I just posted a photo on Instagram today of my poodle taking a nap and captioned it with “Why it is it we humans have such trouble figuring out that doing nothing is actually ok??” It is obvious the animal kingdom knows how!
As this year comes to a close, I looked back this morning at just how well I had done in 2019 to embrace just BEing verses DOing. Of letting things go. Of just chillin’. I was proud of the work I had done to find better balance with these concepts throughout my life.
This work is in some ways never-ending, which can feel defeating yet it does not need to be the case. Obviously, we are always going to find ourselves challenged living in this task-oriented existence, but despite the daily responsibilities of modern life it IS possible to go with universal flow, and I do my best to see each fear-based-hurdle as an opportunity to grow and learn in love.
Learning how to BE is important.
Learning that we are good enough to BE verses living a life of self-imposed chaos to prove our worth by DOing is a message to be pondered for 2020.
This takes work. It takes time and effort to move inward and examine old belief structures and patterns that may keep us chained to that inner dialogue of do, do…do!
For me, the only important DO to focus on this year is to continue to DO MY OWN WORK.
So, what is “doing the work” all about? The Ascension energies that are shifting our planet, our cosmos, and our humanity as a whole are creating an opportunity for us to experience this world in a vibrational frequency of love that has never been offered before.
That said, if you are a human who is not necessarily “doing the work” of the Ascension process to release fear and anger, resentment and judgment, frustration and trepidation, you will experience these Ascension energies in a completely different realm—that of more fear.
These increased Ascension energies are continually slamming our bodies with loving frequencies, but if we are bodily ingrained with fear, that fear will only feel and create more fear with outcomes of anxiety, depression, sickness, and disease.
The Ascension is offering us an opportunity to experience our 3-D world in a truly new way and this incoming year of 2020 is going to be one that proves some humans are existing in what is known as this new world 5-D existence versus our current 3-D one.
The plane of existence, or the reality realm we live in, creates the way each individual experiences their life. It is constructed through the unique filter or eyes of each person. We can experience a situation with others, yet each of us is actually going through and living the event as a unique personal experience depending on the plane of existence we are working within. We all work within our own unique consciousness creation.
A 5-D existence works within increased love frequencies, which offers a world of ease and grace. Life is filled with joyous synchronicities fueled by universal flow. When we exist and see others through this filter, we allow others to have and hold their own truths, while not feeling any pressure or need to challenge or change that. These energies honor your own individual truths anchored in the courage to live them out loud each day. Now that does not mean you need to shout your truths from the rooftops for all to hear, but it does mean that you are comfortable in your own truth-skin and that you can move through your day in joy and passion with no need to defend.
5-D existence keeps you present to the miracles right in front of your face each day. 5-D means that you take responsibility for co-creation in all arenas of your life. You live with a different perspective than those standing right next to you each day. It is like when you find yourself in a traffic jam about to miss an appointment and you see the opportunity to just relax and breathe knowing there is a bigger reason—all is OK verses getting all jacked up and flipping off the driver that just cut you off.
There is always a bigger energy at work if we choose to believe that, and the anger of tiny (or big) moments can be released and replaced with love and universal flow. We do not have to sweat the small stuff, or the big, if we choose.
This year is going to offer you the choice to live a 3-D existence or a 5-D one. So maybe take a lesson from the poodle in the Instagram pic and chill. Life is easy, if we allow it! We can just BE!
Here’s to a year of ease, flow, grace, and love. Happy incoming 2020!
Eeee! So excited for 2020! Bring it!
Love! 5DB:)
Happy New Year Joan!
5-D, Yes Please! 2020 do your thing! I’m gonna start it out tonight by following something hilarious I read on Instagram. It read “…strive to do absolutely f’ing nothing. Make zero progress. Take all the time off. Go on vacation from your vacation. Transform into a couch.” So, tonight I am going to just BE and bring in the new year as a sectional 🙂
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
LOVE THAT! I might steal it too for my New Year’s Resolution list!! LOL Enjoy the Day/Night
Oh my god! You just described my life! I’d be a great teacher of Doing Nothing, but then I’d have to do something, and teach! Love you, Suzanne! Thanks for all that you (un)do!
You too!!! Happy new year!
Such a great post – this is my resolution – stop the chatter of “always have to be doing something” and just sit and enjoy the loving kindness that surrounds me.
Sounds great!!
Yes I am DOing that this year! 2020! Love you Suzanne, Happy New Year!
You too Terri!!!
Allowing myself to BE has given me the feeling of personal alignment and well-being! You are right, it does take work to shed the do do do feeling but it’s totally worth it! Happy New Year Vibe Tribe!
YEAH Mary – thanks for sharing!
So exciting!!! Thank you for your encouragement and love!
Suzanne ,Best wishes in the New year.
Doing nothing is normally a challenge for a busy mind.