Hear how this client struggles with not only her own mental health issues but those of her son.
Reader Interactions
I really liked this episode(14). We must be bold and say what you are saying, because it is the truth♥️. Thank you for doing that! I also have a child with mental problems. Send you love💕
Spot on analysis, Suzanne! I love the notion that Surrender leads to empowerment. That is Truth with a capital T! When l am willing to take responsibility for what’s mine, the fighting against what’s not mine loses its hold over my life! Best wishes to this client and all who struggle with mental health. Its a tough road!
This is not my exact story but SO much of it is true for me too. Thank you for sharing! Thank you for helping me to remember that I can still feel empowered in the midst of what sometimes feels like defeat. Thank you for reminding me the power of intention and my ability to choose my thoughts and my ability to respond rather than react ❤️
Thank you Suzanne! I have my own personal struggles with addiction that I have been using the DIY method for abstinence. I do not want my life to be involved at all with the recovery industry as I know it is untruthful about the nature of addiction and it is big business. That being said as a human I have social needs and cannot not have friends, family members and (dare I dream) a life partner. I have found that when I place myself in social situations i.e. meetup groups, online dating, work functions and church. I subject myself to being around people who use substances (alcohol mostly). I try to keep my issues quiet as I know it is no ones business but recently over the past few years I had a work situation that was abusive, my sister lost her husband and through her own inability to manage her grief started to become abusive to me and an intense relationship with someone who was flat out abusive towards me. The combo of all three going on at once with I felt at the time zero support caused me to go back to unhealthy behaviors and I started drinking compulsively, subsequently getting a dwi. So I kicked them all out of my life and am back to DIY method of abstinence and on unemployment and doing side work at home for income. I am actually for the first time in a very long time getting back into emotional balance. Now that I am not being forced to take care of others needs and am not being put into lose-lose situations I am at peace. I know eventually the dwi will be gone and I will get back in touch with my sister and go out and have friends again and socialize but I do believe it is about protecting myself energetically and being less needy myself. The recovery industry loves to drill it into people that they absolutely need the industry in order to survive (jails, institutions and death) while also being a very toxic environment. I am grateful to you for your work and when I get financially back on my feet I would love to get a session from you. Thanks.
I really liked this episode(14). We must be bold and say what you are saying, because it is the truth♥️. Thank you for doing that! I also have a child with mental problems. Send you love💕
Spot on analysis, Suzanne! I love the notion that Surrender leads to empowerment. That is Truth with a capital T! When l am willing to take responsibility for what’s mine, the fighting against what’s not mine loses its hold over my life! Best wishes to this client and all who struggle with mental health. Its a tough road!
This is not my exact story but SO much of it is true for me too. Thank you for sharing! Thank you for helping me to remember that I can still feel empowered in the midst of what sometimes feels like defeat. Thank you for reminding me the power of intention and my ability to choose my thoughts and my ability to respond rather than react ❤️
Thank you Suzanne! I have my own personal struggles with addiction that I have been using the DIY method for abstinence. I do not want my life to be involved at all with the recovery industry as I know it is untruthful about the nature of addiction and it is big business. That being said as a human I have social needs and cannot not have friends, family members and (dare I dream) a life partner. I have found that when I place myself in social situations i.e. meetup groups, online dating, work functions and church. I subject myself to being around people who use substances (alcohol mostly). I try to keep my issues quiet as I know it is no ones business but recently over the past few years I had a work situation that was abusive, my sister lost her husband and through her own inability to manage her grief started to become abusive to me and an intense relationship with someone who was flat out abusive towards me. The combo of all three going on at once with I felt at the time zero support caused me to go back to unhealthy behaviors and I started drinking compulsively, subsequently getting a dwi. So I kicked them all out of my life and am back to DIY method of abstinence and on unemployment and doing side work at home for income. I am actually for the first time in a very long time getting back into emotional balance. Now that I am not being forced to take care of others needs and am not being put into lose-lose situations I am at peace. I know eventually the dwi will be gone and I will get back in touch with my sister and go out and have friends again and socialize but I do believe it is about protecting myself energetically and being less needy myself. The recovery industry loves to drill it into people that they absolutely need the industry in order to survive (jails, institutions and death) while also being a very toxic environment. I am grateful to you for your work and when I get financially back on my feet I would love to get a session from you. Thanks.