences line up with what I experience. I can be full blown conversation with my spouse, not tired at all, and be literally “pulled” into these other realms and within less than a minute be immersed in other time periods and cultures, most of the experiences are incredibly intense, and wake back up in a few minutes (but felt like forever for me) and start telling my spouse everything I just saw. I’ve also been pulled in suddenly and kind of stuck in limbo with entites trying to frighten me, and they used to very much. It took two years solid of dealing with them before I figured out how to control it. I know I’m not explaining this properly, and my thoughts are so jumbled and all over the place, therefore I apologize sincerely for taking anyone that has read this far on a weird bumpy coaster that never makes much sense. Any sincere and helpful thoughts on any of this would be much appreciated, because lately I just feel stuck, stagnant, and finding it hard to push through the idleness. I realize still is needed to process or to upload the downloads I like to say, but I feel as though there’s something I’m missing that’s needed to propel to the next portion or level of all of this, and I just can’t seem to put my finger on it even though I feel it roaming on the edges of my consciousness. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your time, lack of being judgmental, and certainly for your patience for sticking with my adhd storytelling. Much love to all of you. ♥️
Nikki – thank you so much for sharing all this on my site – it is appreciated as many have strange experiences and never share and end up feeling even weird-er!! I appreciate all you do. Not that I am pushing services but maybe consider a healing with me if that resonates. is the site you are already on but check out the services. Much love to you on your journey!
Hi Suzanne, thank you for this article. I’m glad I am not alone in this as I am very new to spiritual awakening. Yesterday on the 12/12 at 12pm, I started feeling slightly nauseous and very high like I took alcohol or some substance which I never did. For the past few weeks, I have also been feeling like things are so loud and everything is too bright (like I’m in another dimension or a video game). But this morning, I really felt so good, I felt like it is great to be alive today! I truly feel like i have energetically up levelled because some things I used to fancy doing, I don’t care about them anymore. I’ve also noticed that I am much more present in my daily activities. I feel connected to nature and everything around me. I am praying to God and my spirit team to show me how to manage these symptoms when they arise. Thanks again!
Thanks for the post and keep up the great work riding this crazy rollercoaster ride of energy!
Hello! Good stuff, please keep us posted when you post again something like that!
Thank Heavens. I thought I was dying!!
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Excellent explanation of complex concepts
Excellent explanation of complex concepts