Each month, I pull a tarot card to be used as the base messaging and theme of the Energy Report for my online community, Vibe Tribe. I take the lessons of the tarot and directly apply them to the current status of energy challenging us right now, plus I expand on the meaning in a live webcast each month for members. Here’s a shortened message from this month’s report.
February’s Message of the “Seven of Spheres”
Our Seven of Spheres or Pentacles is a traditional card about patience, slow growth and perseverance. It’s about having a long-term view in terms of our commitments and where we invest our energy. The message of patience is not surprising for this month as we continue to be challenged as a humanity, eagerly wanting a quick fix to many of our current problems yet knowing a quick fix is not possible.
Additionally, underneath the surface there is a rumbling that we’re not quite aware of, which may be related to the dismantling of old belief systems or long-term changes not yet apparent to us right now. When we take this rumbling along with the Seven of Spheres, it creates an interesting combination of change in our midst yet having the patience for allowing that change to fully come to fruition.
February is an important month for us, if we choose, to put in the hard work of long-term investment in ourselves as individuals as well as a species. This is not necessarily an easy thing to do because us humans do not like to wait, and instead we react and rush into hurried solutions or look for others to be our savior. In looking to others, we give our power away due to our lack of patience for our personal learning and growth.
It is certainly challenging to be frustrated by feelings of not knowing or a sense of out of control, but this is a great card to learn from in terms of understanding that we find our strength of character through how we endure long-term unpleasant experiences. During these times, it is important to remember (if we choose) that our sense of safe comes from within, allowing us to nurture compassion for the bigger picture and work toward long-term positive outcomes not only for ourselves but for others.
As always, take what resonates and toss out the rest 🙂
To view the rest of this material at length and join this month’s webcast, I invite you to experience the full Vibe Tribe monthly membership. If you are already a member, feel free to share this with someone who might benefit from the information!
Thank you so much for sharing!
🙂 🙂