In my energy work, one struggle I see often is clients who get stuck because they don’t know what they want. Since we’re talking about manifesting and abundance this month, I thought it might be helpful to give a few bonus tips on what to do when you don’t know where to start.
Create Physical Space
Our culture conditions us to fill our lives with material stuff. But it’s easy to forget everything in our physical space affects our energetic field. If we’re feeling overwhelmed or energetically stuck, it could be that our physical space is too cluttered or filled with things we don’t use or that carry emotional attachments no longer serving us.
Action: Pay attention to what physical things bring you joy and what cause stress, and then take time to clear some physical space and shift the energies of your surroundings.
Identify Emotional Blocks
In today’s society, we often pick up our phones or hop online to create a distraction from facing challenging emotions. What if, instead of scrolling through social media, we took that time to understand why we’re causing the distraction? What emotions are we trying to avoid? When we develop emotional awareness, we come to know ourselves better and can more easily identify what we truly want.
Action: Next time you reach for your phone or feel the urge to hop online, pause for 15 seconds and ask yourself why you’re creating a distraction. Each brief moment of reflection brings you closer to knowing yourself better and attracting energies that align with you.
Ease Up on Yourself
As humans, our monkey mind is always busy chatting away, filling our mental space with negative self talk. We’re constantly reminding ourselves what we do wrong, what we can’t do, what we’re not got at…and on and on. This keeps us energetically stuck in one of two cycles:
- NOT doing anything because we feel paralyzed
- DOING too much stuff, running on overdrive, because we’re seeking outside validation
Both of these cycles trap our energy and hold us back from experiencing the actual magic of life. We are amazing embodiments of energy, but we often take ourselves way too seriously to notice and celebrate that magic.
Action: Break the cycle and do something for YOU that brings you joy. It could be as simple as 5 minutes of sitting in the sun or as big as planning a spontaneous trip just for you. No matter the action, every moment of joy attracts new, supportive energies.
All of these strategies are about creating energetic space for something new. When we shift the vibrations in our physical, emotional, and mental planes, there’s room for new energies to come in that help us recognize and wake up to our skills and joys.
Happy spring cleaning, everyone 😉
Cosmic Hugs!
I love this Suzanne! It’s sometimes hard to identify blocks and not be so rough on yourself, and don’t even get me started on the clutter and physical space! These are all good things to try to do!
This month’s topic of abundance and manifestation has really resonated with me, as I have been working with the larger concept of abundance the past few months. I’ve actually been ignoring the desire to “manifest”, trusting that if I am able to create/align with the right vibration within myself, that what I need will come to me. Remove the blockages. Two books that have been immensely helpful in this practice are “It’s Not Your Money: How to Live Fully From Divine Abundance” by Tosha Silver. I can’t recommend this book enough. I’ve also been reading The Book Of Joy, which is a conversation between the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu. It takes practice, like developing a muscle…but I’ve kept at it and I have to say that I am in a much calmer, more detached and joyful state.