In the Vibe Tribe community on my site, we have a forum for sharing questions and experiences. My friend Mary recently posted in our community about feeling overwhelmed at times with information and confused by what it means to “do the work.” I believe many of us can relate to this struggle, and so I asked if I could share this conversation with all of you. She graciously agreed.
Here is Mary’s question:
As someone who is “awakening” to all the possibilities I struggle the most with all the “bits and pieces” of information.
These bits and pieces are my crazy. In group meditations or drum circles I often see the bits and pieces in my mind swirl up and away and with that my crazy goes with it and there is a calm but empty focus after the storm.
My mind doesn’t like it when there is not quite enough information to actually make a change or too much information that’s broken up and overwhelms. In the past when either of those two things happen I have rejected the change and reverted back to my normal which has served to protect me in the past but is not how I am choosing to live the rest of my existence so I continue searching for solid complete information to create my foundation.
I heard you last month talking about the grids and I see them clearly and often but I guess I don’t know what to do with that? I heard you last night talk about the symptoms of ascension and I have many of them but I’m not quite sure what to do about them. I hear others talking about working with trees but what does that really mean?
I feel confused when anyone says “are you doing the work?” I feel like my process is me doing the work, but the roadblocks and stop signs appear frequently. What is the goal of doing the work? I know there is no end, but is there meaning?
There are too many choices and too many roads to follow which is breaking me into bits and pieces.
Thank you SO much for your post and your ability to articulate your fears, concerns and challenges. Please know that I, too, struggle while plodding through my own version of this Ascension journey. No matter how much we study, work on this, and move forward, we are still human and must run everything through our own individual filter of 3-D consciousness creation. So, I will do my best to answer your questions and concerns, from my individual perspective, and hope that others will add in their thoughts, and ideas as well. That is what this VIBE TRIBE is all about—sharing!
I too find so many bits and pieces, and I too find the calm. First, the calm for me is the Zero Point, that infinite quiet, when I’m fully unified with my Source energy. When I don’t need to question anything because I found that JUST IS vibration or that neutral field, which is the heart of the Source/God Matrix (working field) and the energetic core and source of all creation. This is the still point of wholeness. The I AM. The more work I do on myself and others, the more I can find this Zero Point and that offers me a form of assurance that I again found, and am again working in, my truth.
Regarding the bits and pieces, my human brain/ego mind also goes crazy trying to take in all the information. But how I navigate that is realizing I am not necessarily learning, but more so REMEMBERING. I’m remembering what I already know from many sources, past lives, and the collective.
This form of learning can indeed only come in bits and pieces because I truly believe that the human ego mind would blow if all that information was revealed in one lump sum. That, to me, is the reason we “forgot” most of what we “know” prior to coming into another incarnation as a human experience. It’s a protection mechanism offering us the information of our true origins in bits and pieces when the time is right. I do my best to honor that my Higher Self knows exactly how much my human self can handle at one given time.
Along those same lines, I feel like the bits and pieces are somewhat akin to a treasure hunt or archeological dig where we uncover a portion of our truth when it is still kind of dusty, unclear and unstructured. The more I work with that information, the more the light of what I truly know shines forth and, for me, that is the opportunity of ownership. No one can fully know your individual truth. This vibrational frequency information must go through a process of alignment in your own container of consciousness; that dusty bit or piece of info takes its time to shine—and when it does, it is your gem of knowledge. Sometimes the rock pieces fit together to create a bigger, clearer picture.
When Source or your Higher Self brings forth new playing fields—i.e., grids, trees, body aches, etc.—as an area to learn from, I usually first offer gratitude for the invitation. If the invitation appeared, or the idea popped into my head, or the urge to investigate or learn stepped forth, I know my Higher Self feels I’m ready for additional information and knowledge.
Seeing the grids to me, means you’re being psychically shown a new playing field that does exist in energy beyond where you have been currently playing. This is an invitation to grow in your REmembering—to Remember there is much more out there that we do not necessarily see in this 3-D world.
We all know growing pains are not always comfortable. How much I choose to grow is up to me. Also, HOW I choose to grow and learn is also up to me. That is the magic of Ascension. There IS NO HANDBOOK because you are the instruction set. You carry the instruction set in your DNA and Soul Akashic Record. You and your God/Source Self know this information from a higher realm and when it is time it will be brought forth—even if it is in “bits or pieces”— and it will arrive with Divine Timing when it is time to spiritually work.
When I refer to WORKing with a grid, a tree or your body, to me, this means asking and listening. Making the effort to create an intimate relationship with whatever is presented, much like when you meet a new friend. We ask questions, and want to know all about them. We want to hear what they know and have experienced. We want to assist them in their needs and support them in their dreams.
Grids, trees and even our own bodies, are not that much different in terms of this effort. When we take the time to ask and listen we get incredible amounts of ideas and inspiration. Ask the grid: why did you show up? What do you want me to re-create? Or, if you already know a situation that you want to recreate, use the grid patterns to RE-draw it, RE-design it, RE-formulate it in your mind’s eye. The playing field is simply a work tool if you choose to use it.
Sadly, the adult human usually does not take action because they feel like they “don’t know how” or they are “making this all up” or “that’s silly or child-like” or “I don’t have time because I have a household and work place to run” and so on. This is fear-based-ego—and this ego is the stop sign and the roadblock keeping us from the child-like creational energies of Ascension. Ascension is magic. It is alchemy. It is personal. This intimate, individual form of creating and REcreating IS the reason we are all here—this IS the purpose.
The God/Source is a DIVINE INTELLIGENCE that only knows how to create. It does not have a BODY to experience its creations, so it creates various forms of bodies to do so. We, the human meat sack, are just one of those creational bodies formulated to not only create, but to experience the creations on behalf of Divine Source. We’re here to create and experience each moment, using our birthright of free will and choice. Everyone is here to create with its own pre-determined goals and objectives, if you want to use those 3-D words. We determine bits and pieces of our plan prior to our incarnation and come into this conscious-playing field to then experience it. If we came in with all that prior knowledge, we would never come and experience it, and the experience IS the exact reason the Source offers it to us. PLUS, there are collective reasons for creating.
We are all a part of the all—a part of the collective consciousness. This offers another level of not only creating, but one of responsibility. Collectively we create via our thought forms constantly. We talk a lot about this in classes because it is critical to comprehend the Law of Attraction. What we are thinking we are creating not only individually but collectively. This is a bigger playing field to do that work, and again, there is no handbook or instruction set on how to work for Humanity as a whole. My personal take on this is to be diligent on how I can better this human Suzanne container of consciousness knowing fully that the work done there does influence the collective.
When a client tells me, there are too many choices and they feel stagnant in fear, my suggestion is pick ONE playing field and play there until you feel done. You will know when that happens because Source will always have your back and introduce you to your next field when ready. Pick only the trees for now, or only the grids, and study, learn, play, and practice in any way you choose. I always do my work either personally or collectively with the offering of: working in the Highest and Best Good for this Time, on behalf of myself and the All. This offers me a knowing of “safe and protected” and an assurance that my Higher Self knows exactly how to navigate on my behalf.
One last thought, I often tell my class attendees that if I am ever too stressed from all this stuff, I go clean a toilet on my hands and knees!! There is something humanly-humbling about that 3-D chore that puts me right back in the here and now! ? Hope this helps!
Cosmic Hugs,
Wow! Thank you, Mary, for asking a Big Question so well. I, too, have often wondered the same thing. You articulated it so well!
Thank you, Suzanne, for the ideas, paths and suggestions to moving forward.
Smiles across the miles-