I’ve been offering energy work as a full-time practitioner for almost 10 years—and wow how the time has flown, and a bigger WOW how things have changed in our world, humanity and universe during this past decade.
Today, we find ourselves trying our best to navigate a very different energetic experience.
We’re bombarded with so much fear and negativity. We’re feeling the pressure of anger beyond anything experienced prior, in terms of relationships and self. We’re more separated than ever as a race. Our children are scared. Our daily news highlights terror and destruction. We’re bombarded with social media spreading panic and worry. Our lives are becoming more inauthentic and truth is getting to be a lost art.
We’re also finding our physical bodies are taking a beating and our emotions are running on an all-time high. We feel lost. We feel disconnected. We’re medicated. We’re programmed. We’re searching for answers and don’t have many options find them.
A Sense of Urgency
Many of you reading this are my clients, class attendees, friends and family members. We’re all searching in different ways for clarity on how to navigate this crazy world we are living in.
Many of you come up to me after my classes with questions or email me asking “what’s this crazy energy today?” My client sessions are becoming more focused on teaching HOW the energy works in addition to the healing effort. Many are asking me for the handouts and power points from the classes I teach to help educate themselves further on the tactics to find balance.
Our literal world has become so incredibly imbalanced and fear-filled and this directly reflects in our individual human existence in so many tangible ways. We, as a humanity, are more out of sync now than ever before—especially with this newly found post-election trauma we’re all feeling.
Because of your questions and this growing imbalance in our world, I’ve been feeling a distinct sense of urgency to shift my personal and professional focus and offer more information outside of the classroom and healing room.
There’s a lot of work to be done to find balance again, and there aren’t many places to find direction on how to do it. That’s why I’m committing to you, and myself, to offer more on the subject of current energies and how they’re affecting us. As a practitioner, I will always offer energy services. But because so many of you are asking for clarity on energetic issues affecting us all right now, I’ll also focus my efforts on offering more material online, starting with a blog series.
Where to Start
While researching ideas on where to start, I surfed YouTube to find a video that might offer some understanding of the current imbalanced energies and became completely frustrated. Either the information was too far out there, or it was confusing, or just too simple and generic. Nothing offered WHAT TO DO.
I’ve decided to start with a series about Ascension because this is the foundation of everything we’re experiencing. The energies that are shifting, changing, and actually ascending, are directly impacting are emotions and bodies. These energies are the underlying factors in all the client questions I receive, ranging from physical to emotional, mental to spiritual.
I’m not here to say I have all the answers, but working with all of you for the past decade, coupled with my own personal journey, has offered me such a wealth of information, tactics, and examples that I feel it’s time to share.
Why Ascension Information is Important to Me
Ascension is difficult to see, touch, hear, sense, or know…but it IS very real. And it will be continuing to change not only our planetary body, but our physical, and universal bodies as well. So, I believe it’s extremely important to understand as best we can how this affects us in our daily life and in our future. Knowledge is power, and my goal is to share knowledge because just like you, I too am experiencing, learning, growing and changing.
As most of you know, I am a mother of four that has traversed this Ascension process utilizing my own personal body, emotions and belief-programs. I have spent years working on my own issues and in no way position myself as a guru that knows all—if you work with me you know that I offer my own hard-knock lessons as examples of this journey. I share personal and intimate stories of my own body, relationships, family; good bad and ugly as lessons or ideas to learn from.
One thing I do know this past decade has taught me is there is no real failure…only perspectives. This blog series will offer my perspectives, but I’ll do my best to present the biggest picture for you to navigate, ponder, dissect and hopefully enjoy.
I’m calling this the “Ascension Series” because I believe we need to begin with a basis of knowledge in terms of exactly what IS happening to the energies of this thing we call life….(shout-out to Prince!)!
I encourage you to stick with me if the information resonates with you. Take whatever vibrates as essential and toss out the rest. I urge you to share or pass along this information to anyone that you know in your life that might appreciate offered insights, if you choose!
Thanks for joining me in this journey. Next week…let the learning begin!!
Till Next, and sent with Cosmic Hugs,
Yay! Fianally!
I am excited about this Suzanne!! I am going to embrace your teaching here and am thankful you’re willing to share in this way.
Thanks for taking time to share! Your words are so powerful and practical. Can’t wait for more!
This is Fantastic Suzanne! Can’t wait to read more!
I am so excited about this! Thank you!
Thank you Suzanne!
Suzanne – LOVE this!! Thank you so much for offering this to us!
Thank you Suzanne!