I wanted to share this interview with you all because it was the first time I have been invited to reveal my Starseed stories and experiences, and I think you might get a kick out of this conversation with Courtney live from Ireland!
As a practitioner, I work with many clients who hold what is known as Starseed or more alien energy. For me, the person who holds this kind of energy often has unique attributes and experiences in this 3D realm and they feel as if they have possibly had more lifetimes in other planetary systems with different bodies other than human. I discuss all of this and more in the interview so check it out because you might just know a Starseed or you might be one yourself!
Suzanne- I get so excited when I get emails from you because I know the information you will share is amazing. Wow!!! You hold an honorable position here on earth and I am grateful for your work! I bought your book, read it and loved it as I walked both my parents home through the death process and witnessed so much as you described. Thank you so much!!
Thank you for your kind words and support Anne and I am grateful for being allowed to help during your time of loss. Cosmic Hugs to you!
Awesome interview! I love you friend! 💛🧡❤️
You too – and thank you!
Thanks so much for sharing this interview. Fascinating as always. I’m grateful to be a part of your tribe 🙏.
Thanks Lynn – we love having you too!
I love the information, stories and how the interviewer was so engaged. Great interview.
Love you Jane!
I loved listening to this, and getting to know this side of you better! Fascinating!
Thanks for the support Michelle!
It’s crazy how much this connected with me. As a kid I had a weird blood disease and my heart rate is normally at 160-70. I am too a sag and have so much fire in my chart. Cant wait to see you again, I can feel big change ahead.
Wow, incredible podcast! You, your work, is so amazing!
thank you!!