First, I want to thank you to everyone who joined our live webcast on the concept of COVID-19 and Ascension. Thank you Vibe Tribe Members for your support in this and throughout each month. A special shout out to those that joined as a first time experience and to those who shared this with others as an invitation to learn.
These are definitely uncertain times, and my goal was to impart some knowledge, open up belief systems, and offer love verses fear. Hopefully this came through the stream.
Below I have listed the questions that came through during the webcast, and I have done my best to offer answers. That said, remember this is from my own Suzanne Lens. As the presenter, webcasts often take on a life of their own as I do prepare notes, etc., yet the energy goes through so fast that I sometimes hear myself spaying things I too am learning from—if that makes sense! As always, take what resonates and toss the rest.
Why do you think this pandemic is happening at this time? What are we to learn from it?
In my personal opinion, it is the entire scope of the Ascension process coming to its final stages, yet played out via another stage. This “gift” of the pause button compliments of a pandemic is a divine intervention, while at the same time we are truly fighting a real viral fight that in 3-D is real and can be scary. But the bigger virus is one of fast spreading fear. We have got to get this message loud and clear that is it US that is spreading this fear. It is time to work in a smarter way within our collective consciousness and begin to take this co-creation seriously.
How do we feel for others but not bear too much weight ourselves?
Learn and be diligent with your ground and the bubble technique to acquire the skill of discernment. Then you can learn to navigate the concept of empathy verse empathing. We are designed to empathically feel others pain and joy, but when we “take it from them, and make it our own” this is dangerous to both fields, a lose/lose, wherein if we move it through it is a win.
Can you revisit what “ascension “ IS ?
Lisa Renee describes it this way: “The Ascension process is about moving consciousness from one reality to another and the awareness of possible multiple realities existing simultaneously. Since a reality is a dimension, what we are undertaking is, in essence, a complete dimensional shift.”
I additionally have a ton of information here on my blog where I describe each plane of Ascension. Plus, I also have an Ascension e-book available for free.
Who or what is the biggest “they” right now contributing to this battle in your opinion, Suzanne?
That is an interesting question that I believe has many layers to the answer because there are many layers to the “theys.” I believe the strongest influencing our current 3D timeline are indeed the top 1%, the top Five Families, or the Cabal, if we want to use those terms. When we use those terms they are really all pretty interchangeable and again, within them are many layers.
Within the layers, my feeling is that not all involved are fully aware of their part in anything, most of this is on a “need-to’ know” depending on your so-called “clearance-level” if you want to use those terms.
Now for ME, Suzanne? I believe this is way bigger than all that even, and that the biggest contributors come from multiple timelines, wherein WE ourselves have created so much of this on and off planet. I believe I will be doing another live stream very soon to get deeper into all this for those that choose to believe this goes way beyond our current scope of imagining.
Will the light workers successfully accomplish the mission or will the dark energies and fear rise to the same intensity that the light has been put out in order to keep balance ?
As a lightworker who has been doing this architecture work for many years, I believe we have already accomplished enough movement to maintain a stronghold in this balance by the continual work of re-gridding and de-programming. That said, as we well know, the collective consciousness and the balance within there is key. This is why we all need to take this seriously and do our part to send LOVE into the grids.
When, would you guess, was the last time our race has had this opportunity? Atlantis? Egyptian? Previous pandemics?
What a great question. Again, as a multi-universal grid worker, I have been into and have seen many times when we made what we can consider the “wrong choices.” Some being Atlantis, Lemuria, and most definitely Egyptian, which BTW I know is a much, much older timeline than we have been made aware of. There have been many failed missions, one even being the Jesus Christ Mission overall (again, another topic I would live to dive into more on the next webcast)
You’ve mentioned before that there has been a bit of an exodus from earth in the past several months/years. Is this new pandemic part of that?
Personally I believe so, as there are many within meat-body form who are not in alignment with holding the space for this Ascension process and there is no judgment in that—it is just not in their soul contract. Plus, many have “things to do,” elsewhere, who do not need a meat-body to do the work, and sometimes the meat-body release makes their job easier.
Are we closer to spirit world right now? I feel like activity and signs are way ramped up right now…
Yes, if you were watching the webcast during the time where I was drawing the Planes of Existence as layers much like a cake and I mentioned that there used to be like a thick frosting in between each layer—and now we have more of an egg-wash instead…that concept shows how we are slipping through time/space continuum easier and fast each day. This means our Benevolent helpers are more easily accessible to us—finally!
How many different akashic records are there?
This is one of those questions where it is not answer because our human minds are not equip to fully comprehend the infinite. Creational reality is a pattern within a pattern within a pattern, constantly duplicating micro/macro scenarios and within each and everything is a blueprint with records.
In simpler terms, each of us has our own individual record for each individual lifetime that then is filed in our soul Akash, and each soul Akash is house in the collective which then goes to the Source Akash.
At the same time all embodiments of the Source from planets to stars also have their own records…so as stated it is infinite. I sometimes like to visualize it like many small branch libraries with infinite books of info, then it all finally lands in the biggest most inclusive library overall.
I got lost at the “sending back to source” part…
With each individual or collective experience we humans have, we store that inside us unless we move it through. Let’s say that you watch the news during COVID-19 and begin to see all that pain and loss of life. You stand there and fill with fear and dread. Then you magnify that fear and dread within your meat-body and life. You exponentially grow that fear with others and the collective only gets more of the same fear, as like finds like in terms of energy.
We are filling our grids with the notions of doom and gloom all the time from school shootings to unemployment to abuse. If we stand in that fear and pain for a moment and send our empathy and compassion for those hurting and then send that pain to Source it begins to make a difference everywhere beginning with your meat body. It moves the dense stuck fear outside of your body to then stay healthy. Then it moves it through the collective to clean and clear that so not as much like can find like to duplicate. Then when it gets back to Source energy overall.
When the information gets back to source, those who are coming into their next incarnation can actually feel and know the pain a pandemic can cause and they will not sign on for that as a human experience. This is how and why it is important to move the info back to Source—to make change in all blueprints of all realities. Most ignorant humans hold only that fear and own it even if it was not their in the first place, then their meat bodies disease and die with that pain and fear and then it has to come back again and re-do the same script in another incarnation because they never released the book back to the main branch library for the others to read…if that makes sense.
Super important work!
Suzanne, do you remember your past meat body lives? Is that something anyone can meditate on to help recall also? in regards to the notion you mentioned of remembering what we know to help raise ascension?
I personally do not feel as if I have ever incarnated as a meat-body here on the Earth Plane before, yet I do have clear recall of being a Starseed/Alien working on Earth planet with the meat-bodies. Most all of the memories are of off-planet live times, plus, I have lots of rememberings of being just a “consciousness” that creates overall—those are kind of interesting!
I do believe the higher your vibration gets and the cleaner you get in releasing fear-based beliefs, the more your ability to remember ignites. This is works that takes patience and lots of skill in terms of navigating past lives as a “read-only PDF” file verses downloading the entire lifetime as to not take on that life’s emotions, or pain. Very important boundary!
I wear several combinations of stones as someone who is highly sensitive. What, in your opinion, is a great stone for Empaths?
Citrine is the Solar-Plex chakra stone and good for power for ones self. Also, Carnelian is a great Sacral Chakra stone for how we relate to others. Plus, I always think Empaths should stay grounded in their physical field so anything for Root is great too.
But basically, there is no incorrect stone—it is all personal choice and intent. If you love rose quartz and align to it—wear it. One of my teachers used a button on a string for his pendulum! So any tool is mostly about the energy you put into it and how you personally build your relationship with it.
Cutting cords with a hand chop motions is also a great tactic along with stones for empaths!
Can we get more information on the crystal resource?
Not sure which particular resource you are referring to so I will answer generally in terms.
- We have actual crystals that we can purchase here in 3-D and work with that will assist us and our surrounding to gain a higher vibration.
- Then we have the inner earth crystals that are part of the Mother Earth Core itself that too assist in all Ascension efforts.
- Then we have what is terms the Crystal Pylons within the Earth core as well that can act as amplifiers and information movers.
- We have the Crystal Caves quite possibly an energetic system verse actual that house all kinds of crystal information.
- We have the crystalline grid within the Earth Plane that acts as a portal to off planet assistance and communications and we also have the crystalline within us—the human meat body.
- Then we also possibly have what is known as the crystal codes/tablets that have been inserted into the Earth hologram during the ancient times (i.e., Atlantis, etc.) that hold the overall codes to creational reality.
I’m burning white sage leaves everyday and boiling cedar on weekends. Curious what some of you are doing to keep the air clear.
Great to ask, if you are a Vibe Member, post this on a Forum if you choose to also as I too would like to know. Or others can certainly post comments right here on the blog 🙂
Personally, I do the sage/cedar, Palo Santo, and lots and lots of Florida Water!!
Once again, I thank each and every one of you who took the time and effort to jump online, and I really thank those that had the courage and energy to hang in there till the end.
As I stated during the webcast, I truly encourage you to listen to it more than once (if you choose) as there was a LOT of information coming in and through me at warp speed, and sometimes it takes more than one round of a listen to fully get a concept or idea.
We did have some folks reach out following the webcast to join Vibe Tribe and if you are interested in learning more please take a look and jump on anytime (if you choose), as we do these incredible sharing webcasts monthly.
Hopefully we will be online again to further discuss some of these incredible concepts offered here. Stay tuned, stay healthy and stay bubbled and grounded!
Cosmic Hugs!
P.S. I’m adding another live webcast to answer more of your questions…
COVID-19 and Ascension Webcast – Part 2
Thursday, April 16 – 7 p.m. CST
RSVP to get the link and please post your questions in the comments below!
Thank you, super fantastic💥
Thank you!!
Thank you Suzanne for the wonderful insights to this time we are going through! It is exciting to see the spiritual growth that is taking place in the world! Love 💕 you to the moon and beyond! 😘
Thank you so much for this reminder! I have been downloading a lot of this, and the affirmations and tools are much needed – thank you for continually showing up and sharing in the way that you do! Reminds me of one of my favorite songs:
LOVE that movie – and love Stevie!
Thank you so much for this, Suzanne! Such a great transmission, as usual. Hugs!
Hugs back Blair! And hugs to the babies!
Thank you Suzanne, you’re absolutely incredible! Have bought your book all the way here in Ireland, so looking forward to reading it.