I am writing this on the eve of Solstice 2019, and I am personally so looking forward to a shift in the energies tomorrow along with an ending to the month of June.
For me, and many of my clients, the beginning couple months of 2019 accelerated in higher frequencies, in an extremely positive trajectory forward as Ascension Symptoms lessened and ease and flow increased…..then June hit.
I am not fully sure of what it was that Astrologically changed this month, but all I know is that the 3D fear vibrations locked down not only for me, but for so much of my client base, family, and friends.
From relationship breakdowns, to work issues, to loss of finances, to a personal stream of never-ending car trouble for the entire Worthley crew, the list seemed endless. I was amazed at just how much the energy had changed and now as we are moving closer to Solstice, connection to Source energy simply seems flat.
This week alone I had numerous client sessions where the concepts of 3D fear issues and flat and boring were the topic of discussion.
So, how does the energy shift so extreme and why?
My personal take on this is that there are so many more folks “waking up” to this process of Ascension and that is a good thing.
Winter Solstice of 12-21-18 was a strong shift forward in collective love which created a foundation for the first quarter of the year and held the forward movement in a strong and healthy way as individual and as a collective energy force.
Many are doing their personal work to find the joy factor of being a human BEing by releasing the fear-fueled core beliefs. They are striving to make time in their lives for meditation and connection to Gaia. They are gratifying nature. They are reevaluating the concept of selfish, meaning they are choosing to put themselves first in terms of time and energy. They are aware of the need to contain that energy within their personal auric bubble, securing their cosmic gasoline and life force energy. They are honing the skill of discernment. They are performing service to others only when they have paid attention to service to self along the way. They are not falling for the controller factions of constant fear-based messaging pounded out via our media and entertainment outlets. They are releasing the old outdated energetic boxes of patriarchal top down control. They are having the courage to own their truth and honor others knowing they most likely are not the same, and that’s OK.
So, if this many are doing such great work, why are we right now experiencing such a crazy fear-filled shift in energy?
That is exactly why. The love frequencies are increasing so the fear frequencies are fighting to keep their controller hold.
Remember, we live in a dualistic reality. There is always going to be a black for the white, a yin for the yang, a dark for the light and so forth. And the more attention one side gets, the more the other responds and pushes back.
Well that sounds somewhat fatalistic you say? It does not have to be.
The key is finding the balance and the neutral. This takes trust. It takes faith. It takes perseverance and spiritual discipline but mostly it takes being present, aware, and awake.
The moment we return to sleep-mode we are in trouble. If we remain awake and allow the surrender into the idea that there will always be a pushback from the collective forces that want us to remain asleep and easily programmed, the more we can just ride the wave of change and step into the observer mode verses being sucked into the drama and the fighting of returning to 3D madness.
Now, I will fully admit this is in no way an easy task. In fact, it is downright difficult. But it is possible if you choose to do the work to make it happen.
Solstice is a great time to do some of that work to create the magic of a ritual reset button. To return to the personal focus of what I want verses what I don’t and make concrete steps toward manifestation whether that is done through a fire ceremony, lighting a candle, or taking a walk in nature. There is no right nor wrong way to do any of this and that is the magic of it all.
Wishing you the best as you move into summer and looking forward to JULY!
This is just what I needed. Thank you. I have been fatigued and feeling weighed down about 2 weeks. This blog explained a lot. I am extremely grateful for this most timely info❤️
You were just speaking of me, especially the anxiety piece. I have been waking up for several weeks now with an emptiness that I couldn’t define, but almost always ended up with tears or sobbing some time during the day and almost every thought gave me anxiety. When I woke this morning the heaviness was gone. Yippee! Here is to smooth sailing for awhile.
Thank you so much!
Helpful. Thank you.
grateful as well this answers a lot of questions i had thank you 🙂
So grateful that I found this site ,it explains so much..Ive had a burning electric feeling on the top of my head from April..which has now gone into my whole body is burning up…alot is resting on my shoulders…I have had these double numbers continually starting from 2yrs ago…my sleep patterns have changed ,early hours of the morning im up…heavy tiredness and sleep comes over me duting the day….pain across the front and back ..like extreme pressure..but this BURNING is extreme now all over my body…after reading your posting fear has left me because I understand whats happening..is there anything further you can tell.me….thank you again..blessings
Most often in terms of energy that sense of burning is what is known as activation and cells encoding. Usually it does cease BTW – and sometimes it returns in a different place, or way, FYI. Always keep a western medical eye on things, but if there is no answer it is usually activation.
I don’t know what to say or how to start .so … whatever is ,has ,or is going to happen I am completely alone. My wife divorced me I don’t have any friends my dad is just like the others . I’ve tried to talk to people. The answer is always the same ,especially my ex, “ your delusional you need help I will never believe you. I checked into a Chris is house all they want to do is put me on meds. I don’t know what’s going on but I can explain things . Better now than in the beginning.a girl I met in the Crissis house told me about gang stalking. Yeah the symptoms relate so does electronic harassment. All I know is it’s driving me insane this vibratitiib at night when I get home makes me want to explode it seems like sameone is found this to me
Intentional . It’s lije a car or a GSXR 750 on idols outside my apt when I open my door they drive off slowly like bright now it work me up I badly sleep as it is. I’m afraid what will happen if I actually catch up with a driver of one of these cars. I hope I do . On top of it all I can’t se my daughter because I’m delusional yeah mFin right it’s been the same eAct thing everyday for over a year
It sounds like you might want to continue to seek out some safe help. I wish you luck along the way.
Dear Suzanne,
I thank you for your blog.
I like the last paragraph there is no right, wrong way of it….. Yes i feel so.
By the way i am left hand, and right leg, i noticed it very recently, and while we have time with friends on strict ego rules, i say to them there is no face, no back, no side this and that.
While we go to truths hip of vessel it is a trust of intuition not a direction.
Best regards