Each month, I pull a tarot card to be used as the base messaging and theme of the Energy Report for my online community, Vibe Tribe. I take the lessons of the tarot and directly apply them to the current status of energy challenging us right now, plus I expand on the meaning in a live webcast each month for members. Here’s a shortened message from December’s report.
December’s Message of “The Tower”
The traditional Rider Deck artwork shows a tall tower perched on the top of a rocky mountain. Lightning strikes a scene of chaos and destruction.
December has finally arrived to close out an unprecedented year of uncertainty. Much like the ground beneath the Tower, this has been an incredibly unstable time—and still is! Each time we think we are figuring things out, finding a new sense of safe, a Tower moment comes crashing down around us once again.
Hopefully we seek out that lightning bolt of clarity and insight to assist us in cutting through the lies and illusions we tell ourselves and the lies others are telling us so that the truth can shine through and come to light. Right now, as we continue to struggle on how to navigate pandemics, politics, the Great Reset programming, it does indeed feel like our world is chaotically dismantling around us in ways we never could have imagined even just 10 months ago!
We are challenged with a multitude of false information, mistruths, illusions and blatant lies. Everything we thought was true and safe in our lives feels ripped out from under us totally destroying our already unstable foundations yet it is critical we continue to question what is presented to us as truths knowing fully that the person standing next to me will most likely see a totally different version of truth and that is OK.
Additionally, the isolation of being alone in our Tower is wearing at the human heart and soul much less the meat-body. For many, including myself, it can feel like we have fallen off the Ascension Timeline where everything was supposed to turn out OK happily moving humanity into the 5D New Earth. Instead it all looks and feels like a bad Mad Max movie.
This IS the message of the tarot card. We ARE changing the world, and change feels like crap. It sucks. It’s painful. We doubt the process. But we can choose to hide from change in our Towers—or not. The choice has always been ours.
We can choose to not fear the dismantling of the unstable foundations and structures.
We can choose to find the courage to ride this journey any way we see fit.
It is all about the paradigm we choose to see through because remember, in addition to all of the yuck throughout 2020, we also were privy to some of the most powerful solstice, equinox and eclipse energies in years. The planetary alignments have been incredible as are the solar flares and the Schumann Resonance. We have realigned Mother-God Energies which then realigned Father-God energies offering us sacred marriage of self and the Divine.
Remember, December is a powerful time to do spiritual work because of the Winter Solstice when Jupiter and Saturn will put on a show for sky gazing in a way that hasn’t been seen in roughly 800 years. Astronomers are calling it the Great Conjunction of 2020 when the two largest planets in our solar system will appear to almost merge in the Earth’s night sky creating the brightest star in the skies since the star of Bethlehem.
Remember, it is US that we have been waiting for—the second coming is us returning to our Krystos, Christ, Crystalline human form.
Now that is some holiday gift ☺
HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Happy Solstice and Cosmic Hugs until next year!
To view the rest of this material at length and join this month’s webcast, I invite you to experience the full Vibe Tribe monthly membership. If you are already a member, feel free to share this with someone who might benefit from the information!
Beautiful message! Thank you!