Each month, I pull a tarot card to be used as the base messaging and theme of the Energy Report for my online community, Vibe Tribe. I take the lessons of the tarot and directly apply them to the current status of energy challenging us right now, plus I expand on the meaning in a live webcast each month for members. Here’s a shortened message from January’s report.
This month, the Hermit card brings us a traditional message of inner truths, retreat, isolation, and turning away from worldliness. I find this to be a fascinating message for the start of spring here in the northern hemisphere where we’re all excited to get out from winter isolation. Instead, the Hermit is letting us know that this spring is about balance. While we seek to get out and engage after a challenging year, we also must remember to be patient because we may not yet be in a place to take action.
In my client work, here are the big takeaways I’m seeing for moving into spring.
Inner retreat
While we are still in quarantine, many of us are feeling stuck and antsy to get out. Yet we are being reminded we still have the opportunity to create space for our own spiritual journey. Doing our inner work to assess our own truths is critically important right now as we continue to experience a massive over saturation of media and outside messaging. Everybody is telling us how we’re supposed to be feeling, what we are supposed to be doing, or what savior program to believe in that will fix our current challenges. But the Hermit holding the lantern of inner truth reminds us to look inward to feel what resonates with our own highest and best good.
For some this inner retreat might actually manifest as a tangible, sacred journey and actually going somewhere for seclusion. For others, it may be changing our routine to make time and space within daily life to go deeper into oneself to contemplate our beliefs, principles, and values.
Patience (again)
Just like last month, we are being bopped over the head with another reminder to have patience for the current situation. We humans have grown up in a world of instant gratification, yet the Hermit asks us to take pause and be patient while in the midst of doing nothing because the next steps of the journey aren’t quite formulated yet. This waiting time is not a comfortable thing for most humans, and I think it’s an important lesson March offers us. We are again coming out of the winter (literally coming out of the darkness) and moving into the light, but we are not quite ready to take action. Instead, the very best action right now may actually be inaction, recognizing we can hit pause and circle over the situation from a higher plane to see a more complete picture for guidance.
I’m encouraging my clients right now to make peace with this time of being in the middle of taking action and not taking action. For many, this sense of in between can bring an opportunity to work on filling yourself, uncovering your inner truths, and giving yourself the permission to not DO so much in this moment but simply BE.
As always, take what resonates and toss out the rest 🙂
To view the rest of this material at length and join this month’s webcast, I invite you to experience the full Vibe Tribe monthly membership. If you are already a member, feel free to share this with someone who might benefit from the information!
I love how you mentioned the elementals. I recently realized the ones for water may be whispering ideas to me while showering? All the elements speak to me. I can think of a breeze and there it is moments later. Water speaks the most. Blessings