Each month, I pull a tarot card to be used as the base messaging and theme of the Energy Report for my online community, Vibe Tribe. I take the lessons of the tarot and directly apply them to the current status of energy challenging us right now, plus I expand on the meaning in a live webcast each month for members. Here’s a shortened message from this month’s report.
For me and many of my clients, the energies in June have been a bit volatile. I find many of my clients struggling with traversing a new phase of the pandemic as we reengage with some aspects of life that we had put on pause for many months.
This month’s card pull, the Seven of Cups, brings a message related to this sense of engaging in life. In our culture it is easy to get caught up in daydreaming and fantasizing instead of doing the more challenging work to take action on what we truly want to pursue.
This sense of daydreaming can turn into escapism where we struggle to engage with the realities of life and instead turn to behaviors that disconnect us and take us out of our our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.
Sometimes escaping can be a healthy activity if we are doing it in a balanced way. It can be helpful at times to take a step back from the work of life and evaluate what we truly want and how we may get there, whether that’s adjusting our behaviors or simplifying our activities.
But after taking a break, we must follow through by reengaging and acting on what we discovered during our time of reflection. After all, it is our personal responsibility to be present in life so we can fully en-JOY it!
As always, take what resonates and toss out the rest 🙂
To view the rest of this material at length and join this month’s webcast, I invite you to experience the full Vibe Tribe monthly membership. If you are already a member, feel free to share this with someone who might benefit from the information!
Always a breath of fresh air to hear your clarity on life and putting things in perspective.
Cosmic Hugs to you as well,
Dear suzanne
Thankyou for your blog.
I do not understand how a randum draw would tell you events a head ,while each of us have our mind to change our reality of leaving by thinking and actions offcourse.
This month just sharing what exactly happened, major percent of my serounding seems listening on other people issues!!
I normally do not understand how some people have thier time –expired–being negative.
What i was trying is to focus on my few jobs at hand and kids.
It looks we are striped bare,these pademic season.
I feel to think – pray together- of similar mind people-for a peacful life,that we are all searching for.
With Love
Thanks for sharing Teddy
I seen a lightning storm that when it flashed it was in order and in rectangular shape.o seen fog funneling into light that was bending at the tip. I seen solid white balls shoot into the ground then shoot straight into the sky and puffed into a small white cloud.i seen clouds come at me then just disappeared and a dragon fly was there and it shot straight up into the sky. I also seen a huge creature like a snake but moved up and down as it was in the sky and it was so huge. Seen purple lightning shoot from the ground into a y shape and millions of little rods went the opposite direction. Been seeing halos numbers faces in the sky and clouds.seen color lines around the moon change. Seen three pyramids in the sky and when the moon hit the top of the one a City appeared above the 3 pyramids.and much more
Thanks for sharing Sam!
OmG. And so much more
I’ve realized that my 3 year old daughter has the most awful night of sleep everytime there’s an eclipse. Why is this? Thank you 💜
Not sure an infant is any different than we adults and many adults also have difficulty with the energies around ties like these. Kind of like an overload in my opinion
So nice to see your face and hear your wisdom <3
Thanks Tiffany – hope you are all well
Got you Every word