Each month, I pull a tarot card to be used as the base messaging and theme of the Energy Report for my online community, Vibe Tribe. I take the lessons of the tarot and directly apply them to the current status of energy challenging us right now, plus I expand on the meaning in a live webcast each month for members. Here’s a shortened message from January’s report.
January’s Message of the “Queen of Cups”
Here’s to a new year!
Our Queen of Cups represents a female aspect of the water element. When we combine this with our new incoming Age of Aquarius frequency, we start our new year out with double the power of water, which allows our creative abilities of the psyche to become more potent. This is important as we embrace new ways to navigate the year ahead because we hopefully all know that just because there was a turn of the calendar page or a change in political administration, that in no way means everything is now going to be easy.
2021 will continue to present many fear-based scenarios that will challenge the dismantling of old structures and belief systems, but that does not mean we have to believe in the doom and gloom we are programmed to accept as our reality.
This specific Queen card encourages us to go to a deep personal level of feeling, to do the work to connect to all living things, human and beyond. The power of water presents a reserved, sensitive being with a natural knack for caring for others who need assistance, help and even prayer. This support system of self and others is what will get us through the coming months as a unified force of love.
Our Queen also warns us not to hide or try to escape our reality, which can be easy to do when faced with a year like we just endured. So many of us just wanted to check out as we scratched our way through 2020—we were fed up, tired and disheartened. Many still are. For those who try to continue to escape reality through false narratives, intoxication or the illusions of daydreams (all concepts found in the full report), reality and dream can become an inseparable entity. The Queen of Cups instead encourages us to become personally capable of deep devotion and dedication, to strive to become our own earnest spiritual seeker by opening our senses to a higher reality. This card is all about deep compassion, empathy, readiness to help, depth of emotion, healing, visions and sacrifice as the sensitive nature of the Queen of Cups opens the way to subconscious soul powers.
To view the rest of this material at length and join this month’s webcast, I invite you to experience the full Vibe Tribe monthly membership. If you are already a member, feel free to share this with someone who might benefit from the information!
Thank you! It is good to see and hear you! Stay safe and awesome!