As time progresses through our COVID-19 experience, many of my clients find themselves moving from a place of reflection and gratitude for alone time to feeling frustrated and anxious.
Reader Interactions
Lee Bushsays
Thank you for this update! It was perfectly timed for what’s going on in my life these days, as well as many of my friends I’m sure.
I hope you and your family are all well and healthy!
Thanks so much Suzanne! As you may know by now I have no problem saying no! Hah! I believe that the world would be a little brighter if we would stop saying yes to situations when we really want to say no! It’s part of learning to state our needs and in that we learn so much about ourselves! It’s not easy and there is often times blow back, but you must be brave to truly live your life! My family finally stopped giving me a hard time for not showing up for holidays and they still love me!
Thank you again Suzanne for everything!
Love you
Mean it!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for this update! It was perfectly timed for what’s going on in my life these days, as well as many of my friends I’m sure.
I hope you and your family are all well and healthy!
Thanks Lee, yes all good here- grateful to be able to work remote ❤️❤️ Stay healthy and grounded, cosmic hugs 👽
Ohh… empaths you say🙃 thanks for the update!!
Thanks so much Suzanne! As you may know by now I have no problem saying no! Hah! I believe that the world would be a little brighter if we would stop saying yes to situations when we really want to say no! It’s part of learning to state our needs and in that we learn so much about ourselves! It’s not easy and there is often times blow back, but you must be brave to truly live your life! My family finally stopped giving me a hard time for not showing up for holidays and they still love me!
Thank you again Suzanne for everything!
Love you
Mean it!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Suzanne 🙏❤️