Hear how past lives are much like a file system and how important it is to have this in order.
Reader Interactions
Debra K Kittilsonsays
Love, this update! Thanks for taking the time to share!!! Was so fun to hear your voice, and terms from classes past! I promote your book every chance I get! Hope to see you in the new year. 🙂
As always, I loved this energy update. I particularly loved the alternate viewpoint you shared on Twin Flames, Soul Mates, etc. I’ve read stories about how ppl have been in and out of relation with their TF. And honestly, to me, it all sounded like horror stories of confusion, not a fairytale. But your interpretation that this is a test of past-life vampiric energy that needs to be cleared and reorganized makes waayyy more sense. Thank you for sharing! It was truly fascinating! Have a wonderful weekend!
This is all so esoteric, and quite frankly using critical thinking and rational thought processes is – to say the least…Make believe. You claim to go in and fix her all up so that now she’s oh so much better! Hmmm, sure! How much did she pay you? What really works for you though is that there is no way anyone can prove anything so — tada!…
First off Carolyn, I will thank you for your response. I am choosing to share your post because each of us is allowed to our own truths. That said, please note that I am not responding to defend my work because I have no need to do so. What I will defend is those that choose to believe in the ability to heal. Energy practitioners do not fix clients. Clients fix clients. Clients get to believe in and receive healing because they choose to. Period.
Love, this update! Thanks for taking the time to share!!! Was so fun to hear your voice, and terms from classes past! I promote your book every chance I get! Hope to see you in the new year. 🙂
OMG Deb – I miss you!! Hope you are well and our paths cross again soon….
As always, I loved this energy update. I particularly loved the alternate viewpoint you shared on Twin Flames, Soul Mates, etc. I’ve read stories about how ppl have been in and out of relation with their TF. And honestly, to me, it all sounded like horror stories of confusion, not a fairytale. But your interpretation that this is a test of past-life vampiric energy that needs to be cleared and reorganized makes waayyy more sense. Thank you for sharing! It was truly fascinating! Have a wonderful weekend!
This is all so esoteric, and quite frankly using critical thinking and rational thought processes is – to say the least…Make believe. You claim to go in and fix her all up so that now she’s oh so much better! Hmmm, sure! How much did she pay you? What really works for you though is that there is no way anyone can prove anything so — tada!…
First off Carolyn, I will thank you for your response. I am choosing to share your post because each of us is allowed to our own truths. That said, please note that I am not responding to defend my work because I have no need to do so. What I will defend is those that choose to believe in the ability to heal. Energy practitioners do not fix clients. Clients fix clients. Clients get to believe in and receive healing because they choose to. Period.
Love you Suzanne! Thank you for this. Awesome. 🙂
Thank you for you🎶 Hope to physically see you soon🌱
Do you know why he is a frequent flyer for her mind? Meaning what triggers his arrivals? Is he connected to anything physical still in her life?