I recently sent out a call for assistance in grounding, anchoring, or holding space for some big energy work that I (along with others) was doing Saturday evening during the 4-4-4 portal. I would like to thank anyone who was in alignment with supporting this work and feel a need to update you on what I and others were experiencing during this time.
During my recent webcast on COVID-19 and Ascension, I described in detail how this situation is much bigger than the pandemic at hand. For anyone not familiar with the Ascension Process, this may be a difficult concept, and that is why I took the time to draw out how the multi-dimensional grids and blueprint architecture works. So if this concept is foreign to you, or unclear, I suggest (if you choose) to go back and listen to the webcast again, and see how this is integral in how we perceive reality and also how we are together changing it.
The work we concentrated on Saturday night was to “do” many different alignments within the holographic blueprints, to reset and rebalance the circuitry of how our telepathic-circuitry works and communicates, and to come TOGETHER in a huge way.
A dear friend pointed out that the word “together” is so incredibly significant during this time of felt/imposed separation because we are actually doing the work “TO GET HER”. Together is actually doing the work To Get HER. So, who IS Her? Ultimately, Her is the Mother-God. Not the Mother Earth, but the overall Mother-God-FEMALE frequency of the I AM Presence.
SHE is what is being “Resurrected” during this Easter time period and, with this resurrection, all will come into balance in the grids and offer us a full-reset in many different ways. This is also what COVID-19 separation is offering us—a reset to reground and reconnect as individuals and as a collective through insight and prayer.
Again, as stated in my webcast, what we are all currently experiencing is about a bigger picture—that of the Ascension Process. This work is restructuring the entire architecture of creational reality in blueprint terms and an energy shift that is way bigger than a virus (that is not to under-mind the seriousness of the health crisis, however).
As grid workers, we made a giant effort to restructure patterns to align the Mother God with the Mother Earth via her children—us humans—and open up that channel of love, light, and communication. The work being done is part of the resurrection on all three grids—the trinity of the God Source, the Human Source, and the Earth-planet Source. This is full alignment combined with a full re-gridding of interconnectivity between all blueprints or instruction sets and re-ignite all communications systems to be brought back online as a unified Source.
So how does this work help stop a virus? It changes the fuel source and the way the energy moves. Yes, we need to continue to be socially responsible and do our part to keep ourselves and others physically safe to the best of our abilities—but we also (if we choose to) need to be spiritually responsible.
From the perspective of our spiritual selves, the way we also fight the spread of this dis-ease is LOVE. What that means is taking responsibility for moving our personal meat-body vibration above the fear-based frequency and into love-based frequencies. By shifting our frequencies, we stop transmitting the same viral-fear between each other. Meaning we begin to see a slow down the way this virus works from a higher plane of existence.
This is the “short-version” description of the work done on Saturday 4-4-4 portal that was assisted by you and millions across the globe during the World-Wide Meditation. Together, WE are who we have been waiting for to assist in this return or resurrection of HER. Together = To Get HER. The missing Mother-God frequencies is what has created the overall imbalance and locked us into dualistic tendencies that ultimately create a feeling of separation. Now that we are handed a virus that truly offers us the beauty of separation, let’s learn from it and take the time to reconnect to all grids, to all blueprints and recreate in love versus fear.
This is a critical time to work together on all planes. The multi-dimensional grid work is still in process. We did a ton of restructuring, but it takes all of us as a collective to anchor the new frequencies.
After writing this reflection, I woke at exactly 5:55 AM today to a booming voice that said “We are indeed moving into a One-World Order”. Not the one that the conspiracy theorists promote, but instead one of the MotherGOD in total and full alignment. The re-alignment architecture work has been done to reconnect us with HER and the collective communication channels are open and clear. Now what we humans choose to do with that is yet to be seen or experienced.
Cosmic Hugs!
P.S. Join me for another live webcast to explore these concepts…
COVID-19 and Ascension Webcast – Part 2
Thursday, April 16 – 7 p.m. CST
RSVP to get the link and please post your questions in the comments below!
I also woke up at 5:55 this am! Totally could feel the energy of us all connecting together for the 4-4-4 portal! Thank you for the update!
So excited & grateful to hear this update from you, Suzanne – thank you for sharing. Looking forward to connecting more.
Together ❤️ To get HER ❤️ LOVE
Aligning ToGetHer……..love it. So beautiful to be together in these spaces, can’t wait for the next million meditation! Is t it great how we are seeing our trinity numbers. I got 444 and 555 today Yesterday 111, 222 and 333. Have for years but dispersing like a counting up(?!)
Of course intermingled with my 11:13 sidekick. Love and Health!🥰💕
Thanks for sharing!!
Hi , I always get awakened at 4:10 am. I have a huge issue with electric items. Since I was 10 years old I haven’t been able to wear watch. I’d put it on and it would instantly stop working. Also with lights they always flicker. Or it seems like everything that’s electrical in my home drains quickly. My family always jokes about me being around them and they lose their wifi lol. It never fails. I’ve also had dreams about family members having kids and knowing exactly what they will look like before even being conceived. I knew I was having a girl 8 months before I conceived her. It was bizarre because I told everyone what she was going to look like and to the T I was right. When I was a child I had what I thought was a dream but till this day not sure of
A baby named Jennifer . I had asked my mom who it was and she confessed to me that Jennifer was my sister and she asked me how I found out about her because she had passed away before I was born. She never told me about her. I had a dream of her combing my hair. But it felt like I was awake sitting on the side of my bed looking in the mirror watching her comb my hair. Talk about scary!!
Everything just feels weird. I get these crazy butterflies in my stomach when something in my life is going to be affected like I want to jump out of my skin. Oh and get this.. I have a dream of a sound that kinda reminds you of one of those huge fans that make like a helicopter perpeller sound and it gets louder and louder until it wakes me up but wakes me up so violently that I waken with heart palpitations . I wish I can understand why I feel like this.
I personally don’t know if there is any one answer why some of us feel this way or have these type experiences, not does there really need to be an answer. I just stay grateful, out of fear as much as possible and do my best to be in awe of this creational reality.