With the current ramp up of crappy, stuck, and unresolved energies, we may be noticing a lot of judgement being thrown out.
Last month, I shared this video for my site members on how we can manage our energies when we experience judgement from those around us.
Watch: How we can manage our energy when we experience judgement…
This video is just one of many I’ve posted for exclusively for Vibe Tribe community members. If this resonates with you, considering joining Vibe Tribe today to receive ongoing support in your spiritual and energetic growth.
Registration ends on Wednesday, September 26 at midnight so check it out today before the doors close.
Hi my name is Kaylee, and i have just recently dicovered you and your site and have found it very interesting… I also have been reading through your list and have noticed that i have been experiencing many of the things listed and is this something to be worried about? Thank you 🙂 (Also i dont have a email i still use …)
At this point in my journey I really do not “worry about” much of this as is IS happening to us all and we individually will determine how to navigate this process. My suggestions is study what Ascension is and how to work with it verses ignore it or work against it.
Okay i definitely will thank you so much for getting back to me and giving me helpful advice i appreciate it