This is the replay my COVID-19 and Ascension – Part 2 webcast presented on 4-16-20 where I offered some additional information and ideas of how this current COVID-19 (in my mind) is actually all part of the Ascension Process and spiritual journeying that has been a movement for many years now, beginning with the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and supported by the Shift of 2012.
You may choose to revisit part one of the webcast at any time for clarification of subject matters referred to in this video.
For those of us who have been doing this work for a long time now, what we see happening around us and within us is not a big surprise as this is what we have been doing for years on behalf of self and of others—this IS the Great Awakening. This is the Ascension. This in no way is about judging anyone who is not awake or familiar with this concept or work. There is no “us” and “they”. We are ALL awakening right now.
In part one, I presented more of the overall concept of Ascension. Part two gives you more clarity on what you can “do” for yourself and others right now during this fear-filled time. The Ascension is happening, it is real if you allow it to be.
This process is all about taking back not only our planet, but uncovering the truth of our birthright as a human BEing versus the enslavement of a human DOing machine. It is taking back our Sovereignty and our Freedoms. It is ascending without dying, and it has never been done before.
We are living through the personal mystery of waking up to find out that earth humans have been existing in a fallen system, and collectively we are in the process of undergoing a spiritual liberation of our planet, in which everything we thought was true is being tested and challenged during this time.
The webcast presents how this is determining the timeline we will be living in—either 3-D or 5-D. Whether you choose to read or listen to my work or other’s, it is important to get educated and BE PRESENT in whatever way works for you because that is what takes back our sovereignty and freedom as individuals and as a collective humanity.
Consider viewing this information or other’s as a way to help you wake up and further empower yourself to become less asleep in order to recognize how reliant we have become as a race when it comes to our government, media, big-pharma, education, banking, dogmatic religion, and more (i.e., the “Controllers”).
Keep yourself and your immune system as strong as possible—both physically but also SPIRITUALLY. This virus-takeover is really about shutting BOTH of our immune systems off—ultimately shutting down our full immunity. And so, continue to do what is needed to GO INWARD versus OUTward for your truth and be mindful and deliberate in how you process your information, especially via main-stream media.
Please find ways to share and impart hope, optimism, and understanding. This is how we not only empower our self but others, and ultimately it is what will kill this fear-based virus. This Ascension Process has been in motion for quite some time now, but we are all definitely feeling parts and pieces of it’s final battle, per se so it is vital to choose which side of the playing field you are standing on—love or fear.
Remember to have patience and understanding as to where you are at with all of this, as well as honor where others are at with regards to levels of consciousness, vision, intuition, and awakening. This is not about moving forward with blind faith in some unseen or unknown reality, we are actually co-creating our reality together right now. Together we are right now choosing our current and future timelines.
Please know, there are many visible and tangible elements right in front of our noses if we just open our eyes and hearts. Pay attention (if you choose!) and do not give attention to that which does not service your Highest and Best Good. Take only what resonates in love and toss the rest.
As I mentioned on the webcast, I would follow up on any questions I was unable to answer or would provide answers in more detail. Here are your questions answered below, and of course feel free to post in the comments.
Do you think that the COVID-19 pandemic is part of the plagues of the apocalypse?
Personally, I believe the tie is that 3D-made bio-warfare tactics are also designed to re-ignite the Armageddon Programming that we all have running in our DNA and false matrixes in the collective. Meaning that when we are challenged here on planet and within our human race with something like a pandemic, we will instinctually trigger this false matrix or DNA past-life programming if we are not fully present in that this is a non-truth.
Get centered and aligned to what actual timeline you are living within. The goal is to delete all of that programming in your individual matrix and assist to fill the collective matrix with another story line, one that does NOT exist in a pandemic but only in love, light, and joy.
How do we bring all the work we’ve done to a conscious level, so we are aware of the next level, the next step?
I believe I addressed this a bit during the webcast but I will reiterate that when we own our work not with a narcissistic ego but more about the energetics of “Yes I have done my work!”, we are able to integrate the information.
As we claim and own the hard work we have done to upgrade our vibration and increase our light body with joy and love, then it is as if we share it differently in our conscious arena and this offers others a chance to glean off that love. It is not that we tell others what to do, or not do, but that love frequency is automatically shared on behalf of Service to Others. BEing aware of that next step comes through an on-going relationship with one’s Higher Self via meditation and quiet time.
Can you distinguish between true ascension work and spiritual bypassing?
If we bypass or “use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved issues or realities”, then there is actually no way to ascend as it all comes down to frequency held within the auric fields.
When someone truly cleans out their hidden fears, emotions, beliefs, etc., their human meat body and auric fields actually change. We become “lighter”. This is why after a healing, for example, clients will exclaim how light they feel, or after a good cry of release your heart feels lighter.
Spiritual bypassing does not change the frequencies. This is why sometimes I feel dogmatic religious practices of even “giving it to God” (that guy in the clouds) can energetically be a form of spiritual bypassing. We all need to know we are OF God yet are a meat body that needs to do its individualized work to find that freedom and that sovereignty within self.
I struggle with understanding how the controlling and agenda pushing “theys (human and non)” came into existence in the first place when our source is pure loving energy, so some insight into that is appreciated.
Great question! Remember true Source has no agenda, no right, no wrong. It is just pure loving energy as you say, but in the way you are holding that concept you are attaching conditional energies of something being right versus wrong. True unconditional energies (Source) only are.
Therefore, yes individualized bodies of Source DO have the right to create horrific experiences, people, situations, actions, and so on. That is not what anyone with a “right mind” wants to think of as OK, but energetically speaking—remember this manifestation just “is”. Again, this is why that Law of Attraction is SO incredibly critical to learn. By thinking you are ignoring something or keeping your eyes shut to it, you are really not and you are actually supporting it, feeding it, and assisting its growth. As well as if you are angered by it, obsessing, or worrying about it, you are also supporting it because like finds like.
This is why we need to learn about how consciousness works, both individually and collectively in the grids. We have ALLOWED this controller agenda to get bigger and bigger right in front of our eyes. This is why we all should have learned the Universal Laws in grade school in my mind versus the 50-Nifty United State Capitals! 😊
I’m curious about if/how this connects to the Age of Aquarius? Is this what’s happening now? Is Ascension similar?
This is not about astronomy as much as it is an astrological age also known as going through the Shift or the Ascension Process. It is a precession of the equinoxes, continual cycles of creation that shift and change every 25,800 years as it moves through the 12 constellations of the Zodiac. That is why they align to those familiar names such as Pisces and Aquarius. As these frequencies continue to shift and change, so does humanity and our planet Earth and our Cosmos. It is an entire Micro/Marco relationship of true co-creational change, offering upgrade opportunities of love and light all woven together as patterns within patterns.
What happens with the “ego” during this ascension process? Is there still ego in 5D?
I also answered this question in the actual webcast but feel as if I would like to reiterate the message that YES we do still have, and truly need to have, an ego in 5-D because each of us has chosen to manifest as a human meat and bone body as our co-creation vehicle of the God Source energy during this particular incarnation. Because of this, it is imperative that we use our own individual ego to create through our personal eyes and heart in a humble and unconditional loved-based way.
If the ego is working in 3-D it is all about Service to Self only with a fear-fueled take agenda of not enough so I am gonna make sure I get mine attitude. When ego is working in 5-D it is Service to Self in a loving manner as in fueling my auric tank first so that I can then work in UNconditional love for Service to Others with NO conditions attached, knowing fully there IS enough because we are ALL enough.
Also, here is the book I mentioned during webcast: The Kybalion: Authored by The Three Initiates
Cosmic Hugs!
P.S. I did have some attendees following the webcast reach out about joining Vibe Tribe. If you are interested in learning more please take a look and jump on anytime (if you choose), as we do these incredible sharing webcasts monthly.
Thank you💗🤎🌱🎶🌱🤎💗
Amazing work, Suzanne!!!
Thank you for your teaching!
Thank you for listening!
Dear Suzanne
In parallel unseen world, there are different tubes or channels of aura who control our mind for thier intent of our actions through thier language of unknown.
Our actions which are normally based on our conscious minds are indirectly abused by thier intruders way of challengeing our leaving ways.
I have personal experience of this unseen world
For any further detail info, you can send me a message @
I “stumbled” upon you….your message makes more sense to me than anything I have read or heard for a long time. I was feeling confused and all the books that made sense before were unfulfilling. I was so ready for this. Your explanation of compassion jolted me. I have been thinking that I was not compassionate enough to people who are dying from Covid 19 and was beginning to think I was heartless. Thank you for giving me a different perspective on that and so many other things.
Thanks for reading and sharing
Dear friends,
A fear is going on all over, stand still love more ,
Be calm , we humans are above hatrages and tricks
Gods have all eyes.
I think a war is There in the other world!
Thanks dear
Dear Suzanne
In parallel unseen world, there are different tubes or channels of aura who control our mind for thier intent of our actions through thier language of unknown.
Our actions which are normally based on our conscious minds are indirectly abused by thier intruders way of challengeing our leaving ways.
I have personal experience of this unseen world
For any further detail info, you can send me a message @