If you’ve missed my previous posts on Ascension, you may want start at the beginning of this Ascension Series.
Last time, I introduced the concept of collective consciousness. We’ll now begin to break this down even further to introduce the actual planes of existence and dimensions that make up consciousness itself.
Understanding these planes gives us new insight into how we can fuel our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and navigate the ascension energies, allowing us to more quickly achieve better balance and harmony in all areas of our lives. Also, the energies within each plane can offer tangible tools for shifting specific ascension symptoms directly affecting our bodies and experiences.
Ascension is Not About Going Anywhere
Let’s revisit for a moment the idea of literal ascension. When I talk about ascension, I’m referring to a shift of our bodies and soul from this physical plane of existence (third dimension) to another plane of reality (the fifth, traversing through the fourth).
This new level of existence isn’t necessarily physical in the way that we understand our 3D life. We’re not going anywhere in a physical sense. Instead, what’s happening is we’re receiving an upgrade in consciousness. This upgrade comes from shifting energies that technically allow MORE LIGHT into not only our universe and cosmos, but into our own individual auric bodies and our planetary body of Earth.
The increase in light changes not only our planet but also our individual bodies. We feel different now that the planet begins to resonate at a higher rate because the increase in light is changing our DNA and the way our human bodies create and experience life itself. Let’s take a deeper look at this concept of light vibrations and how it actually influences our existence.
Existence is Like a Layer Cake
At our core, we’re multi-dimensional beings who come from a collective source. We’re all part of every dimension of existence, which is collectively made up of consciousness. But this is a hard concept for us humans to understand.
When I teach classes about consciousness, I often use the visual of a layer cake. Imagine a cake with many layers. Each layer is essentially a different layer of consciousness or dimension of existence. What’s different about the layers is they each hold their own light density and information. Consciousness, after all, is simply light, and in that light is information.
All beings or life forms hold a vibration or light density that resonates with a specific layer on the cake. For example, our vibration as humans resonates with the third layer of the cake. We function in the third dimension.
The third dimension holds a particular resonance (the vibration of the physical), which only represents a very small portion of the overall spectrum. The other dimensions represent mostly non-physical layers of consciousness. There is overlap between dimensions, but we humans operate mostly in this third layer and are usually unaware of other densities of light and the life forms that exist within them.
Our consciousness, however, exists on all density levels and our chakras are each connected to a different plane of existence. With enough personal mastery you can change your energy to resonate with a different dimension and project your consciousness into that level of awareness. The goal of ascension is to remain here in the physical third dimension yet be fully conscious in all dimensions.
Each dimension, or layer of the cake, has life forms or EMBODIMENTS acting as its keepers, guardians and caretakers. Our human bodies or the meat-and-bone embodiment, is ‘supposed to be’ the keeper of this third dimension. (I personally don’t think we’re doing a very good job here because most of us aren’t exactly taking care of our planet nor each other, much less honoring this guardian concept).
All layers have non-physical beings that are keepers and guides and, with enough mastery, we can interact with these nonphysical beings. Connecting and working with these beings is all part of the magic of ascension work and can help us balance the vibrational challenges in our bodies and in our lives.
First Plane of Existence or Dimension
The first dimension is the plane of planetary consciousness, relating to the planetary being we call Mother Earth or Gaia. What this means is we “chose” from a soul incarnation standpoint, to come to Earth as a human emBODYment to co-create with the planet.
This is not necessarily something we get taught as a child. Think of the indigenous cultures that respected the Earth and worked in unison with Her. They never took from Earth without first honoring their relationship to Her as a partner. They did ritual before they took. They returned to Her after they took. They replaced what they took.
Today humanity just TAKES….as we tromp about Mother Earth without a thought to what we are doing to Her. We rape, we pillage, we frack, we pollute, we destroy. We have lost, or maybe never even connected to, the concept of Her as a co-creation.
She technically provides our home, our food, our air to breathe, our water to drink, our sun to survive. How often do we gratify Her for these gifts? Our blood is filled with Her minerals. Our cells carry Her water. We are a co-creation of Her, and yet how often do we even recognize or acknowledge Her with love and appreciation?
Our human meat-and-bone bodies are designed to connect with the first dimension of consciousness to understand our primal nature of survival, safety and sense of security. Sadly, we do not look to Gaia to fill this yearning, as we have, eons ago, replaced Her with false survival instincts to feel safe: things like jobs, relationships, health insurance, 401K’s and more.
The reality is these things we’ve created to make us feel “safe” run on a fear-based energy system and our Higher Self knows the difference each time we subconsciously fear losing that job, that money, our home or relationship. This fear directly erodes our sense of safe.
Additionally, we take on other people’s sense of safe from the moment we energetically connect to our conscious self. From day one, we learn what represents safe by watching and listening to moms and dads, siblings, family members, teachers, coaches, enemies, and so on. Our consciousness container year after year becomes filled with everyone else’s beliefs. This is not the way we were initially designed to experience this first dimension.
We were designed, instead, to use the four classical elements of the first dimension to fill our container with safe, with a sense of connection, with a parental concept of you are here and everything is fine because you are alive and supported by the planet itself. The four classical elements of earth, air, fire and water are the keepers of the first dimension. These forces themselves connect us all, and connect us to the inner core of Gaia, Mother Earth.
Symptoms of Disconnection from the First Plane
You know you’re disconnected from the first plane of existence if you physically hurt or feel a general sense of fear and disconnection.
- Pain in your bones, including but not limited to pelvis, limbs, legs and lower back
- Stiffness in joints and muscles.
- Fatigue for no apparent reason
- Feelings of disconnect or inner sadness
- Fear of sense of safe
- Money issues and financial distress
- Feeling like you will never be caught up or have things go easy
- Feeling like you just don’t really belong, in your family, in this world
- A sense of not fitting in
This is only a short list of symptoms. If you’re experiencing other feelings and ailments that aren’t described here, I’ve put together a more complete list of ascension symptoms.
How to Connect with the First Dimension
Be AWARE of Mother Earth Herself – Connect with the Planet
Body Work: Get your body OUTSIDE and literally connect to the planet. Let your actual feet or body feel the Earth and try to connect with the vibrational tones within Her. Many of us live in parts of the country where the weather doesn’t always support running around barefoot and lying on the ground. So depending on the conditions, you can also bring nature into your home by having plants, rocks, dirt, and water elements to work with indoors.
Intention: Working with the simple intent of the natural elements is also a way to get your body connected. You can use meditation tapes with the element sounds of nature itself to assist.
Study World News: Be in touch with what IS happening to our planet. Work in any way that resonates for you to stand up to the atrocities happening all around us with regards to destroying our natural resources.
Work with the Elements of Earth, Air, Water, Fire
Know Your Favorite Element: Each of us favors at least one of the elements, and some of us have several. Are you the one that yearns for the water, to be on, in or next to the sea, the river, the lake? Maybe it’s the air, with its feeling of movement, rushing through your hair, or whipping at your face while on a boat or motorcycle. It may be the fire, an actual campfire, bonfire, candlelight or sun…this also includes the stars, the milky way and cosmos. And earth, the actual dirt of the fresh garden, the rocks or the mountains.
Find your element and spend time with and within it to energetically fill you. Also, be aware of your weakest element, and be sure to work with that one as well. Gratitude is the key here—just BE IN and WITH the element and be grateful for it. This work is a give and take relationship.
Ask for Assistance from the Elements for Your Concerns: Whether you’re experiencing physical, emotional or mental discomfort, ask the elements to assist you in moving it through your system. For example, if you’re holding angst with something and air is your element of choice, go outside and command of yourself to allow the air to connect with you, and use your breath and your intention to move the angst through your body and out into the source energy. The command is of yourself, to allow to release and to fill. These elements hold fuel for you—all you have to do is ask, receive, release, fill and be grateful!
Become Your Favorite Element: This takes practice, but you can learn to become one with the element itself through meditative efforts. Allow your body to mentally, emotionally and physically encompass the element to its fullest.
For example, if I am to become the water itself:
What is my body? Am I a lake a river, a sea? Feel it, become it.
What is my temperature? Feel it, become it.
What is my movement? Feel it, become it.
Continue to go deeper within in it to BE it.
What do I know? Feel it, become it.
Read, Study, Visit and Experience: Uncover universal truths with your actual meat-and-bone essence by being aware of the body’s reaction to information found in text, experiences, or places. Our body will “know” a universal truth as a feeling of the “ah haa!” factor. This is a subtle yet sometimes profound sensation of “I just somehow know that is true—I’m not necessarily sure HOW I know—I just KNOW….”
Our body can experience this in any number of ways, whether it’s while reading, watching a moving, or visiting a certain place. If this happens, I suggest taking the time to sit quiet for a moment to align with this truth. See if you can go deeper into it and get additional information. If this doesn’t happen, just be grateful for the knowledge “download” into your subconscious.
Make It Fun
These are just a few tips and tactics for you to consider for this first dimension and, as we continue to explore ascension, we’ll unpack more concepts for each dimension. The magic of working with the elements is your individual imagination! Be courageous in co-creating. Do ritual. Celebrate your uniqueness. Find joy in the silliness of it all and by all means, LAUGH!
As always, please share your thoughts and experiences in the discussion below. Do you feel a disconnection from Mother Earth? Do you have your own methods for connecting with Her? When you share, it makes our learning richer!
Till Next, and sent with Cosmic Hugs,
It’s funny. I’m reading these blog entries on vacation in Florida…catching up with anything I’ve wanted to read lately but “haven’t had time.”
The first morning we were here, I went and sat on the beach. It stuck me how I was at the center of all of the elements, and it was so amazing. Fire above (sun), air (a huge wind blowing sand everywhere – land) and of course, the sea (water.) Every day we’ve been here I’ve tried to go take a moment at the beach and appreciate this opportunity to “intersect” with every element. And just yesterday, my very psychic 11yo jumped into the ocean shouting, “I LOVE the ocean.” And by the time he came out he was shouting “I AM the ocean.” And now to read this blog post today, of all days, was very poignant. So thank you, for validating – after the fact – something I was very much feeling. <3
This explains why I’m always drawn to gardening. I love the smell of earth. I love to get in the dirt and dig and plant. Every winter I so look forward to the greenhouses opening so I can just walk around smelling the dirt and feeling the warmth of the sun. I suffer from seasonal depression in our MN winters. I’ve learned some coping mechanisms but this information should be very helpful to me.
I had no idea. I just kept getting guided all over.
In 1995 when I was pregnant with my second child, I developed an issue that caused me to become chair bound and limited much of my activity. I would sit, sleep, eat, and live in this recliner we had and stare out the window to the forest. I had shelves in front of this huge wall window that had four plants on it. One evening when I was feeling especially restless, I noticed one plant seemed to be reaching for me and the thought entered my mind; go put your hands in the dirt of the plants. When I did this, a surge of energy rushed up my arms to fill my whole body. A few years later when I had moved, I created a larger flower garden and then a vegetable garden. I learned to can and have been gardening ever since. Now I have an area in honor of animal life I can see and those too small to see; with flowers, a birdbath, and an area where I leave veggie remnants.
The other day I was looking out the window, watching a bird in the area wondering if she would use birdbath? A few seconds later, she was in it splashing around! I was so tickled and thanked her. I was taught to respect nature and it has been a blessing for me of which I tried to pass on to my children.